Nazis Are Not Socialists

Nazis Are Not Socialists

No, they couldn't be. The fact that Nazi is an shorthand form of "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei," which translates to "National-Socialist German Workers' Party" in English, the very word "socialist" being part of the term, is surely an indication that Nazis were and are not socialists.

Once again --- see the examples of the DPRK, GDR, Grape Nuts, 10.000 Maniacs etc, none of which are/were "democratic", contained neither grapes nor nuts, and do not place ten thousand people on the stage. The fact that some body calls itself "socialist" -- or "democratic", or "brothers" --- doesn't make them so. I can call myself a tangerine; the language allows me to make the claim. But the laws of biology don't allow me to BE a tangerine.

"Nazi", for its part, has become a separate term in itself, having nothing to do with the original German derivation, nor are we conversing IN German anyway. And even if we were, Nazi is a shortened form of National, not a shortened form of "socialist".

I'm sorry, but I don't know what to make of your comments. I don't because your first paragraph makes the point that terms have meaning that has nothing to do with whether one applies or accepts that meaning.
The fact that some body calls itself "socialist" -- or "democratic", or "brothers" --- doesn't make them so.

Then, in the next paragraph, you contradict that very idea.
even if we were, Nazi is a shortened form of National, not a shortened form of "socialist".
Now, I don't speak German, so maybe that's why it doesn't make sense to me that "Nazi" be a short form of "National" and not a short form of "Nationalsozialistische," which seems, even as non-speaker of German, to quite clearly indicate both "national" and "socialist." It seems to me the "na" is the shorthand for "national" and the "zi" is the shorthand for socialist. "Nationalsozialistische" doesn't really lose anything in the translation to English; there's a reason "National-Socialist" is hyphenated, that is to say, meaning is connected to the fact that it is. (See also/instead: What Is a Compound Adjective? Definition & Examples) Essentially, the meaing is that "National-Socialist" is the same thing in English as "Nationalsozialistische" in German, and every other way of combining those two words is not.

(Can I tell when someone does indeed mean "National-Socialist," rather than some other combination of that term, and thus has mispunctuated their writing? Only when they write enough that the context of what they mean becomes clear, no matter the words they write or punctuation they use or don't. When they don't write enough, their meaning is ambiguous. Make of that what you will, but the fact is that I've never learned how to read minds, but I have learned how to read what folks write.)
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The top all time murderers are all socialists or communists - none are small government libertarian types

1. Stalin = communist
2. Mao = communist
3. Hitler = socialist
4. Saddam = socialist

Indeed, the worst murderers to rise to power here are all big spending types...

1. W
2. LBJ
3. the Clintons

And this is why they put the nazis on the Right Wing.....the nazi crimes were opened up to the public while the international socialists managed to keep their murder of close to 100 million innocent men, women and children, unarmed, hidden from the world in their tightly controlled societies.......if it comes out that all the mass murdering governments since 1917 were left wing would hurt their brand....
Except when they are.

"White supremacists from the Traditionalist Workers Party, the League of the South and the National Socialist Movement — the country’s most-prominent neo-Nazi organization — gathered on the side of the town’s historic courthouse and screamed back and forth at anti-fascist (Antifa) demonstrators who were separated from the Nazis by police and barricades."

Socialists screaming at socialists.

Armed Nazis Descend On Tiny Kentucky Town

This just in --- fascists are not socialists either. Gee Wally, ya think maybe only socialists are socialists? Who knew?

Yet another dimbulb desperately pretending that adopting a label automatically bestows traits despite actions. Following in the illustrious intellectual footsteps of the "People's Democratic Republic" of Korea, the German "Democratic Republic", the "Democratic Republic" of Congo, the Pennsylvania "Dutch", the music bands "10,000" Maniacs, the "Nashville" Teens, the Statler "Brothers", the "Flying" Karazamov "Brothers", and of course untold grocery store shelves full of Post "Grape Nuts". Particularly the ones in "Jersey Shore", Pennsylvania.

And these same wags will be the first to trot out terms like "RINO". SMFH

Another pretend "intellectual". The labels are just tools, they always have been. The fact of the matter is that s no such things as "Right vs. Left" except in the minds of the deceived. The entire American paradigm is a fabrication. They use Right and Left to keep us all divided. They use words like Republican and Democrat, Neo-Con and Progressivism for the same purpose. People are waking up one at a time but I fear it's too late. There will be a World War soon and none of it will matter.
Nazis Are Not Socialists

No, they couldn't be. The fact that Nazi is an shorthand form of "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei," which translates to "National-Socialist German Workers' Party" in English, the very word "socialist" being part of the term, is surely an indication that Nazis were and are not socialists.

