Nazism in Israel

Do arabs have to wear a yellow crescent on their clothing? Are they restricted from certain professions? Are they restricted where they live? Are they packed into camps? Are they gassed?
Billo_Really, et al,

Are you sure.

It's not wrong at all. It's right on the money. Although you're right about it being the same God, that doesn't do you any good when you are Arab living in the "Jewish State".

I would be interested in knowing what the Israeli's of Arab Ancestry describe themselves as? Not long ago, I was attending a fraternal meeting of retired members of my profession, and was politely corrected when I referred to them as Israel-Palestinians; informed that the correct term is Arab-Israeli. Somewhat embarrassed, I listened more than I spoke.

What do the Israeli's of Arab Ancestry refer to themselves as in Israel??? Do they prefer to live under the same standard of living as Palestine (west Bank & Gaza) or Jordan?
Do the Israeli's of Arab Ancestry prefer living under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority or HAMAS?

Most Respectfully,
Palestinian Israelis,awaiting to get their land back,I would imagine Rocco..steve
Do arabs have to wear a yellow crescent on their clothing? Are they restricted from certain professions? Are they restricted where they live? Are they packed into camps? Are they gassed?
I'm not comparing Israel today with the Holocaust. I'm comparing it to the years leading up to the Holocaust.

I'm pretty sure they don't have to wear a "yellow crescent" on their clothing, or are restricted from certain professions, but they are packed into camps via administrative detention and are restricted where they live by the Admissions Community Act.

As far as gassings go, many peaceful protests have been met with tear gas from Israeli authorities.
Do arabs have to wear a yellow crescent on their clothing? Are they restricted from certain professions? Are they restricted where they live? Are they packed into camps? Are they gassed?
How stupid.......They are restricted where they live......and .Absolutely those that are driven out of their homes and LAND by illegal stealing

Some Professions and Political positions.....Don't need for a yellow crescent as they are harassed daily.....Ahh Gassed !!!!!!!! Some Israeli Zionists would like to I'm sure........but they have already Slaughtered over 250,000 plus Palestinians since 1948......Browsing Deer.....You are a Cretin,to be kind but more closely a Fcukwit in my opinion
Do they drop gas just because they are bored? The drop gas because there are rocks being thrown, violence happening.

You have a remarkably dishonest OP. Equating what the Nazis did with what the Israelis do, and I made you climb down from every assertion.
Billo_Really, et al,

All nations of the world with sovereignty have the right to control immigration and establish border controls. Israel is no exception.

Billo_Really, et al,

Are you sure.

It's not wrong at all. It's right on the money. Although you're right about it being the same God, that doesn't do you any good when you are Arab living in the "Jewish State".

I would be interested in knowing what the Israeli's of Arab Ancestry describe themselves as? Not long ago, I was attending a fraternal meeting of retired members of my profession, and was politely corrected when I referred to them as Israel-Palestinians; informed that the correct term is Arab-Israeli. Somewhat embarrassed, I listened more than I spoke.

What do the Israeli's of Arab Ancestry refer to themselves as in Israel??? Do they prefer to live under the same standard of living as Palestine (west Bank & Gaza) or Jordan?
Do the Israeli's of Arab Ancestry prefer living under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority or HAMAS?

Most Respectfully,
I'd like to know why Jews from all over the world can come to Israel, but Palestinian's who were driven out of the area (when Israel declared itself a state), cannot come back?

Since 1920 (San Remo Convention), there has been a goal and objective to establish a "Jewish National Home." It is a place of refuge and protection from hostile cultures and political systems with extremist ideologies that would present a continuous threat to the Jewish People. Among these hostile cultures are the Arab Palestinians that have taken a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. This threat culture and hostile political system consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense. They have expressed the position that there no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.

Iran and Syria continue to support the most active Hostile Arab-Palestinian Groups, the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) and the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ). Iran also sponsors Lebanese Hezbollah.

It is unreasonable to assume that any country, let alone the target country for every Palestinian Terrorist, Insurgent, and Militant would open its borders to the very threat for which the Jewish National Home was created to protect against.

Most Respectfully,
Do they drop gas just because they are bored? The drop gas because there are rocks being thrown, violence happening.
They're not bored and no rocks are being thrown. They're doing it, just to be mean.

Why are you not asking yourself this question?

Why on earth would you fire tear gas at a reporter
covering a story?

You have a remarkably dishonest OP. Equating what the Nazis did with what the Israelis do, and I made you climb down from every assertion.
You didn't make me climb down from anything. You didn't understand what my point was about, so you didn't know what you were responding to. And if you didn't know what you were responding to, then you certainly don't know what you're talking about.

Are you telling me the following is not going on in Israel today?

