Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

If Lincoln hadn't invaded the Southern states, there never would have been a WW I and therefor there never would have been a WW II, no fascism and no communism.

Where do you even get that?

If anything, a lack of a strong United States would have encouraged the main cause of WWI, which was colonialism and the competition to expand. Without us telling the Europeans the Americas were off limits, they'd have just fought over those as well.

In fact, quite the contrary, I could see the CSA siding with the UK while the rump US (Probably just the Northeast after the Midwest and West formed their own countries) sided with Germany.

Plausible but certainly not a fact that supports any kind of contention.

Well, I think his position is supposition,and so is mine.

But I don't imagine any scenario where anyone would be better off in an alternative timeline where the CSA won the Civil War.

Most of us probably wouldn't exist. I only exist because my father from Germany met my mother from Missouri.
No he had no right and there would have been no Civil War if the government compensated slave owners for their "property."

You do realize people invested in slaves - they bought them - they were assets and the government wanted to take their assets...

What would you say if government tried to ban foreign cars and wanted to seize them and you owned a car dealership??

Oh yeah you would be financially wrecked....

And again, you are a total fuckin' moron.

Your "logic" is stunning!
Do you have any idea how to do REAL historical research-you know, the kind where you go look at primary sources, not some compilation in a textbook? Well, DO YOU? How much of that have you ever done? ANY?

Garsh, I ain't never heered of them things. Yoo knows all them sekret skalarshippy things! Yoo must be smurt!


The real Unkotare leaks out.

That's exactly how you come off, asshole, like an ignorant blustering rube.
I was refering then and now to the average black on the street Lincoln would not touch, just as he would not let them marry whites or live in an integrated sopciety.

That's not what you said.

Lol, first you claim to speak for everyone in the US, then to being able to redefine words, and now you are going to tell me what I meant or said?

When you type your words right here it is not too difficult to see what you said, genius.
What you taught is obviously nothing but total complete bullshit.

Keep talking out your ass. You can't make yourself look like much more of a clown than you already have.

No, he is not the ass hole here, Unkotare, you are.

You really think all your fucktard antics are convincing anyone of anything except that you are a half-brain troll?

Unkotare is trying desperately to cover up the fact that he doesn't know anything. I'm sure every time he checks on the facts posted in this forum he discovers to his horror that they are true. Hence the pathetic name calling and ultimatums.

It must be awful to discover all the sordid facts about your idol
Do you have any idea how to do REAL historical research-you know, the kind where you go look at primary sources, not some compilation in a textbook? Well, DO YOU? How much of that have you ever done? ANY?

Garsh, I ain't never heered of them things. Yoo knows all them sekret skalarshippy things! Yoo must be smurt!


The real Unkotare leaks out.

That's exactly how you come off, asshole, like an ignorant blustering rube.

He does have serious anger managment problems, even lashing out at people who agree with him...

One can only assume to many ass-kicking in the real world.
Do you losers think for a second that your 'Da South shall rise again!' idiocy is anything more than masterbatory material for your tiny little circle-jerk of fucking idiots still agonizing over THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR? You think you idiots don't just look like absolute fucking psychos? Your stupid fucking antics seem nothing more than an attempt to embarrass my fine fellow Americans who happen to live in Southern states by supposed association. They deserve far, far better than the likes of you to pretend as spokesmen.

As usual, your post doesn't contain a single fact or logic of any kind. So far all you've posted are fallacies, insults and ultimatums.

How do you think that makes you look?
Keep talking out your ass. You can't make yourself look like much more of a clown than you already have.

No, he is not the ass hole here, Unkotare, you are.

You really think all your fucktard antics are convincing anyone of anything except that you are a half-brain troll?

Unkotare is trying desperately to cover up the fact that he doesn't know anything. I'm sure every time he checks on the facts posted in this forum he discovers to his horror that they are true. Hence the pathetic name calling and ultimatums.

