National Review Just Came Out Swinging Against Trump

gold standard of conservatism, Ronald Reagan
Your opinion is just that. An opinion. If he is your "gold standard", your establishment leanings now make sense.
This is why everyone calls you a lefty..
This topic is priceless. The tards are calling Reagan a RINO.

I knew it! I've known they would feel that way about Reagan for a long time.


Since that is the case, I wish you tards would quit the pretense of idolizing Reagan. You have been worshipping a man you know NOTHING about.

You have hijacked conservatism and utterly destroyed it. Trump's success is proof.

If conservatism was alive and well, Trump would not have even attempted to run as a Republican.
Same here, They are like a fat lady in a malt shop, justifying their t3h Doanld support, :up: grasping at straws
You not being able to read isn't surprising.
gold standard of conservatism, Ronald Reagan
Your opinion is just that. An opinion. If he is your "gold standard", your establishment leanings now make sense.
This is why everyone calls you a lefty..
This topic is priceless. The tards are calling Reagan a RINO.

I knew it! I've known they would feel that way about Reagan for a long time.


Since that is the case, I wish you tards would quit the pretense of idolizing Reagan. You have been worshipping a man you know NOTHING about.

You have hijacked conservatism and utterly destroyed it. Trump's success is proof.

If conservatism was alive and well, Trump would not have even attempted to run as a Republican.
The only one calling Reagan a RINO is you, leftard.
because he was? dummy. :eusa_eh: And don't bring up his fiscal record as it was based on arms build-up (AKA- crony capitalism based on spending taxpayer $$$)
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Well, that's the point. Why don't gop supporters care what conservatives think?

Because we've seen what they either willfully or blindly refuse to see...a true conservative can't at this time scale the Blue Wall of left leaning state primaries.

So, what happens?

The moderate candidate gets a percentage of the delegates in conservative states...but gets all the delegates in moderate and left leaning states.

IOW, the deck is stacked against a conservative candidate.

But, low and behold, 2016, the moderate candidate gives conservatives 65% of a loaf of bread, and the conservative candidate give 85%.

The Bushs, Kasichs and Christies are left out in the cold. That's win/win for conservatives.

G5000 doesn't want Cruz. He wants a super moderate. And he's not going to get it...because conservatives have subverted the checks and controls that the G5000s of the world have instituted to insure that only moderate establishment candidates like Romney and McCain and Dole and Bush are the only ones who can get the nod.

As a result...they are shitting their collective pants.
Hmmm. There's something to that, I suppose. But, I don't see where that should make a conservative comfortable with Trump as the nominee. Exactly the opposite, in my case.

In 1996, and again in 2000, Forbes attempted to win on his flat tax proposal. In 1996, Slick's reelection was pretty much a foregone conclusion, and Dole got the nod. In 2000, Forbes got killed by the Rove machine, linking him to his father's gay life, lukewarm support for no abortion in any case and ..... school prayer. LOL I'm the first to admit W's killing of the Reagan conservatism in the gop was possibly worse than his killing of the US army in Iraq.

But, we've just witnessed donors pledging upwards of a billion dollars to anyone, ANYONE, willing to take the pledge of ending corporate welfare (including most likely home mortgage deductions) and possibly ending welfare as a personal lifestyle, in exchange for a sizeable personal income tax cut. Clean air and water positions were never fully fleshed out. But, instead we have ... the Donald.

Leaving foreign policy aside, I don't really care about social issues that much, and I don't think common core is a threat to the nation or will turn all the kids gay or something. But, I do care about deficits.

All this Trump shite about deporting all the illegals or turning back the clock on globalization .... bs. You could decide to issue 10 million work permits to aliens and make it very hard to be in the US without a permit, but that's not what Trump proposed. He played the race card. Trump's talking about spending billions we don't have on border patrols and new courts. He's the LEAST fiscally conservative guy in the lot.
gold standard of conservatism, Ronald Reagan
Your opinion is just that. An opinion. If he is your "gold standard", your establishment leanings now make sense.
This is why everyone calls you a lefty..
This topic is priceless. The tards are calling Reagan a RINO.

I knew it! I've known they would feel that way about Reagan for a long time.


Since that is the case, I wish you tards would quit the pretense of idolizing Reagan. You have been worshipping a man you know NOTHING about.

You have hijacked conservatism and utterly destroyed it. Trump's success is proof.

