Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

And lest we forget, it was New England shipping that ran the slave trade for 150 years...

Yes they did...and it was horrible. But they stopped without starting a war over it.

Bullshit! They were still running slaves to the Caribbean and hiding under other flags so as not to be exposed as the flaming hypocrites they were.

And if Lincoln had honored the Constitution, specifically the 9th & 10th Amendments, there never would have been a war.

and if they were caught by the American or British navies after 1820, they were usually hung.
Yes they did...and it was horrible. But they stopped without starting a war over it.

Bullshit! They were still running slaves to the Caribbean and hiding under other flags so as not to be exposed as the flaming hypocrites they were.

And if Lincoln had honored the Constitution, specifically the 9th & 10th Amendments, there never would have been a war.

and if they were caught by the American or British navies after 1820, they were usually hung.

Do you fucking idiots not read the posts in the thread? Fake Jake just posted an article that showed ONE MAN hung for slaving, he was caught in Africa. In 1862. Not a stellar enforcement record for 42 years. There are LOTS of records showing how prevalent New England slave-trading was, why can't you just admit it?
In before JoeB131's personal anecdote of having once been on a slave ship as proof to support his point.
Bullshit! They were still running slaves to the Caribbean and hiding under other flags so as not to be exposed as the flaming hypocrites they were.

And if Lincoln had honored the Constitution, specifically the 9th & 10th Amendments, there never would have been a war.

and if they were caught by the American or British navies after 1820, they were usually hung.

Do you fucking idiots not read the posts in the thread? Fake Jake just posted an article that showed ONE MAN hung for slaving, he was caught in Africa. In 1862. Not a stellar enforcement record for 42 years. There are LOTS of records showing how prevalent New England slave-trading was, why can't you just admit it?

Actually, the slave trade dropped like a rock after it was outlawed by the European powers in 1814

The Royal Navy, which then controlled the world's seas, established the West Africa Squadron in 1808 to patrol the coast of West Africa, and between 1808 and 1860 they seized approximately 1,600 slave ships and freed 150,000 Africans who were aboard.[5] The Royal Navy declared that ships transporting slaves were the same as pirates. Action was also taken against African leaders who refused to agree to British treaties to outlaw the trade, for example against "the usurping King of Lagos", deposed in 1851. Anti-slavery treaties were signed with over 50 African rulers.[6]

But we got you to admit slavery was wrong, I guess we are making progress here!
I gave Guy Pinestra proof that anti-slavery laws had been passed and that they wee actually executed.

The only complaint one can have is that the laws should have been enforced more harshly.

And certainly no excuse for the South to go to war.

You guys so have had your ass handed to you in this thread.

Got a link that the NE slavers were doing it legally after 1807. It's your affirmation, son, so go for it. Nah, I will help you.

The end of this illegal trade by Americans came more swiftly than any imagined. In August 1860, the Erie Capt. Nathaniel Gordon was caught off the Congo River with 897 African captives crammed into her hold. Convicted under the 1820 law, Gordon was sentenced to die for his crime on Feb. 7, 1862. President Abraham Lincoln, noted for his leniency, refused to commute the sentence, granting only a two-week stay of execution for the prisoner to make his peace with God. On Feb. 21, 1862, Gordon, from Portland, Maine, became the first — and last — American executed for the crime of slave trading under the Piracy Act. ///
Under Lincoln, the U.S. signed a pact with Britain allowing their warships to seize and detain American ships suspected of engaging in the slave trade. Cuban slave trade with Africa was virtually eliminated by 1870.
Dale Plummer: American ships clung to slave trade despite ban - Norwich, CT - The Bulletin

I corrected you, tough.

The southern states should have followed the amendment process, but elected to go to war instead. The warmongering bastards got what they deserved.

First and last = ONLY. You said 'They', meaning MORE than one.

You're a liar, Fakey.

And the Southern States weren't looking to change the Constitution, they were looking for you Northern bastards to ABIDE by it.

You keep claiming shit that isn't true, Fakey. Why is that? Do you not understand that the refusal of the Federal government to honor the 9th and 10th Amendments is what started the WBTS? How can you not get that?
In before JoeB131's personal anecdote of having once been on a slave ship as proof to support his point.

The only "enslavement" I see is your obsession with my private life... which is obviously more interesting than yours...
In before JoeB131's personal anecdote of having once been on a slave ship as proof to support his point.

