‘Frightening to watch’: Paul Murray rips into Joe Biden’s Oval Office address

She wasn't.
Who is "THEY"?

"This country being run by a criminal cartel behind the scenes even more so than a Banana Republic".....
Is ON topic, it's the last sentence.

Sure......like you?

‘Frightening to watch’: Paul Murray rips into Joe Biden’s Oval Office address​

"They're claiming Kamala was never border czar"

Poor teabagger..................

Trying to derail your own thread?

They're axios
They're claiming she was never border czar
You probably believe them cause like most leftist you're a low IQ idiot

They're axios
They're claiming she was never border czar
WHEN was she or ANYONE, declared a border "Czar"?

Republicans say Harris was Biden's 'border czar.' She wasn't​

Spectrum News NY1
https://ny1.com › trump-harris-vance-immigration-debates

15 hours ago — On Tuesday, as Vice President Kamala Harris' path to the Democratic presidential nomination grew to be all but assured, Tennessee Rep.
You probably believe them cause like most leftist you're a low IQ idiot
Teabaggers use border "Czar" like their communist, Kremlin brothers.
Biden's statement was simply his same old campaign speech that he's already been spouting with an added twist of a brief insertion that it was time to pass the torch. Aussie right-wing media pundit Paul Murray may have wanted to hide under his bed in fright, but Biden's same old campaign rhetoric shouldn't have been anything new to Americans.
This is weakness.

Trump indicates he believes Putin over US intelligence agencies regarding election meddling​

The photos behind him were hilarious. Joe with a bullwhip in a slave setting and Joe fondling children would be more of what he really is. Joe, you screwed a lot of people over. People will spit on your grave in time.
I didn't watch Biden speak. That was my bedtime.

However, I do know that Biden could not bully anyone into voting for him, so he certain would be ineffective in bullying others into voting for K Harris.
His relevance took a hit at the debate. Already bordering on irrelevant it nosedived into nonexistent territory when he withdrew.
Kamaltoe the DEI hire should be the only focus.

‘Frightening to watch’:​

Paul Murray rips into Joe Biden’s Oval Office address​

24 Jul 2024

Sky News host Paul Murray says US President Joe Biden’s Oval Office speech was “frightening to watch”. The 81-year-old ended his re-election campaign on Sunday after facing relentless pressure over his capabilities to lead amid concern around his cognitive state. “What you saw was the battle between the ego of the man, the desperation of the people around him, the lie that we have been told increasingly as his health has deteriorated,” Mr Murray said. “This was frightening.”

It’s certain;y sad when foreign pundits are better informed than American Democrat voters.
More ominous was the Dementia addled Biden mumbling, then telling us he’s staying on “to finish the job.” As if he hasn’t done enough damage to our country and to the safety and security of American families. Joe Biden has become a Clear and Present Danger to the Security of America.
Was the deal Biden made with Obama and Pelosi that he drop out of the campaign and finish out his presidency?
America is in a twilight zone where there is no president or there are two, pseudo presidents..
And they’re all illegitimate to boot.
This country being run by a criminal cartel behind the scenes even more so than a Banana Republic.

Fair comment imho .
Sickening to see someone so far removed from full reality that he could keep a straight face reading such rubbish .

Although partly irrelevant now , a strong case can be made that this was a an actor double .
If true , it would underline the depth of existing corruption .
You have to go OUTSIDE the U.S. Media now to get honest reporting of the facts.

They called her a 'Czar" too.

I find no reference in the US government or anywhere to an immigration or border "Czar".

Regardless Biden did give Harris the task of border security.

Why the sudden interest of the border by republicans?

After what they did?

They called her a 'Czar" too.

I find no reference in the US government or anywhere to an immigration or border "Czar".

Regardless Biden did give Harris the task of border security.

Why the sudden interest of the border by republicans?

After what they did?

