Nations around the world must stop appeasing the Islamists


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Manchester attack: Nations around the world must stop appeasing the Islamists

"We must drive out the terrorists and extremists from our midst, obliterate this evil ideology, and protect and defend our citizens and people of the world," the president said. "All civilized nations must be united in this effort."

And we must do our part in the United States. We must secure our borders, we must investigate those who come here from the birthplace of this radical ideology and we must do whatever is necessary to prevent American blood from being shed on American soil.

Yet, there are still apologists for the radical Islamists - from Hollywood to the halls of Congress. They seem to think we can win over the hearts and minds of the jihadists with bouquets of flowers and gentle hugs.

That sort of philosophy is not only foolish but it's downright dangerous.

How many more times do we have to listen to breathless news anchors lecturing us about not rushing to judgment?

The Presbyterians and the Lutherans are not the ones strapping on backpacks filled with nails and blowing themselves up. The Methodists and Baptists aren't beheading people. The Catholics are not flying jetliners into buildings.

So spare us the politically correct garbage.

How many more children must die at the hands of radical Muslims - slain in the name of the religion of peace?

How many more citizens of the world must be sacrificed to satisfy the bloodlust of these brutal savages?

How many more times, America? How many more times?"
for those who do not know------- TOP NOTCH muslim scholars have refused to
issue edicts outlawing the suicide bomb murders of children for the glory of allah. ----
also---muslim political leaders STILL ADULATE THE SLUTS WITH BOMBS ON THEIR
What I find amazing is the sheer number of morons who think their appeasing these troglodytes who have not advanced since the seventh century is somehow liberal.

Today's left is a threat to everything liberals have fought to achieve for several centuries by way of human rights.
What I find amazing is the sheer number of morons who think their appeasing these troglodytes who have not advanced since the seventh century is somehow liberal.

Today's left is a threat to everything liberals have fought to achieve for several centuries by way of human rights.

I am fascinated by the tearful allusions to ISLAMOPHOBIA issued by muslims on public media.
What I find amazing is the sheer number of morons who think their appeasing these troglodytes who have not advanced since the seventh century is somehow liberal. Today's left is a threat to everything liberals have fought to achieve for several centuries by way of human rights.
Remember the "oppressed/oppressor" template under which they operate.

In this case, Christianity is the oppressor, Islam is the oppressed, and that's it, period, end of story.

No matter how much it flies in the face of what liberalism used to represent.
Manchester attack: Nations around the world must stop appeasing the Islamists

"We must drive out the terrorists and extremists from our midst, obliterate this evil ideology, and protect and defend our citizens and people of the world," the president said. "All civilized nations must be united in this effort."

And we must do our part in the United States. We must secure our borders, we must investigate those who come here from the birthplace of this radical ideology and we must do whatever is necessary to prevent American blood from being shed on American soil.

Yet, there are still apologists for the radical Islamists - from Hollywood to the halls of Congress. They seem to think we can win over the hearts and minds of the jihadists with bouquets of flowers and gentle hugs.

That sort of philosophy is not only foolish but it's downright dangerous.

How many more times do we have to listen to breathless news anchors lecturing us about not rushing to judgment?

The Presbyterians and the Lutherans are not the ones strapping on backpacks filled with nails and blowing themselves up. The Methodists and Baptists aren't beheading people. The Catholics are not flying jetliners into buildings.

So spare us the politically correct garbage.

How many more children must die at the hands of radical Muslims - slain in the name of the religion of peace?

How many more citizens of the world must be sacrificed to satisfy the bloodlust of these brutal savages?

How many more times, America? How many more times?"
That all sounds good but what kind of message is sent when we give aid and support of any kind to anyone who has or supports these oppressive organizations in their midst?
What I find amazing is the sheer number of morons who think their appeasing these troglodytes who have not advanced since the seventh century is somehow liberal.

Today's left is a threat to everything liberals have fought to achieve for several centuries by way of human rights.

I am fascinated by the tearful allusions to ISLAMOPHOBIA issued by muslims on public media.
Islamaphobia? CNN just suggested the Manchester terrorist attack might be a 'right Wing Extremist Plot'. REALLY? Hard to see the facts / truth when you are on your knees going down on Islamic Extremists, blinded by hate for your political opponents.
That all sounds good but what kind of message is sent when we give aid and support of any kind to anyone who has or supports these oppressive organizations in their midst?
Or when Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, protected, and took the nation to war Un-Constitutionally to support terrorists...
What I find amazing is the sheer number of morons who think their appeasing these troglodytes who have not advanced since the seventh century is somehow liberal. Today's left is a threat to everything liberals have fought to achieve for several centuries by way of human rights.
Remember the "oppressed/oppressor" template under which they operate.

In this case, Christianity is the oppressor, Islam is the oppressed, and that's it, period, end of story.

No matter how much it flies in the face of what liberalism used to represent.

so true. I learned it many decades ago FROM OPPRESSED MUSLIMS in the USA----in fact, way
back in the 1960s FLOWER CHILD ERA I learned that Christians are THE ENEMEEEEES OF ISLAAAM.
It is a lesson drummed into the heads of muslim children every Friday-----during the weekly
What I find amazing is the sheer number of morons who think their appeasing these troglodytes who have not advanced since the seventh century is somehow liberal.

Today's left is a threat to everything liberals have fought to achieve for several centuries by way of human rights.

I am fascinated by the tearful allusions to ISLAMOPHOBIA issued by muslims on public media.
Islamaphobia? CNN just suggested the Manchester terrorist attack might be a 'right Wing Extremist Plot'. REALLY? Hard to see the facts / truth when you are on your knees going down on Islamic Extremists, blinded by hate for your political opponents.

are you surprised? muslim kids are taught to fart out FALSE FLAG even before they
learn "hickory, dickory, doc....."
What I find amazing is the sheer number of morons who think their appeasing these troglodytes who have not advanced since the seventh century is somehow liberal.

Today's left is a threat to everything liberals have fought to achieve for several centuries by way of human rights.

I am fascinated by the tearful allusions to ISLAMOPHOBIA issued by muslims on public media.

It's really such a stupid word, isn't it?

Is there any OTHER totalitarian ideology where the rational opposition to such is treated as if it is a mental illness?
That all sounds good but what kind of message is sent when we give aid and support of any kind to anyone who has or supports these oppressive organizations in their midst?
Or when Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, protected, and took the nation to war Un-Constitutionally to support terrorists...
How many weapons did trump just sell to the Saudis?
That all sounds good but what kind of message is sent when we give aid and support of any kind to anyone who has or supports these oppressive organizations in their midst?
Or when Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, protected, and took the nation to war Un-Constitutionally to support terrorists...
How many weapons did trump just sell to the Saudis?
Are you REALLY trying to defend Obama by claiming Saudi is equivalent to ISIS and Al Qaeda?
That all sounds good but what kind of message is sent when we give aid and support of any kind to anyone who has or supports these oppressive organizations in their midst?
Or when Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, protected, and took the nation to war Un-Constitutionally to support terrorists...
How many weapons did trump just sell to the Saudis?
Are you REALLY trying to defend Obama by claiming Saudi is equivalent to ISIS and Al Qaeda?
That does seem a little bassackwards but the government's and their radicals are not exactly one in the same. Along with the fact that they would by weapons from another country if we didn't sell to them. I do think they should upgrade and cut out their oppressive crap towards their citizens before getting too cozy with them though.

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