Nazi Pelousy MUST send the Articles of Impeachment to Senate, or Trump wasn't impeached.

That's funny. He's not impeached yet!

Senator FooFoo Graham and Moscow Mitch need to introduce a Cahoots Resolution in the Senate where they need only 34 Senators to Kiss the Ring, so to speak. Protect the Don.

Go on Trumpublicans Kiss the Ring! Feel the power of the Dark Side. Bask in the Corruption!
Another retard speaks.

A self fulfilling prophetic pronouncement!

You Dreamed you "Kissed the Ring" too, didn't you?
The US Constitution clearly states that the Senate SHALL HAVE the sole power to try all impeachments. Nazi can't withhold that from the Senate. If she does, she is in violation of the Constitution, and Trump wasn't impeached.

Article I, Section 3, Clauses 6 and 7 provide:

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia
Yeah, well it doesn't say WHEN she needs to send it by, does it? Does Merrick Garland ring a bell?

Was Merrick Garland held up by the House?
Mitch thoroughly enjoyed this.....

Mitch McConnell on Thursday threatened to cancel Donald Trump's impeachment trial in the Senate if 'scared' Nancy Pelosi doesn't send over the formal articles of impeachment against the president.

The speaker and the Senate Republican leader went to war over the next steps in the impeachment process as Pelosi slammed McConnell as a 'rogue leader' - and he blasted her articles as 'slapdash' and 'unfair.'

The dispute exploded into the open the morning after Democrats voted to impeach Trump, with the president bragging he was going to win the whole thing by 'default.'

'If the Do Nothing Democrats decide, in their great wisdom, not to show up, they would lose by Default!,' Trump argued on Twitter of his upcoming Senate trial, which is now in doubt.

Pelosi has to 'transmit' the articles of impeachment and appoint 'managers' to prosecute the president - but offered no timeline on when she would do that, saying she wanted to see the Senate's plan for a 'fair trial,' effectively holding the articles over McConnell and Trump's heads.

McConnell, who previously said he wanted to hold the trial in January, responded: 'It's beyond me how the Speaker and Democratic Leader in the Senate think withholding the articles of impeachment and not sending them over gives them leverage.

'Frankly, I'm not anxious to have the trial. If she thinks her case is so weak she doesn't want to send it over, throw me into that briar patch.'

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
In other words, Mitch just told Nazi and Cryin' Chucky to pound sand.:5_1_12024:
Today feels a lot like losing to you, doesn’t it when yesterday, you, Putin, China, Iran , Jihadists, Felons, Child Rapists, Liars, & Homosexuals were Celebrating like you had just knocked down The World Trade Center.

I don’t feel sorry for you or Putin at all.

More Losing is on The Way.

The Pain is coming and you brought it on yourselves.

That's funny. He's not impeached yet!

Senator FooFoo Graham and Moscow Mitch need to introduce a Cahoots Resolution in the Senate where they need only 34 Senators to Kiss the Ring, so to speak. Protect the Don.

Go on Trumpublicans Kiss the Ring! Feel the power of the Dark Side. Bask in the Corruption!
The US Constitution clearly states that the Senate SHALL HAVE the sole power to try all impeachments. Nazi can't withhold that from the Senate. If she does, she is in violation of the Constitution, and Trump wasn't impeached.

Article I, Section 3, Clauses 6 and 7 provide:

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia
Didn’t see a timeframe there just like you didn’t see a timeframe on the Senate approving Supreme Court Nominees

Funny how that stuff works out

So the “charges” are never brought up.

Case dismissed.
If Nancy can hold her Resolution Indefinitely then I guess The Senate can delay The Review of The House Trial indefinitely.
Aww, you're so cute. You wish you could kneel down in front of the "Tainted" Don, and Kiss the Ring too don'tcha?

Today feels a lot like losing to you, doesn’t it when yesterday, you, Putin, China, Iran , Jihadists, Felons, Child Rapists, Liars, & Homosexuals were Celebrating like you had just knocked down The World Trade Center.

