Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

And when they were caught, their ships were confiscated and sold, the slaves were freed, the slavers were imprisoned, and some were executed.

Guy, you don't tell the whole truth, so, my friend, fuck you.
And lest we forget, it was New England shipping that ran the slave trade for 150 years...

Yes they did...and it was horrible. But they stopped without starting a war over it.

Bullshit! They were still running slaves to the Caribbean and hiding under other flags so as not to be exposed as the flaming hypocrites they were.

And if Lincoln had honored the Constitution, specifically the 9th & 10th Amendments, there never would have been a war.
Guy Pinestra is simply of criminal mind and nature. He will eventually go to to jail, be executed, or shot down by the police.
I think that there's a legal process in which I can appeal a contract if it is flawed.

In fact, I had just that thing happen last month, where a vendor I fired tried to claim we owed them $11,000 for lost and damaged equipment. (They were just upset I fired them.)

I eventually knocked them down to nothing, and I wanted to keep going, but our management didn't want to litigate it further.

But here was the thing.

The great constituitonal thing they were fighting for was so a few assholes could own other people. Something EVERYONE knew was wrong, even most of the guys fighting the war.

So you think the government should just ignore whatever parts of the Constitution you don't like?

And for your information, there is no appeal for a "flawed contract." If it's legal, you're bound by the terms, whether you think they are fair or not.
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So...point out the act of war against the U.S. Government committed by Yankee Slave Runners? And what state(s) did they represent?

The U.S. government made war on the Southern states, so you would have to ask Lincoln why he started the war if you want to know the point.

Lincoln himself said ending slaver wasn't the reason.
And when they were caught, their ships were confiscated and sold, the slaves were freed, the slavers were imprisoned, and some were executed.

Guy, you don't tell the whole truth, so, my friend, fuck you.
Yes they did...and it was horrible. But they stopped without starting a war over it.

Bullshit! They were still running slaves to the Caribbean and hiding under other flags so as not to be exposed as the flaming hypocrites they were.

And if Lincoln had honored the Constitution, specifically the 9th & 10th Amendments, there never would have been a war.

Got a link for that, Fakey?

As for your previous question, what wasn't being followed was the Constitution as ratified by the sovereign States. There is a process for amending the Constitution, and if you war-mongering bastards wanted then or want to now eliminate the 9th & 10th Amendments, you should honor the Constitution you signed and follow it's dictates.

Two-faced, back-stabbing mother fuckers!
Got a link that the NE slavers were doing it legally after 1807. It's your affirmation, son, so go for it. Nah, I will help you.

The end of this illegal trade by Americans came more swiftly than any imagined. In August 1860, the Erie Capt. Nathaniel Gordon was caught off the Congo River with 897 African captives crammed into her hold. Convicted under the 1820 law, Gordon was sentenced to die for his crime on Feb. 7, 1862. President Abraham Lincoln, noted for his leniency, refused to commute the sentence, granting only a two-week stay of execution for the prisoner to make his peace with God. On Feb. 21, 1862, Gordon, from Portland, Maine, became the first — and last — American executed for the crime of slave trading under the Piracy Act. ///
Under Lincoln, the U.S. signed a pact with Britain allowing their warships to seize and detain American ships suspected of engaging in the slave trade. Cuban slave trade with Africa was virtually eliminated by 1870.

I corrected you, tough.

The southern states should have followed the amendment process, but elected to go to war instead. The warmongering bastards got what they deserved.

And when they were caught, their ships were confiscated and sold, the slaves were freed, the slavers were imprisoned, and some were executed.

Guy, you don't tell the whole truth, so, my friend, fuck you.
Bullshit! They were still running slaves to the Caribbean and hiding under other flags so as not to be exposed as the flaming hypocrites they were.

And if Lincoln had honored the Constitution, specifically the 9th & 10th Amendments, there never would have been a war.

Got a link for that, Fakey?

As for your previous question, what wasn't being followed was the Constitution as ratified by the sovereign States. There is a process for amending the Constitution, and if you war-mongering bastards wanted then or want to now eliminate the 9th & 10th Amendments, you should honor the Constitution you signed and follow it's dictates.

Two-faced, back-stabbing mother fuckers!
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What was not being followed? Lincoln made it quite clear that he wanted the states to stay. They had to respect electoral, constitutional process; respect federal property in the south; and not export slavery into the territories.

The south then attempted to break the constitutional obligations, waged war against the American people, and were crushed miserably for their political sins.

As there is a legal process to change the Constitution. A process that was NOT followed, leading to the WBTS. The 9th and 10th Amendments were NOT being upheld, same as it is today.

Deservedly so.

More trollage, without evidence, reason or rhyme.

You are truly pathetic if this trolling idiocy is all you have to do with your life.
How does a statue cause a controversy?

People cause controversies. Statues just sit there and get pooped on by pigeons.
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Got a link that the NE slavers were doing it legally after 1807. It's your affirmation, son, so go for it. Nah, I will help you.

