Navy Protecting Sailor Who Intentionally Burned Down $4 Billion US War Ship

If he is a Communist Chinese (who helped put Biden in the WH)...or somebody from the American "Stasi" (you know what I mean) who did this.....the Rats will keep their mouths shut.

Trump was president. Do you have any proof of the ethnicity of the sailor or your slander against Biden?

You aren't a Christian or a Jew, are you?
Trump was president. Do you have any proof of the ethnicity of the sailor or your slander against Biden?

You aren't a Christian or a Jew, are you?

Forgive me, if I give you a giant "FU" for this.

You seem far more interested in others than you are in anything else in this issue. Therefore of absolutely no consideration at all.
Forgive me, if I give you a giant "FU" for this.

You seem far more interested in others than you are in anything else in this issue. Therefore of absolutely no consideration at all.

The sailor hasn't been convicted, has he? Lying is wrong in my world.
I do not give a frak if it is an expensive warship, or a $3 hammer. Everybody deserves the protection of the law. Period.

The protection to burn US warships?

Wow! just wow!:rolleyes:
If he is a Communist Chinese (who helped put Biden in the WH)...or somebody from the American "Stasi" (you know what I mean) who did this.....the Rats will keep their mouths shut.
That's it. Imma tell your Dr to stop refilling your prescription for stupid pills.
That's it. Imma tell your Dr to stop refilling your prescription for stupid pills.
I guarantee you. Once Progs take total control, people like that sailor will se his whole family and relatives and anything remotely close removed from existence.
I guarantee you. Once Progs take total control, people like that sailor will se his whole family and relatives and anything remotely close removed from existence.
House, Senate, executive, how much more in control do we need to be?
The protection to burn US warships?
Has he been convicted yet?


I for one do not rush to judgement. I wait until all the evidence is in, and the trial is held. And only after the conviction do I start to heat the oil and prepare the stake.

Does the name "Richard Jewel" sound at all familiar to you?
You didn't read the thread, did you? I said almost the exact same thing.
And I was not responding to you.

But let me be clear here, I refuse to ever "rush to judgement". And any are free to look back to my comments here even when the Bowe Bergdahl case when it happened. Even then, I refused to pass any kind of judgement until after at least the investigations were done, and the actual trial started once the evidence had been made public.

And to be honest, I could not give a rat's anus of what any think of me for refusing to rush to judgement along with them. As I already stated, I still remember Richard Jewel. And the ones already demanding blood are in my eyes the exact same kind of scum that persecuted an innocent man. I tend to look at people like that with contempt, and think they really belong more in Pol Pot's Kampuchea than in the US.
This is beyond puzzling.

Is diversity and woke the only thing the Navy -under this communist stolen Administration - cares about now?

Communist stolen administration???
That scabby sore from the election still bleeding is it? Seek medical advice.
House, Senate, executive, how much more in control do we need to be?
Total Control! Every issue is a crisis to be used for the movement. So the current illegals entering may end up being slowed down at some point. But after a couple million more enter for the benefit of the secular godless Progressive Socialist monolith. Repub voters get the same cushion of RINOS to see your agendas through. The current spouting of the Repub Party being hoodwinked by the Progs for the Infrastructure Bill and Reconciliation is sickening. They have not been hoodwinked. They are on the same side as the Progs.
Total Control! Every issue is a crisis to be used for the movement. So the current illegals entering may end up being slowed down at some point. But after a couple million more enter for the benefit of the secular godless Progressive Socialist monolith. Repub voters get the same cushion of RINOS to see your agendas through. The current spouting of the Repub Party being hoodwinked by the Progs for the Infrastructure Bill and Reconciliation is sickening. They have not been hoodwinked. They are on the same side as the Progs.
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You don't know much about military justice do you?
Why don't you enlighten us about the Navy's power to protect a Sailor from military (or civilian) justice? One thing is obvious about military justice is it's reluctance to execute prisoners who are on military death row. The Jihad Major has been languishing for more than a decade.
Why don't you enlighten us about the Navy's power to protect a Sailor from military (or civilian) justice? One thing is obvious about military justice is it's reluctance to execute prisoners who are on military death row. The Jihad Major has been languishing for more than a decade.
The crime was committed on a US Navy ship, on a US Navy base. He was under the command of a Navy commander of his ship. No other judicial authority has jurisdiction. Have a nice day!

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