I don’t feel sorry for you or Putin at all.

More Losing is on The Way.

The Pain is coming and you brought it on yourselves.

That's funny. He's not impeached yet!

Senator FooFoo Graham and Moscow Mitch need to introduce a Cahoots Resolution in the Senate where they need only 34 Senators to Kiss the Ring, so to speak. Protect the Don.

Go on Trumpublicans Kiss the Ring! Feel the power of the Dark Side. Bask in the Corruption!
Aww, you're so cute. You wish you could kneel down in front of the "Tainted" Don, and Kiss the Ring too don'tcha?

Today feels a lot like losing to you, doesn’t it when yesterday, you, Putin, China, Iran , Jihadists, Felons, Child Rapists, Liars, & Homosexuals were Celebrating like you had just knocked down The World Trade Center.

I don’t feel sorry for you or Putin at all.

More Losing is on The Way.

The Pain is coming and you brought it on yourselves.

That's funny. He's not impeached yet!

Senator FooFoo Graham and Moscow Mitch need to introduce a Cahoots Resolution in the Senate where they need only 34 Senators to Kiss the Ring, so to speak. Protect the Don.

Go on Trumpublicans Kiss the Ring! Feel the power of the Dark Side. Bask in the Corruption!
Dude, your game is weak. Very weak.
Aww, you're so cute. You wish you could kneel down in front of the "Tainted" Don, and Kiss the Ring too don'tcha?

Today feels a lot like losing to you, doesn’t it when yesterday, you, Putin, China, Iran , Jihadists, Felons, Child Rapists, Liars, & Homosexuals were Celebrating like you had just knocked down The World Trade Center.

I don’t feel sorry for you or Putin at all.

More Losing is on The Way.

The Pain is coming and you brought it on yourselves.

That's funny. He's not impeached yet!

Senator FooFoo Graham and Moscow Mitch need to introduce a Cahoots Resolution in the Senate where they need only 34 Senators to Kiss the Ring, so to speak. Protect the Don.

Go on Trumpublicans Kiss the Ring! Feel the power of the Dark Side. Bask in the Corruption!
that's not what he'd be kissing. LOL

But it is sort of funny. Trump has the thinist skin of any person elected potus, which is a job that demands a thick skin. Not only leave him with the legacy of the only one impeached but not acquitted but also I think the possibility of a senate trial would hang over him until he leaves office. I mean I wouldn't kick him out for what he did, but still Pelosi knows how to goad the guy.
Aww, you're so cute. You wish you could kneel down in front of the "Tainted" Don, and Kiss the Ring too don'tcha?

Today feels a lot like losing to you, doesn’t it when yesterday, you, Putin, China, Iran , Jihadists, Felons, Child Rapists, Liars, & Homosexuals were Celebrating like you had just knocked down The World Trade Center.

I don’t feel sorry for you or Putin at all.

More Losing is on The Way.

The Pain is coming and you brought it on yourselves.

That's funny. He's not impeached yet!

Senator FooFoo Graham and Moscow Mitch need to introduce a Cahoots Resolution in the Senate where they need only 34 Senators to Kiss the Ring, so to speak. Protect the Don.

Go on Trumpublicans Kiss the Ring! Feel the power of the Dark Side. Bask in the Corruption!
Dude, your game is weak. Very weak.

Here's some more lighter fluid for your hair. Have fun running around.
No...He’s just a man. Unlike you I do not sell my soul to Putin, to Satan, To A Lying Old Hag like Pelosi or Clinton, or to Ideologies. I defend Truth, and unlike you do not promote lies and division.

Unlike you, I love my country and at The Very Least Respect The Office of President, & Believe the Ultimate Arbitrator of political disagreement is We The People whom I trust to choose their own Representatives.

You don’t Trust Voters to choose their own Leaders.

You, like the tyrants before you believe The People should have Leaders of Your Choosing Appointed Lord and Dictator over them by Unelected Corrupt Bureaucrats.

