National Inquirer CEO granted immunity in Cohen case

Well I'm still waiting for the collusion between Trump and the Russians.

Guess we wait together. LOL

Oh, the evidence of that is overwhelming. Trump has admitted to it, after lying for months. Wanna go over the evidence together?

Oh please. Trump colluding with the Russians and admitting it??

I find that very hard to believe

Trump's team met with a Russian operative at Trump Tower in the months leading up the election. In Emails released by Don Jr, it as revealed that the purpose of the meeting was to receive information against Hillary from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

The meeting was attended by Don Jr, Kushner and Manafort.

Later, Trump lied about the meeting, insisting it was only about 'adoption'. Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating a statement for Don Jr that propagated the same 'only adoption' lie. Trump then tried to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting.

Then about two weeks ago, Trump finally admitted that yes.....the purpose of that meeting with the Russian operative was to collect dirt on Hillary Clinton. That's collusion.

With Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney admitting that Trump was aware of the meeting at Trump tower and approved of it.

And Trump publicly bragging that his next rally was going to reveal details about Hillary Clinton...only two days before scheduled meeting with the Russian operative.

Also, the Spanish authorities have turned over wire taps of Don Jr. trying to set up yet another secret meeting. This time with Alexander Torshin, a Russian Intelligence Handler.
Well I'm still waiting for the collusion between Trump and the Russians.

Guess we wait together. LOL

Oh, the evidence of that is overwhelming. Trump has admitted to it, after lying for months. Wanna go over the evidence together?

Oh please. Trump colluding with the Russians and admitting it??

I find that very hard to believe

Trump's team met with a Russian operative at Trump Tower in the months leading up the election. In Emails released by Don Jr, it as revealed that the purpose of the meeting was to receive information against Hillary from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

The meeting was attended by Don Jr, Kushner and Manafort.

Later, Trump lied about the meeting, insisting it was only about 'adoption'. Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating a statement for Don Jr that propagated the same 'only adoption' lie. Trump then tried to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting.

Then about two weeks ago, Trump finally admitted that yes.....the purpose of that meeting with the Russian operative was to collect dirt on Hillary Clinton. That's collusion.

With Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney admitting that Trump was aware of the meeting at Trump tower and approved of it.

And Trump publicly bragging that his next rally was going to reveal details about Hillary Clinton...only two days before scheduled meeting with the Russian operative.

Also, the Spanish authorities have turned over wire taps of Don Jr. trying to set up yet another secret meeting. This time with Alexander Torshin, a Russian Intelligence Handler.

So getting dirt from the Russians on Hitlery is collusion?? Not hardly.

How about Hitlery and the DNC paying for a fake dossier on Trump by an ex British agent. Think that's collusion?? I call it dirty tricks on both sides.

Oh and how to you equate getting dirt on Hitlery with the Russians hacking the DNC servers which was what this investigation was supposed to be about??
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Trump offered Cohen cash to pay for the story. Cohen told him no. -- It's on tape, no doubt we've all heard it.

Any campaign finance violation is on Cohen, not Trump - who was willing to pay cash on the spot. That's why the plea deal says Cohen "caused" the violation.
Well I'm still waiting for the collusion between Trump and the Russians.

Guess we wait together. LOL

Oh, the evidence of that is overwhelming. Trump has admitted to it, after lying for months. Wanna go over the evidence together?

Oh please. Trump colluding with the Russians and admitting it??

I find that very hard to believe

Trump's team met with a Russian operative at Trump Tower in the months leading up the election. In Emails released by Don Jr, it as revealed that the purpose of the meeting was to receive information against Hillary from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

The meeting was attended by Don Jr, Kushner and Manafort.

Later, Trump lied about the meeting, insisting it was only about 'adoption'. Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating a statement for Don Jr that propagated the same 'only adoption' lie. Trump then tried to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting.

Then about two weeks ago, Trump finally admitted that yes.....the purpose of that meeting with the Russian operative was to collect dirt on Hillary Clinton. That's collusion.

With Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney admitting that Trump was aware of the meeting at Trump tower and approved of it.

And Trump publicly bragging that his next rally was going to reveal details about Hillary Clinton...only two days before scheduled meeting with the Russian operative.

Also, the Spanish authorities have turned over wire taps of Don Jr. trying to set up yet another secret meeting. This time with Alexander Torshin, a Russian Intelligence Handler.

So getting dirt from the Russians on Hitlery is collusion?? Not hardly.

When the 'dirt' is coming from high level sources in the Russian government as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump, while the Russian government is attacking the US to aid Trump?

That's absolutely collusion.

How about Hitlery and the DNC paying for a fake dossier on Trump by an ex British agent. Think that's collusion?? I call it dirty tricks on both sides.

Oh and how to you equate getting dirt on Hitlery with the Russians hacking the DNC servers which was what this investigation was supposed to be about??

Hillary didn't meet with an admitted operative from the Russian government. Nor was the dossier part of the 'Russian governments efforts to aid Hillary'. Nor was the Russian Government attacking the US to aid Hillary.

But instead, to aid Trump. The attacks on our country by the Russians were to aid Trump's campaign. The information being promised from Russian government sources as part of the Russian government's effort to aid Trump as well.

With Trump lying repeatedly to cover up his campaign's collusion. And compelling others to lie. And trying to shut down the investigation into the collusion.

With Trump's own son being caught by Spanish Authorities trying to set up a secret meeting with Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin before the campaign as well.

And that's just what we know of. There's all sorts of testimony we have yet to hear that Mueller most definitely has.
Trump offered Cohen cash to pay for the story. Cohen told him no. -- It's on tape, no doubt we've all heard it.

Any campaign finance violation is on Cohen, not Trump - who was willing to pay cash on the spot. That's why the plea deal says Cohen "caused" the violation.

Trump insists he said 'no cash'.

So your narrative literally ignores Donald Trump on what Donald Trump said.
Well I'm still waiting for the collusion between Trump and the Russians.

Guess we wait together. LOL

Oh, the evidence of that is overwhelming. Trump has admitted to it, after lying for months. Wanna go over the evidence together?

Oh please. Trump colluding with the Russians and admitting it??

I find that very hard to believe

Trump's team met with a Russian operative at Trump Tower in the months leading up the election. In Emails released by Don Jr, it as revealed that the purpose of the meeting was to receive information against Hillary from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

The meeting was attended by Don Jr, Kushner and Manafort.

Later, Trump lied about the meeting, insisting it was only about 'adoption'. Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating a statement for Don Jr that propagated the same 'only adoption' lie. Trump then tried to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting.

Then about two weeks ago, Trump finally admitted that yes.....the purpose of that meeting with the Russian operative was to collect dirt on Hillary Clinton. That's collusion.

With Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney admitting that Trump was aware of the meeting at Trump tower and approved of it.

And Trump publicly bragging that his next rally was going to reveal details about Hillary Clinton...only two days before scheduled meeting with the Russian operative.

Also, the Spanish authorities have turned over wire taps of Don Jr. trying to set up yet another secret meeting. This time with Alexander Torshin, a Russian Intelligence Handler.

So getting dirt from the Russians on Hitlery is collusion?? Not hardly.

When the 'dirt' is coming from high level sources in the Russian government as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump, while the Russian government is attacking the US to aid Trump?

That's absolutely collusion.

How about Hitlery and the DNC paying for a fake dossier on Trump by an ex British agent. Think that's collusion?? I call it dirty tricks on both sides.

Oh and how to you equate getting dirt on Hitlery with the Russians hacking the DNC servers which was what this investigation was supposed to be about??

Hillary didn't meet with an admitted operative from the Russian government. Nor was the dossier part of the 'Russian governments efforts to aid Hillary'. Nor was the Russian Government attacking the US to aid Hillary.

But instead, to aid Trump. The attacks on our country by the Russians were to aid Trump's campaign. The information being promised from Russian government sources as part of the Russian government's effort to aid Trump as well.