The only "enslavement" I see is your obsession with my private life... which is obviously more interesting than yours...

Yep. There is no liberal talking point you haven't lived and claim as proof.

You are the man. (Well at least on the internets)
I know, still too busy crying about poor mistreated slaves who have been dead 100 years and may not have been all that unhappy with their lives in first place. Poor folks were deprived of their natural right to sit around necked in the jungle! Usually by other dark complected folks.

Well, there you go. You can't unpost that offensive shit and you can't complain or deny when it is pointed out what a fucking stupid, racist son of a bitch you are. Fuck off, asshole.

AAwwww...Did Mr. Mental Midget brush up against some truth and get he'ums panties all in a wad? So sad!
Just how pathetic is it to try to claim virtue an ancester may have earned for themselves? Maybe-just maybe-there was someone silly enough to think that the purpose of the war was to end slavery and was willing to put his life on the line to that end. I could respect that man's courage. But he is not you. You were not born and what you might have believed and/or done had you lived in those times is a matter of idle speculation and conjecture. Too many here are trying to brag about deeds done by someone else.
In before JoeB131's personal anecdote of having once been on a slave ship as proof to support his point.

The only "enslavement" I see is your obsession with my private life... which is obviously more interesting than yours...

Yep. There is no liberal talking point you haven't lived and claim as proof.

You are the man. (Well at least on the internets)

I'm the man everywhere, dude.

But we got you to admit slavery was wrong, I guess we are making progress here!

Show me where in this 50 page thread I ever said slavery was right!

Fucking idiot, arguing shit that isn't even there...

It isn't what you said, it's what you defend.

You try to make excuses for what the South did, even knowing they were doing it over an unexcusable point.

Sometimes you have to go to a war you are going to lose on principle. But going to a war you are destined to lose over an evil institution is just foolish.
But we got you to admit slavery was wrong, I guess we are making progress here!

Show me where in this 50 page thread I ever said slavery was right!

Fucking idiot, arguing shit that isn't even there...

It isn't what you said, it's what you defend.

You try to make excuses for what the South did, even knowing they were doing it over an unexcusable point.

Sometimes you have to go to a war you are going to lose on principle. But going to a war you are destined to lose over an evil institution is just foolish.

How dense are you, JoeB? It's not my fault if you can't understand the concept of 'State's rights', as written into the Constitution through the 9th & 10th Amendments. It's not my fault if you are so brainwashed as to not realize that the usurpation of those amendments is what caused the WBTS.

Slavery would have ended anyway.
How dense are you, JoeB? It's not my fault if you can't understand the concept of 'State's rights', as written into the Constitution through the 9th & 10th Amendments. It's not my fault if you are so brainwashed as to not realize that the usurpation of those amendments is what caused the WBTS.

Slavery would have ended anyway.

The very fact you use terms like "State's Rights" and "War Between the States" is kind of telling.

You know what they did was wrong, you just bring yourself to admit it.

What should have happened. Lee, Davis and every last one of these assholes should have been put in front of a Nuremburg-styel tribunal, and promptly hanged afterwards.
How dense are you, JoeB? It's not my fault if you can't understand the concept of 'State's rights', as written into the Constitution through the 9th & 10th Amendments. It's not my fault if you are so brainwashed as to not realize that the usurpation of those amendments is what caused the WBTS.

Slavery would have ended anyway.

The very fact you use terms like "State's Rights" and "War Between the States" is kind of telling.

You know what they did was wrong, you just bring yourself to admit it.

What should have happened. Lee, Davis and every last one of these assholes should have been put in front of a Nuremburg-styel tribunal, and promptly hanged afterwards.

I use those terms in an endeavor to be ACCURATE, something you have no kinship with. The only 'war criminals' were Lincoln and Sherman, which is the reason NONE of this got into a courtroom at the time.

Is it hard maintaining your delusion in the face of all these facts?
How dense are you, JoeB? It's not my fault if you can't understand the concept of 'State's rights', as written into the Constitution through the 9th & 10th Amendments. It's not my fault if you are so brainwashed as to not realize that the usurpation of those amendments is what caused the WBTS.

Slavery would have ended anyway.

The very fact you use terms like "State's Rights" and "War Between the States" is kind of telling.

You know what they did was wrong, you just bring yourself to admit it.

