Nation is still experiencing Globull Warming


I am open to being wrong. Are you?

Please explain this graph. If rising CO2 is causing global warming, as you believe, why hasn't it been happening for the last 15 or more years?


Not all cult members are stupid. But all global warming alarmists are cult members.

Because nothing has to happen when you feel like it should idiot. :lol:

That was very helpful. Thank you for confirming that you are an AGW cult member incapable of an intelligent thought. Al Gore would be proud of you! :thup:

Ahh excellent. Now you will tell me where anyone says that warming has to occur every year or every 15 years or any specific time span because your entire argument rests on something shouldve happened in the last 15.

Where does it say that? Opps, now you will call names and put up your "oh no you didnt" finger and never answer the questions Queeny :lol:

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