Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

Wrong again, Joe. They went out, fought and died for something called the Constitution and the rule of Law.

Something you revisionist cocksuckers wouldn't know a damned thing about.

Sorry, I don't treat the constitution as though it was on a stone tablet enscribed by God.

A constitution premised on all men being created equal and still allowing slavery and counting slaves as 3/5th of a free man is a flawed document and not worth fighting for...

But they weren't fighting for even that.

They were fighting to get out from that constitution and write their own much more flawed one...

Confederate States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes, none of this happened because Lincoln stomped the slave-rapers into the dirt, which is exactly what should have done with them. Absolutely awesome.

Now we need to disabuse their descendents of any notion that there was anything noble about them. Ban the Confederate flag and take down every last monument to a Confederate "War hero" and replace it with an education center about how evil slavery was.

I am amazed that there are people on the right who really hate so much.[/QUOTE[/B]

Joe, think for a minute that not all people in the cofederacy owned slaves, few actually raped slaves and slavery was common practice all over the world even after 1865.

You are comparing apples to kiwi

Yes, the vast majority of people in the south didn't own slaves, but they still stupidly went out and died by the thousands so a few rich assholes could. Just proof that Darwin was right. If you're dumb, you die.

If only we got to the point in history where the rich send their own kids out to die in wars instead of tricking poor people's kids into doing it.

Incidently, most of the world banned slavery well before the US. The last country in the Americas to do so was Brazil in 1871.

silly me.

Thought the soldires fought to defend their homes. that is what they told us, BTW, in their own words.

Oh, and it was the Europen nations and the US that stopped the trans-atlantic slave trade. It was too profitable for the africans to want it stopped. Yet, you only bash southerners?

PS weren't there slave in the midlle east and asia too during this era?
Wrong again, Joe. They went out, fought and died for something called the Constitution and the rule of Law.

Something you revisionist cocksuckers wouldn't know a damned thing about.

Sorry, I don't treat the constitution as though it was on a stone tablet enscribed by God.

A constitution premised on all men being created equal and still allowing slavery and counting slaves as 3/5th of a free man is a flawed document and not worth fighting for...

But they weren't fighting for even that.

They were fighting to get out from that constitution and write their own much more flawed one...

Confederate States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wrong again, Joe.

It's obvious you haven't bothered with any historical analysis of the 3/5 Clause. If you had, you would know it was written to LIMIT the power of the slave-holding South, not to marginalize black people.

And what they were fighting for was adherence to the 9th & 10th Amendments.

Written in STONE, Joe. The BEDROCK of the nation. Not to be changed lightly, but by the specific process of Amendment.

Thought the soldires fought to defend their homes. that is what they told us, BTW, in their own words.

They wouldn't be the first guys to fight a war under false pretences.... I think we did that fairly recently.... Their homes were only in danger because the rich guys were trying to secede...

Oh, and it was the Europen nations and the US that stopped the trans-atlantic slave trade. It was too profitable for the africans to want it stopped. Yet, you only bash southerners?

That's not true, either. The Trans-atlantic slave trade was banned as part of the treaties that happened after the fall of Napoleon. The British Empire banned slavery altogether in 1835 without a shot being fired.

PS weren't there slave in the midlle east and asia too during this era?

yes, but not in the way that there was in the US.
Wrong again, Joe. They went out, fought and died for something called the Constitution and the rule of Law.

Something you revisionist cocksuckers wouldn't know a damned thing about.

Sorry, I don't treat the constitution as though it was on a stone tablet enscribed by God.

A constitution premised on all men being created equal and still allowing slavery and counting slaves as 3/5th of a free man is a flawed document and not worth fighting for...

But they weren't fighting for even that.

They were fighting to get out from that constitution and write their own much more flawed one...

Confederate States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wrong again, Joe.

It's obvious you haven't bothered with any historical analysis of the 3/5 Clause. If you had, you would know it was written to LIMIT the power of the slave-holding South, not to marginalize black people.

And what they were fighting for was adherence to the 9th & 10th Amendments.