What should have happened. Lee, Davis and every last one of these assholes should have been put in front of a Nuremburg-styel tribunal, and promptly hanged afterwards.

I use those terms in an endeavor to be ACCURATE, something you have no kinship with. The only 'war criminals' were Lincoln and Sherman, which is the reason NONE of this got into a courtroom at the time.

Is it hard maintaining your delusion in the face of all these facts?

I'm not saying that they should have been tried as "war criminals".

You think that was the purpose of the Nuremburg and Tokyo trials? Seriously? Boy, are you naive!

The purpose of those trials was to let them know in no uncertain terms THEY LOST! and they were wrong. And then they burned the bodies and scattered the ashes.

These assholes started a war so a few assholes could own slaves. they should have been hung just for that.

And we need to stop glorifying them, excusing them or apologizing for them.

The Confederate Flag should be as disdained as the other symbol of white supremacy, the Swastika.
The very fact you use terms like "State's Rights" and "War Between the States" is kind of telling.

You know what they did was wrong, you just bring yourself to admit it.

What should have happened. Lee, Davis and every last one of these assholes should have been put in front of a Nuremburg-styel tribunal, and promptly hanged afterwards.

I use those terms in an endeavor to be ACCURATE, something you have no kinship with. The only 'war criminals' were Lincoln and Sherman, which is the reason NONE of this got into a courtroom at the time.

Is it hard maintaining your delusion in the face of all these facts?

I'm not saying that they should have been tried as "war criminals".

You think that was the purpose of the Nuremburg and Tokyo trials? Seriously? Boy, are you naive!

The purpose of those trials was to let them know in no uncertain terms THEY LOST! and they were wrong. And then they burned the bodies and scattered the ashes.

These assholes started a war so a few assholes could own slaves. they should have been hung just for that.

And we need to stop glorifying them, excusing them or apologizing for them.

The Confederate Flag should be as disdained as the other symbol of white supremacy, the Swastika.

Again Joe, the WBTS was fought over the Federal government's usurpation of the rights enumerated in the 9th & 10th Amendments.

Here we are 150 years later and you slugs STILL don't get it.
Again Joe, the WBTS was fought over the Federal government's usurpation of the rights enumerated in the 9th & 10th Amendments.

Here we are 150 years later and you slugs STILL don't get it.

Oh, I get it perfectly well.

Can you pleae point out to me where in the 9th or 10th amendment there is a right to secede.

And since most of the Confederate state seceded before Lincoln was even sworn in, exactly what rights were being "usurped".

They seceded because Lincoln was an abolitionist. Not because he actually did anything to further abolition at that point.
Again Joe, the WBTS was fought over the Federal government's usurpation of the rights enumerated in the 9th & 10th Amendments.

Here we are 150 years later and you slugs STILL don't get it.

Oh, I get it perfectly well.

Can you pleae point out to me where in the 9th or 10th amendment there is a right to secede.

And since most of the Confederate state seceded before Lincoln was even sworn in, exactly what rights were being "usurped".

They seceded because Lincoln was an abolitionist. Not because he actually did anything to further abolition at that point.

No, you point out where it says the States didn't have the right to secede, considering that that right was written into many of the original 13 state constitutions. The right of secession was accepted and understood at that time.

You should dig a little deeper into your 'history degree', the efforts to undermine the 9th & 10th had been ongoing for a DECADE before Lincoln's inauguration.
Again Joe, the WBTS was fought over the Federal government's usurpation of the rights enumerated in the 9th & 10th Amendments.

Here we are 150 years later and you slugs STILL don't get it.

Oh, I get it perfectly well.

Can you pleae point out to me where in the 9th or 10th amendment there is a right to secede.

And since most of the Confederate state seceded before Lincoln was even sworn in, exactly what rights were being "usurped".

They seceded because Lincoln was an abolitionist. Not because he actually did anything to further abolition at that point.

No, you point out where it says the States didn't have the right to secede, considering that that right was written into many of the original 13 state constitutions. The right of secession was accepted and understood at that time.

You should dig a little deeper into your 'history degree', the efforts to undermine the 9th & 10th had been ongoing for a DECADE before Lincoln's inauguration.

So you admit that secession was illegal, and the Federal Government had every right to tramp down on it, then?

That something is "understood" doesn't make it legal. There are a lot of things that are "understood" that are actually against the law.

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