The end of this illegal trade by Americans came more swiftly than any imagined. In August 1860, the Erie Capt. Nathaniel Gordon was caught off the Congo River with 897 African captives crammed into her hold. Convicted under the 1820 law, Gordon was sentenced to die for his crime on Feb. 7, 1862. President Abraham Lincoln, noted for his leniency, refused to commute the sentence, granting only a two-week stay of execution for the prisoner to make his peace with God. On Feb. 21, 1862, Gordon, from Portland, Maine, became the first — and last — American executed for the crime of slave trading under the Piracy Act. ///
Under Lincoln, the U.S. signed a pact with Britain allowing their warships to seize and detain American ships suspected of engaging in the slave trade. Cuban slave trade with Africa was virtually eliminated by 1870.
Dale Plummer: American ships clung to slave trade despite ban - Norwich, CT - The Bulletin

I corrected you, tough.

You didnt correct jack shit you lying fucktard. No one is claiming that Lincoln did not enforce any anti-slavery laws, lol.

The southern states should have followed the amendment process, but elected to go to war instead. The warmongering bastards got what they deserved.

And you got what you deserved by being born a flying jack ass of the worst sort.
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Spamming does not change that JimBowie despises mainstream American values and that to him the radical left of America begins somewhere with Mitt Romney.

Lol, more of your made up bullshit; hilarious.

Maybe you should go into shit shoveling so you can put your talents to work.
Monument to Nathan Bedford Forrest stirs dispute - News Weather and Sports for Montgomery, AL.

Someone needs to tell that carpetbagging son of a bitch to go back up north. Oh and they should also give him a few sources showing what Sherman did on his march to the sea in my beloved there ain't nothing worse than a southerner who hates the south and her heritage.

Agree 100%. Some seem to have forgotten that this thread is about lowlifes vandalising a monument. Those who excuse this crime put themselves on the same moral level as someone who would excuse defacing the Lincoln memorial or a monument for MLK.
Monument to Nathan Bedford Forrest stirs dispute - News Weather and Sports for Montgomery, AL.

Someone needs to tell that carpetbagging son of a bitch to go back up north. Oh and they should also give him a few sources showing what Sherman did on his march to the sea in my beloved there ain't nothing worse than a southerner who hates the south and her heritage.

Agree 100%. Some seem to have forgotten that this thread is about lowlifes vandalising a monument. Those who excuse this crime put themselves on the same moral level as someone who would excuse defacing the Lincoln memorial or a monument for MLK.

Allow me to shed a tear.............shedding.....shedding.....shedding.....nope, no joy. Sorry.
Got a link that the NE slavers were doing it legally after 1807. It's your affirmation, son, so go for it. Nah, I will help you.

The end of this illegal trade by Americans came more swiftly than any imagined. In August 1860, the Erie Capt. Nathaniel Gordon was caught off the Congo River with 897 African captives crammed into her hold. Convicted under the 1820 law, Gordon was sentenced to die for his crime on Feb. 7, 1862. President Abraham Lincoln, noted for his leniency, refused to commute the sentence, granting only a two-week stay of execution for the prisoner to make his peace with God. On Feb. 21, 1862, Gordon, from Portland, Maine, became the first — and last — American executed for the crime of slave trading under the Piracy Act. ///
Under Lincoln, the U.S. signed a pact with Britain allowing their warships to seize and detain American ships suspected of engaging in the slave trade. Cuban slave trade with Africa was virtually eliminated by 1870.
Dale Plummer: American ships clung to slave trade despite ban - Norwich, CT - The Bulletin

I corrected you, tough.

The southern states should have followed the amendment process, but elected to go to war instead. The warmongering bastards got what they deserved.

And when they were caught, their ships were confiscated and sold, the slaves were freed, the slavers were imprisoned, and some were executed.

Guy, you don't tell the whole truth, so, my friend, fuck you.

Got a link for that, Fakey?

As for your previous question, what wasn't being followed was the Constitution as ratified by the sovereign States. There is a process for amending the Constitution, and if you war-mongering bastards wanted then or want to now eliminate the 9th & 10th Amendments, you should honor the Constitution you signed and follow it's dictates.

Two-faced, back-stabbing mother fuckers!

First and last = ONLY. You said 'They', meaning MORE than one.

You're a liar, Fakey.

And the Southern States weren't looking to change the Constitution, they were looking for you Northern bastards to ABIDE by it.
Monument to Nathan Bedford Forrest stirs dispute - News Weather and Sports for Montgomery, AL.

Someone needs to tell that carpetbagging son of a bitch to go back up north. Oh and they should also give him a few sources showing what Sherman did on his march to the sea in my beloved there ain't nothing worse than a southerner who hates the south and her heritage.

Agree 100%. Some seem to have forgotten that this thread is about lowlifes vandalising a monument. Those who excuse this crime put themselves on the same moral level as someone who would excuse defacing the Lincoln memorial or a monument for MLK.