If conservatism was alive and well, Trump would not have even attempted to run as a Republican.
The only one calling Reagan a RINO is you, leftard.
because he was dummy. And don't bring up his fiscal record as it was based on arms build-up (AKA- crony capitalism based on spending taxpayer $$$)
Well he did make markets more transparent, and did allow private individuals to allocate more capital to markets.

But, yeah, he'd be a rino to most today.
Reagan raised taxes mult times
PERMANENTLY as well. All one has to do is look at their pay stub. Thats why its ironic when conservatives point to Ronnie when asked to name their fave con Prez :laugh:
I don't know many people who are more conservative than Ann Coulter, and she is backing Trump--ardently. So is Sarah Palin, another rock-ribbed conservative. So is Michael Savage
You just named three of the most batshit crazy assholes ruining the conservative brand.

Gee, openly racist Ann Coulter supports Trump. Color no one surprised.

My reaction to those three names was about the same, except I would have added that Coulter and Palin are self-aggrandizing self promoters who'll say anything to get 30 secs of airtime and really have no ideology to the core except an overarching egotism and an ugly caricature of America in their hearts so alien it arouses the same hatreds in their followers that the worst of the 19th century Know Nothings fed on. They themselves are self caricatures of the most ignorant of those 19th century Know Nothings. I don't know enough about Savage to have developed the same contempt for him.
I don't think Trump threatens the gop senate. And that's probably why they are lining up to take out Cruz.

2016 Senate Election Interactive Map

If Cruz wants to end ethanol and cut back on Miss R flood aid, it would affect at least 6 battleground senate seats.
Do you know if Cruz plans on keeping his senate seat if he loses the Pres Primary bendog ?
ah, no I don't. And I have to leave. I will bookmark this page though, if you'd care to tell me. Thanks. Have a nice evening.
National Review came out swinging on Trump...

...aaaaannnndddd, nobody cares.

View attachment 61154

2016 President – Republican Nomination – PredictWise
Well, that's the point. Why don't gop supporters care what conservatives think?
they don't like being told that someone might be more knowledgeable than them/not use slogans. Even The National Journal is shunned by the nativist bumper sticker crowd now.

Important point- Trump has not said how he's going to accomplish all the lofty goals he's put forth. Know why? Because he doesn't know either.
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I don't think Trump threatens the gop senate. And that's probably why they are lining up to take out Cruz.

2016 Senate Election Interactive Map

If Cruz wants to end ethanol and cut back on Miss R flood aid, it would affect at least 6 battleground senate seats.
Do you know if Cruz plans on keeping his senate seat if he loses the Pres Primary bendog ?
His Senate term does not expire until 2018. So of course he will keep it if he doesn't win the White House.
For all those libs who can't understand why a conservative would support Trump.

His stated policies would be very beneficial for America.

More so than what we can expect from the Establishment Republicans.

AND his complete dismissal of Political Correctness is very attractive and as it hopefully will weaken PC, would also be very beneficial for America.

Sooooo, I hope that helps clear things up for you.
Reagan raised taxes mult times
Were taxes higher or lower when he left office?
Deficit up around 175%. Taxes up about 100%. Spending up about 100%.

Why didn't you answer his question?
Because the answer is taxes were lower. He cannot give an answer because either he would be lying (not that its bothered him before) or it would reveal that his post was completely wrong and stupid.
Either way he looks like a fool so he has to deflect.
Reagan raised taxes mult times
Were taxes higher or lower when he left office?
Deficit up around 175%. Taxes up about 100%. Spending up about 100%.
Cant answer the question, eh?
Yeah taxes were lower when Reagan left office.
they were higher Rabbi. As was the deficit and spending. The marginal rates, esp on the wealthy, were lowered but a combination of closing "loopholes" and higher gnp resulted in more revenues. Unfortunately the revenues did not keep pace with the rising deficits caused by Reagan's spending increases.
Reagan raised taxes mult times
Were taxes higher or lower when he left office?
Deficit up around 175%. Taxes up about 100%. Spending up about 100%.
Cant answer the question, eh?
Yeah taxes were lower when Reagan left office.
they were higher Rabbi. As was the deficit and spending. The marginal rates, esp on the wealthy, were lowered but a combination of closing "loopholes" and higher gnp resulted in more revenues. Unfortunately the revenues did not keep pace with the rising deficits caused by Reagan's spending increases.
Wrong. Tax rates were lower. Total income to the Treasury was higher as high earners paid more in taxes because they could keep more of what they earned.
Congress continued to vote for higher levels of spending because that's what Democrats do.
And Obama's deficits are bigger than Reagan's entire budget.

Pwned again.

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