Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

Lincoln settled the issue of slavery by trying to become everyone's master. If we were truly "united" why would some use a thread like this only as an opportunity for taunts and insults?

So your wife leaves and you chase her down, beat the crap outta her, and drag her "home". Now you are truly united! Just don't forget-you gotta sleep sometime.

Yep, that's the kind of "union" Lincoln forged. It was a lesson that Stalin learned well.

Are you still here, big-mouth? Can't find a country that will take you, huh?
Where do you this revisionist crap? Lincoln didn't stop secession. He responded when the Confederacy attacked US troops on what was still federal property. The South didn't negotiate any settlement for that property when Davis gave the order to attack it. To the contrary, Davis was warned that the secession would fail if he didn't start a war.

After the South started an undeclared war, all bets were off.

One more thing: actually the Confederate states did offer to pay the federal government for its property in the Southern states. Lincoln refused because he didn't want peace. He wanted war.

Almost everything you believe about the Civil War is wrong.
The southern appeasers and supporters of domestic terrorism could to rant about Lincoln and the war to crush the Southern Aggression and Treason.

Lincoln was for reconciliation if the South (1) accepted constitutional, electoral process and recognized they lost the election fairly and squarely; (2) respected federal property in southern states; and (3) did not export slavery into the territories and states outside of the old South.

Instead, the terrorists waged war against the Union and died for it.
[ Lincoln refused because he didn't want peace. He wanted war.

No, he wanted to preserve the Union, and he did. The confederacy lost, and all your whining and crying won't change that, loser. Now, be an AMERICAN, or be gone with you.
Lincoln? I could have sworn it was PGT Beuregard in charge of the artillery who fired on Ft. Sumter?

That's because you're a carpetbagger moron who believes the propaganda spoon fed to you in the Lincoln worshiping government schools.

Can you name a single article of secession that didn't use the justification of maintaining slavery as a cause?

How would that prove that the South started the war?

And no, it was Beuragard, under orders from Davis, who even allowed Edmund Ruffin, a Virginian to fire the first ceremonial shot. Ruffin correctly claimed that if the South started a war, Virginia would then also secede.

Ft Sumter was SC territory. As such, Union troops wee trespassing when they refused to leave. Lincoln committed further acts of war when he sent Union ships into SC waters to resupply the fort.

Firing the first shot is not the sin qua non of who committed the first act of war. If German tanks are coming over your borders, are you the aggressor if you shoot at them?

It takes a special kind of stupid to believe that SC started the war.
I'd suggest that it was escaped or freed slaves that settled the slavery issue. Over 180,000 of them decided to fight for the freedom of all slaves. I guess their ol' massas weren't as kindly as the revisionists would have us believe.

Plenty of slaves fought for the Confederate Army as well.
He's certainly a documented war criminal, a racist, and a traitor.

Nathan B. Forrest is none of those, but Lincoln is everyone of those things.

I suggest you study up on the Fort Pillow massacre, where your idol executed captured black soldiers, and sent the white prisoners to Andersonville.

I have read up on it. There's no evidence to indicate that Forrest ordered anyone to be executed. Where would you suggest he send the prisoners, Boston?
Where do you this revisionist crap? Lincoln didn't stop secession. He responded when the Confederacy attacked US troops on what was still federal property. The South didn't negotiate any settlement for that property when Davis gave the order to attack it. To the contrary, Davis was warned that the secession would fail if he didn't start a war.

After the South started an undeclared war, all bets were off.

One more thing: actually the Confederate states did offer to pay the federal government for its property in the Southern states. Lincoln refused because he didn't want peace. He wanted war.

Almost everything you believe about the Civil War is wrong.

And terms were being discussed. Those terms weren't yet agreed to when Davis ordered the attack on Federal property and US troops. Nope, Davis started the war because he knew that Secession would fail without bloodshed. He got a little more than he bargained for.

Davis knew that Sumter was low on supplies, and it was only a matter of time before those troops retreated. He wanted a fucking war, and started one.

Everything you claim to know about the Civil War is revisionist bullshit, spoon fed to you by neosecessionist racist trash.