You think rules, and rights, Due Process, and Civil Liberties and Freedom & Truth are for Suckers and Fools and that Men should be Enslaved to your Agendas instead of be Free to live by their own.

I would never want to be You, I aspire to be better than you and I am better than you.

I will always be Better Than You, and you will NEVER be as Good as Me.

Aww, you're so cute. You wish you could kneel down in front of the "Tainted" Don, and Kiss the Ring too don'tcha?

Today feels a lot like losing to you, doesn’t it when yesterday, you, Putin, China, Iran , Jihadists, Felons, Child Rapists, Liars, & Homosexuals were Celebrating like you had just knocked down The World Trade Center.

I don’t feel sorry for you or Putin at all.

More Losing is on The Way.

The Pain is coming and you brought it on yourselves.

That's funny. He's not impeached yet!

Senator FooFoo Graham and Moscow Mitch need to introduce a Cahoots Resolution in the Senate where they need only 34 Senators to Kiss the Ring, so to speak. Protect the Don.

Go on Trumpublicans Kiss the Ring! Feel the power of the Dark Side. Bask in the Corruption!
Last edited:
Aww, you're so cute. You wish you could kneel down in front of the "Tainted" Don, and Kiss the Ring too don'tcha?

Today feels a lot like losing to you, doesn’t it when yesterday, you, Putin, China, Iran , Jihadists, Felons, Child Rapists, Liars, & Homosexuals were Celebrating like you had just knocked down The World Trade Center.

I don’t feel sorry for you or Putin at all.

More Losing is on The Way.

The Pain is coming and you brought it on yourselves.

That's funny. He's not impeached yet!

Senator FooFoo Graham and Moscow Mitch need to introduce a Cahoots Resolution in the Senate where they need only 34 Senators to Kiss the Ring, so to speak. Protect the Don.

Go on Trumpublicans Kiss the Ring! Feel the power of the Dark Side. Bask in the Corruption!
Dude, your game is weak. Very weak.

Here's some more lighter fluid for your hair. Have fun running around.
Even weaker.

Do you have a coherent thought on the subject of the thread? Oh, nevermind.
Aww, you're so cute. You wish you could kneel down in front of the "Tainted" Don, and Kiss the Ring too don'tcha?

Today feels a lot like losing to you, doesn’t it when yesterday, you, Putin, China, Iran , Jihadists, Felons, Child Rapists, Liars, & Homosexuals were Celebrating like you had just knocked down The World Trade Center.

I don’t feel sorry for you or Putin at all.

More Losing is on The Way.

The Pain is coming and you brought it on yourselves.

That's funny. He's not impeached yet!

Senator FooFoo Graham and Moscow Mitch need to introduce a Cahoots Resolution in the Senate where they need only 34 Senators to Kiss the Ring, so to speak. Protect the Don.

Go on Trumpublicans Kiss the Ring! Feel the power of the Dark Side. Bask in the Corruption!
that's not what he'd be kissing. LOL

But it is sort of funny. Trump has the thinist skin of any person elected potus, which is a job that demands a thick skin. Not only leave him with the legacy of the only one impeached but not acquitted but also I think the possibility of a senate trial would hang over him until he leaves office. I mean I wouldn't kick him out for what he did, but still Pelosi knows how to goad the guy.

Definantly a nut punch.
You think rules, and rights, Due Process, and Civil Liberties and Freedom & Truth are for Suckers and Fools and that Men should be Enslaved to your Agendas instead of be Free to live by their own.

"......Instead of be Free to live by their own." , um what?

Project much, Woodie?
The US Constitution clearly states that the Senate SHALL HAVE the sole power to try all impeachments. Nazi can't withhold that from the Senate. If she does, she is in violation of the Constitution, and Trump wasn't impeached.

Article I, Section 3, Clauses 6 and 7 provide:

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia
Yeah, well it doesn't say WHEN she needs to send it by, does it? Does Merrick Garland ring a bell?

Was Merrick Garland held up by the House?
Do you honestly think that matters?
You ENGRISH not good?

