NBA Finals Game 2 Ratings Crash by 68%, Least Watched Finals Game in History. They thought a 45% drop was a disaster!

Black lives matter.
Basketball hasn't been attractive, no big names, weak teams and corona.
Many athletes around the world are kneeling also. You are the losers for being racists and not getting the message it has nothing to do with the flag.

We are not wacist for not supporting their anti-American behavior.

Fuck them all.

Get woke, go broke.

I love how knowledge intimidates whitey.

Keep up the racism. That will get the white fans back. Hell, maybe you can sell ad space on the athletes like nascar does on cars, to make up the lost revenue.

Dude, racism is why this thread was started.

This thread was started because overpaid assholes, have been insulting the good Americans that pay their fucking salaries, and now those good Americans have had enough and are stopping payment.

That's justice. That is assholes getting what they deserve, at least a little.

That you see that as "wacism" is you being a retard.
The only ones triggered are the racists like trump and his cult. Last time I checked most are still millionaires.

Also most of you never come out saying, yes there is racism and police brutality but let's not bring peotests to sports. Nah, you act as if you care about the flag and you are patriotic which protesters said many times they dont have an issue with the flag.

IMHOP flag and anthem singing has no place in sports, same as military parades and stuff before games it is too racist and too stupid. There is a place for everything. Games are for entertainment.

Anyone who thinks that the flag or the anthem is racist, is an anti-American piece of shit, and any American that celebrates them, is being a cuck.

Saying that the symbol of our nation is wacist, is an insult to every American individually and as a group.

Fuck you you piece of shit.

So, why do alt-white racists fly the confederate flag?

Other than racism.

Libertarians, paleoconservatives, gamers, men's rights groups, ect, have been lumped as alt-right and none of them are associated with flying the Confederate Flag.

Seriously. Where ever you get this shit, you need to stop just accepting the shit they feed you, without question.
All confederate flag loves are cons and pro trump.

1. Which has nothing to do with your previous point. So, I guess that was you admitting you were just talking the shit.

2. And, I doubt that very much. There are a lot of not politically aware people in this country, who might love their nation, ,and their region but not be aware of how much the Dem Party and liberals hate them. Indeed, I've lived in the South for short periods of time and met people there, good people who were not liberal, but believed the shit that the pop culture tells them about the parties.
Honestly, nobody wants to watch a bunch of Black millionaires play ball if they're going to keep telling us how oppressed and unfair life in America has been for them, while they're living the lifestyles of the rich and famous. I mean let's take poor suffering Lebron, he lives in a $100 million dollar house. It can't get any worse.
So, you'll watch as long as they know their place.

I mean really, How dare they. Only white millionaires are allowed tio play professional sports and are worthy of your viewing.

Lebron James does a lot for the kids of Cleveland. God forbid he uses his fame to further the cause of social justice. He should STFU & know his place, right Mr Racist Fuck?
Lebron James is an entitled fuck that has no problem expanding his empire and doing business with Chinese who engage in child abuse, provide slave wages to their laborers, torture and imprison those who engage in political dissent, polite the environment, and place minorities in concentration camps. Great champion of social justice he is not. It's just a shtick to promote his brand while destroyiying the NBA as a brand. Nobody is interested in cheap sloganeering by a bunch of spoiled Black millionaires. Like all other sports fans, I enjoy watching the athletes talent and performance. They can engage in political speech off the court, not at the league, fans and owners expense. And the NBA wonders why viewership is down? This is what happens when a league and team owners submit to the altar of Leftism, it will never be enough.
Oh please. You do business with the Chinese, Trump does business with the Chinese.

The NBA exports their game to China. The NBA has the right not to openly criticize the Chinese governmernt about its relatonship with Taiwan or Hong Kong. I don't sere the Trump Organization, Nike, GM, Apple openly getting involverd.

Furthermore, it was your fat-assed, COVID infected, Piece of shit budy Trump who said what countries do within their own borders is their budsinerss.

