Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

The south was a rebellious part of a larger, sovereign nation.

The south earned its devastation rightfully so.

Your ignorance is only surpassed by your misguided self-importance, Fakey.

There are real history books that make you out to be a brainwashed simpleton.

But then again, Dr. Seuss could accomplish that...
The true story is there in the history books but you'll never know it until you quit running from it.

Hint: The shit you learned in school ain't the true story, you've been lied to by Horace Mann's 'public education'...

Is the problem that you think no one but you can read, or that you cannot fathom that anyone could possibly disagree with you? (a very leftist attitude, btw)
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Go figure you'd go to bat for Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

I forgot to add "stupid" to the list of adjectives that apply to you.

I'm not a Southerner of your ilk.

Shit, I'm not a Southerner at all, but I know how to read history books. There was a LOT of BS being pulled by Lincoln et al in order to create the Fed as it is today. Prior to this UnConstitutional power grab the States were supreme and the Fed was subservient, just the way the Constitution intended.

And you lap up their propaganda like buttermilk...
The true story is there in the history books but you'll never know it until you quit running from it.

Hint: The shit you learned in school ain't the true story, you've been lied to by Horace Mann's 'public education'...

Is the problem that you think no one but you can read, or that you cannot fathom that anyone could possibly disagree with you? (a very leftist attitude, btw)

I'm not saying you CAN'T read, I'm saying you've provided little to no evidence that you HAVE.
The south was wrong constitutionally, morally, ethically, which was reinforced by the force of arms.

The already brain dead south was shot in the head and killed.

End of story.

The south was a rebellious part of a larger, sovereign nation.

The south earned its devastation rightfully so.

Your ignorance is only surpassed by your misguided self-importance, Fakey.

There are real history books that make you out to be a brainwashed simpleton.

But then again, Dr. Seuss could accomplish that...
Try your silliness in any reputable history or government class in an American institution of higher ed and you will fail, just as you do here.

I forgot to add "stupid" to the list of adjectives that apply to you.

I'm not a Southerner of your ilk.

Shit, I'm not a Southerner at all, but I know how to read history books. There was a LOT of BS being pulled by Lincoln et al in order to create the Fed as it is today. Prior to this UnConstitutional power grab the States were supreme and the Fed was subservient, just the way the Constitution intended.

And you lap up their propaganda like buttermilk...
The south was wrong constitutionally, morally, ethically, which was reinforced by the force of arms.

The already brain dead south was shot in the head and killed.

End of story.

The south was a rebellious part of a larger, sovereign nation.

The south earned its devastation rightfully so.

Your ignorance is only surpassed by your misguided self-importance, Fakey.

There are real history books that make you out to be a brainwashed simpleton.

But then again, Dr. Seuss could accomplish that...

Thank you for illustrating my point, idiot...
You have failed, Guy. Move along.

The south was wrong constitutionally, morally, ethically, which was reinforced by the force of arms.

The already brain dead south was shot in the head and killed.

End of story.

Your ignorance is only surpassed by your misguided self-importance, Fakey.

There are real history books that make you out to be a brainwashed simpleton.

But then again, Dr. Seuss could accomplish that...

Thank you for illustrating my point, idiot...
Try your silliness in any reputable history or government class in an American institution of higher ed and you will fail, just as you do here.

I'm not a Southerner of your ilk.

Shit, I'm not a Southerner at all, but I know how to read history books. There was a LOT of BS being pulled by Lincoln et al in order to create the Fed as it is today. Prior to this UnConstitutional power grab the States were supreme and the Fed was subservient, just the way the Constitution intended.

And you lap up their propaganda like buttermilk...

Whatever Fakey, your lack of education on this subject would embarrass a 7th grader.
I forgot to add "stupid" to the list of adjectives that apply to you.

I'm not a Southerner of your ilk.

Shit, I'm not a Southerner at all, but I know how to read history books. There was a LOT of BS being pulled by Lincoln et al in order to create the Fed as it is today. Prior to this UnConstitutional power grab the States were supreme and the Fed was subservient, just the way the Constitution intended.

And you lap up their propaganda like buttermilk...

The Lost
The FACT remains that SC LEGALLY seceded from the Union in January 1861. At that moment Fort Sumter became the property of the State, REGARDLESS of who paid for it.

There was a reason there were no trials after the War, the SCOTUS would have ruled the secession Constitutional and the actions of the North UNconstitutional.

Or that people were just trying to put the war behind them...