View attachment 983719

It’s been widely reported for decades that up to 60% of female migrants passing through Mexico on the way to our Southern Border have been Kidnapped, tortured, raped or murdered.

They have to cross Cartel controlled lands to get here, and the Cartels are not nice people.

The way to stop this carnage has always been to take away the hope that they can cross our border by simply showing up. So they stay home.

This administration opened the floodgates giving the cartels even more victims and filling there pockets with the spoils they gathered from them.

The Trump administration, on the other hand, had put in place policies that stemmed this tide, making both our country, and the life’s of the migrants safer.

The blood of those migrants are on the hands of the Biden/Harris administration.
His relevance took a hit at the debate. Already bordering on irrelevant it nosedived into nonexistent territory when he withdrew.
Kamaltoe the DEI hire should be the only focus.
Whites really need to shut the fuck up with this DEI stuff.

They're axios
They're claiming she was never border czar
You probably believe them cause like most leftist you're a low IQ idiot
/----/ Well, guess what? Even Axios called her Border Czar.
In an article from April 2021 covering Harris’s visits to Mexico and Guatemala to address migration levels, Axios wrote that the Vice President was “appointed by Biden as border czar.” Another article, covering her appointment to the role in March 2021, was headlined “Biden puts Harris in charge of border crisis.” The latter article was authored by Axios politics reporter Stef Knight — the same journalist who wrote today’s piece denying that Harris was placed in charge of the border!

‘Frightening to watch’:​

Paul Murray rips into Joe Biden’s Oval Office address​

24 Jul 2024

Sky News host Paul Murray says US President Joe Biden’s Oval Office speech was “frightening to watch”. The 81-year-old ended his re-election campaign on Sunday after facing relentless pressure over his capabilities to lead amid concern around his cognitive state. “What you saw was the battle between the ego of the man, the desperation of the people around him, the lie that we have been told increasingly as his health has deteriorated,” Mr Murray said. “This was frightening.”

It’s certain;y sad when foreign pundits are better informed than American Democrat voters.
More ominous was the Dementia addled Biden mumbling, then telling us he’s staying on “to finish the job.” As if he hasn’t done enough damage to our country and to the safety and security of American families. Joe Biden has become a Clear and Present Danger to the Security of America.
Was the deal Biden made with Obama and Pelosi that he drop out of the campaign and finish out his presidency?
America is in a twilight zone where there is no president or there are two, pseudo presidents..
And they’re all illegitimate to boot.
This country being run by a criminal cartel behind the scenes even more so than a Banana Republic.

What a wuss that guy is! Frightened by Joe?! :auiqs.jpg:

It’s been widely reported for decades that up to 60% of female migrants passing through Mexico on the way to our Southern Border have been Kidnapped, tortured, raped or murdered.

They have to cross Cartel controlled lands to get here, and the Cartels are not nice people.

The way to stop this carnage has always been to take away the hope that they can cross our border by simply showing up. So they stay home.

This administration opened the floodgates giving the cartels even more victims and filling there pockets with the spoils they gathered from them.

The Trump administration, on the other hand, had put in place policies that stemmed this tide, making both our country, and the life’s of the migrants safer.

Trump administration overwhelmed by record border ...​

ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
https://abcnews.go.com › Politics › story

May 8, 2019 — Authorities stopped more than 100000 undocumented migrants at the border last month in a wave of unauthorized crossings not seen in over a ...

People also ask
The blood of those migrants are on the hands of the Biden/Harris administration.

Senate Republicans Kill Their Own Border Deal to Suck Up ...​

The New Republic
https://newrepublic.com › breaking-news

May 23, 2024 — A border bill negotiated by Republicans and Democrats has died in the Senate—with the help of lots of opposition from Republicans, ...

The Trump cult killed it, of course.............Following orders from their dear leader.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden has tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the White House effort to tackle the migration challenge at the U.S. southern border and work with Central American nations to address root causes of the problem.
STILL doesn't make her a "Czar".

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