Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

I once saw a really Huge statue of Lincoln in DC

So, you've visited the capital of my ONE country. You must have felt grateful to be allowed the privilege of citizenship in a great nation of which you are not worthy.

"So, you've visited the capital of my ONE country."

No, I visited the capital of MY one country. I was there to visit a wall that lists the names of Brothers I fought and bled with under the flag of OUR one Country as part of a 6 wk VA in-pt. treatment program. The trip was required to "graduate" the program.

Now I don't know what particular fantasy world you live in and can't say I really care but my country evolved from the one that formed after my State was forced back into the union. Folks that understand that Country understand it was formed of Unionists, Confederates, ex-slaves, Native Americans, and folks whose ancestors had not arrived yet.
In my country we are equals and have an equal right to form and voice opinions even if they are not PC or especially agreeable.

"You must have felt grateful to be allowed the privilege of citizenship in a great nation of which you are not worthy."

I have proven my worth. How 'bout you.
"No, he wanted to preserve the Union, and he did."

No, he reformed it. It was very diferent from the union as it was originally formed or the one that had evolved prior to the war or the one we have now for that matter. The one we have now contains people whose ancestors were killed or otherwise abused by the ancestors of other citizens and who have a right to honor their ancestors. And they come in all colors.
I once saw a really Huge statue of Lincoln in DC

So, you've visited the capital of my ONE country. You must have felt grateful to be allowed the privilege of citizenship in a great nation of which you are not worthy.

"So, you've visited the capital of my ONE country."

No, I visited the capital of MY one country..

So you admit that we are ONE country, good. That sets you apart from 2-3 of the numbskulls ranting and raving on this thread. Good for you, and thank you for your service.
"No, he wanted to preserve the Union, and he did."

No, he reformed it.

The Union would always change over time, but the essential truth that we ARE a Union was preserved by President Lincoln - the greatest of all our Presidents.
"The Union would always change over time, but the essential truth that we ARE a Union was preserved by President Lincoln - the greatest of all our Presidents."

Of course that ignores the fact that it was his election that triggered the split to begin with.
And he was a very serious asshole and a war criminal by today's standards

And if you really believed in that union you wouldn't be so quick to keep the hate that war generated stirred up.
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The underlying causes of the conflict were set in motion long before he was ever born. Try to see history in its full scope if you want to understand it better.
"No, he wanted to preserve the Union, and he did."

No, he reformed it. It was very diferent from the union as it was originally formed or the one that had evolved prior to the war or the one we have now for that matter. The one we have now contains people whose ancestors were killed or otherwise abused by the ancestors of other citizens and who have a right to honor their ancestors. And they come in all colors.

Lincoln "reformed" the union in the same sense the Hitler "reformed" Poland.
"No, he wanted to preserve the Union, and he did."

No, he reformed it. It was very diferent from the union as it was originally formed or the one that had evolved prior to the war or the one we have now for that matter. The one we have now contains people whose ancestors were killed or otherwise abused by the ancestors of other citizens and who have a right to honor their ancestors. And they come in all colors.

Lincoln "reformed" the union in the same sense the Hitler "reformed" Poland.

So you believe you live in occupied Poland now? I thought you liked Republicans. Oh, and Poland didn't attack Germany. The CSA did attack the USA.
"No, he wanted to preserve the Union, and he did."

No, he reformed it.

The Union would always change over time, but the essential truth that we ARE a Union was preserved by President Lincoln - the greatest of all our Presidents.

Lincoln destroyed the union as it existed prior to the Civil War. Before Lincoln, the United States was a voluntary union of states. Afterwards, it was the same kind of Union as the Soviet Union, a collection of captive states.
The underlying causes of the conflict were set in motion long before he was ever born. Try to see history in its full scope if you want to understand it better.

He's the one who triggered the spit. You can blather all you want about "underlying causes."
"No, he wanted to preserve the Union, and he did."