Palestinian's are being demonized 24/7
(just like the Nazis demonized the Jews)
Palestinian's are blamed for 100% of the problems in Israel
(just like the Nazis blamed the Jews)
Palestinian's are being ethnically cleansed from the area
(just like the Nazis did with the Jews in Germany)
Israeli's accept any violence against the Pals, no matter how horrific
(just like average Germans did with the Jews)
Israel wants to be known as the Jewish State
(just like the Nazis wanted Germany to known as an Aryan Nation)
Billo_Really, et al,

All nations of the world with sovereignty have the right to control immigration and establish border controls. Israel is no exception.

Billo_Really, et al,

Are you sure.

It's not wrong at all. It's right on the money. Although you're right about it being the same God, that doesn't do you any good when you are Arab living in the "Jewish State".

I would be interested in knowing what the Israeli's of Arab Ancestry describe themselves as? Not long ago, I was attending a fraternal meeting of retired members of my profession, and was politely corrected when I referred to them as Israel-Palestinians; informed that the correct term is Arab-Israeli. Somewhat embarrassed, I listened more than I spoke.

What do the Israeli's of Arab Ancestry refer to themselves as in Israel??? Do they prefer to live under the same standard of living as Palestine (west Bank & Gaza) or Jordan?
Do the Israeli's of Arab Ancestry prefer living under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority or HAMAS?

Most Respectfully,
I'd like to know why Jews from all over the world can come to Israel, but Palestinian's who were driven out of the area (when Israel declared itself a state), cannot come back?

Since 1920 (San Remo Convention), there has been a goal and objective to establish a "Jewish National Home." It is a place of refuge and protection from hostile cultures and political systems with extremist ideologies that would present a continuous threat to the Jewish People. Among these hostile cultures are the Arab Palestinians that have taken a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. This threat culture and hostile political system consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense. They have expressed the position that there no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.

Iran and Syria continue to support the most active Hostile Arab-Palestinian Groups, the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) and the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ). Iran also sponsors Lebanese Hezbollah.

It is unreasonable to assume that any country, let alone the target country for every Palestinian Terrorist, Insurgent, and Militant would open its borders to the very threat for which the Jewish National Home was created to protect against.

Most Respectfully,
This isn't immigration. These people were living there when they were driven out by Jewish terrorist groups. They have a right to return to their homes.

Why is it okay for Jews to return after 2000 years, but Palestinian refugees can't return after 70 years?
Billo_Really, et al,

Yes, we've seen this used as an excuse to pursue hostile activities. It is the same excuse to use as a justification --- intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by through the threat or use of force.

This isn't immigration. These people were living there when they were driven out by Jewish terrorist groups. They have a right to return to their homes.

Why is it okay for Jews to return after 2000 years, but Palestinian refugees can't return after 70 years?

That comparison in time doesn't wash with me. It was generally understood, as was reported by the UN Palestine Commission in January 1948, that "Powerful Arab interests, both inside and outside Palestine, are defying the resolution of the General Assembly and are engaged in a deliberate effort to alter by force the settlement envisaged therein."

The reason is still simple. The Hostile Arab Palestinians still pose a threat and will use any opportunity to strike at noncombatant targets. Many Palestinians, especially those followers of HAMAS, have not recognized the right of Israel to exist. They consider Palestine to be the entirety of the territory to which the Mandate applied, pre-termination. And these same Palestinians believe that Jihad and armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine. This is a threat. Given the attacks and rocket fire, it is a very credible threat. And such a threat should be carefully neutralized.


CERI is not law; it is an eligibility criteria and instructions for services and benefits. The definition of a refugee DOES NOT include persons that have acquired a new nationality, and enjoys the protection of the country of his new nationality. That would rule out in the West Bank that was once under Jordanian Citizenship and anyone in the Gaza Strip under the umbrella of the All Palestine Government or accepted the protection of the Egyptian Military Governorship.

It would not necessarily follow that anyone relocated as a result of the "Civil War" (NIAC) prior to May 1948. It would be interesting to find out. Palestinian refugees are the only refugees that attempt to include descendants. And the UNRWA is a failed refugee program. While the

Most Respectfully,
Yes, we've seen this used as an excuse to pursue hostile activities. It is the same excuse to use as a justification --- intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by through the threat or use of force.
What is the "this" you are referring to?

That comparison in time doesn't wash with me.
I couldn't give a shit what washes with you, the comparison is valid.

It was generally understood, as was reported by the UN Palestine Commission in January 1948, that "Powerful Arab interests, both inside and outside Palestine, are defying the resolution of the General Assembly and are engaged in a deliberate effort to alter by force the settlement envisaged therein."
That is not true. Arab armies went in to restore law and order after it was evident Jewish terrorists were taking more land that was allocated to them in the Mandate when British troops vacated the area.

