NASCAR Embraces Pride Month: Heads Explode

Libs don't own Nascar, or Chick-fil-a or a long list of other major corporations. Those corporations recognize the majority of the country has moved on from the homophobia that you MAGAs are desperately holding on to. You can be left behind if you want to, but the rest of the country, including all those companies, have outgrown your childish hate.
Talk about being nincompoops.Only in todays America could
MAGA be made to sound awful.I kinda expect that kinda drool from
Prison inmates.Or Losers who choose to live in the Bayou.
Or these overtly spoiled Whites who have too much time on their
hands.Like they wouldn't know how to change a spark plug or
find a drain plug.No matter if'n their mommies look like
Tugboat Annie.And chew on tiparillos.
Not so. It won't be long before all those Satanists are stone cold dead. For eternity.
Yesiree Bob ... That's what we're dealin' with today.
True blue Satanists.Full of themselves.Not an ounce of
God-like to be found.They consider themselves Little gods.
Its the left that holds the bigot trophy these days...

I remember back in the 70s how people in the gay movement just wanted to be accepted and wanted to dispel the myth that they are after kids.

Today's gay movement is about demanding people celebrate and champion their sexuality and allow them to start working on the kids as early as they can.
Now it’s NASCAR going woke, embracing that godless, liberal diversity stuff.

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It’s bad enough that NASCAR has a Green Initiative and collects recyclables and plants trees and recycles the tires it uses.

And then they banned the Confederate flag from tracks.

Now this. Of course, this isn’t the first year NASCAR has celebrated Pride Month, not that that matters to some people.

Nonetheless, some fans aren’t happy.

The comments are priceless:

Gives a whole new meaning to racing, doesn’t it.

Pride Month, as a celebration of LGBTQ has been around for over 20+Years. Now, somehow as if by magic suddenly the MAGA MAGGOTS have magically become aware of something that for 20+years they ignored.

Get the fuck over it and grow the fuck up!!!
Pride Month, as a celebration of LGBTQ has been around for over 20+Years. Now, somehow as if by magic suddenly the MAGA MAGGOTS have magically become aware of something that for 20+years they ignored.

Get the fuck over it and grow the fuck up!!!
And the purpose of pride month is to denounce rightwing bigotry and hate – to push back against the lies conservatives spread about gay and transgender Americans being some sort of ‘threat’ and the lies about ‘indoctrination.’
The unwarranted hostility directed at gay and transgender Americans is a manifestation of rightwing bigotry and hate.
Interesting that you pile transgender in with gay men and women....
That's new isn't it?....
Now it’s NASCAR going woke, embracing that godless, liberal diversity stuff.

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It’s bad enough that NASCAR has a Green Initiative and collects recyclables and plants trees and recycles the tires it uses.

And then they banned the Confederate flag from tracks.

Now this. Of course, this isn’t the first year NASCAR has celebrated Pride Month, not that that matters to some people.

Nonetheless, some fans aren’t happy.

The comments are priceless:

Gives a whole new meaning to racing, doesn’t it.
Obviously looking for a better image.
And the purpose of pride month is to denounce rightwing bigotry and hate – to push back against the lies conservatives spread about gay and transgender Americans being some sort of ‘threat’ and the lies about ‘indoctrination.’
Correct !
Interesting that you pile transgender in with gay men and women....
That's new isn't it?....
There's nothing new about transgenders, they've been around since 1959. ( First surgery ) and hormone therapy was first developed in 1919.
"The Fire Next Time." The Rainbow Flag Is the Kindling.
One of the oldest hatreds in the world is still very much alive in some ignorant religions and it's followers.

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