Once again, name me a single article of secession that didn't list preservation of slavery as a root cause? Do you deny that Davis gave the order immediately after Gilchrist warned him that secession would fail if he didn't start a war?
bripat just shouts, cries until his eyes are red rimmed, then shits on the floor in frustration as those who know American history simply laugh at his imbecility.
Nathan B. Forrest is none of those, but Lincoln is everyone of those things.

I suggest you study up on the Fort Pillow massacre, where your idol executed captured black soldiers, and sent the white prisoners to Andersonville.

I have read up on it. There's no evidence to indicate that Forrest ordered anyone to be executed. Where would you suggest he send the prisoners, Boston?

You're a fucking liar. General Chalmers himself admitted to the massacre of black troops and civilians. Forrest is a fucking war criminal pig. He should be an object of your shame, not idolatry.
No, Lincoln was right. That was settled at Appamotox. The Confedaracy was a throwback to feudalism, and died a deserved death. The issue of slavery was settled, and the United States bacame just that. No matter how many people like you hate this nation, it is the United States, and will remain so.

Lincoln settled the issue of slavery by trying to become everyone's master. If we were truly "united" why would some use a thread like this only as an opportunity for taunts and insults?

So your wife leaves and you chase her down, beat the crap outta her, and drag her "home". Now you are truly united! Just don't forget-you gotta sleep sometime.

I'd suggest that it was escaped or freed slaves that settled the slavery issue. Over 180,000 of them decided to fight for the freedom of all slaves. I guess their ol' massas weren't as kindly as the revisionists would have us believe.

yep, black people can stop a minie bullet too
Where do you this revisionist crap? Lincoln didn't stop secession. He responded when the Confederacy attacked US troops on what was still federal property. The South didn't negotiate any settlement for that property when Davis gave the order to attack it. To the contrary, Davis was warned that the secession would fail if he didn't start a war.

After the South started an undeclared war, all bets were off.

One more thing: actually the Confederate states did offer to pay the federal government for its property in the Southern states. Lincoln refused because he didn't want peace. He wanted war.

Almost everything you believe about the Civil War is wrong.

And terms were being discussed. Those terms weren't yet agreed to when Davis ordered the attack on Federal property and US troops. Nope, Davis started the war because he knew that Secession would fail without bloodshed. He got a little more than he bargained for.

Davis knew that Sumter was low on supplies, and it was only a matter of time before those troops retreated. He wanted a fucking war, and started one.

Everything you claim to know about the Civil War is revisionist bullshit, spoon fed to you by neosecessionist racist trash.

Once again, name me a single article of secession that didn't list preservation of slavery as a root cause? Do you deny that Davis gave the order immediately after Gilchrist warned him that secession would fail if he didn't start a war?

the CSA formed a govt. prior to the secessin of VA,AR, NC and TN.
Lincoln settled the issue of slavery by trying to become everyone's master. If we were truly "united" why would some use a thread like this only as an opportunity for taunts and insults?

So your wife leaves and you chase her down, beat the crap outta her, and drag her "home". Now you are truly united! Just don't forget-you gotta sleep sometime.

I'd suggest that it was escaped or freed slaves that settled the slavery issue. Over 180,000 of them decided to fight for the freedom of all slaves. I guess their ol' massas weren't as kindly as the revisionists would have us believe.

yep, black people can stop a minie bullet too

Even after they surrendered.
One more thing: actually the Confederate states did offer to pay the federal government for its property in the Southern states. Lincoln refused because he didn't want peace. He wanted war.

Almost everything you believe about the Civil War is wrong.

And terms were being discussed. Those terms weren't yet agreed to when Davis ordered the attack on Federal property and US troops. Nope, Davis started the war because he knew that Secession would fail without bloodshed. He got a little more than he bargained for.

Davis knew that Sumter was low on supplies, and it was only a matter of time before those troops retreated. He wanted a fucking war, and started one.

Everything you claim to know about the Civil War is revisionist bullshit, spoon fed to you by neosecessionist racist trash.

Once again, name me a single article of secession that didn't list preservation of slavery as a root cause? Do you deny that Davis gave the order immediately after Gilchrist warned him that secession would fail if he didn't start a war?

the CSA formed a govt. prior to the secessin of VA,AR, NC and TN.

Correct, and they seceded after Davis started the war. Hence, Beauregard allowing Edmund Ruffin fire the first ceremonial shot that began the war. It was a symbolic gesture to get Virginia to secede.
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