The reason is still simple. The Hostile Arab Palestinians still pose a threat and will use any opportunity to strike at noncombatant targets.
The occupation and blockade are the cause of all the hostility in that area. Israel needs to end those, for hostility to cease.

Many Palestinians, especially those followers of HAMAS, have not recognized the right of Israel to exist.
States don't have rights, people do.

And why should they recognize you, when you won't recognize them?

They consider Palestine to be the entirety of the territory to which the Mandate applied, pre-termination.
You got that backwards! That's Israel's vision. They call it, "The Greater Israel" plan, I do believe? All the Palestinian's want, are the inalienable rights Israel has been denying them for the last 70 years.

And these same Palestinians believe that Jihad and armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine. This is a threat.
They have every right in the world to resist the belligerent occupation of their land by a foreign force. Get the fuck off land that isn't yours and the armed resistance will go away.

Given the attacks and rocket fire, it is a very credible threat. And such a threat should be carefully neutralized.
The occupation had been going on for 34 years before the first rocket went up. And as long as the occupation and blockade continue, it will never be neutralized.

CERI is not law; it is an eligibility criteria and instructions for services and benefits.
The Admissions Committee's Act, is definitely a law passed by the Knesset.

The definition of a refugee DOES NOT include persons that have acquired a new nationality, and enjoys the protection of the country of his new nationality.
I can agree with that, but what does it have to do with what I said?

That would rule out in the West Bank that was once under Jordanian Citizenship and anyone in the Gaza Strip under the umbrella of the All Palestine Government or accepted the protection of the Egyptian Military Governorship.
Spin it any way you want, it doesn't change the fact that people living there in 1948, who were driven out by Jewish terrorist groups, have a right to return to those homes.

It would not necessarily follow that anyone relocated as a result of the "Civil War" (NIAC) prior to May 1948. It would be interesting to find out. Palestinian refugees are the only refugees that attempt to include descendants. And the UNRWA is a failed refugee program. While the
I have no idea what you're trying to say there?
Billo_Really, et al,

All nations of the world with sovereignty have the right to control immigration and establish border controls. Israel is no exception.

Billo_Really, et al,

Are you sure.

It's not wrong at all. It's right on the money. Although you're right about it being the same God, that doesn't do you any good when you are Arab living in the "Jewish State".

I would be interested in knowing what the Israeli's of Arab Ancestry describe themselves as? Not long ago, I was attending a fraternal meeting of retired members of my profession, and was politely corrected when I referred to them as Israel-Palestinians; informed that the correct term is Arab-Israeli. Somewhat embarrassed, I listened more than I spoke.

What do the Israeli's of Arab Ancestry refer to themselves as in Israel??? Do they prefer to live under the same standard of living as Palestine (west Bank & Gaza) or Jordan?
Do the Israeli's of Arab Ancestry prefer living under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority or HAMAS?

Most Respectfully,
I'd like to know why Jews from all over the world can come to Israel, but Palestinian's who were driven out of the area (when Israel declared itself a state), cannot come back?

Since 1920 (San Remo Convention), there has been a goal and objective to establish a "Jewish National Home." It is a place of refuge and protection from hostile cultures and political systems with extremist ideologies that would present a continuous threat to the Jewish People. Among these hostile cultures are the Arab Palestinians that have taken a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. This threat culture and hostile political system consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense. They have expressed the position that there no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.

Iran and Syria continue to support the most active Hostile Arab-Palestinian Groups, the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) and the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ). Iran also sponsors Lebanese Hezbollah.

It is unreasonable to assume that any country, let alone the target country for every Palestinian Terrorist, Insurgent, and Militant would open its borders to the very threat for which the Jewish National Home was created to protect against.

Most Respectfully,
Among these hostile cultures are the Arab Palestinians that have taken a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.​

What was it that they wanted to partition again?
Billo_Really, et al,

Yes, we've seen this used as an excuse to pursue hostile activities. It is the same excuse to use as a justification --- intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by through the threat or use of force.

This isn't immigration. These people were living there when they were driven out by Jewish terrorist groups. They have a right to return to their homes.

Why is it okay for Jews to return after 2000 years, but Palestinian refugees can't return after 70 years?

That comparison in time doesn't wash with me. It was generally understood, as was reported by the UN Palestine Commission in January 1948, that "Powerful Arab interests, both inside and outside Palestine, are defying the resolution of the General Assembly and are engaged in a deliberate effort to alter by force the settlement envisaged therein."

The reason is still simple. The Hostile Arab Palestinians still pose a threat and will use any opportunity to strike at noncombatant targets. Many Palestinians, especially those followers of HAMAS, have not recognized the right of Israel to exist. They consider Palestine to be the entirety of the territory to which the Mandate applied, pre-termination. And these same Palestinians believe that Jihad and armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine. This is a threat. Given the attacks and rocket fire, it is a very credible threat. And such a threat should be carefully neutralized.


