NASCAR Embraces Pride Month: Heads Explode

I wonder if NASCAR feels like the tip of the spear in the culture war, knowing that it has a southern, so-called "Christian" fan base that wishes for gay and trans people to stay hidden from view. Perhaps they feel an obligation to get on board with change.
Instituting change for the better isn't always welcome. The most vocal opponents are the ones that need to change the most. Hatred isn't easy to overcome and it's most unhealthy for those afflicted by it.
Not for Long. It's Its Own Demolition Derby.
I'm certain of one thing. There will be a lot more fights breaking out and injuries, possibly even deaths occurring at NASCAR because some homophobic idiot is misguided and believes the friendly guy next to him at race is gay. You now have the perfect storm brewing; paranoia, hatred and open carry gun laws in most states where these races occur.
Now it’s NASCAR going woke, embracing that godless, liberal diversity stuff.

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It’s bad enough that NASCAR has a Green Initiative and collects recyclables and plants trees and recycles the tires it uses.

And then they banned the Confederate flag from tracks.

Now this. Of course, this isn’t the first year NASCAR has celebrated Pride Month, not that that matters to some people.

Nonetheless, some fans aren’t happy.

The comments are priceless:

Gives a whole new meaning to racing, doesn’t it.
Are they switching to drag racing?
I'm certain of one thing. There will be a lot more fights breaking out and injuries, possibly even deaths occurring at NASCAR because some homophobic idiot is misguided and believes the friendly guy next to him at race is gay. You now have the perfect storm brewing; paranoia, hatred and open carry gun laws in most states where these races occur.
You can no more bring a gun into a NASCAR race, than you can into an NFL game.
Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins.

God put the rainbow in the sky as a symbol to Noah that He will not destroy the earth again (by flood).

Toss in sisters of perpetual indulgence...

Could the perverts be any more evil if they tried? :dunno:
You misinterpret the very essence of the biblical.meamomg of pride. Essentially pride was considered dangerously corrupt, selfishness, refusing to recognize GOD as Lord. Today's pride is simply feeling good about who you are and expressing it to help each other combat all the hatred directed at you. Simply strength in numbers. And you wouldn't believe all the gay men who love cars and car racing there are. The stereo type of gays being effeminate is largely wrong.
Something straight people never have to deal with.
Are they switching to drag racing?
Thank you hor is badly needed here to combat all the hatred.
The left condemns hatred, not the haters.Unlike republicans, Democrats do not make laws to harm and imprison people, only to protect people and their lives.
When have republicans ever threatened to put innocent people in prison?... it seems to me its the left in the country that locks up people and cancels people they disagree with.... everything the left accuses the right of doing they already do.....
There's nothing new about transgenders, they've been around since 1959. ( First surgery ) and hormone therapy was first developed in 1919.

One of the oldest hatreds in the world is still very much alive in some ignorant religions and it's followers.
What is new is the grooming of children to attempt to normalize trannies... and that is not right on any level... live and let live the liberals used to say.... but do no harm.... what has happened to libs today?....
You can no more bring a gun into a NASCAR race, than you can into an NFL game.
Correct, Into the facility ; what about the grounds, especially parking lots and camping areas. The potential is most likely there. Even area bars and other amenities such as hotels, restaurants, etc. It will.happen, more probable than ever.
Correct, Into the facility ; what about the grounds, especially parking lots and camping areas. The potential is most likely there. Even area bars and other amenities such as hotels, restaurants, etc. It will.happen, more probable than ever.
It happens everywhere, everyday, all over the USA. You couldn't have missed all of that.
So being proud of your country is a sin?
The " pride " that was spoken of in the bible was a catch 22 phrase. Used against people who thought outside the cult to silence their voice. Judgmental Religions are notoriously authoritative, it's very much their nature.
I wonder if NASCAR feels like the tip of the spear in the culture war, knowing that it has a southern, so-called "Christian" fan base that wishes for gay and trans people to stay hidden from view. Perhaps they feel an obligation to get on board with change.
NASCAR and ARCA are racing at PIR today in Portland. There is a Pride event in the infield. Last year Gov. Abbott cried about the Texas race with a Pride event and Abbott waved the race starting green flag. That pissed off more people than fans opposing. I believe NASCAR wished they didn't have the Gov at the track because of the backlash. Now, it seems that (NASCAR) isn't caving to the scrutiny in 2023.

It represents those who fought for the sovereignty of their states against an overbearing federal government.
Like it or not, the slavery issue nullified the meaning you're attempting to project here
Besides we are the United States of America not the Independent States of America
All that we have, all that we are reflects that. We are Americans. Our pride is reflected in the flag and it's 50 ( soon to be 51 and / or 52 ) stars.
NASCAR and ARCA are racing at PIR today in Portland. There is a Pride event in the infield. Last year Gov. Abbott cried about the Texas race with a Pride event and Abbott waved the race starting green flag. That pissed off more people than fans opposing. I believe NASCAR wished they didn't have the Gov at the track because of the backlash. Now, it seems that (NASCAR) isn't caving to the scrutiny in 2023.

We recently had our legislature here in Nebraska pass an unwanted anti- transgender bill on the people of our great state. 300 businesses signed a petition against it. Here in Nebraska we understand and enjoy the differences of ALL our people. There Are Many lawsuits trying to abolish the law now.
You are fucking idiot that doesn't know a damn thing about History.

This thread is not about the Civil War. There have been plenty of other threads about it. This thread is about NASCAR going queer. The fact that they banned the Confederate flag in the past is just another indication they are woke assholes so piss on them.
Nascar is doing what is right for them. With no less than 12 gay drivers, Zach Herring, most notable, they had to take a stand protecting ALL the people they serve. Which includes more than 3 million gay viewers. Yes, in case you weren't aware 75 percent of gay men are masculine, not the effeminate types people often picture gays So you better watch your ass, you never know who's watching it. Go ahead, be more paranoid than you already are. See if I care. It's your sorry ass that has the kick me sign on it.

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