Once again --- see the examples of the DPRK, GDR, Grape Nuts, 10.000 Maniacs etc, none of which are/were "democratic", contained neither grapes nor nuts, and do not place ten thousand people on the stage. The fact that some body calls itself "socialist" -- or "democratic", or "brothers" --- doesn't make them so. I can call myself a tangerine; the language allows me to make the claim. But the laws of biology don't allow me to BE a tangerine.

"Nazi", for its part, has become a separate term in itself, having nothing to do with the original German derivation, nor are we conversing IN German anyway. And even if we were, Nazi is a shortened form of National, not a shortened form of "socialist".

I'm sorry, but I don't know what to make of your comments. I don't because your first paragraph makes the point that terms have meaning that has nothing to do with whether one applies or accepts that meaning.
The fact that some body calls itself "socialist" -- or "democratic", or "brothers" --- doesn't make them so.

Then, in the next paragraph, you contradict that very idea.
even if we were, Nazi is a shortened form of National, not a shortened form of "socialist".
Now, I don't speak German, so maybe that's why it doesn't make sense to me that "Nazi" be a short form of "National" and not a short form of "Nationalsozialistische," which seems, even as non-speaker of German, to quite clearly indicate both "national" and "socialist." It seems to me the "na" is the shorthand for "national" and the "zi" is the shorthand for socialist. "Nationalsozialistische" doesn't really lose anything in the translation to English; there's are reason "National-Socialist" is hyphenated, that is to say, meaning is connected to the fact that it is. (See also/instead: What Is a Compound Adjective? Definition & Examples) Essentially, the meaing is that "National-Socialist" is the same thing in English as "Nationalsozialistische" in German, and every other way of combining those two words is not.

(Can I tell when someone does indeed mean "National-Socialist," rather than some other combination of that term, and thus has mispunctuated their writing? Only when they write enough that the context of what they mean becomes clear, no matter the words they write or punctuation they use or don't. When they don't write enough, their meaning is ambiguous. Make of that what you will, but the fact is that I've never learned how to read minds, but I have learned how to read what folks write.)

Pogo likes to pretend she is the board intellectual.
The top all time murderers are all socialists or communists - none are small government libertarian types

1. Stalin = communist
2. Mao = communist
3. Hitler = socialist
4. Saddam = socialist

Indeed, the worst murderers to rise to power here are all big spending types...

1. W
2. LBJ
3. the Clintons

And this is why they put the nazis on the Right Wing.....the nazi crimes were opened up to the public while the international socialists managed to keep their murder of close to 100 million innocent men, women and children, unarmed, hidden from the world in their tightly controlled societies.......if it comes out that all the mass murdering governments since 1917 were left wing would hurt their brand....
if you want criticize the soviet union (which did not kill 100 million people) thats fine but calling hitler a socailist is dumber than calling trump a socialist... in fact trump is way more socialist than hitler
The top all time murderers are all socialists or communists - none are small government libertarian types

1. Stalin = communist
2. Mao = communist
3. Hitler = socialist
4. Saddam = socialist

Indeed, the worst murderers to rise to power here are all big spending types...

1. W
2. LBJ
3. the Clintons
libertarian is synonym for socialist

Wow, another left winger out drinking and using drugs to celebrate May Day early......

Libertarianism is the exact opposite of socialism you dumb shit...
its quote from Mussolini dipshit

If a sub human can parrot it, it must be true, because said sub human is the birdbrain doing the parroting, and cannot admit being wrong since he doesn't understand jack, can't think, and hence is reduced as a lifeform to mindlessly repeating...
The top all time murderers are all socialists or communists - none are small government libertarian types

1. Stalin = communist
2. Mao = communist
3. Hitler = socialist
4. Saddam = socialist

Indeed, the worst murderers to rise to power here are all big spending types...

1. W
2. LBJ
3. the Clintons
libertarian is synonym for socialist

Wow, another left winger out drinking and using drugs to celebrate May Day early......