With Trump lying repeatedly to cover up his campaign's collusion. And compelling others to lie. And trying to shut down the investigation into the collusion.

With Trump's own son being caught by Spanish Authorities trying to set up a secret meeting with Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin before the campaign as well.

And that's just what we know of. There's all sorts of testimony we have yet to hear that Mueller most definitely has.

Bullshit. Before the campaign. Seems rather odd to call something collusion before the campaign even started.

How bout Hitlery and her collusion.

She and the DNC paid Steele for a dossier of dirt on Trump.

Seems to me that's collusion as well as campaign fraud. Since you consider the payoff to Stormy to be campaign fraud.

Funny how you and others are so one sided in you attacks.

Carry on.
Oh, the evidence of that is overwhelming. Trump has admitted to it, after lying for months. Wanna go over the evidence together?

Oh please. Trump colluding with the Russians and admitting it??

I find that very hard to believe

Trump's team met with a Russian operative at Trump Tower in the months leading up the election. In Emails released by Don Jr, it as revealed that the purpose of the meeting was to receive information against Hillary from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump.

The meeting was attended by Don Jr, Kushner and Manafort.

Later, Trump lied about the meeting, insisting it was only about 'adoption'. Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating a statement for Don Jr that propagated the same 'only adoption' lie. Trump then tried to shut down the investigation looking into the meeting.

Then about two weeks ago, Trump finally admitted that yes.....the purpose of that meeting with the Russian operative was to collect dirt on Hillary Clinton. That's collusion.

With Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney admitting that Trump was aware of the meeting at Trump tower and approved of it.

And Trump publicly bragging that his next rally was going to reveal details about Hillary Clinton...only two days before scheduled meeting with the Russian operative.

Also, the Spanish authorities have turned over wire taps of Don Jr. trying to set up yet another secret meeting. This time with Alexander Torshin, a Russian Intelligence Handler.

So getting dirt from the Russians on Hitlery is collusion?? Not hardly.

When the 'dirt' is coming from high level sources in the Russian government as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump, while the Russian government is attacking the US to aid Trump?

That's absolutely collusion.

How about Hitlery and the DNC paying for a fake dossier on Trump by an ex British agent. Think that's collusion?? I call it dirty tricks on both sides.

Oh and how to you equate getting dirt on Hitlery with the Russians hacking the DNC servers which was what this investigation was supposed to be about??

Hillary didn't meet with an admitted operative from the Russian government. Nor was the dossier part of the 'Russian governments efforts to aid Hillary'. Nor was the Russian Government attacking the US to aid Hillary.

But instead, to aid Trump. The attacks on our country by the Russians were to aid Trump's campaign. The information being promised from Russian government sources as part of the Russian government's effort to aid Trump as well.

With Trump lying repeatedly to cover up his campaign's collusion. And compelling others to lie. And trying to shut down the investigation into the collusion.

With Trump's own son being caught by Spanish Authorities trying to set up a secret meeting with Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin before the campaign as well.

And that's just what we know of. There's all sorts of testimony we have yet to hear that Mueller most definitely has.

Bullshit. Before the campaign. Seems rather odd to call something collusion before the campaign even started.

Both the secret Alexander Torshin meeting and the meeting at Trump tower with a Russian operative to collect information from Russian government sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump....were in the months leading up to the election, in 2016.

Well after Trump had begun his campaign.

How bout Hitlery and her collusion.

Hillary didn't meet with an admitted operative from the Russian government. Nor was the dossier part of the 'Russian governments efforts to aid Hillary'. Nor was the Russian Government attacking the US to aid Hillary.

But instead, to aid Trump. The attacks on our country by the Russians were to aid Trump's campaign. The information being promised from Russian government sources as part of the Russian government's effort to aid Trump as well.

Not Hillary.

WIth Trump lying repeatedly to cover up the collusion between his own campaign and the Russian government. And Trump compelling others to lie to cover it up. And Trump trying to shut down the investigation looking into that collusion.
Did Pecker comity a crime?