Wrong. The Yankees knew they would lose in court and undo everything the war was fought for. It was Ulysses S. Grant who said of bringing Jeff Davis to trial, “we will lose in court what we have won on the battlefield.”

So we lost that in the legistlatures anyway... that was kind of the point.

The real tragedy was that Lincoln died and asshole Johnson became president and tried to pretend like the whole thing never happened.

Davis, Lee and every other traitor should have been put on trial. That's always the mistake.

We gave the criminals of the civil war a pass, and got 100 years of Jim Crow.

We gave the criminals of WWI and pass, and got the Dolchstoßlegende (Stabbed in the back myth) that brought us WWII. You win a war, you put the bad guys on trial. Period. You make sure they know that they lost and they were wrong.

Which is what we had the good sense to do after WWII, and Germany and Japan have been model international citizens ever since.
I'm not a Southerner of your ilk.

Shit, I'm not a Southerner at all, but I know how to read history books. There was a LOT of BS being pulled by Lincoln et al in order to create the Fed as it is today. Prior to this UnConstitutional power grab the States were supreme and the Fed was subservient, just the way the Constitution intended.

And you lap up their propaganda like buttermilk...

The Lost

actually, this bit of interesting political revisionism is kind of interesting. What angers people like Guy and Gadfly - the Paulbot Libertarian Right Wing Hippies - is that we delegate so much authority to the federal government. To his mind, and the mind of other fringe nutbags, that all started with Lincoln, when the Federal Government decided IT was going to end the slavery issue instead of the states coming around on their own.
"The real tragedy was that Lincoln died and asshole..."

The real shame is that it took so long for him get what he deserved and that he never stood trial for war crimes.
The true story is there in the history books but you'll never know it until you quit running from it.

Hint: The shit you learned in school ain't the true story, you've been lied to by Horace Mann's 'public education'...

Is the problem that you think no one but you can read, or that you cannot fathom that anyone could possibly disagree with you? (a very leftist attitude, btw)

I'm not saying you CAN'T read, I'm saying you've provided little to no evidence that you HAVE.

No offense, but chances are pretty great that I've taught more about history than you've ever read.
"The real tragedy was that Lincoln died and asshole..."

The real shame is that it took so long for him get what he deserved and that he never stood trial for war crimes.


If Lincoln hadn't taken the actions he did, the "United States" would be about six countries today, all of them relatively poor and we certainly wouldn't have been the bullwark against Fascism and Communism we became.

I am amazed that there are people on the right who really hate so much.
You are just a puss on humanity with your defense of the indefensible.

Try your silliness in any reputable history or government class in an American institution of higher ed and you will fail, just as you do here.

Shit, I'm not a Southerner at all, but I know how to read history books. There was a LOT of BS being pulled by Lincoln et al in order to create the Fed as it is today. Prior to this UnConstitutional power grab the States were supreme and the Fed was subservient, just the way the Constitution intended.

And you lap up their propaganda like buttermilk...

Whatever Fakey, your lack of education on this subject would embarrass a 7th grader.
I'm not a Southerner of your ilk.

Shit, I'm not a Southerner at all, but I know how to read history books. There was a LOT of BS being pulled by Lincoln et al in order to create the Fed as it is today. Prior to this UnConstitutional power grab the States were supreme and the Fed was subservient, just the way the Constitution intended.

And you lap up their propaganda like buttermilk...

The Lost

Did I not refute you side's claims about Forrest? Did I not provide citations for the primary source material that backs up the facts I stated? I put the evidence out there,that the claims that started this thread are in fact nothing but lies. It's not my fault that whatever history you studied may have been written by someone to lazy to research the facts; but you could at least acknowledge the truth when presented with it...and all you can say over and over,is "The Lost" *SMH* Want to tell me why The Official Records (compiled BY YOUR side), and the results of a Congressional Investigation (again Held by YOUR side) are less convincing evidence than whatever you think you remember someone once told you, or do you intend to just keep repeating the same mindless, reflexive denial?
Your claims and cites do not reveal Forrest as anything more than a traitor, a criminal, a coward, and a butcher.

Sherman should have ignored orders and had the traitor hanged in the town square by his heels, whipped, and then beheaded.
I'm not saying you CAN'T read, I'm saying you've provided little to no evidence that you HAVE.

No offense, but chances are pretty great that I've taught more about history than you've ever read.

the chances are even greater that anything you taught was total complete bullshit. I hope no children were exposed to your "teaching." That would be a real tragedy - a crime, even.

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