Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

Right, he "defended" them by leading a terrorist group intent on using intimidation and violence against any who had political views they did not like.

So many stupid ASSumptions in one response...impressive.You have obviously NEVER read up on the history of the war for southern independence or the time after it.

The War of Southern Aggression and Treason, you mean.

Ah another mental midget. Please do a little bit of reading...oh maybe the constitution and the declaration of independence for starters.
The Southern War of Aggression and Treason will be increasingly used as the title in history courses for The Civil War.

So many stupid ASSumptions in one response...impressive.You have obviously NEVER read up on the history of the war for southern independence or the time after it.

The War of Southern Aggression and Treason, you mean.

Ah another mental midget. Please do a little bit of reading...oh maybe the constitution and the declaration of independence for starters.
So many stupid ASSumptions in one response...impressive.You have obviously NEVER read up on the history of the war for southern independence or the time after it.

The War of Southern Aggression and Treason, you mean.

Ah another mental midget. Please do a little bit of reading...oh maybe the constitution and the declaration of independence for starters.

I've read them...In fact I have a copy right here.

Now....where does it say that the southern states get to secede? And where does it say that if they secede they get to keep federal property? And where does it say that they get to fire on federal troops and not suffer the consequences?
All you CSA defenders check out Fort Pillow, then crawl away and shut the ___ up.

They shouldn't have been on southern land. In war shit happens. I don't give a shit what happened to the "soldiers" at ft pillow.
There was no "southern" land, only the United States.

The traitors could not accept constitutional, electoral process, rose up, and were crushed like the vermin they were.
All you CSA defenders check out Fort Pillow, then crawl away and shut the ___ up.

They shouldn't have been on southern land. In war shit happens. I don't give a shit what happened to the "soldiers" at ft pillow. never had any problem with Americans captured anywhere by enemy troops being executed...even if they surrender.
There was no "southern" land, only the United States.

The traitors could not accept constitutional, electoral process, rose up, and were crushed like the vermin they were.

Yep...they were like little children who cannot abide being outnumbered and tried to take their ball and leave.....except, it wasn't their ball in the first place and they got rightfully slapped down.

But as I said, they had it too easy. Sherman should have made a pass back thru Alabama, Mississippi, N. Louisiana and through Texas.
Monument to Nathan Bedford Forrest stirs dispute - News Weather and Sports for Montgomery, AL.

Someone needs to tell that carpetbagging son of a bitch to go back up north. Oh and they should also give him a few sources showing what Sherman did on his march to the sea in my beloved there ain't nothing worse than a southerner who hates the south and her heritage.

Yeah, that's a sticky and sensitive to a few sides in this debate. One side thinks it symbolizes one thing and it does to them (Racism, KKK, Confederacy, Dixiecrats, segregationist who oppressed them and their relatives, etc., downright hate), then there's another side who disagrees and it symbolizes a few things to them (heritage not hate, history, pride, etc.), then there are other people like myself who really don't give a shit if it's up or down, but if it was up I would probably chuckle, consider it history, and move on.

There's some confederate statue in downtown Norfolk with his sword pointing to the north, I've walked past it many times, I don't even know who the guy is. Big deal.
the man was a brilliant cavalry commander but not much of a human being.

the original was dedicated in 2000, I am stretching to see the point in it all......

He was also a democrat.

Yep, he was a conservative who was fighting to keep the status quo. He was fightin all of those Liberals who were fighting to change the status quo......................slavery, etc.
The southern states seized federal property.

The union army invaded nothing, simply reacquired constitutional, electoral control of the dumbos at the point of a bayonet. What a bunch of idiots.
The US has a habit if forcing other countries to attack them first so they can claim the holier than thou hand.

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