Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

Dude, in 1900 there were many major empires across the globe: Manchus of China, Russia, France, UK, Germany, Italy, the US, Spain, Ethiopia and Portugal.

The only two 'empires' that still have held all their disparate ethnic groups together so far are the Chinese and the US, and forces of factionalism are at work in both countries.

The US is not an empire, you stupid, unamerican son of a bitch.

It is becoming one, if not already according to some.

No it's not. Stop being stupid.
The US is not an empire, you stupid, unamerican son of a bitch.

It is becoming one, if not already according to some.

No it's not. Stop being stupid.

Why is it not? It looks like an empire, acts like an empire is run like an empire.

What the hell makes you Master of the Universe to say it is not?

Because you are being a fucking troll and you couldnt care less as long as you mindlessly repeat bullshit you want to hear.

You stupid fucktard.
Sorry I didn't teach your pathetic, impotent hatred and anti-americanism, loser.

What you taught is obviously nothing but total complete bullshit.

Keep talking out your ass. You can't make yourself look like much more of a clown than you already have.

No, he is not the ass hole here, Unkotare, you are.

You really think all your fucktard antics are convincing anyone of anything except that you are a half-brain troll?
What you taught is obviously nothing but total complete bullshit.

Keep talking out your ass. You can't make yourself look like much more of a clown than you already have.

No, he is not the ass hole here, Unkotare, you are.

You really think all your fucktard antics are convincing anyone of anything except that you are a half-brain troll?

Do you losers think for a second that your 'Da South shall rise again!' idiocy is anything more than masterbatory material for your tiny little circle-jerk of fucking idiots still agonizing over THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR? You think you idiots don't just look like absolute fucking psychos? Your stupid fucking antics seem nothing more than an attempt to embarrass my fine fellow Americans who happen to live in Southern states by supposed association. They deserve far, far better than the likes of you to pretend as spokesmen.
"The real tragedy was that Lincoln died and asshole..."

The real shame is that it took so long for him get what he deserved and that he never stood trial for war crimes.


If Lincoln hadn't taken the actions he did, the "United States" would be about six countries today, all of them relatively poor and we certainly wouldn't have been the bullwark against Fascism and Communism we became.

I am amazed that there are people on the right who really hate so much.

If Lincoln hadn't invaded the Southern states, there never would have been a WW I and therefor there never would have been a WW II, no fascism and no communism.

Where do you even get that?

If anything, a lack of a strong United States would have encouraged the main cause of WWI, which was colonialism and the competition to expand. Without us telling the Europeans the Americas were off limits, they'd have just fought over those as well.

In fact, quite the contrary, I could see the CSA siding with the UK while the rump US (Probably just the Northeast after the Midwest and West formed their own countries) sided with Germany.

If Lincoln hadn't taken the actions he did, the "United States" would be about six countries today, all of them relatively poor and we certainly wouldn't have been the bullwark against Fascism and Communism we became.

I am amazed that there are people on the right who really hate so much.

If Lincoln hadn't invaded the Southern states, there never would have been a WW I and therefor there never would have been a WW II, no fascism and no communism.

Where do you even get that?

If anything, a lack of a strong United States would have encouraged the main cause of WWI, which was colonialism and the competition to expand. Without us telling the Europeans the Americas were off limits, they'd have just fought over those as well.

In fact, quite the contrary, I could see the CSA siding with the UK while the rump US (Probably just the Northeast after the Midwest and West formed their own countries) sided with Germany.

Plausible but certainly not a fact that supports any kind of contention.
I was refering then and now to the average black on the street Lincoln would not touch, just as he would not let them marry whites or live in an integrated sopciety.

That's not what you said.

Lol, first you claim to speak for everyone in the US, then to being able to redefine words, and now you are going to tell me what I meant or said?

Lol, go fuck off, troll.
I'm not saying you CAN'T read, I'm saying you've provided little to no evidence that you HAVE.

No offense, but chances are pretty great that I've taught more about history than you've ever read.
I seriously doubt you've taught more history that I've read; as a matter of fact, the idea of YOU teaching history sounds like the blind leading the blind. Do you have any idea how to do REAL historical research-you know, the kind where you go look at primary sources, not some compilation in a textbook? Well, DO YOU? How much of that have you ever done? ANY? Don't you condescend to lecture me any further, until you can show me and everyone else here some evidence of real scholarship, instead of a bunch of phony patriotism blended with opinions you have no credible evidence to support!

Unkotare calls spewing his ignorance and bigotry "teaching history." I think the Nazis taught the same kind of history.
I am speaking of the average black man on the street.

So you admit your original claim was false then?

Lol, you just cant stop with the stupid smart ass responses.

No, troll, I was refering then and now to the average black on the street Lincoln would not touch, just as he would not let them marry whites or live in an integrated sopciety.

That's right, he can't. When you're a ignorant bigot with no facts to support your case, diversions and insults are all you can do.

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