Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

You hate us to this day and you make it plain.

YOU do not represent 'The South' and I do not represent 'The North.' I have been addressing YOU as an individual. Try to grow a sack and face the world for yourself for once. I most certainly do not "hate" my fellow Americans from any part of the country. I hold traitorous scum like YOU in contempt because of your low character and anti-americanism.

It never ceases to amaze me how the proponents of the North steadfastly cling to their propaganda, even when shown through the Library of Congress and the Official Records that they're wrong. Their heroes are war criminals and their unmitigated hate is projection.

Just shoot yourselves, fools and save us ALL some misery.
you call Southerners who love their states and native soil "traitors" and "scum", because we refuse to talk, act, live, believe and vote the way you demand. .

Don't try to misrepresent ME, you traitorous scumbag. And stop saying "we." I am talking about YOU. Maybe you are one of those far-left liberals who cannot see anyone except as part of some conveniently defined group?

You're a coward and a fool.

No, the South started the war. They seceded, they attacked Fort Sumpter.

Again, why are you defending this? They fought a war to keep slaves. That's kind of stupid.

if the war was to end slavery then why didn't the US invade Africa b/c it sure as hell did not end there in 1865?

Because...unlike now, we stayed out of other countries' business unless we were we were at Fort Sumter.

so invading the confederacy was minding their own business?
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So, the murder of black troops after they surrendered at Ft. Pillow to Forrest falls where in all this?

It doesn't, because as best as we can determine from the records, THERE WAS NO SURRENDER. Briefly, during the first stage of the battle, the U.S. Colored Troops defending Ft. Pillow lost most of their (White) officers, including the commander, to Confederate sharpshooter fire. During a lull in the fighting, the Confederates, under a flag of truce, sent a message from Forrest to the acting commander informing him that his troops were in a position to take the Fort, and giving the garrison the opportunity to surrender. The acting commander declined, and Forrest ordered the attack. The defenders, disorganized with the loss of so many officers, virtually all fired at the initial advance; the second wave of the Confederate charge came over the wall while they were reloading, and shot many of them at close range. Northern propaganda called this a massacre, despite the fact that men attempting to reload their rifles and continue to fight were still active combatants, and thus, fair game. Many of the remaining garrison fled the Fort and continued the fight when they ran into yet another Confederate force between them and the river; a confused fight began, during which many of the U.S. Colored Troops laid down their weapons, only to pick them up again and resume fighting; Confederate commanders reported that some of their men were killed by the USCT after these "false surrenders" (pretending to surrender and resuming fighting was a practice NOT condoned by either side in the war, and subjected any offender to being immediately shot, in accordance with the articles of war of the time). Forrest had not been in the engagement since early morning;he had been injured when his horse was shot out from under him, and did not arrive at the scene of the fighting near the river until later in the afternoon, at which point he ordered his men to cease fire, and arranged transfer of some of the more severely wounded USCT to a Union gunboat on the river. The surviving senior Union officer later confirmed that there was never any intention of surrendering the Fort, and that the flag was never lowered, nor any orders given to the USCT by any of their surviving officers to lay down their arms. Most of the carnage resulted from confusion, panic, and the breakdown of unit discipline among the inexperienced and nearly leaderless USCT. I suggest you consult the Official Records.

Interesting version of what have a link, I presume.
Dear me, I thought I referred you to the OR. Well, it IS rather voluminous, so I looked up the citation for you:
Official Records-War of the Rebellion, Series I, Vol.32, Part 1, pp. 569-570 (report of Lt. Daniel Van Horn, Sixth United States Colored Heavy Artillery, on the capture of Ft.Pillow).
Also, from Van Horn's report: "There never was a surrender of the fort, both officers and men declaring that they would never surrender or ask for quarter".

(Lt. Van Horn was the senior surviving Union officer to escape capture after the battle). The U.S. Colored Troops defending Ft. Pillow and most of their White officers were killed in battle, not "murdered". Lt. Van Horn's official report of the battle makes no mention of any such action by Forrest, or his men. It seems reasonable that if Van Horn had seen the Confederates executing Union prisoners, (which he was certainly in a position to see), he would certainly have said so in his report.

There; is that better?
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You hate us to this day and you make it plain.

YOU do not represent 'The South' and I do not represent 'The North.' I have been addressing YOU as an individual. Try to grow a sack and face the world for yourself for once. I most certainly do not "hate" my fellow Americans from any part of the country. I hold traitorous scum like YOU in contempt because of your low character and anti-americanism.


Reduced to quoting yourself now? Pathetic. Did the widdle historically illiterate Yankee run out of poo to fling? AWWW, I'm so sorry the truth hurts your widdle feelings-what are you going to do now? Hold your breath? Go out in the garden and eat worms? No need; just go slurp down some more of the Yankee revisionist swill you so eagerly swallow; when it works its way though your digestive tract, you'll have a fresh supply of poo...
Fuck you, douche. The United States is here. You don't like it, get the fuck out. We don't need you.

