NASA cuts live feed from space station as mysterious object appears

LOL Chem trails, little green men, hollow moons, ect. LOL
I personally took these pics, Old Fuck.......
View attachment 108930
So, there is a place where a number of standard paths for the airlines cross. BFD

Contrails are water when it is cold and you can see your breath....can you come back three hours later and see where you exhaled?????

Geo-engineering and stratospheric aerosol spraying of heavy metal nano-particulates is a fact......water and soil samples do not lie. Leftards love science...right? I have plenty to show you as it pertains to incredibly high levels of strontium, barium and aluminium. Keep it up, breathe this shit in and it lands in our food and water.It is killing oxygen producing plankton in the oceans, it is killing the bees. Bring some game, asswipe. This is a topic I am well versed in.
LOL Mindwars, you are too funny to be believed. Hugo Chavez is now an expert on induced earthquakes? LOL God, no wonder you lap up the orange clown's shit.

Geo-engineered snow for the China Olympics is a fact that even the lamestream media reported, Old Fuck.....
LOL Mindwars, you are too funny to be believed. Hugo Chavez is now an expert on induced earthquakes? LOL God, no wonder you lap up the orange clown's shit.

Geo-engineered snow for the China Olympics is a fact that even the lamestream media reported, Old Fuck.....

LMAO @ the old fuck , every time I see it I just about lose it. It's really helping for me to NOT say it ahhahaa.
While I do firmly believe that there is other intelligent life in the universe, I'm afraid that appears to be a satellite over a semi-fixed point.

It appears to "get closer," then "gets further away" as the geosync orbit of the filming body essentially "passes" it - because the semi-fixed satellite travels with the earths orbit, vs the filming station is on a different "plane" (which appears to be roughly at right angle to the other object.) To put that into more easily understood concept; orbiting the equator vs orbiting the north and south poles.
If this is true then the religious are going to go crazy!
It´s Obama´s capsule taking him home to his planet.

I've no doubt it is real heh

Also, if Pluto becomes a planet then I'm afraid we're going to have to add a shit ton more bodies to our planetariums and we'll have to give the fuck up on our kids ever knowing the names of all the planets... First we'll have to rename these fuckers. 136199 Eris is easy enough (that's the largest [dwarf] planet sharing the Kuiper Belt with Pluto) but to hell with shit like "2014 MU69" and "1994 JR1" Also what the fuck do we do with Haumea? A football shaped planet?!? Da fuk?!? Go home Haumea, you're drunk! (Though actually, it turns out a lot of planets are ovoid, even Mars, the top half of that shit got knocked straight into space during the late heavy bombardment. Same thing happened to our moon too, though in the moon's case it resettled on the near side, in Mars' case that crust left orbit. Latest speculation [aka scientific rumor] is that it ended up here and brought us Martian's to the Earth. Nau-Nau! ;) )
There are about a billion satellites in orbit. Couldn't be one of them, right?

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