Allow me to shed a tear.............shedding.....shedding.....shedding.....nope, no joy. Sorry.

I know, still too busy crying about poor mistreated slaves who have been dead 100 years and may not have been all that unhappy with their lives in first place. Poor folks were deprived of their natural right to sit around necked in the jungle! Usually by other dark complected folks.
There is probably nobody in the world who didn't have some of their ancesters enslaved at one time or another. It happened. Get over it.
I know, still too busy crying about poor mistreated slaves who have been dead 100 years and may not have been all that unhappy with their lives in first place. Poor folks were deprived of their natural right to sit around necked in the jungle! Usually by other dark complected folks.

Well, there you go. You can't unpost that offensive shit and you can't complain or deny when it is pointed out what a fucking stupid, racist son of a bitch you are. Fuck off, asshole.
JimBowieFascist can't stand that he and those who think like him get exposed for the crap they are on the board.

Got a link that the NE slavers were doing it legally after 1807. It's your affirmation, son, so go for it. Nah, I will help you.

The end of this illegal trade by Americans came more swiftly than any imagined. In August 1860, the Erie Capt. Nathaniel Gordon was caught off the Congo River with 897 African captives crammed into her hold. Convicted under the 1820 law, Gordon was sentenced to die for his crime on Feb. 7, 1862. President Abraham Lincoln, noted for his leniency, refused to commute the sentence, granting only a two-week stay of execution for the prisoner to make his peace with God. On Feb. 21, 1862, Gordon, from Portland, Maine, became the first — and last — American executed for the crime of slave trading under the Piracy Act. ///
Under Lincoln, the U.S. signed a pact with Britain allowing their warships to seize and detain American ships suspected of engaging in the slave trade. Cuban slave trade with Africa was virtually eliminated by 1870.
Dale Plummer: American ships clung to slave trade despite ban - Norwich, CT - The Bulletin

I corrected you, tough.

You didnt correct jack shit you lying fucktard. No one is claiming that Lincoln did not enforce any anti-slavery laws, lol.

The southern states should have followed the amendment process, but elected to go to war instead. The warmongering bastards got what they deserved.

And you got what you deserved by being born a flying jack ass of the worst sort.
I gave Guy Pinestra proof that anti-slavery laws had been passed and that they wee actually executed.

The only complaint one can have is that the laws should have been enforced more harshly.

And certainly no excuse for the South to go to war.

You guys so have had your ass handed to you in this thread.

Got a link that the NE slavers were doing it legally after 1807. It's your affirmation, son, so go for it. Nah, I will help you.

The end of this illegal trade by Americans came more swiftly than any imagined. In August 1860, the Erie Capt. Nathaniel Gordon was caught off the Congo River with 897 African captives crammed into her hold. Convicted under the 1820 law, Gordon was sentenced to die for his crime on Feb. 7, 1862. President Abraham Lincoln, noted for his leniency, refused to commute the sentence, granting only a two-week stay of execution for the prisoner to make his peace with God. On Feb. 21, 1862, Gordon, from Portland, Maine, became the first — and last — American executed for the crime of slave trading under the Piracy Act. ///
Under Lincoln, the U.S. signed a pact with Britain allowing their warships to seize and detain American ships suspected of engaging in the slave trade. Cuban slave trade with Africa was virtually eliminated by 1870.
Dale Plummer: American ships clung to slave trade despite ban - Norwich, CT - The Bulletin

I corrected you, tough.

The southern states should have followed the amendment process, but elected to go to war instead. The warmongering bastards got what they deserved.

Got a link for that, Fakey?

As for your previous question, what wasn't being followed was the Constitution as ratified by the sovereign States. There is a process for amending the Constitution, and if you war-mongering bastards wanted then or want to now eliminate the 9th & 10th Amendments, you should honor the Constitution you signed and follow it's dictates.

Two-faced, back-stabbing mother fuckers!

First and last = ONLY. You said 'They', meaning MORE than one.

You're a liar, Fakey.

And the Southern States weren't looking to change the Constitution, they were looking for you Northern bastards to ABIDE by it.
I think that there's a legal process in which I can appeal a contract if it is flawed.

In fact, I had just that thing happen last month, where a vendor I fired tried to claim we owed them $11,000 for lost and damaged equipment. (They were just upset I fired them.)

I eventually knocked them down to nothing, and I wanted to keep going, but our management didn't want to litigate it further.

But here was the thing.

The great constituitonal thing they were fighting for was so a few assholes could own other people. Something EVERYONE knew was wrong, even most of the guys fighting the war.

So you think the government should just ignore whatever parts of the Constitution you don't like?

And for your information, there is no appeal for a "flawed contract." If it's legal, you're bound by the terms, whether you think they are fair or not.

Um, no, actually you're not. And that's the point... legal.

It wasn't legal for the Slave-rapers to secede.

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