Tough shit, asshole.

The tough shit is for you, douche. The war is long over, and the South lost. You are making an ass of yourself trying to defend the indefensible. If you had the slightest shred of character or courage of your convictions you'd go find somewhere else to live, because my ONE nation is not for or about the likes of you. Most of my fellow Americans (this excludes YOU, traitor) from Southern states or elsewhere do not share your ridiculous outlook, so if you want to be satisfied you need to grow a pair and get the fuck out instead of just being some empty, big-mouth pussy.


It's not just any union.

"America is God's crucible, the great Melting-Pot where all the races of Europe are melting and reforming!... The real American has not yet arrived. He is only in the crucible, I tell you - he will be the fusion of all races." ~Israel Zangwill

"When an American says that he loves his country, he means not only that he loves the New England hills, the prairies glistening in the sun, the wide and rising plains, the great mountains, and the sea. He means that he loves an inner air, an inner light in which freedom lives and in which a man can draw the breath of self-respect." ~Adlai Stevenson

"We dare not forget that we are the heirs of that first revolution." ~John F. Kennedy

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." ~Abraham Lincoln

"My favorite thing about the United States? Lots of Americans, one America." ~Val Saintsbury

"Of all the supervised conditions for life offered man, those under U S A's constitution have proved the best. Wherefore, be sure when you start modifying, corrupting or abrogating it." ~Martin H. Fischer

"Ours is the only country deliberately founded on a good idea." ~John Gunther

"America is much more than a geographical fact. It is a political and moral fact - the first community in which men set out in principle to institutionalize freedom, responsible government, and human equality." ~Adlai Stevenson

"America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense... human rights invented America." ~Jimmy Carter

"We're Americans - with a capital A! And do you know what that means? Do you? It means that our forefathers were kicked out of every decent country in the world." ~From the movie Stripes

"The American Revolution was a beginning, not a consummation." ~Woodrow Wilson

"It predominates over the whole of society in America—Application made of this principle by the Americans even before their Revolution—Development given to it by that Revolution—Gradual and irresistible extension of the elective qualification.

The Principle Of The Sovereignty Of The People In America" ~ Alexis de Tocqueville

Preserving the Union was much, much more than would be simply binding the territories of any other nation that existed at the time. The United States - The Great Experiment - was an evolutionary leap forward in the human race. Our Union and what it stood for became a light and an inspiration for dozens of countries and countless millions of people all across the globe.

Faced with an irresolvable problem (and oh had they tried) stemming from a mistake, a flaw, an essential contradiction that was overlooked, avoided, or irrationally justified in our newborn Union and allowed to fester until it grew into an ugly, weeping tumor, we were forced to bend our principles near the breaking point in order to save the patient. That patient was and is bigger than any one or any million of us because it stands for something irreplacable for all human beings at all times. Post surgical recovery has been slow, and the patient will never be perfect, but was it worth the operation? Damn right it was. Even if the patient hadn't pulled through it would have been worth the effort to excise that tumor.

Tough shit, asshole.

The tough shit is for you, douche. The war is long over, and the South lost. You are making an ass of yourself trying to defend the indefensible. If you had the slightest shred of character or courage of your convictions you'd go find somewhere else to live, because my ONE nation is not for or about the likes of you. Most of my fellow Americans (this excludes YOU, traitor) from Southern states or elsewhere do not share your ridiculous outlook, so if you want to be satisfied you need to grow a pair and get the fuck out instead of just being some empty, big-mouth pussy.


You know, most of the time I agree with you, but in this particular case you are WRONG. The true story is there in the history books but you'll never know it until you quit running from it.

Hint: The shit you learned in school ain't the true story, you've been lied to by Horace Mann's 'public education'...
if the war was to end slavery then why didn't the US invade Africa b/c it sure as hell did not end there in 1865?

Because...unlike now, we stayed out of other countries' business unless we were we were at Fort Sumter.

so invading the confederacy was minding their own business?

After our federal installation was shot at and captured....oh,'re a fan of Neville Chamberlain, aren't you? Appeasement is your thing?
The Union army killed 50,000 civilians during the war, you stupid turd.

South should have thought of that before started the war.

And Poland should have thought about being invaded by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union before it trespassed on the Danzig corridor?

You're nothing but a bloodthirsty, goosestepping, Nazi piece of shit.

Go figure you'd go to bat for Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.
Are you 14, bripat?

The south acted criminally, committed war, and was executed by the federal government.

All domestic traitors will get such punishment.
South should have thought of that before started the war.

And Poland should have thought about being invaded by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union before it trespassed on the Danzig corridor?

You're nothing but a bloodthirsty, goosestepping, Nazi piece of shit.

Go figure you'd go to bat for Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

I forgot to add "stupid" to the list of adjectives that apply to you.
The south was a rebellious part of a larger, sovereign nation.

The south earned its devastation rightfully so.

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