Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

The southern states seized federal property.

The union army invaded nothing, simply reacquired constitutional, electoral control of the dumbos at the point of a bayonet. What a bunch of idiots.

Aside from all the other seized forts, Fort Sumter, was a fort designed to enforce the tarrif laws. Which was its purpose even after southern secession. Tax revenue depended on tarrifs. A south apart from the union would have thrived on free trade and destroy the Northern protectionist economy. That's why fort Sumter was important.
The south still would have been dependent on northern mercantile and manufacturing interests. It's "free" trade would not have been free at all. Lincoln, I think, saw it simply as part of obeying constitutional and electoral process and not seizing federal property and promising to keep slavery out of the territories.

The south had no intention of doing any of that by 1861.
'Secession', Publius, not 'sucession'.

Link for Jefferson, please.

Thanks for the correction. Anyway, the link? Why? You haven't read Jeffersons first inaugral address? You dont have google?Jefferson was very pro democratic republicanism. To deny the right of secession would be to deny the right of democratically elected represenative government. Did you really need the link to figure this out? If so, perhaps your in the wrong debate.

Secession and Liberty
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The south still would have been dependent on northern mercantile and manufacturing interests. It's "free" trade would not have been free at all. Lincoln, I think, saw it simply as part of obeying constitutional and electoral process and not seizing federal property and promising to keep slavery out of the territories.

The south had no intention of doing any of that by 1861.

If that were true the north wouldn't need protectionism to prop up their industry.
How far do they want to go with the concept of erasing history? Everything in Lexington Va. (home of VMI) is named Stonewall something or other for Confederate general Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson who was a teacher in VMI before the Civil War. The Lexington Mayor who is the wife of the former dean of W&L decided to enact a resolution that Confederate flags could not fly from public property in Lexington even though the city relies on tourist trade which includes Civil War buffs. Washington & Lee (W&L) University of course is named after George Washington and Confederate general Robert E. Lee who was the dean after the Civil War. I expect there might be another circular firing squad agenda one of these days to strip the "L" from W&L university.
I disagree but it is not important.

The issue was not economics to Lincoln, only perpetual Union, and AL was not going to let the the southern states leave.

The south still would have been dependent on northern mercantile and manufacturing interests. It's "free" trade would not have been free at all. Lincoln, I think, saw it simply as part of obeying constitutional and electoral process and not seizing federal property and promising to keep slavery out of the territories.

The south had no intention of doing any of that by 1861.

If that were true the north wouldn't need protectionism to prop up their industry.
How far do they want to go with the concept of erasing history? Everything in Lexington Va. (home of VMI) is named Stonewall something or other for Confederate general Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson who was a teacher in VMI before the Civil War. The Lexington Mayor who is the wife of the former dean of W&L decided to enact a resolution that Confederate flags could not fly from public property in Lexington even though the city relies on tourist trade which includes Civil War buffs. Washington & Lee (W&L) University of course is named after George Washington and Confederate general Robert E. Lee who was the dean after the Civil War. I expect there might be another circular firing squad agenda one of these days to strip the "L" from W&L university.

General Jackson's 4 cannons, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, are still on the parade deck at VMI.
I disagree but it is not important.

The issue was not economics to Lincoln, only perpetual Union, and AL was not going to let the the southern states leave.

The south still would have been dependent on northern mercantile and manufacturing interests. It's "free" trade would not have been free at all. Lincoln, I think, saw it simply as part of obeying constitutional and electoral process and not seizing federal property and promising to keep slavery out of the territories.

The south had no intention of doing any of that by 1861.

If that were true the north wouldn't need protectionism to prop up their industry.

I agree, but was unity worth 600,000 dead? Or was it 600,000 casualties?
Monument to Nathan Bedford Forrest stirs dispute - News Weather and Sports for Montgomery, AL.

Someone needs to tell that carpetbagging son of a bitch to go back up north. Oh and they should also give him a few sources showing what Sherman did on his march to the sea in my beloved there ain't nothing worse than a southerner who hates the south and her heritage.

Let's rush to the defense of the bigots!

Why am I not surprised to see you in here. Why don't you try doing a bit of research as to where the first slaves were brought to in America. It wasn't the south. Oh and did you also know Forrest disbanded the Klan in 1869 because it became to radical and violent.Obviously not violent enough. :D

That would be the Jamestown settlement in Virginia... In the south, dumbass.
Slavery in the colonial United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
However, colonists began to see indentured servant as too costly, and in 1619, Dutch traders brought the first African slaves to Jamestown.
It hasn't ended. We are still an occupied country. It's only over to those that believe it in in their mind. To me the battle is very much still alive.
It hasn't ended. We are still an occupied country. It's only over to those that believe it in in their mind. To me the battle is very much still alive.

I suppose, to show you how silly you sound, I should mention slavery. When liberal oriented blacks use slavery as a weak political talking point, are they doing the same thing you are now?
If you are a southerner I would expect you to stay and fight for your homeland.

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