National Decree for Day of Fasting and Repentence


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Feb 22, 2004
I've been reading "The Covenant: One Nation Under God - America's Sacred & Immutable Connection with Ancient Israel". (Very interesting Book). In it, I read the National Decree for a Day of Fasting and Repentence made by the Second Constitutional Congress. This was the same Congress that wrote the Declaration of Independence. The Decree goes as follows:

Whereas, the war in which the United States are engaged with Great Britain, has not only been prolonged, but is likely to be carried to the greatest extremity; and whereas, it becomes all public bodies, as well as private persons, to reverence the Providence of God, and look up to him as the supreme disposer of all events, and the arbiter of the fate of nations; therefore,

Resolved, That it be recommended to all the United States, a soon as possible, to appoint a day of solemn fasting and humiliation; to implore of Almighty God the forgiveness of the many sins prevailing among all ranks, and to beg the countenance as assistance of his Providence in the prosecution of the present just and necessary war.

The Congress do also, in the most earnest manner, recommend to all the members of the United States, and particularly the officers civil and military under them, the exercise of repentance and reformation; and further, require of them the strict observation of the articles of war, and particularly, that part of the said articles, which forbids profane swearing, and all immorality, of which all such officers are desired to take notice.

It is left to each State to issue out proclamations fixing the days that appear most proper within their several bounds.

Now these are some of the same people who later established the Constitution. What does that tell us of their understanding of the First Amendment and the place for God in our nation?
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I would suggest that the hand of Divine Providence which showed itself throught the Battles of the Revolution are evidence that they followed the covenant.

The Battle of Boston, The escape at the Battle of Long Island, the Victories at Trenton and Princeton, the Final Victory at Yorktown all have the fingerprints of Divine Providence over them. At any of these battles, without miracles, the Revolution could have been ended easily.

Take the Battle of Boston - If there hadnt been a hazy fog miraculously appear to cover the troops moving their munitions up the Heights of Dorchester outside of Boston, the British would have seen them and sent troops out to stop them. Miraculously the fog appeared and lifted as covenient times to help the Revolutionaries get the cannons to the top

Despite that miracle, General Howe of the British still thought he would send his troops against the Americans on the Heights. As the British loaded their ships and set sail across the bay to attack the Americans, what started as a warm sunny day, turned into a hurricane. Blowing two of the transports to shore and causing alot of damage.

After the humbling the British recieved from the storm, General Howe had to reevaluate his tactics and decided instead to evacuate the city and leave Boston. It was only afterwards that General Washington realized how dangerous their plan to assault Boston would have been. He was unaware how entrenched the British were there. If either side had actually managed to attack the other side in this battle, it would have been disasterous for the Colonists. It may have ended the Revolution right there.

Washington called it a "remarkable interposition of Providence".

The Battle of Long Island had a similiar miracle.

With the British evacuating Boston, they set their sights on New York City. Washington attempted to engage the enemy there and Defend the city. The Colonists were being crushed. Washington ordered a retreat towards the Western Shores of Brooklyn, Long Island. They were going to attempt to escape over the East River before the British caught up to them. Meanwhile General Howe sent their fastest ships up the river to cut off the Continental Army's escape and force their surrender. It was a good plan.

Washington and the Continental Army could have easily been Crushed. But once again, the hand of Divine Providence intervened. As the British fleet attempted to sale Northward up the East River to cut off the American's escape, a Fierce Wind blew from the North to push them back down the River. All Attempts to sail up the river failed. This gave Washington a small window of opportunity to escape with the army.

Washington had his troops fire long range guns through the night at the British land troops to keep them back and to convince them that they were staying to fight. He also had some troops act as though they were maintaining campfire to convince them they were down for the night. Meanwhile, the army started evacuating across the river through the night.

At first, they were struggling to get across. The Same wind that was preventing the British from coming north, was preventing them to escape. But then another miracle happened. The wind conveniently shifted to help the colonists cross the river.

Despite this fortuitous event, the night ended up fading quickly. They knew they wouldnt be able to finish crossing before day break and then the British would be aware of their scheme and the jig would be up. But as daybreak was beginning to fall, so was a miraculous fog. It was called by eye witnesses "a pecuiliar Providential Occurence," "manifestly Providentia." "Very favorable to the design," "an unusual fog," "a friendly fog," "An American Fog". It kept people from being able to see more than six yards.

And amazingly it fell solely over the Americans and area of the river they needed to cross. And then even more amazing, it didnt leave until just after they had crossed.

I could go onto the other battles. They share the fingerprints of Divine Providence on them.

So yes, there is evidence that they did it and evidence that it worked. Our revolution was a miracle. It should have been crushed dozens of times. But only through Acts of God was it preserved.

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