Written in STONE, Joe. The BEDROCK of the nation. Not to be changed lightly, but by the specific process of Amendment.


Written on paper... flawed from the start.

The Civil war became inevitable the minute the INK dried on Paper and left the country half slave and half free. Most of the history of the first half of 19th century was trying to avoid what happened anyway. The Missouri comprimise, etc.
Wrong again, Joe. They went out, fought and died for something called the Constitution and the rule of Law.

Something you revisionist cocksuckers wouldn't know a damned thing about.

Sorry, I don't treat the constitution as though it was on a stone tablet enscribed by God.

A constitution premised on all men being created equal and still allowing slavery and counting slaves as 3/5th of a free man is a flawed document and not worth fighting for...

But they weren't fighting for even that.

They were fighting to get out from that constitution and write their own much more flawed one...

Confederate States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wrong again, Joe.

It's obvious you haven't bothered with any historical analysis of the 3/5 Clause. If you had, you would know it was written to LIMIT the power of the slave-holding South, not to marginalize black people.

And what they were fighting for was adherence to the 9th & 10th Amendments.

Written in STONE, Joe. The BEDROCK of the nation. Not to be changed lightly, but by the specific process of Amendment.

The Constitution is no less fixed in meaning than any other contract between multiple groups.

Hey, Joe, do you think all of your contracts you sign are written in stone or are they 'breathing documents?'
JimeBowie wants to be the Master of the Universe, apparently.

He is uneducated, ignorant about most topics, and dislikes America and its values.

It is becoming one, if not already according to some.

No it's not. Stop being stupid.

Why is it not? It looks like an empire, acts like an empire is run like an empire.

What the hell makes you Master of the Universe to say it is not?

Because you are being a fucking troll and you couldnt care less as long as you mindlessly repeat bullshit you want to hear.

You stupid fucktard.
Spamming does not change that JimBowie despises mainstream American values and that to him the radical left of America begins somewhere with Mitt Romney.

JimeBowie wants to be the Master of the Universe, apparently.

He is uneducated, ignorant about most topics, and dislikes America and its values.

[ame=]TROLOLOLOLOL - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry, I don't treat the constitution as though it was on a stone tablet enscribed by God.

A constitution premised on all men being created equal and still allowing slavery and counting slaves as 3/5th of a free man is a flawed document and not worth fighting for...

But they weren't fighting for even that.

They were fighting to get out from that constitution and write their own much more flawed one...

Confederate States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wrong again, Joe.

It's obvious you haven't bothered with any historical analysis of the 3/5 Clause. If you had, you would know it was written to LIMIT the power of the slave-holding South, not to marginalize black people.

And what they were fighting for was adherence to the 9th & 10th Amendments.

Written in STONE, Joe. The BEDROCK of the nation. Not to be changed lightly, but by the specific process of Amendment.

The Constitution is no less fixed in meaning than any other contract between multiple groups.

Hey, Joe, do you think all of your contracts you sign are written in stone or are they 'breathing documents?'

I think that there's a legal process in which I can appeal a contract if it is flawed.

In fact, I had just that thing happen last month, where a vendor I fired tried to claim we owed them $11,000 for lost and damaged equipment. (They were just upset I fired them.)

I eventually knocked them down to nothing, and I wanted to keep going, but our management didn't want to litigate it further.

But here was the thing.

The great constituitonal thing they were fighting for was so a few assholes could own other people. Something EVERYONE knew was wrong, even most of the guys fighting the war.
I have heard it said that God punished all of the USA for the slave trade with the Civil War, but since the south was more at fault, it was more grievously punished.
Wrong again, Joe.

It's obvious you haven't bothered with any historical analysis of the 3/5 Clause. If you had, you would know it was written to LIMIT the power of the slave-holding South, not to marginalize black people.

And what they were fighting for was adherence to the 9th & 10th Amendments.

Written in STONE, Joe. The BEDROCK of the nation. Not to be changed lightly, but by the specific process of Amendment.

The Constitution is no less fixed in meaning than any other contract between multiple groups.

