National Security Threat: PRESIDENT Biden MOCKS 'Freedom' During Attack On 1st Responders For Un-Constitutional Mandate Non-Compliance

No, They won't even do that------communist/lib fraud organized and executed during voting season is what clearly happened.

To further insure this fraud Mark Zuckerberg paid off those in charge of the election MILLIONS $$$$--why else donate so much money to these specific people. FRAUD all the way...

Actually the $417 million from Zuckerberg, meant that democratic counties could spend $47 per voter, while republican counties only had $7 per voter to spend. That's why democratic counties "got out the vote" much better.

At least read the narrative you're using.
Nobody is being forced to get vaccinated. e.
Oh, no...not at all. (Sarcasm)

Another 'obfuscation'!

1st responders, military members, other Americans working are being told and have been told if they do not obey the ILLEGAL mandate:
- You will lose your job
- You will be fired and never be allowed to work in this city again
- You will lose your job and lose your benefits
- You will be kicked out of ther military, lose your benefits, & receive a dishonorable discharge

Tjhis is the point where you make the ridiculous claim that Americans still have the 'choice' to 'quit' and be stripped of their jobs, benefits, 'honorable' status, that they are not being 'forced' to but have the 'choice' to obey the illegal vaccine mandate or lose everything.
Actually the $417 million from Zuckerberg, meant that democratic counties could spend $47 per voter, while republican counties only had $7 per voter to spend.
Good lord, stop the BS. What party / person receives $417 MILLION and actively spends '$47 on each individual voter.

Like Biden and Democrats, You are talking like you truly believe the people you are talking to are stupid. - the are NOT.
Hydroxychloroquine, like every vaccine out right now, does NOT prevent you from getting COVID-19. It has been proven to help reduce symptoms and help people get better.

Can I mark that down as another Trump lie?

Trump says he's taking hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19

He also claimed that essential workers, including doctors and nurses, were taking the drug to prevent contracting the disease caused by the coronavirus.

The American Medical Association, the American Pharmacists Association and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists released a joint statement in April acknowledging "that some physicians and others are prophylactically prescribing medications currently identified as potential treatments for COVID-19."
"The concern that I have is that people will say, well, the president is using it, it must mean that it works, right?"
Oh, no...not at all. (Sarcasm)

Another 'obfuscation'!

1st responders, military members, other Americans working are being told and have been told if they do not obey the ILLEGAL mandate:
- You will lose your job
- You will be fired and never be allowed to work in this city again
- You will lose your job and lose your benefits
- You will be kicked out of ther military, lose your benefits, & receive a dishonorable discharge

As I said, refusing vaccination may have personal costs. And all you've done is prove that nobody can be "forced" to get vaccinated.
Nobody is being forced to get vaccinated. But failure to get vaccinated may have a personal cost,

Yup, just as I predicted, there's that bullshit.

Biden is using EXTORTION to enforce an Un-Constitutional, ILLEGAL vaccine mandate.
It's not funny. People are OD'ing, and horses are finding their meds harder to get.

Horse Owners Face Ivermectin Shortage Due to COVID-19 ...
You clearly aren't a physician. Ivermectin has been humans by doctors for many years. I think you were tricked yet again by the MSM spin.
Nobody is being forced to get vaccinated. But failure to get vaccinated may have a personal cost, such as not being able to go to the theatre, or take a cruise. Some employers may exclude them from employment without vaccination.

But nobody is being FORCED to get the vaccine.
You are a terrorist.

"I am not 'forcing' you to take the vaccine......
But, as you can see, there are consequences for NOT doing so...."

I am going to take away your job, your house ($ for rent), your car.....but I am not'forcing' you....
Really? They're the one's taking horse de-worming meds, and lupus drugs.

I may have to buy another irony meter, just so you can make it explode. that you?

Don't forget.......we are washing it all down with bleach too!!!!!

Yup, just as I predicted, there's that bullshit.

Biden is using EXTORTION to enforce an Un-Constitutional, ILLEGAL vaccine mandate.

Did you see the Texas nurses case? The vaccine mandate by the hospitals was upheld by the Texas Supreme Court.
From the NYC smallpox vaccination mandate, the US Supreme Court has said such acts by the government with "compelling interest" are constitutional.
The Constitution states that government MUST do everything it can before it strips Americans of their rights in order to follow / accomplish an agenda.

Science, the thing Democrats claim to follow but really ignore, has proven that taken the vaccine is NOT requited, that it is NOT THE ONLY to defeat / deal with the virus.

Natural immunity, therapeutics, anti-virals, etc..... are being ignored by Biden and Democrats who are focused on nothing but forcing Americans to surrender their freedom and comply with the illegal mandate.

Completely healthy young individuals with not existing conditions have taken the vaccine AND DIED! They died because their govt stripped them of the power to make their own decisions regarding their own health care., Many Americans have had heart inflammation and other problems because their govt forced them to get this vaccine.

If the govt is going to force / extort Americans into getting the vaccine against their will they should OWN anything bad gthat happens. If you take the vaccine and have problems / die Americans should be able to sue the evr-luvin' shit out of Biden and the govt.
"I am not 'forcing' you to take the vaccine......
But, as you can see, there are consequences for NOT doing so...."

I am going to take away your job, your house ($ for rent), your car.....but I am not'forcing' you....
It's the flip side of the same coin. You can't be FORCED to get vaccinated, and you can be FORCED to get an abortion.

But not doing either can have personal consequences.
Trump supporters are the ones refusing the Trump vaccine.

Do I need to get out the irony meter?
No, but you do need to get educated....

According to a study by Texas A&M in June,

The number one demographic group to refuse the jab are Blacks

Second was Women

and not until you get to third place do you see political affiliations as in Conservatives...

Your post is a lie.
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"I am not 'forcing' you to take the vaccine......
But, as you can see, there are consequences for NOT doing so...."

I am going to take away your job, your house ($ for rent), your car.....but I am not'forcing' you....
They are so coy and cute with their "Nobody's forcing you" bullshit. Won't it be fun when they see how we deal with terrorists?
Did you see the Texas nurses case? The vaccine mandate by the hospitals was upheld by the Texas Supreme Court.
Probably a Obama Judge...who cares....

If Americans are stripped of making their own decisions about their own health care and forced to do this every woman should lose their right to make the decision to abort a baby.

Sorry, precedence is set - 'YOUR Body Is NOT YOUR Choice!'

You have to get the shot because not doing so affects others' lives? Then you can't get an abortion because ity affects others' lives, like the life of a viable baby, one able to survive outside the womb.

OH, but that is NOT acceptable to the Marxist Democrat Death Cult. They want what they want, even if it is hypocritical and / or is a complete double standard.
The Constitution states that government MUST do everything it can before it strips Americans of their rights in order to follow / accomplish an agenda.

Science, the thing Democrats claim to follow but really ignore, has proven that taken the vaccine is NOT requited, that it is NOT THE ONLY to defeat / deal with the virus.

Natural immunity, therapeutics, anti-virals, etc..... are being ignored by Biden ...

The government (aka Biden and the democrats) have spent about $8 billion on buying vaccines (411 million doses $20 per dose)

Meanwhile the government has spent about $3 billion on monoclonal antibody therapies.

So it's pure bullshit that spending 30% of vaccine expenditures on therapeutics is ignoring it.

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