Turns out Joe Biden was the shadowy hand behind Justin Trudeau's tyrannical acts against Canadian truckers

Did you feel and say the same when BLM and Antifa were burning down cities and Federal Buildings while looting and killing?
Of course. Violence is always wrong.

There were many BLM protests which were fine. No violence. Just people marching as part of the protest for a few hours. Then they went home and people went about their business.

The truckers should have done the same.
Even though I'm keeping things together, I'm very aware of what people are going through. But you'd be hard-pressed to find any Biden-supporter who would actually admit the state we're in. They act like everything is "back to normal", when it's not. The state of our country is far from "normal."

No disagreement there, buddy. Some of these people don't realize they did it to themselves by voting for these crooks.

Of course many of them you can't blame....like the dead ones.
Did you miss the levels of violence the police used against peaceful protestors in 2020?


When Antifa is attempting to burn down a federal courthouse, and literally shot a Trump supporter dead for wearing a MAGA hat, sometimes you gotta use force.

But don't worry: The Leftard justice system in those states usually let em walk right back out onto the streets again so they could continue their "social justice" crusade.

When Antifa is attempting to burn down a federal courthouse, and literally shot a Trump supporter dead for wearing a MAGA hat, sometimes you gotta use force.

But don't worry: The Leftard justice system in those states usually let em walk right back out onto the streets again so they could continue their "social justice" crusade.
You should try having a serious discussion some time. All you are doing here is being childish and idiotic.
"Nazis haven't existed since 1945." - MAGA Macho Man

Even though I'm keeping things together, I'm very aware of what people are going through. But you'd be hard-pressed to find any Biden-supporter who would actually admit the state we're in. They act like everything is "back to normal", when it's not. The state of our country is far from "normal."

Our country is under attack from you right wing fascists. That is why it is not normal. You are attacking free speech rights, voting rights, women have already lost some rights and you are trying to turn this into a dictatorship.
You are attacking free speech rights, voting rights, women have already lost some rights and you are trying to turn this into a dictatorship.

Jesus H. Christ. This reads like a Leftist cliche'.

Free speech? You're the assholes who want to keep Twitter censored and covered up the Hunter laptop to swing the election.

Voting rights? Tell that to Georgia where they had record turnout, including among minorities. Yeah, turns out it's actually kinda racist to assume "the blacks" don't possess the wherewithal to obtain a fucking driver's license, bigot.

Women's rights? You mean the right not to have to compete against men or have them bash your head in during a UFC fight because they "identify" as other than their natural born gender? And I'm sure your average parent just loves the idea of their little Suzy being exposed to some dude's schlong in the name of "inclusivity".

Dictatorship? You mean like forcing people to take an experimental "vaccine" - under threat of employment termination - and then lying about its side affects while sucking up all that Big Pharma filthy lucre?

You've consumed every last corporate media lie, and you still want more.

What a pathetic victim.

Turns out Joe Biden was the shadowy hand behind Justin Trudeau's tyrannical acts against Canadian truckers

25 Nov 2022 ~~ By Moniac Showalter

When Justin Trudeau shut down Canada's spectacular 3,000-strong convoy of "freedom" truckers opposed to Canada's COVID vaccine mandates, most were appalled at the tyrannical steps taken to stop it. After all, the country was Canada, not Cuba.
Son-of-Castro invoked Canada's "Emergencies Act," on "Freedom Convoy 2022," on February 14, freezing trucker bank accounts, imprisoning their leaders, shutting down a GoFundMe account for truckers, banning travel to the protests, which had attracted 15,000 people, hauling off and termininating parental rights of truckers to their own children, and expropriating their trucks.
All that, over a peaceful trucker protest over a vaccine mandate.
We know it was outrageous. We know it was something Castro would do. But now as Trudeau is called to Canada's parliament to testify about what the heck he thought it was doing, word has gotten out about who was really calling the shots on this lunacy:

Should it surprise anyone that Joe Biden was behind these outrageous abuses of power? We already know that he abuses power in the states. Now it appears he has taken his act on the road, too. What's scary here is that if Joe would be the man to ensure that Canada takes draconian action against the peaceful truckers, what is Joe capable of against us here in the states? Joe gets used to these things and is comfortable with them happening. What is he capable of doing to us? And what other foreign and domestic muscling has he done -- the very thing that his minions impeached President Trump for -- that we don't know about? Biden's phone call and his aides' threats led to tremendous human rights violations in Canada.
Maybe Joe should be called to testify before Canadian parliament -- and the incoming U.S. Congress, too.

Indeed peaceful protests are a danger to democracy. The extremists that take part in them are no better than terrorists, interfering with the government’s freedom to do whatever it wants.
So when we ask what Petey Buttigieg actually does for a job, we learn that it’s this sort of meddling in another country’s internal affairs, which frankly, must be illegal. The Biden White House was the shadowy hand behind the scenes pressuring the weak and ineffectual Trudeau to stop this truck protest by any means necessary ... or else.
And this wasn’t just the doing of conniving White House aides with malice on their minds.
Biden himself was directly involved in muscling Trudeau on the truckers, too, making a phone call to Trudeau three days before Trudeau invoked his “Emergencies Act.” Guess we know what that conversation was about. The Post’s account cites characters who say that Joe threatened protectionist measures. So what we saw from this was Joe snaps his fingers and Trudeau comes running.
Buttigieg also screwed the pooch on our supply chain from China. Now he and Joe Biden are doing the same with America's railroad system.
I knew that clown was a Cuck, but how far removed from your nuts do you have to be to let Veggie Joe be your puppet master?
What inclusion? I'm not a pussy. 😅

Yeah....uuuummmm....I don't know how to break this to you....

I don't think you understand anything about the contemporaneous ideological spectrum.

Which means you probably shouldn't be posting on a political message board.

Hell, you probably shouldn't even vote.

But, hey, none o' my business!

Fuhgeddaboutit!! ;)

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