Hey, Joe, do you think all of your contracts you sign are written in stone or are they 'breathing documents?'

I think that there's a legal process in which I can appeal a contract if it is flawed.

In fact, I had just that thing happen last month, where a vendor I fired tried to claim we owed them $11,000 for lost and damaged equipment. (They were just upset I fired them.)

I eventually knocked them down to nothing, and I wanted to keep going, but our management didn't want to litigate it further.

But here was the thing.

The great constituitonal thing they were fighting for was so a few assholes could own other people. Something EVERYONE knew was wrong, even most of the guys fighting the war.

As there is a legal process to change the Constitution. A process that was NOT followed, leading to the WBTS. The 9th and 10th Amendments were NOT being upheld, same as it is today.
As there is a legal process to change the Constitution. A process that was NOT followed, leading to the WBTS. The 9th and 10th Amendments were NOT being upheld, same as it is today.

Oh, PLEASE let the TEA-tards try the same thing again.... Please....

Only mistake we made in the Civil war was not having a giant necktie party for all the guys who fought it.

At the end of WWII, they hung Tojo and all the top Nazis... just to get it across to people they done a bad thing.

history would have been better if they put Davis and Lee at the end of ropes.
What was not being followed? Lincoln made it quite clear that he wanted the states to stay. They had to respect electoral, constitutional process; respect federal property in the south; and not export slavery into the territories.

The south then attempted to break the constitutional obligations, waged war against the American people, and were crushed miserably for their political sins.

The Constitution is no less fixed in meaning than any other contract between multiple groups.

Hey, Joe, do you think all of your contracts you sign are written in stone or are they 'breathing documents?'

I think that there's a legal process in which I can appeal a contract if it is flawed.

In fact, I had just that thing happen last month, where a vendor I fired tried to claim we owed them $11,000 for lost and damaged equipment. (They were just upset I fired them.)

I eventually knocked them down to nothing, and I wanted to keep going, but our management didn't want to litigate it further.

But here was the thing.

The great constituitonal thing they were fighting for was so a few assholes could own other people. Something EVERYONE knew was wrong, even most of the guys fighting the war.

As there is a legal process to change the Constitution. A process that was NOT followed, leading to the WBTS. The 9th and 10th Amendments were NOT being upheld, same as it is today.
What was not being followed? Lincoln made it quite clear that he wanted the states to stay. They had to respect electoral, constitutional process; respect federal property in the south; and not export slavery into the territories.

The south then attempted to break the constitutional obligations, waged war against the American people, and were crushed miserably for their political sins.

I think that there's a legal process in which I can appeal a contract if it is flawed.

In fact, I had just that thing happen last month, where a vendor I fired tried to claim we owed them $11,000 for lost and damaged equipment. (They were just upset I fired them.)

I eventually knocked them down to nothing, and I wanted to keep going, but our management didn't want to litigate it further.

But here was the thing.

The great constituitonal thing they were fighting for was so a few assholes could own other people. Something EVERYONE knew was wrong, even most of the guys fighting the war.

As there is a legal process to change the Constitution. A process that was NOT followed, leading to the WBTS. The 9th and 10th Amendments were NOT being upheld, same as it is today.

Deservedly so.
And lest we forget, it was New England shipping that ran the slave trade for 150 years...

Yes they did...and it was horrible. But they stopped without starting a war over it.

Bullshit! They were still running slaves to the Caribbean and hiding under other flags so as not to be exposed as the flaming hypocrites they were.

And if Lincoln had honored the Constitution, specifically the 9th & 10th Amendments, there never would have been a war.
And lest we forget, it was New England shipping that ran the slave trade for 150 years...

Yes they did...and it was horrible. But they stopped without starting a war over it.

Bullshit! They were still running slaves to the Caribbean and hiding under other flags so as not to be exposed as the flaming hypocrites they were.

And if Lincoln had honored the Constitution, specifically the 9th & 10th Amendments, there never would have been a war.

So...point out the act of war against the U.S. Government committed by Yankee Slave Runners? And what state(s) did they represent?

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