National Religious Broadcasters spokesman fired after pro-vaccine remarks

The Evangelical Christian Right in action folks. Unbelievable. :rolleyes-41:

The spokesperson for the National Religious Broadcasters, an international association of evangelical communicators, was fired Friday following an appearance on MSNBC's “Morning Joe” earlier this month in which he discussed how his faith motivated him to get the Covid-19 vaccine.​
Pastor Daniel Darling appeared on the cable news show last Wednesday to talk about his most recent column for USA Todaytitled "Why as a Christian, and an American, I got the COVID vaccine."​
In his conversation with MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, Darling said faith played an important role in his decision to get vaccinated, particularly the idea that "we ought to love our neighbor." By getting the vaccine, people don't only protect themselves, but become less likely to infect others, he said.​
Darling also urged leaders to stop politicizing vaccines "because I don’t want to see anyone else die of Covid," he said.​
His exit from the National Religious Broadcasters came after the organization determined his comments violated an internal policy of remaining neutral about Covid-19 vaccines. Darling was fired two days after refusing to sign a letter admitting insubordination.​
The National Religious Broadcasters did not respond to NBC News' request for comment on Saturday.​

Well, this group relies on the money of the AM radio crowd and on the people dumb enough to send money to that freak on that broadcast station #45 that you didn't know existed until you scanned the broadcast channels. So I imagine anything that resembles "smart" or "normal" like this would lose audience members and thus money.
Well, this group relies on the money of the AM radio crowd and on the people dumb enough to send money to that freak on that broadcast station #45 that you didn't know existed until you scanned the broadcast channels. So I imagine anything that resembles "smart" or "normal" like this would lose audience members and thus money.

WINNER Fort Fun Indiana ^ Would you like your chicken broiled, baked, bbq'd or fried?

I absolutely DO understand the anti-vaxers. Mostly the ones among blacks but anyone who distrusts government also.

But MisterBeale wants me to trust the outlier, the unqualified kook with a non-scince PhD who has pushed anti-vax theories from the get-go.

Would I trust:

  • A former eye doctor who's kookier than his pop? (Rand)
  • A former radiologist who hasn't practiced even radiology in ten years?? (Atlas)
  • A TeeVee psychologist??? (Phil)
  • A PillowGuy promoting a Big Lie????

Or this particular kook?????

Look, this lady is well educated and smart, but her PhD gives her no license to opine on matters of COVID & vaccines. I'm certain that we could come to agreement on her stances on femanism.

I trust the 98% of docs, immunologists and virologists who are laying down FACTS.

So why do you so hate facts Beale? Perhaps you should trust ME on rocket science and operate on ME if I have a heart attac YOU dig in. No thanks, I'll hire a QUALIFIED GD heart surgeon.

SBS = Stop Being Stoopid when it comes to science and FACTS.
It has nothing to do with a vaccine. I don't know if you get that, if you being disingenuous, or you a just lying.

I don't give a shit about the vaccine or the virus at this point.

It is about the forced control measures. But you won't listen.
It has nothing to do with a vaccine. I don't know if you get that, if you being disingenuous, or you a just lying.

I don't give a shit about the vaccine or the virus at this point.

It is about the forced control measures. But you won't listen.
And those measures are about the pandemic and the vaccine. So try as you might get away from those topics and try to paint your silly fight as some sort of noble Fight For Freedom, you aren't getting away from them.
And those measures are about the pandemic and the vaccine. So try as you might get away from those topics and try to paint your silly fight as some sort of noble Fight For Freedom, you aren't getting away from them.
You actually believe that, don't you?

Yes, I support the right of private companies to smartly mandate the vaccination and protect themselves, their other workers and their customers. And I support Delta's decision to lay down a $200 monthly surcharge to protect themselves against higher insurance rates.

Not comparable - Sorry
Those pesky facts.
Of course because I am not a delusional paranoid freak
It has nothing to do with a vaccine. I don't know if you get that, if you being disingenuous, or you a just lying.

I don't give a shit about the vaccine or the virus at this point.

It is about the forced control measures. But you won't listen.

I listen plenty loon. It’s my job
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I don't give a. smoking hot damn if you are anti Vax, pro Vax, or wait and see. Vax,


or at least it used to be.

Depends on whether you would like to go to school or keep your job - eh loon? :)

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