National Review Just Came Out Swinging Against Trump

gold standard of conservatism, Ronald Reagan
Your opinion is just that. An opinion. If he is your "gold standard", your establishment leanings now make sense.
This is why everyone calls you a lefty..
This topic is priceless. The tards are calling Reagan a RINO.

I knew it! I've known they would feel that way about Reagan for a long time.


Since that is the case, I wish you tards would quit the pretense of idolizing Reagan. You have been worshipping a man you know NOTHING about.

You have hijacked conservatism and utterly destroyed it. Trump's success is proof.
Are you delusional? I have been talking shit about that man since i started posting in this thread.
If conservatism was alive and well, Trump would be running in the primaries against Hillary and Sanders.
gold standard of conservatism, Ronald Reagan
Your opinion is just that. An opinion. If he is your "gold standard", your establishment leanings now make sense.
This is why everyone calls you a lefty..
This topic is priceless. The tards are calling Reagan a RINO.

I knew it! I've known they would feel that way about Reagan for a long time.


Since that is the case, I wish you tards would quit the pretense of idolizing Reagan. You have been worshipping a man you know NOTHING about.

You have hijacked conservatism and utterly destroyed it. Trump's success is proof.
Are you delusional? I have been talking shit about that man since i started posting in this thread.
And now you are talking shit about Reagan.

You have no conservative roots at all. You're just floating on the wind.

Trump succeeds because of people like you.

Just like Obama was elected because of people like you.
gold standard of conservatism, Ronald Reagan
Your opinion is just that. An opinion. If he is your "gold standard", your establishment leanings now make sense.
This is why everyone calls you a lefty..
This topic is priceless. The tards are calling Reagan a RINO.

I knew it! I've known they would feel that way about Reagan for a long time.


Since that is the case, I wish you tards would quit the pretense of idolizing Reagan. You have been worshipping a man you know NOTHING about.

You have hijacked conservatism and utterly destroyed it. Trump's success is proof.
Are you delusional? I have been talking shit about that man since i started posting in this thread.
And now you are talking shit about Reagan.

You have no conservative roots at all. You're just floating on the wind.

Trump succeeds because of people like you.

Just like Obama was elected because of people like you.
I didn't claim too.. I don't claim any brand. Brands are for pussies. I believe in what I think is right. I don't care what "side" it belongs to.
BTW, I have talked shit about Reagan since I studied him.
Trump and his supporters have already escorted Hillary Clinton into the Oval office. They have chased off 17% of the population, Hispanics when Republicans needed at least 46% of this voting block to win the White House. Trump is polling at a negative 75% with this group.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

In 2012--the Evangelical wing of the Republican party chased off the largest voting block in this country by making their platform about abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is "legal legitimate rape" which offended women into Barack Obama's column. Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points which is what secured a 2nd term for Obama.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong -
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

There is no reason for these two large voting blocks to come back to the Republican Party. There is no GOP candidate that can win the White House at this time. In their effort to pick a non-establishment candidate they have rino'd themselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency. Frankly with these numbers it wouldn't surprise me to see Republicans lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. What the Trump supporter failed to realize is that Republicans in the entire southwest of this country depend on, is Hispanic support to win elections. Without them they lose.

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Trump and his supporters have already escorted Hillary Clinton into the Oval office. They have chased off 17% of the population, Hispanics when Republicans needed at least 46% of this voting block to win the White House. Trump is polling at a negative 75% with this group.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

In 2012--the Evangelical wing of the Republican party chased off the largest voting block in this country by making their platform about abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is "legal legitimate rape" which offended women into Barack Obama's column. Republicans lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points which is what secured a 2nd term for Obama.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong -
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History

There is no reason for these two large voting blocks to come back to the Republican Party. There is no GOP candidate that can win the White House at this time. In their effort to pick a non-establishment candidate they have rino'd themselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency. Frankly with these numbers it wouldn't surprise me to see Republicans lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. What the Trump supporter failed to realize is that Republicans in the entire southwest of this country depend on, is Hispanic support to win elections. Without them they lose.


