Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

Amazing there are fools who think that assholes who started a hopeless war so a few rich douchebags could continue to own slaves is worth defending.

Mr. History Degree has had the same 56 pages to provide some kind of evidence also, and has chosen instead to spend it calling people names.

Way to keep it classy, JoeB.

When you have no facts or logic to support your case, then double down on the name calling.

All Joe is doing is proving that he knows his view of the issue is dead wrong.
Guy, you can't competently defend the south's collective treason.

You simply suck at this.

Once again, no facts or logic. Just personal attacks.

Who do you think you're fooling?

it must suck to know that everything you once believed is wrong.
The strange wacks defending the south have no evidence, no rhyme, no reason, so they simply name call and ad hom. That is all they have or ever will have. They show the very speciousness of libertarian philosophy. All blow, no show.
Amazing there are fools who think that assholes who started a hopeless war so a few rich douchebags could continue to own slaves is worth defending.

Lincoln started the war, jackass.

Lincoln? I could have sworn it was PGT Beuregard in charge of the artillery who fired on Ft. Sumter?

And for the historically challeneged, Beauregard fought against the United States in the War of Southern Aggression.
Lincoln believed the Union perpetual, indivisible, and he put paid to those who did not and could not follow constitutional, electoral process. The losers got what the deserved, and their defenders on this thread get what they deserve, disdain.

Lincoln was wrong. End of story, dumbshit.

No, Lincoln was right. That was settled at Appamotox. The Confedaracy was a throwback to feudalism, and died a deserved death. The issue of slavery was settled, and the United States bacame just that. No matter how many people like you hate this nation, it is the United States, and will remain so.

Lincoln settled the issue of slavery by trying to become everyone's master. If we were truly "united" why would some use a thread like this only as an opportunity for taunts and insults?

So your wife leaves and you chase her down, beat the crap outta her, and drag her "home". Now you are truly united! Just don't forget-you gotta sleep sometime.
Lincoln was wrong. End of story, dumbshit.

No, Lincoln was right. That was settled at Appamotox. The Confedaracy was a throwback to feudalism, and died a deserved death. The issue of slavery was settled, and the United States bacame just that. No matter how many people like you hate this nation, it is the United States, and will remain so.

Lincoln settled the issue of slavery by trying to become everyone's master. If we were truly "united" why would some use a thread like this only as an opportunity for taunts and insults?

So your wife leaves and you chase her down, beat the crap outta her, and drag her "home". Now you are truly united! Just don't forget-you gotta sleep sometime.

When was the last time you saw a statue erected to a wife beater? Now, tell me again why they want a statute erected to honor NBF?
Only those confused by the American narrative and history are confused by why the southerners were wicked individuals and paid a collective price for that wickedness.

Lincoln was wrong. End of story, dumbshit.

No, Lincoln was right. That was settled at Appamotox. The Confedaracy was a throwback to feudalism, and died a deserved death. The issue of slavery was settled, and the United States bacame just that. No matter how many people like you hate this nation, it is the United States, and will remain so.

Lincoln settled the issue of slavery by trying to become everyone's master. If we were truly "united" why would some use a thread like this only as an opportunity for taunts and insults?

So your wife leaves and you chase her down, beat the crap outta her, and drag her "home". Now you are truly united! Just don't forget-you gotta sleep sometime.
"When was the last time you saw a statue erected to a wife beater? Now, tell me again why they want a statute erected to honor NBF?"

I once saw a really Huge statue of Lincoln in DC and he was much more evil than a mere wife beater.

If you had been interested enough to follow the link you might have read:

But Kiscaden says Forrest was a Confederate hero who led the efforts to defend Selma against Union troops during the Civil War and should be honored.

You might also note that the monument was already in place but has been vandalized twice.
"Only those confused by the American narrative and history are confused by why the southerners were wicked individuals and paid a collective price for that wickedness."

That's the same shit the Islamic extemists peddle. Shouldn't you have added somthing about Allah being super-cool or some such?
I once saw a really Huge statue of Lincoln in DC

So, you've visited the capital of my ONE country. You must have felt grateful to be allowed the privilege of citizenship in a great nation of which you are not worthy.
Lincoln was wrong. End of story, dumbshit.

No, Lincoln was right. That was settled at Appamotox. The Confedaracy was a throwback to feudalism, and died a deserved death. The issue of slavery was settled, and the United States bacame just that. No matter how many people like you hate this nation, it is the United States, and will remain so.

Lincoln was wrong. No matter what you may think of the Southern states, the Constitution gave Lincoln no authority to invade them.

War doesn't settle matters of truth. It only determines whose version of reality will be rammed down your throat.

Where do you this revisionist crap? Lincoln didn't stop secession. He responded when the Confederacy attacked US troops on what was still federal property. The South didn't negotiate any settlement for that property when Davis gave the order to attack it. To the contrary, Davis was warned that the secession would fail if he didn't start a war.

After the South started an undeclared war, all bets were off.
I once saw a really Huge statue of Lincoln in DC

So, you've visited the capital of my ONE country. You must have felt grateful to be allowed the privilege of citizenship in a great nation of which you are not worthy.

Who the fuck are you to determine who is 'worthy'?

I'm a loyal citizen of my ONE nation, that's who. A few of you dogs have proven by your words here that you are anything but loyal, and are undeserving of the honor and privilege you take for granted or even denounce. Of course you big mouths don't have the courage of your convictions and so will never do anything but come here to bitch like old ladies, knowing your words are as meaningless as your futile little, unamerican lives.
"Any people, anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable and most sacred right - a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world. Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people that can, may revolutionize, and make their own, of so many of the territory as they inhabit."

Abraham Lincoln
January 12, 1848.
No, Lincoln was right. That was settled at Appamotox. The Confedaracy was a throwback to feudalism, and died a deserved death. The issue of slavery was settled, and the United States bacame just that. No matter how many people like you hate this nation, it is the United States, and will remain so.

Lincoln was wrong. No matter what you may think of the Southern states, the Constitution gave Lincoln no authority to invade them.

War doesn't settle matters of truth. It only determines whose version of reality will be rammed down your throat.

Where do you this revisionist crap? Lincoln didn't stop secession. He responded when the Confederacy attacked US troops on what was still federal property. The South didn't negotiate any settlement for that property when Davis gave the order to attack it. To the contrary, Davis was warned that the secession would fail if he didn't start a war.

After the South started an undeclared war, all bets were off.

"Any people, anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable and most sacred right - a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world. Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people that can, may revolutionize, and make their own, of so many of the territory as they inhabit."

Abraham Lincoln
January 12, 1848.

And since those who seceded chose to wage war against the United States, all bets were off.

Mr. Gilchrist, a member of the Alabama legislature, said to Davis and his compeers, " Gentlemen, unless you sprinkle blood in the faces of the people of Alabama, they will be back in the old Union in less than ten days."

Davis immediately gave the order to start the war.

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