Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

Lincoln started the war, you stupid mother fucker.

The south seceded before Lincoln was sworn in. Because Buchanan was too chickenshit to do anything about it, LIncoln was the guy who had to mobilize the army.

Buchanan knew that war against the South was unConstitutional, Lincoln didn't give a fuck.

This would be James Buchanan, our only gay president and the guy who is always on teh bottom of EVERY presidential list. Even guys who died after a few weeks rate higher.

Buchanan was a weak leader. When the Mormons (my favorite people) tried to carve out their own country, he had to be dragged kicking and screaming to do something about it.

Had he hung Brigham Young in 1857, Jefferson Davis would have never pulled any shit in 1861.
]Yup, 9ID, your right, as always. :lol:

Of course.

The victory of the Union meant, in part, you get to write silly things here today.

Can't think of anything sillier than your idea that Dishonest Abe and his Union didn't start an illegal and immoral war.
You are are in the vastly small insignificant minority on these points, 9ID, but it is your right to be silly.
Lincoln believed the Union perpetual, indivisible, and he put paid to those who did not and could not follow constitutional, electoral process. The losers got what the deserved, and their defenders on this thread get what they deserve, disdain.

In other words, you don't give a flying fuck what the facts are.

None of you carpetbagger whores have produced an iota of proof that secession is unconstitutional. Until you do, all posts like the one above are just so much verbal masterbation.
The war criminals for starting war were indeed the southerners, no one else.

They should have been summarily executed when caught.

No matter how many times you repeat your idiocies, they remain idiotic.
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Lincoln started the war, you stupid mother fucker.

The south seceded before Lincoln was sworn in. Because Buchanan was too chickenshit to do anything about it, LIncoln was the guy who had to mobilize the army.

The South had a perfect right to secede, so your argument is a non sequitur.

Buchanon is the kind of President we need, not some blood thirsty dictator like Lincoln. If Lincoln would have followed Buchanon's example, 850,000 people would have kept on living until 1865.
The south committed acts of war against the Union.

The south had no legal right to secede.

The old south was executed for its perfidy.

Nothing you write changes any of that.

Lincoln believed the Union perpetual, indivisible, and he put paid to those who did not and could not follow constitutional, electoral process. The losers got what the deserved, and their defenders on this thread get what they deserve, disdain.

In other words, you don't give a flying fuck what the facts are.

None of you carpetbagger whores have produced an iota of proof that secession is unconstitutional. Until you do, all posts like the one above are just so much verbal masterbation.
No one has ever provided a halfway decent case for southern secession.

To suggest differently indicates a person has very little intelligence.

Lincoln started the war, you stupid mother fucker.

The south seceded before Lincoln was sworn in. Because Buchanan was too chickenshit to do anything about it, LIncoln was the guy who had to mobilize the army.

The South had a perfect right to secede, so your argument is a non sequitur.

Buchanon is the kind of President we need, not some blood thirsty dictator like Lincoln. If Lincoln would have followed Buchanon's example, 850,000 people would have kept on living until 1865.
No one has ever provided a halfway decent case for southern secession.

To suggest differently indicates a person has very little intelligence.

The south seceded before Lincoln was sworn in. Because Buchanan was too chickenshit to do anything about it, LIncoln was the guy who had to mobilize the army.

The South had a perfect right to secede, so your argument is a non sequitur.

Buchanon is the kind of President we need, not some blood thirsty dictator like Lincoln. If Lincoln would have followed Buchanon's example, 850,000 people would have kept on living until 1865.

The Federal governments refusal to obey the Constitution, specifically the 9th & 10th Amendments, which were part of the ORIGINAL ratification, is a more than decent case for secession.

It's called 'Breach of Contract'.
Guy Pinestra continues to demonstrate a quantifiable lack of intelligence with every quote.
Cottontop Mounts of the Hatfield and McCoy feud, hung for the murder of a girl, was retarded, yet he had more brains than bripat and Guy Pinestra together. They both sound as silly in what they write as Cottontop did with his last words before being dropped through the gallows traps, "I have been hornswoggled by love." Pinestra and bripat have been hornswoggled by a lack of brains.
Cottontop Mounts of the Hatfield and McCoy feud, hung for the murder of a girl, was retarded, yet he had more brains than bripat and Guy Pinestra together. They both sound as silly in what they write as Cottontop did with his last words before being dropped through the gallows traps, "I have been hornswoggled by love." Pinestra and bripat have been hornswoggled by a lack of brains.

While you exhibit a modicum of talent in the insult department, you've yet to post ANYTHING in the last 55 pages that even comes close to representing a reasoned argument for the things you so mistakenly believe.

Childish insults are for children, Jake. Grow up for aminute and tell us why you think secession was unconstitutional, and why you think those pesky Amendments should be ignored.
Only liberals would think the south had the right to go to war against the Union.

Only liberals would try to defend such unconstitutional behavior.

That was all decided by war.

The conclusion was that south had no legitimate grievance to settle by war.

In other words "might makes right." Thanks for that insight into liberal "ethics."

All the carpetbaggers participating in this thread are liberals, so you obviously don't know shit about what liberals would defend.
Lincoln believed the Union perpetual, indivisible, and he put paid to those who did not and could not follow constitutional, electoral process. The losers got what the deserved, and their defenders on this thread get what they deserve, disdain.

Lincoln was wrong. End of story, dumbshit.

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