You think rules, and rights, Due Process, and Civil Liberties and Freedom & Truth are for Suckers and Fools and that Men should be Enslaved to your Agendas, instead of be Free to live by their own.

“Agendas” is implied, dummy.

You know, things like Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness. Things you oppose.

Aww, you're so cute. You wish you could kneel down in front of the "Tainted" Don, and Kiss the Ring too don'tcha?

Today feels a lot like losing to you, doesn’t it when yesterday, you, Putin, China, Iran , Jihadists, Felons, Child Rapists, Liars, & Homosexuals were Celebrating like you had just knocked down The World Trade Center.

I don’t feel sorry for you or Putin at all.

More Losing is on The Way.

The Pain is coming and you brought it on yourselves.

That's funny. He's not impeached yet!

Senator FooFoo Graham and Moscow Mitch need to introduce a Cahoots Resolution in the Senate where they need only 34 Senators to Kiss the Ring, so to speak. Protect the Don.

Go on Trumpublicans Kiss the Ring! Feel the power of the Dark Side. Bask in the Corruption!
that's not what he'd be kissing. LOL

But it is sort of funny. Trump has the thinist skin of any person elected potus, which is a job that demands a thick skin. Not only leave him with the legacy of the only one impeached but not acquitted but also I think the possibility of a senate trial would hang over him until he leaves office. I mean I wouldn't kick him out for what he did, but still Pelosi knows how to goad the guy.

Definantly a nut punch.
You think rules, and rights, Due Process, and Civil Liberties and Freedom & Truth are for Suckers and Fools and that Men should be Enslaved to your Agendas instead of be Free to live by their own.

"......Instead of be Free to live by their own." , um what?

Project much, Woodie?
The US Constitution clearly states that the Senate SHALL HAVE the sole power to try all impeachments. Nazi can't withhold that from the Senate. If she does, she is in violation of the Constitution, and Trump wasn't impeached.

Article I, Section 3, Clauses 6 and 7 provide:

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia
I have said from the start that the dems do not want Trump impeached as the price is too high. All they can do is do take 2 of JFK. Nancy has no intent of having Clintons lost emails found
Aww, you're so cute. You wish you could kneel down in front of the "Tainted" Don, and Kiss the Ring too don'tcha?

Today feels a lot like losing to you, doesn’t it when yesterday, you, Putin, China, Iran , Jihadists, Felons, Child Rapists, Liars, & Homosexuals were Celebrating like you had just knocked down The World Trade Center.

I don’t feel sorry for you or Putin at all.

More Losing is on The Way.

The Pain is coming and you brought it on yourselves.

That's funny. He's not impeached yet!

Senator FooFoo Graham and Moscow Mitch need to introduce a Cahoots Resolution in the Senate where they need only 34 Senators to Kiss the Ring, so to speak. Protect the Don.

Go on Trumpublicans Kiss the Ring! Feel the power of the Dark Side. Bask in the Corruption!
that's not what he'd be kissing. LOL

But it is sort of funny. Trump has the thinist skin of any person elected potus, which is a job that demands a thick skin. Not only leave him with the legacy of the only one impeached but not acquitted but also I think the possibility of a senate trial would hang over him until he leaves office. I mean I wouldn't kick him out for what he did, but still Pelosi knows how to goad the guy.

Definantly a nut punch.
You think rules, and rights, Due Process, and Civil Liberties and Freedom & Truth are for Suckers and Fools and that Men should be Enslaved to your Agendas instead of be Free to live by their own.

"......Instead of be Free to live by their own." , um what?

Project much, Woodie?
I wonder if Trump will spend the holidays tweeting to Mitch to get on with acquitting him. LOL

I really am not much for the whole impeachment thing, though I understand Pelosi's dilemma once Trump used the DoS and Military to try and fix his reelection, but in a weird way she's taking McConnell's absurd plan to acquit Trump without ever mentioning the evidence, and spinning it around. McConnell's a legislator the likes of which we haven't seen since since Ted was in full power, but I've never thought his political instincts are much to fear.

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