Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

Lincoln "reformed" the union in the same sense the Hitler "reformed" Poland.

So you believe you live in occupied Poland now? I thought you liked Republicans. Oh, and Poland didn't attack Germany. The CSA did attack the USA.

The Confederate states were clearly occupied territory after the war. They were treated like vassal states. They had no representation in Congress and couldn't vote on the President.

The CSA didn't attack the United States. It kicked out a gang of trespassers. Hitler claimed Poland attacked the United States just as Hitler claimed Poland occupied the Danzig corridor. Both claims are equally credibly and similarly motivated.

No shit they were occupied, they started a war and got their ass kicked. That's what usually happens. We occupied Germany and Japan after WWII. Does that make us like Hitler? To compare it to Hitler's occupied Poland shows what a scumbag you are. There was no Holocaust. Even the scumbags who led it and the morons who were cannon fodder were given amnesty.

And you're a fucking liar. Even the South conceded in negotiation that Fort Sumter was United States property. The Union didn't sneak in after secession. Those real Americans were there when the Southern assholes seceded. Davis ordered it attacked when he realized that secession wouldn't hold unless he started a war.

Your hero made quite a name for himself after the war was lost, by murdering blacks. You must be proud of that piece of shit. You're one sick puppy.
Lincoln was especially kind in victory. He had every right to have every Confederate officer that had previously served in the Union Army hung for treason. Instead, they were pardoned.
"No, he wanted to preserve the Union, and he did."

No, he reformed it. It was very diferent from the union as it was originally formed or the one that had evolved prior to the war or the one we have now for that matter. The one we have now contains people whose ancestors were killed or otherwise abused by the ancestors of other citizens and who have a right to honor their ancestors. And they come in all colors.

Lincoln "reformed" the union in the same sense the Hitler "reformed" Poland.


When is the next schedualed train full of Jews and social misfits leave for the concentration camp? I need to bum a lift.
Lincoln was especially kind in victory. He had every right to have every Confederate officer that had previously served in the Union Army hung for treason. Instead, they were pardoned.

they would have kept fighting otherwise knucklehead

Nope. The revisionists are still a pain in the ass, but I wouldn't have wanted to see them summarily executed, like the scumbag criminal Forrest did. Let them vent and rage, like the losers they are. They still got their ass kicked, and if the scumbags want to see the South Rise Again, they'll still get their traitor, America hating, asses kicked again.
Monument to Nathan Bedford Forrest stirs dispute - News Weather and Sports for Montgomery, AL.

Someone needs to tell that carpetbagging son of a bitch to go back up north. Oh and they should also give him a few sources showing what Sherman did on his march to the sea in my beloved there ain't nothing worse than a southerner who hates the south and her heritage.

Let's rush to the defense of the bigots!

you mean the vandals?
"There was no Holocaust. Even the scumbags who led it and the morons who were cannon fodder were given amnesty."

Camp Douglas

Civilian doctors, who inspected Camp Douglas on April 5, 1863, called it an extermination camp.
. . . it will be seen that 260 out of 3,800 prisoners had died in twenty-one days, a rate of mortality which, if continued would secure their total extermination in about 320 days.@
Prisoners were deprived of clothing to discourage escapes. Many wore sacks with head and arm holes cut out; few had underwear. Blankets to offset the bitter northern winter were confiscated from the few that had them. The weakest froze to death.
When cholera and a smallpox epidemic erupted, free medicine sent by the South was withheld as contraband of war. Food rations were restricted, partly to cut costs and partly as retaliation for Southern victories. When control of the camp was finally passed to the Chicago Police department, medical supplies were cut off and food severely restricted.
The Sparrow diary specifically mentions the dead line at Camp Douglas. Prisoners were shot for crossing the line there just as at such other Federal prisons as Camp Morton, Indiana; Camp Chase and Johnson=s Island in Ohio; Point Lookout, Maryland; Newport New, VA; and Fort Delaware for violating stated bounds, usually to answer the call of nature. Several Confederate prisoners were shot or bayoneted to death while in the very act of relieving themselves.
The arctic weather led to additional suffering. AAnother punishment was to make the men pull down their pants and sit, with nothin under them, on the snow and frozen ground. I have know men to be kept sitting until you could see their prints of some days after in the snow and ice. When the [guards] got weary of this they commenced whipping, making the men lay on a barrel, and using their belts, which had a leather clasp with a sharp edge, cutting through the skin.@

A prisoner swore that when the men who were being punished this way attempted to sit on their coattails they were cruelly kicked in the back by the guards and forced to sit longer on their bare bones. Prisoners were forced to stand in the snow for hours without moving, and guards checked footprints to see if they had moved. Those who did received lashes. Some prisoners who arrived in the bitter cold weather lost toes, fingers and ears. One improvised two wooden pegs as substitutes for feet and hobbled around surprisingly well.

