Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

No, he wanted to preserve the Union, and he did. The confederacy lost, and all your whining and crying won't change that, loser. Now, be an AMERICAN, or be gone with you.

He wanted, and succeeded, at destroying the federation established by the founding fathers and replacing it with a central, authoritarian system more akin the the empires of Europe. Lincoln was very found of Prussia and the dictatorship model used in the post Napoleonic nation. The concept of states ruled by a central authoritative strongman particularly appealed to Lincoln.

Lincoln was a dictatorial megalomaniac. The comparison to Stalin is apt.
Ft Sumter was SC territory. As such, Union troops wee trespassing when they refused to leave. Lincoln committed further acts of war when he sent Union ships into SC waters to resupply the fort.

Firing the first shot is not the sin qua non of who committed the first act of war. If German tanks are coming over your borders, are you the aggressor if you shoot at them?

It takes a special kind of stupid to believe that SC started the war.

Dick suck is definitely a special kind of stupid.
No, he wanted to preserve the Union, and he did. The confederacy lost, and all your whining and crying won't change that, loser. Now, be an AMERICAN, or be gone with you.

He wanted, and succeeded, at destroying the federation established by the founding fathers and replacing it with a central, authoritarian system more akin the the empires of Europe. Lincoln was very found of Prussia and the dictatorship model used in the post Napoleonic nation. The concept of states ruled by a central authoritative strongman particularly appealed to Lincoln.

Lincoln was a dictatorial megalomaniac. The comparison to Stalin is apt.
"Dictatorial megalomaniac" is code for anyone who has the "audacity" to stand up to the Southern whites - and not back down!
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"Dictatorial megalomaniac" is code for anyone who has the audacity to stand up to the South - and not back down!

The Antebellum South was a horrible system, nearly feudal in structure and execution. Constitutional governance in the South was at best a farce, the landed gentry enforced deprivation through corruption of the political process and coercion with force of arms to ensure the exclusivity of an aristocracy. Slavery was the small tip of the iceberg. Poor whites, which made up 90% of the population, lived lives of deprivation and despair that slaves were spared. A slave could expect to be fed and housed, migrant white dirt farmers in Georgia had no such expectation. They had no rights and no representation.

Recognition of the flaws of Lincoln and the damage he did to the concept of liberty is in no way a defense of a system I abhor.
Lincoln was especially kind in victory. He had every right to have every Confederate officer that had previously served in the Union Army hung for treason. Instead, they were pardoned.

That would have meant a trial, and the case would have ended up in the Supreme court where Lincoln and all his thugs would have lost. Secession is not treason. Nothing in the Constitution prevents it. The Union thugs didn't want to go down that road because they knew they would lose.

A US soldier taking up arms against the United States is treason.
The Confederate states were clearly occupied territory after the war. They were treated like vassal states. They had no representation in Congress and couldn't vote on the President.

The CSA didn't attack the United States. It kicked out a gang of trespassers. Hitler claimed Poland attacked the United States just as Hitler claimed Poland occupied the Danzig corridor. Both claims are equally credibly and similarly motivated.

No shit they were occupied, they started a war and got their ass kicked. That's what usually happens.

Lincoln started the war. Any argument based on the claim that the CSA started the war is a non-started. It's founded on a bogus premise and is therefore just as bogus.

Germany invaded it's neighbors. Lincoln invaded the CSA, not the other way around.

Sorry, but Lincoln murdered 50,000 civilians in the South. He created Gulags, executed Americans without a trial and did a hundred other things that any normal person would consider to be a war crime.

And you're a fucking liar. Even the South conceded in negotiation that Fort Sumter was United States property. The Union didn't sneak in after secession. Those real Americans were there when the Southern assholes seceded. Davis ordered it attacked when he realized that secession wouldn't hold unless he started a war.

It was Union property, not Union territory. NC offered to buy it from the federal government but Lincoln refused because he wanted war. When the Philippines wanted the federal government out of bases in its territory, we packed up and left. That's what Lincoln should have done if he wasn't a warmongering scumbag dictator.

Your hero made quite a name for himself after the war was lost, by murdering blacks. You must be proud of that piece of shit. You're one sick puppy.

Forrest murdered no one.

The South fired the first shot. Davis ordered the first shot fired after being told that secession wouldn't hold without a war. They started a civil war, and got their asses kicked.

Forrest was a war criminal who murdered POWs. He started a vigilante organization that's responsible for over 1,000 lynchings of African-Americans. But go ahead and worship this pig.
That's because you're a carpetbagger moron who believes the propaganda spoon fed to you in the Lincoln worshiping government schools.

Can you name a single article of secession that didn't use the justification of maintaining slavery as a cause?

How would that prove that the South started the war?

And no, it was Beuragard, under orders from Davis, who even allowed Edmund Ruffin, a Virginian to fire the first ceremonial shot. Ruffin correctly claimed that if the South started a war, Virginia would then also secede.

Ft Sumter was SC territory. As such, Union troops wee trespassing when they refused to leave. Lincoln committed further acts of war when he sent Union ships into SC waters to resupply the fort.