Blah, blah, blah, latinos.
If conservatism was alive and well, Trump would be running in the primaries against Hillary and Sanders.
Exactly. Cruz is a fiscal conservative. Kasich as well, but he'll raise taxes. Rand Paul ... but is he a serious conservative? I don't buy Rubio as a fiscal conservative.
gold standard of conservatism, Ronald Reagan
Your opinion is just that. An opinion. If he is your "gold standard", your establishment leanings now make sense.
This is why everyone calls you a lefty..
This topic is priceless. The tards are calling Reagan a RINO.

I knew it! I've known they would feel that way about Reagan for a long time.


Since that is the case, I wish you tards would quit the pretense of idolizing Reagan. You have been worshipping a man you know NOTHING about.

You have hijacked conservatism and utterly destroyed it. Trump's success is proof.

If conservatism was alive and well, Trump would not have even attempted to run as a Republican.
The only one calling Reagan a RINO is you, leftard.
What I find extremely hilarious, is that we have so many self-described "true Conservatives" jumping the fence of "true conservatism" to undyingly support Trump! Nothing like sticking to your convictions! :clap::disbelief:
Well, that's the point. Why don't gop supporters care what conservatives think?

Because we've seen what they either willfully or blindly refuse to see...a true conservative can't at this time scale the Blue Wall of left leaning state primaries.

So, what happens?

The moderate candidate gets a percentage of the delegates in conservative states...but gets all the delegates in moderate and left leaning states.

IOW, the deck is stacked against a conservative candidate.

But, low and behold, 2016, the moderate candidate gives conservatives 65% of a loaf of bread, and the conservative candidate give 85%.

The Bushs, Kasichs and Christies are left out in the cold. That's win/win for conservatives.

G5000 doesn't want Cruz. He wants a super moderate. And he's not going to get it...because conservatives have subverted the checks and controls that the G5000s of the world have instituted to insure that only moderate establishment candidates like Romney and McCain and Dole and Bush are the only ones who can get the nod.

As a result...they are shitting their collective pants.
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Reagan didn't mind selling arms to the Iranians to fund his dirty little war in Central America though, did he? The gipper had one of the most corrupt administrations in American history, but the Reagan worship machine ignores it.
32 criminal convictions if I remember correctly :eusa_whistle: , yes.
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Rabbi is what is wrong with the Gnu Right. They have a ridiculously long list of litmus tests that not even the gold standard of conservatism, Ronald Reagan, could pass all of them. And so the entire litmus test system is useless.

This is how an actual RINO like Donald Trump was able to pass himself off as a Republican. He doesn't pass ANY conservative litmus test.

Trump is very pro-choice. So pro-choice he would not ban partial birth abortions. This is bedrock liberal stuff.

He wants single payer healthcare. Socialized medicine. More bedrock liberal credentials.

He wants to increase taxes. Another liberal foundation.

He's also a long time friend of the Clintons! How does this not act like a bucket of cold water on those people down on their knees to him? It's simply unbelievable!

There is only one right wing cause Trump is all about. And it is the worst possible one. And even that one thing has Democratic roots. It's the one brought over to our party by the racist Democrats who were attracted to the GOP by the Republican Southern Strategy: Racial, religious, and ethnically based discrimination.

Shitbirds like Trump succeed at the expense of real conservative Reagan Republicans like John Kasich. This is the GOP at its most self-destructive.
He, and many other Trump- supporter- types here, have the convictions of a wind vane. They just plan on voting for "the other guy". I'm sick of both parties as they are merely the controlled opposition, As Nader put it" The Vanilla or the other Vanilla" is not a valid choice.

People need to wake up from their status quo- induced, partisan slumber :banghead:
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gold standard of conservatism, Ronald Reagan
Your opinion is just that. An opinion. If he is your "gold standard", your establishment leanings now make sense.
This is why everyone calls you a lefty..
This topic is priceless. The tards are calling Reagan a RINO.

I knew it! I've known they would feel that way about Reagan for a long time.


Since that is the case, I wish you tards would quit the pretense of idolizing Reagan. You have been worshipping a man you know NOTHING about.

You have hijacked conservatism and utterly destroyed it. Trump's success is proof.

If conservatism was alive and well, Trump would not have even attempted to run as a Republican.
Same here, They are like a fat lady in a malt shop, justifying their t3h Doanld support, :up: grasping at straws

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