CERI is not law; it is an eligibility criteria and instructions for services and benefits. The definition of a refugee DOES NOT include persons that have acquired a new nationality, and enjoys the protection of the country of his new nationality. That would rule out in the West Bank that was once under Jordanian Citizenship and anyone in the Gaza Strip under the umbrella of the All Palestine Government or accepted the protection of the Egyptian Military Governorship.

It would not necessarily follow that anyone relocated as a result of the "Civil War" (NIAC) prior to May 1948. It would be interesting to find out. Palestinian refugees are the only refugees that attempt to include descendants. And the UNRWA is a failed refugee program. While the

Most Respectfully,
Many Palestinians, especially those followers of HAMAS, have not recognized the right of Israel to exist.​

Do you have any documentation that says it does?
Billo_Really, et al,

Yes, we've seen this used as an excuse to pursue hostile activities. It is the same excuse to use as a justification --- intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by through the threat or use of force.

This isn't immigration. These people were living there when they were driven out by Jewish terrorist groups. They have a right to return to their homes.

Why is it okay for Jews to return after 2000 years, but Palestinian refugees can't return after 70 years?

That comparison in time doesn't wash with me. It was generally understood, as was reported by the UN Palestine Commission in January 1948, that "Powerful Arab interests, both inside and outside Palestine, are defying the resolution of the General Assembly and are engaged in a deliberate effort to alter by force the settlement envisaged therein."

The reason is still simple. The Hostile Arab Palestinians still pose a threat and will use any opportunity to strike at noncombatant targets. Many Palestinians, especially those followers of HAMAS, have not recognized the right of Israel to exist. They consider Palestine to be the entirety of the territory to which the Mandate applied, pre-termination. And these same Palestinians believe that Jihad and armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine. This is a threat. Given the attacks and rocket fire, it is a very credible threat. And such a threat should be carefully neutralized.


CERI is not law; it is an eligibility criteria and instructions for services and benefits. The definition of a refugee DOES NOT include persons that have acquired a new nationality, and enjoys the protection of the country of his new nationality. That would rule out in the West Bank that was once under Jordanian Citizenship and anyone in the Gaza Strip under the umbrella of the All Palestine Government or accepted the protection of the Egyptian Military Governorship.

It would not necessarily follow that anyone relocated as a result of the "Civil War" (NIAC) prior to May 1948. It would be interesting to find out. Palestinian refugees are the only refugees that attempt to include descendants. And the UNRWA is a failed refugee program. While the

Most Respectfully,
Many Palestinians, especially those followers of HAMAS, have not recognized the right of Israel to exist.​

Do you have any documentation that says it does?
Tinny. Rocco has explained this to you, repeatedly, in excruciating detail. You don't get it because your insensate Joooooooo hatreds are more important to you than pretending to be a grownup.
Billo_Really, et al,

Yes, we've seen this used as an excuse to pursue hostile activities. It is the same excuse to use as a justification --- intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by through the threat or use of force.

This isn't immigration. These people were living there when they were driven out by Jewish terrorist groups. They have a right to return to their homes.

Why is it okay for Jews to return after 2000 years, but Palestinian refugees can't return after 70 years?

That comparison in time doesn't wash with me. It was generally understood, as was reported by the UN Palestine Commission in January 1948, that "Powerful Arab interests, both inside and outside Palestine, are defying the resolution of the General Assembly and are engaged in a deliberate effort to alter by force the settlement envisaged therein."

The reason is still simple. The Hostile Arab Palestinians still pose a threat and will use any opportunity to strike at noncombatant targets. Many Palestinians, especially those followers of HAMAS, have not recognized the right of Israel to exist. They consider Palestine to be the entirety of the territory to which the Mandate applied, pre-termination. And these same Palestinians believe that Jihad and armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine. This is a threat. Given the attacks and rocket fire, it is a very credible threat. And such a threat should be carefully neutralized.


CERI is not law; it is an eligibility criteria and instructions for services and benefits. The definition of a refugee DOES NOT include persons that have acquired a new nationality, and enjoys the protection of the country of his new nationality. That would rule out in the West Bank that was once under Jordanian Citizenship and anyone in the Gaza Strip under the umbrella of the All Palestine Government or accepted the protection of the Egyptian Military Governorship.

It would not necessarily follow that anyone relocated as a result of the "Civil War" (NIAC) prior to May 1948. It would be interesting to find out. Palestinian refugees are the only refugees that attempt to include descendants. And the UNRWA is a failed refugee program. While the

Most Respectfully,
Your opinion on the right of return is very simplistic and Israel centric.


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