National Review Just Came Out Swinging Against Trump


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Holy smokes.

The National Review has collected 35 essays from conservative leaders, all explaining why Trump is a RINO.

"When conservatives desperately needed allies in the fight against big government, Donald Trump didn’t stand on the sidelines. He consistently advocated that your money be spent, that your government grow, and that your Constitution be ignored."

"Not since George Wallace has there been a presidential candidate who made racial and religious scapegoating so central to his campaign."

"A real conservative walks with us. Ronald Reagan read National Review and Human Events for intellectual sustenance; spoke annually to the Conservative Political Action Conference, Young Americans for Freedom, and other organizations to rally the troops; supported Barry Goldwater when the GOP mainstream turned its back on him; raised money for countless conservative groups; wrote hundreds of op-eds; and delivered even more speeches, everywhere championing our cause. Until he decided to run for the GOP nomination a few months ago, Trump had done none of these things, perhaps because he was too distracted publicly raising money for liberals such as the Clintons; championing Planned Parenthood, tax increases, and single-payer health coverage; and demonstrating his allegiance to the Democratic party."

On and on like that. Awesome.
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What Does An Actual RINO Look Like?

It's time to wake up, folks. Trump is not a conservative by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, he has a totalitarian streak a mile wide.

I understand why the American people are mad. They can sense they are being robbed in some way, but they can't put their finger on what the problem is.

Trump is a demagogue who comes along and points the finger at Mexicans and Muslims and says, "It's THEIR fault!" He exploits fear.

He's a master at providing scapegoats for angry people to focus on.
National Review Comes Out Against Trump

The late William F. Buckley's magazines rants against Trump with its so-called leaders calling him a fraud and charlatan. Here's its editorial:

Donald Trump is a menace to American conservatism who would take the work of generations and trample it underfoot in behalf of a populism as heedless and crude as the Donald himself.

Well, if Mitch McConnell and John Boehner are sterling examples of conservatism, no wonder so many Americans are turning to The Donald. Read the rest of the CNN article trumpeting anti-Trump sentiments @ 10 reasons National Review doesn't want Trump in the White House -

And Trump fires back! @ Trump Fires Back at National Review Over 'Anti-Trump' Issue Backed by 22 Major Conservatives
What Does An Actual RINO Look Like?

It's time to wake up, folks. Trump is not a conservative by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, he has a totalitarian streak a mile wide.

I understand why the American people are mad. They can sense they are being robbed in some way, but they can't put their finger on what the problem is.

Trump is a demagogue who comes along and points the finger at Mexicans and Muslims and says, "It's THEIR fault!" He exploits fear.

He's a master at providing scapegoats for angry people to focus on.
he knows how to hit the rube button
Well, if Mitch McConnell and John Boehner are sterling examples of conservatism, no wonder so many Americans are turning to The Donald.
From the essays:

"Many of these politicians are calculating, cynical charlatans, running as one thing only to govern in a completely different direction. See: McConnell, McCain, Hatch, Boehner, et al. And for decades it’s worked. Conservatives look at the alternatives—Reid, Pelosi, Obama, Clinton, et al.—and bite the bullet. We so often “win”—only for nothing to come of it.

"The GOP base is clearly disgusted and looking for new leadership. Enter Donald Trump, not just with policy prescriptions that challenge the cynical GOP leadership but with an attitude of disdain for that leadership—precisely in line with the sentiment of the base. Many conservatives are relishing this, but ah, the rub. Trump might be the greatest charlatan of them all."
they're eating their own as we type ... NR blasting Trump, Republican Congressmen blasting Rafael... its a gangfight.

As the star of a reality TV show, Trump knows a lot of people don't want to think too much. He takes this knowledge and gives them simple answers and simple scapegoats and catchphrases to parrot.
Yes the king makers are freaking out the establishment, the media, now the self appointed voice of conservatives, they are blinded by hate. This isn't about Trump this is about a significant number of people who are fed up with them and their hand chosen candidates screwing over the country election after election. They brought this down upon themselves.
Glad to see the NR taking the lead here. Back in its founding days Buckley's goal was to deliver conservatism from the racist Birchers and other miscreants who had hijacked it. He was successful. May his spirit hover over this endeveaor too.
Damn right. You guys are all behind the hero and combat veteran Hillary Clinton, the star of 13 Days.
Bill Buckley is the reason I am a conservative. When I was a teen, I picked up NR and it felt like I was breathing pure oxygen. I then joined Young Americans for Freedom, and the next thing you know, I was a right wing political activist.
Another day of Trumpitis from the left loons

there are not enough rightwing bitter whitey t christers to elect anyone to national office
There are enough sane conservative to do so, though. We gave Ronald Reagan 49 states, but have been sitting out the last few elections because we are disgusted with the liars, retards, psychopaths, and hypocrites who have hijacked the movement and destroyed the brand.

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