Libertarianism is the exact opposite of socialism you dumb shit...
its a fucking synonym look it up, do you own a thesaurus?... if you weren't such brainwashed white supremacist hillbilly you might know stuff like that
The top all time murderers are all socialists or communists - none are small government libertarian types

1. Stalin = communist
2. Mao = communist
3. Hitler = socialist
4. Saddam = socialist

Indeed, the worst murderers to rise to power here are all big spending types...

1. W
2. LBJ
3. the Clintons

And this is why they put the nazis on the Right Wing.....the nazi crimes were opened up to the public while the international socialists managed to keep their murder of close to 100 million innocent men, women and children, unarmed, hidden from the world in their tightly controlled societies.......if it comes out that all the mass murdering governments since 1917 were left wing would hurt their brand....
if you want criticize the soviet union (which did not kill 100 million people) thats fine but calling hitler a socailist is dumber than calling trump a socialist... in fact trump is way more socialist than hitler

No but they killed more than enough. Communism killed more than 100 million.
Socialism ALWAYS "progresses" to FASCISM------think pol pot, think
stalin, think adolf, think BAATHISM
then why do fascists hate socialism more than anything?

They don't...they hated their competitors, the international socialists......they wanted control, and took control away from the communist movements in Germany...

Just because ms-13 is fighting with the latin kings doesn't mean they aren't a drug gang themselves....
its quote from Mussolini dipshit

If a sub human can parrot it, it must be true, because said sub human is the birdbrain doing the parroting, and cannot admit being wrong since he doesn't understand jack, can't think, and hence is reduced as a lifeform to mindlessly repeating...
so hitler calling himself an anti marxist anti liberal national socialist a word he made up, is proof he's a socialist, but the father of fascism defining fascism as corporatism doesn't make sense to you?.... you can't be this stupid
The top all time murderers are all socialists or communists - none are small government libertarian types

1. Stalin = communist
2. Mao = communist
3. Hitler = socialist
4. Saddam = socialist

Indeed, the worst murderers to rise to power here are all big spending types...

1. W
2. LBJ
3. the Clintons
libertarian is synonym for socialist

Wow, another left winger out drinking and using drugs to celebrate May Day early......

Libertarianism is the exact opposite of socialism you dumb shit...
its a fucking synonym look it up, do you own a thesaurus?... if you weren't such brainwashed white supremacist hillbilly you might know stuff like that

No....I am not a white supremacist....I am an American Conservative who believes in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution...the white supremacists in this country are found in the democrat party...along with all the other racists of all colors....
Except when they are.

"White supremacists from the Traditionalist Workers Party, the League of the South and the National Socialist Movement — the country’s most-prominent neo-Nazi organization — gathered on the side of the town’s historic courthouse and screamed back and forth at anti-fascist (Antifa) demonstrators who were separated from the Nazis by police and barricades."

Socialists screaming at socialists.

Armed Nazis Descend On Tiny Kentucky Town
They are NATIONALIST socialists not INTERNATIONALIST socialists aka communists. Nothing wrong with NATIONALIST socialism.

except for that whole mass murder thing they did as mean except for that...right?
The top all time murderers are all socialists or communists - none are small government libertarian types

1. Stalin = communist
2. Mao = communist
3. Hitler = socialist
4. Saddam = socialist

Indeed, the worst murderers to rise to power here are all big spending types...

1. W
2. LBJ
3. the Clintons

And this is why they put the nazis on the Right Wing.....the nazi crimes were opened up to the public while the international socialists managed to keep their murder of close to 100 million innocent men, women and children, unarmed, hidden from the world in their tightly controlled societies.......if it comes out that all the mass murdering governments since 1917 were left wing would hurt their brand....
if you want criticize the soviet union (which did not kill 100 million people) thats fine but calling hitler a socailist is dumber than calling trump a socialist... in fact trump is way more socialist than hitler

No but they killed more than enough. Communism killed more than 100 million.
no it didn't thats ridiculous nazi propaganda
Socialism ALWAYS "progresses" to FASCISM------think pol pot, think
stalin, think adolf, think BAATHISM

Ain't that simple, Sweets. Naziism was a head-on collision of an ideal of economic socialism with the much more powerful nationalist Volkisch movement -- and when it saw Mussolini's fascism style it creamed its collective jeans in envy of the power play and sought to imitate it.