The mildest cruelty took the form of random firing into the barracks to disturb the prisoners= sleep, shooting prisoners who moved too slowly, or hanging them by their feet to encourage them to take the Aoath to the United States.@ The more common severe tortures included Areaching for the grub,@ bending over without bending the knees for several hours, causing blood to gush from the prisoners nose and protruding eyeballs almost bursting from their sockets with pain, or being lashed a hundred times with the metal buckle end of a belt. ASolitary confinement@ meant being squeezed into a ten foot square room with twenty others, with only a ten-inch window for ventilation.2

A fearsome animal came to Prison Square on June 28, 1864. AThe Yanks have fixed a frame near the gate (to Prison Square) with a scantling piece of timber across it, edge up, and about four feet from the ground, which they make our men ride whenever the men do anything that does not please them. It is called The Mule. Men have sat on it >till they fainted and fell off. It is like riding a sharp top fence.@13 The Amule@ could be made more painful by adding weights. Sometimes the Yanks would laugh and say, AI will give you a pair of spurs@ which was a bucket of sand tied to each foot. Other prisoners confirmed that men had to ride the mule in the worst winter weather. By 1865 it had grown to 15 feet tall and required a ladder to mount. There was a mule for the garrison in White Oak Square, except there it was called11 the Ahorse@.
Look North to Chicago and you will find at least 6000 Confederate soldiers buried in a mass grave on one acre of land.

And it was SOP to murder Blacks in Confederate uniform at the gate.
So you believe you live in occupied Poland now? I thought you liked Republicans. Oh, and Poland didn't attack Germany. The CSA did attack the USA.

The Confederate states were clearly occupied territory after the war. They were treated like vassal states. They had no representation in Congress and couldn't vote on the President.

Engaging in traitorous rebellion seems to have been a bad idea, huh loser?

Gloating over their crimes is a classic carpetbagger symptom.
So you believe you live in occupied Poland now? I thought you liked Republicans. Oh, and Poland didn't attack Germany. The CSA did attack the USA.

The Confederate states were clearly occupied territory after the war. They were treated like vassal states. They had no representation in Congress and couldn't vote on the President.

The CSA didn't attack the United States. It kicked out a gang of trespassers. Hitler claimed Poland attacked the United States just as Hitler claimed Poland occupied the Danzig corridor. Both claims are equally credibly and similarly motivated.

No shit they were occupied, they started a war and got their ass kicked. That's what usually happens.

Lincoln started the war. Any argument based on the claim that the CSA started the war is a non-started. It's founded on a bogus premise and is therefore just as bogus.

We occupied Germany and Japan after WWII. Does that make us like Hitler?

Germany invaded it's neighbors. Lincoln invaded the CSA, not the other way around.

To compare it to Hitler's occupied Poland shows what a scumbag you are. There was no Holocaust. Even the scumbags who led it and the morons who were cannon fodder were given amnesty.

Sorry, but Lincoln murdered 50,000 civilians in the South. He created Gulags, executed Americans without a trial and did a hundred other things that any normal person would consider to be a war crime.

And you're a fucking liar. Even the South conceded in negotiation that Fort Sumter was United States property. The Union didn't sneak in after secession. Those real Americans were there when the Southern assholes seceded. Davis ordered it attacked when he realized that secession wouldn't hold unless he started a war.

It was Union property, not Union territory. NC offered to buy it from the federal government but Lincoln refused because he wanted war. When the Philippines wanted the federal government out of bases in its territory, we packed up and left. That's what Lincoln should have done if he wasn't a warmongering scumbag dictator.

Your hero made quite a name for himself after the war was lost, by murdering blacks. You must be proud of that piece of shit. You're one sick puppy.

Forrest murdered no one.
Lincoln was especially kind in victory. He had every right to have every Confederate officer that had previously served in the Union Army hung for treason. Instead, they were pardoned.

That would have meant a trial, and the case would have ended up in the Supreme court where Lincoln and all his thugs would have lost. Secession is not treason. Nothing in the Constitution prevents it. The Union thugs didn't want to go down that road because they knew they would lose.
The Confederate states were clearly occupied territory after the war. They were treated like vassal states. They had no representation in Congress and couldn't vote on the President.

Engaging in traitorous rebellion seems to have been a bad idea, huh loser?

Gloating over their crimes is a classic carpetbagger symptom.

Maybe you could look in a dictionary for the definition of 'Carpetbagger.'

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