It must be awful to discover all the sordid facts about your idol

Unkotare definately belongs in the troll basement.
Do you losers think for a second that your 'Da South shall rise again!' idiocy is anything more than masterbatory material for your tiny little circle-jerk of fucking idiots still agonizing over THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR? You think you idiots don't just look like absolute fucking psychos? Your stupid fucking antics seem nothing more than an attempt to embarrass my fine fellow Americans who happen to live in Southern states by supposed association. They deserve far, far better than the likes of you to pretend as spokesmen.

As usual, your post doesn't contain a single fact or logic of any kind. So far all you've posted are fallacies, insults and ultimatums.

How do you think that makes you look?

Like a fucking libtard, that is what.
Your doubts aside, it is very likely so.

Well if it is, I've yet to see any evidence of it here, and I note you declined my invitation to produce some.

Oh, what a surprise that YOU don't think so. :rolleyes:

And if you need a research paper, you're out of luck. You couldn't afford me.

Yeah, cause with your miniscule brain, the low supply drives the price through the roof!

Fortunately, anyone can simulate your thought process with a dart board with passages from Mein Kamph taped to it.
Unkotare is trying desperately to cover up the fact that he doesn't know anything. I'm sure every time he checks on the facts posted in this forum he discovers to his horror that they are true. Hence the pathetic name calling and ultimatums.

It must be awful to discover all the sordid facts about your idol

Unkotare definately belongs in the troll basement.

Notice that two of the biggest morons in this forum are the only ones who continue to post in this thread.
I could see the CSA siding with the UK while the rump US (Probably just the Northeast after the Midwest and West formed their own countries) sided with Germany.

That doesn't make much sense.

Actually, it does.

If the CSA won it's war, it would be because the UK supported them. They tried really hard to get UK support, even going so far as to offer to end slavery... (the whole reason they went to war to start with).

Deprived of the excises and tariffs related to trade with the south, the remaining part of the US would be a much weaker country. One more reliant on immigration from Germany and Ireland, both hostile to the UK. (Keep in mind, Irish/German oppossition kept the US out of WWI until 1917, especially after the bloody crackdown of the Easter Rebellion. Imagine if it were stronger in the political mix.) Furthermore, sandwiched in between Canada and a pro-British Empire CSA, the US would look for allies.

The whole international dynamic changes without a strong, unfied United States. For instance, Napoleon III would have had his way with Mexico if the US didn't start enforcing the Monroe Doctrine again after 1865.

Russia would have been forced to cede Alaska to Canada without a strong US to purchase it.

A weak US might have been unable to maintain control over California, especially if our pals the Mormons tried to establish Deseret as an independent country (easier to do than their first attempt in 1857.) In turn, the UK or France might have control over Hawaii, and Japan would have been able to expand into Asia unimpeded.
That's exactly how you come off, asshole, like an ignorant blustering rube.

Yeah, and you don't come off like a frothing, quivering psycho chewing his own arm off over a war that ended over 150 years ago. :rolleyes:
I could see the CSA siding with the UK while the rump US (Probably just the Northeast after the Midwest and West formed their own countries) sided with Germany.

That doesn't make much sense.

Actually, it does.

No, it doesn't. The UK at the time was particularly anti-slavery. The raw goods that they valued via trade with the south for their industrial development were obtainable from their Indian holdings. And New England was culturally and socially closer to the UK at the time. The Irish had not quite achieved the social/political power that they would by the end of the century. Other parts of what used to be the country (in this asinine game of make-believe) had closer ethnic ties to Germany. There is a good chance that France would have taken a large portion of the South in the event that the Union was broken.

But it doesn't matter because this little make-believe didn't happen, much to the chagrin of some of the bitter fools here.
Unkotare is trying desperately to cover up the fact that he doesn't know anything. I'm sure every time he checks on the facts posted in this forum he discovers to his horror that they are true. Hence the pathetic name calling and ultimatums.

It must be awful to discover all the sordid facts about your idol

Unkotare definately belongs in the troll basement.

Notice that two of the biggest morons in this forum are the only ones who continue to post in this thread.

Yeah, you and...?

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