Firing the first shot is not the sin qua non of who committed the first act of war. If German tanks are coming over your borders, are you the aggressor if you shoot at them?

It takes a special kind of stupid to believe that SC started the war.

Ft Sumter was federal property. You already conceded that the south was negotiating paying for US property. Your idiotic logic would extend to Fort Dix being New Jersey property. You make no sense.
The Confederate states were clearly occupied territory after the war. They were treated like vassal states. They had no representation in Congress and couldn't vote on the President.

The CSA didn't attack the United States. It kicked out a gang of trespassers. Hitler claimed Poland attacked the United States just as Hitler claimed Poland occupied the Danzig corridor. Both claims are equally credibly and similarly motivated.

No shit they were occupied, they started a war and got their ass kicked. That's what usually happens.

Lincoln started the war. Any argument based on the claim that the CSA started the war is a non-started. It's founded on a bogus premise and is therefore just as bogus.

Germany invaded it's neighbors. Lincoln invaded the CSA, not the other way around.

Sorry, but Lincoln murdered 50,000 civilians in the South. He created Gulags, executed Americans without a trial and did a hundred other things that any normal person would consider to be a war crime.

And you're a fucking liar. Even the South conceded in negotiation that Fort Sumter was United States property. The Union didn't sneak in after secession. Those real Americans were there when the Southern assholes seceded. Davis ordered it attacked when he realized that secession wouldn't hold unless he started a war.

It was Union property, not Union territory. NC offered to buy it from the federal government but Lincoln refused because he wanted war. When the Philippines wanted the federal government out of bases in its territory, we packed up and left. That's what Lincoln should have done if he wasn't a warmongering scumbag dictator.

Your hero made quite a name for himself after the war was lost, by murdering blacks. You must be proud of that piece of shit. You're one sick puppy.

Forrest murdered no one.

You are confused. Lincoln started no war. The traitors in SC shot first. THEY started the war.
Typical southern knuckledragger comment "And it was SOP to murder Blacks in Confederate uniform at the gate."
Lincoln was especially kind in victory. He had every right to have every Confederate officer that had previously served in the Union Army hung for treason. Instead, they were pardoned.

That would have meant a trial, and the case would have ended up in the Supreme court where Lincoln and all his thugs would have lost. Secession is not treason. Nothing in the Constitution prevents it. The Union thugs didn't want to go down that road because they knew they would lose.

A US soldier taking up arms against the United States is treason.

The troops of SC were not U.S. soldiers, dipshit. They were citizens of SC which had seceded from the Union. Before you can prove treason, you have to prove the Constitution does not allow secession, and that is a claim no Yankee asshole wanted to take to court.
The South fired the first shot. Davis ordered the first shot fired after being told that secession wouldn't hold without a war. They started a civil war, and got their asses kicked.

Forrest was a war criminal who murdered POWs. He started a vigilante organization that's responsible for over 1,000 lynchings of African-Americans. But go ahead and worship this pig.

I just told you that argument doesn't wash. All you bloodthirsty Yankee assholes keep spouting he same flawed logic over and over again.
Racism is a devolutionary justification for ignorant hate.

You being mentally retarded doesn't alter reality, dick suck.

I'm just sayin.

Dick Suck keeps repeating the same bogus argument over and over again. "The rebs fired the first shot!" In fact, all the Yankee carpetbagger assholes keep repeating that same argument.

That's a sure sign they know they are wrong.
The South got off easy...Sherman should have turned West too and marched to Texas along the Deep South.

ROFL! You're a real war mongering piece of shit. You know that?

I'll bet you're one of those hypocrites who constantly cries about Iraqis killed during the war.

Texas could have used a healthy dose of what Sherman did to Georgia. As for Iraq, we had less reason for invading than the North had for invading the South, but once we were there....meh....War is Hell. Haven't you heard?

I love Sherman's quote about Texas. "If I owned hell and Texas, I'd rent out Texas and live in hell."
You are confused. Lincoln started no war. The traitors in SC shot first. THEY started the war.

I have proved that Lincoln started the war about 100 times in this thread, asshole.

You're a fucking liar. Lincoln hadn't even started his term when secession took place. Davis made the decision to start the War of Southern Aggression, after realizing that secession wouldn't hold without a war. Davis ordered the attack on Sumter. None of your "lost cause" or neoconfederate revisionism changes the facts.

I'll also add that you scumbags might have killed Abner Doubleday. Where would America be without our National pastime, baseball?
Racism is a devolutionary justification for ignorant hate.

You being mentally retarded doesn't alter reality, dick suck.

I'm just sayin.

Dick Suck keeps repeating the same bogus argument over and over again. "The rebs fired the first shot!" In fact, all the Yankee carpetbagger assholes keep repeating that same argument.

That's a sure sign they know they are wrong.

You ignorant little pissant. Yes the rebs fired the first shot. Davis ordered them to, after realizing that secession wouldn't last without a war. He also realized that several other states would probably join the confederacy if he started that War Of Southern Aggression.

You're a fucking idiot.

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