But as for the party:
>> From the outset, the DAP was opposed to non-nationalist political movements, especially on the left, including the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) and the Communist Party of Germany (KPD). Members of the DAP saw themselves as fighting against "Bolshevism" and anyone considered a part of or aiding so-called "international Jewry" <<
*DAP = "German Worker's Party", the adjective "socialist" having shuffled into and out of the name. The socialists -- which the DAP/NSDAP opposed, were represented by the Social Democratic Party. When they re-adopted the "socialist" term they did so merely because it would sell when they needed to sell popular support. In the same way North Korea tries to "sell" itself as the "People's Democratic Republic of Korea". That's the only reason the word is even in there.
Meanwhile... back at the same link....

>> Hitler was formally elected party chairman on 28 July 1921, with only one opposing vote. The committee was dissolved, and Hitler was granted nearly absolute powers as the party's sole leader.[61] This was a post he would hold for the remainder of his life. Hitler soon acquired the title Führer ("leader") and, after a series of sharp internal conflicts, it was accepted that the party would be governed by the Führerprinzip ("leader principle"). Under this principle, the party was a highly centralized entity that functioned strictly from the top down, with Hitler at the apex as the party's absolute leader. Hitler at this time saw the party as a revolutionary organization, whose aim was the overthrow of the Weimar Republic, which he saw as controlled by the socialists, Jews and the "November criminals" who had betrayed the German soldiers in 1918. The SA ("storm troopers", also known as "Brownshirts") were founded as a party militia in 1921, and began violent attacks on other parties. <<
----- and those 'other parties' that the brownshits were violently attacking for the NSDAP? Yup, that same socialist Social Democratic Party and the Communists.

And by the way as far as the concept of 'naming something is different from being something' --- Hitler called this paramilitary group of storm troopers the "Gymnastics and Sports Division" of the party. So for those who insist on slavishly following whatever names an entity calls itself --- good luck looking up athletic stats.
So no, socialism doesn't 'lead to' fascism. The latter opposed the former. Violently.

And again, the first political prisoner concentration camp ---- Dachau, beginning in 1933 ---- became the destination point FOR these Social Democrats (socialists) Communists and labor unions.

No.....they opposed competitors for power from the international socialists.....they wanted socialism for Germans, and didn't care about the international........ and the latin kings are both drug gangs......when they fight, that doesn't make one of them the good guys..

you morons are such twits....
brainwashed white supremacist hillbilly

Economics of fascism - Wikipedia

"An inherent aspect of fascist economies was economic dirigisme,[4] meaning an economy where the government exerts strong directive influence over investment while often subsidizing favorable companies, as opposed to having a merely regulatory role. In general, apart from the nationalizations of many industries, fascist economies were based on private individuals being allowed property and private initiative, but these were contingent upon service to the state"

SOLYNDRA is the best recent US example of fascist economic policy...

Those of us who self ID as libertarian reject the SOCIALIST nature of FASCIST SOCIALIST economics where BIG GOVERNMENT TELLS the "private sector" what to do and PICKS AND CHOOSES WINNERS AND LOSERS like Obama did with SOLYNDRA...
its quote from Mussolini dipshit

If a sub human can parrot it, it must be true, because said sub human is the birdbrain doing the parroting, and cannot admit being wrong since he doesn't understand jack, can't think, and hence is reduced as a lifeform to mindlessly repeating...
so hitler calling himself an anti marxist anti liberal national socialist a word he made up, is proof he's a socialist, but the father of fascism defining fascism as corporatism doesn't make sense to you?.... you can't be this stupid

its not STUPID------adolf was a NATIONAL SOCIALIST--------the "NATIONAL" was ARYANS-------the socialist part is ARYANS GET TO OWN EVERYTHING------
he was very much like STALIN------Russian nationalists got to OWN EVERYTHING
its quote from Mussolini dipshit

If a sub human can parrot it, it must be true, because said sub human is the birdbrain doing the parroting, and cannot admit being wrong since he doesn't understand jack, can't think, and hence is reduced as a lifeform to mindlessly repeating...
so hitler calling himself an anti marxist anti liberal national socialist a word he made up, is proof he's a socialist, but the father of fascism defining fascism as corporatism doesn't make sense to you?.... you can't be this stupid

Your thinking is too rigid. Words like Communism, Fascism, Socialism, Progressivism, Liberal, and Conservative.... these are all just labels fed to the "people" to keep them all divided, all hating each other.

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