Innocent people don't need immunity.

The only reason why he would need immunity is the he did commit a crime.

And they only give immunity when they can nail someone bigger who committed more serious crimes.

So homeboy must have some juicy information for them to drop all charges.
Incorrect. They dangle immunity hoping that someone will turn. Get your head out of your ass.
Well I'm still waiting for the collusion between Trump and the Russians.

Guess we wait together. LOL

Oh, the evidence of that is overwhelming. Trump has admitted to it, after lying for months. Wanna go over the evidence together?

Oh please. Trump colluding with the Russians and admitting it??

I find that very hard to believe

All you have to do is listen to your BOI acting like he did something.
Acting like those criminals that just get caught. There is so much shit going on....... Normally even a retarded criminals they STFU........ but Trump keep talking and talking and talking and talking.
Well I'm still waiting for the collusion between Trump and the Russians.

Guess we wait together. LOL

Oh, the evidence of that is overwhelming. Trump has admitted to it, after lying for months. Wanna go over the evidence together?

Oh please. Trump colluding with the Russians and admitting it??

I find that very hard to believe

All you have to do is listen to your BOI acting like he did something.
Acting like those criminals that just get caught. There is so much shit going on....... Normally even a retarded criminals they STFU........ but Trump keep talking and talking and talking and talking.

Oh blow it out your ass you moron.
Well I'm still waiting for the collusion between Trump and the Russians.

Guess we wait together. LOL

Oh, the evidence of that is overwhelming. Trump has admitted to it, after lying for months. Wanna go over the evidence together?

Oh please. Trump colluding with the Russians and admitting it??

I find that very hard to believe

All you have to do is listen to your BOI acting like he did something.
Acting like those criminals that just get caught. There is so much shit going on....... Normally even a retarded criminals they STFU........ but Trump keep talking and talking and talking and talking.

Oh blow it out your ass you moron.

I understand TRUTH HURTS. Right now Trumpy administration is the most corrupted administration.

Right now he is in the right direction to be the most hated POTUS of the world.
Well I'm still waiting for the collusion between Trump and the Russians.

Guess we wait together. LOL

Oh, the evidence of that is overwhelming. Trump has admitted to it, after lying for months. Wanna go over the evidence together?

Oh please. Trump colluding with the Russians and admitting it??

I find that very hard to believe

All you have to do is listen to your BOI acting like he did something.
Acting like those criminals that just get caught. There is so much shit going on....... Normally even a retarded criminals they STFU........ but Trump keep talking and talking and talking and talking.

Oh blow it out your ass you moron.

I understand TRUTH HURTS. Right now Trumpy administration is the most corrupted administration.

Right now he is in the right direction to be the most hated POTUS of the world.

Nah. We already had that. His name was Obama.

Oh and the truth does hurt now doesn't it.

Take a hike dumbass.
Oh, the evidence of that is overwhelming. Trump has admitted to it, after lying for months. Wanna go over the evidence together?

Oh please. Trump colluding with the Russians and admitting it??

I find that very hard to believe

All you have to do is listen to your BOI acting like he did something.
Acting like those criminals that just get caught. There is so much shit going on....... Normally even a retarded criminals they STFU........ but Trump keep talking and talking and talking and talking.

Oh blow it out your ass you moron.

I understand TRUTH HURTS. Right now Trumpy administration is the most corrupted administration.

Right now he is in the right direction to be the most hated POTUS of the world.

Nah. We already had that. His name was Obama.

Oh and the truth does hurt now doesn't it.

Take a hike dumbass.

Nah........ You may want to update yourself. Check Obama’s very impressive popularity both local and overseas.

Trump popularity overseas is the worst ever been for POTUS. Truth hurts.

Turkey one of the closest ally and a very important military US interest in that region is now trying to ally with Russia and Iran ....... Because how fucking DUMB and STUPID this POTUS....... Just because of one American citizen. Which causes the devaluation of their currency. All of that for one American jailed in Turkey.

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