No, he reformed it. It was very diferent from the union as it was originally formed or the one that had evolved prior to the war or the one we have now for that matter. The one we have now contains people whose ancestors were killed or otherwise abused by the ancestors of other citizens and who have a right to honor their ancestors. And they come in all colors.

Lincoln "reformed" the union in the same sense the Hitler "reformed" Poland.

So you believe you live in occupied Poland now? I thought you liked Republicans. Oh, and Poland didn't attack Germany. The CSA did attack the USA.

The Confederate states were clearly occupied territory after the war. They were treated like vassal states. They had no representation in Congress and couldn't vote on the President.

The CSA didn't attack the United States. It kicked out a gang of trespassers. Hitler claimed Poland attacked the United States just as Hitler claimed Poland occupied the Danzig corridor. Both claims are equally credibly and similarly motivated.
"No, he wanted to preserve the Union, and he did."

No, he reformed it. It was very diferent from the union as it was originally formed or the one that had evolved prior to the war or the one we have now for that matter. The one we have now contains people whose ancestors were killed or otherwise abused by the ancestors of other citizens and who have a right to honor their ancestors. And they come in all colors.

Lincoln "reformed" the union in the same sense the Hitler "reformed" Poland.

Give it up, you loon.
"No, he wanted to preserve the Union, and he did."

No, he reformed it. It was very diferent from the union as it was originally formed or the one that had evolved prior to the war or the one we have now for that matter. The one we have now contains people whose ancestors were killed or otherwise abused by the ancestors of other citizens and who have a right to honor their ancestors. And they come in all colors.

Lincoln "reformed" the union in the same sense the Hitler "reformed" Poland.

So you believe you live in occupied Poland now? I thought you liked Republicans. Oh, and Poland didn't attack Germany. The CSA did attack the USA.

Nothing of that comparison makes the least bit of sense, but neither does bripunk.
"No, he wanted to preserve the Union, and he did."

No, he reformed it. It was very diferent from the union as it was originally formed or the one that had evolved prior to the war or the one we have now for that matter. The one we have now contains people whose ancestors were killed or otherwise abused by the ancestors of other citizens and who have a right to honor their ancestors. And they come in all colors.

Lincoln "reformed" the union in the same sense the Hitler "reformed" Poland.

"No, he wanted to preserve the Union, and he did."

No, he reformed it.

The Union would always change over time, but the essential truth that we ARE a Union was preserved by President Lincoln - the greatest of all our Presidents.

Lincoln destroyed the union as it existed prior to the Civil War. Before Lincoln, the United States was a voluntary union of states. Afterwards, it was the same kind of Union as the Soviet Union, a collection of captive states.

If you were suffering in a Soviet State, would you stay or would you try to leave if you could?
The underlying causes of the conflict were set in motion long before he was ever born. Try to see history in its full scope if you want to understand it better.

He's the one who triggered the spit. You can blather all you want about "underlying causes."

No. You can regurgitate your impotent frustrations all you want, but it won't change a thing.
Lincoln "reformed" the union in the same sense the Hitler "reformed" Poland.

So you believe you live in occupied Poland now? I thought you liked Republicans. Oh, and Poland didn't attack Germany. The CSA did attack the USA.

The Confederate states were clearly occupied territory after the war. They were treated like vassal states. They had no representation in Congress and couldn't vote on the President.

Engaging in traitorous rebellion seems to have been a bad idea, huh loser?
"No, he wanted to preserve the Union, and he did."

No, he reformed it. It was very diferent from the union as it was originally formed or the one that had evolved prior to the war or the one we have now for that matter. The one we have now contains people whose ancestors were killed or otherwise abused by the ancestors of other citizens and who have a right to honor their ancestors. And they come in all colors.

Lincoln "reformed" the union in the same sense the Hitler "reformed" Poland.


If you had been a Pole living in Soviet-occupied Poland, would you have volunteered to serve in the Soviet armed forces?

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