Leftism - giving a shit when black people get murdered by law enforcement.
Trumpism - fuck black people.

Again,. it is OK for the white millionaires to kneel or proterst but not the black ones. You are nothing but the common Trump fed racist piece of shit.

You have no fucking idea what these NBA stars are doing in China. They're in effect creating a league in China, just so they can capitalize on the billion or so more they can sell with Lebron's and other assholes names on merchandise. Partner with communists that murder and torture their own people, all to line up your filthy pockets. Social justice my ass! Perhaps if you took Lebron's cork out of your mouth, you'd see the obvious reality.

Here's your social justice...LOL!

So, why is Trump doing business in China.
Did Trump get billions from the Chinese communist party like Hunter Biden did, just because his daddy is VP? Democrats are crooked and corrupt to the bone. Trump had the Chinese economy on its knees until they unleashed this virus upon the US and the world.

Yet another brainwashed completely ignorant useful idiot.
People are just not interested in crybabyracistassholes putting a ball through a hoop
Honestly, nobody wants to watch a bunch of Black millionaires play ball if they're going to keep telling us how oppressed and unfair life in America has been for them, while they're living the lifestyles of the rich and famous. I mean let's take poor suffering Lebron, he lives in a $100 million dollar house. It can't get any worse.
So, you'll watch as long as they know their place.

I mean really, How dare they. Only white millionaires are allowed tio play professional sports and are worthy of your viewing.

Lebron James does a lot for the kids of Cleveland. God forbid he uses his fame to further the cause of social justice. He should STFU & know his place, right Mr Racist Fuck?
Lebron James is an entitled fuck that has no problem expanding his empire and doing business with Chinese who engage in child abuse, provide slave wages to their laborers, torture and imprison those who engage in political dissent, polite the environment, and place minorities in concentration camps. Great champion of social justice he is not. It's just a shtick to promote his brand while destroyiying the NBA as a brand. Nobody is interested in cheap sloganeering by a bunch of spoiled Black millionaires. Like all other sports fans, I enjoy watching the athletes talent and performance. They can engage in political speech off the court, not at the league, fans and owners expense. And the NBA wonders why viewership is down? This is what happens when a league and team owners submit to the altar of Leftism, it will never be enough.
Oh please. You do business with the Chinese, Trump does business with the Chinese.

The NBA exports their game to China. The NBA has the right not to openly criticize the Chinese governmernt about its relatonship with Taiwan or Hong Kong. I don't sere the Trump Organization, Nike, GM, Apple openly getting involverd.

Furthermore, it was your fat-assed, COVID infected, Piece of shit budy Trump who said what countries do within their own borders is their budsinerss.

Leftism - giving a shit when black people get murdered by law enforcement.
Trumpism - fuck black people.

Again,. it is OK for the white millionaires to kneel or proterst but not the black ones. You are nothing but the common Trump fed racist piece of shit.

You have no fucking idea what these NBA stars are doing in China. They're in effect creating a league in China, just so they can capitalize on the billion or so more they can sell with Lebron's and other assholes names on merchandise. Partner with communists that murder and torture their own people, all to line up your filthy pockets. Social justice my ass! Perhaps if you took Lebron's cork out of your mouth, you'd see the obvious reality.

Here's your social justice...LOL!

So, why is Trump doing business in China.
Did Trump get billions from the Chinese communist party like Hunter Biden did, just because his daddy is VP? Democrats are crooked and corrupt to the bone. Trump had the Chinese economy on its knees until they unleashed this virus upon the US and the world.

Yet another brainwashed completely ignorant useful idiot.
The investment company which Hunter Biden had minority interest received money to invest. You assfucks must be dumber than shit.

Trump called into question the One China policy. China gave Trumop several copyrights that he had been seeking for years. Trump then confirmed the One China Policy.,
Honestly, nobody wants to watch a bunch of Black millionaires play ball if they're going to keep telling us how oppressed and unfair life in America has been for them, while they're living the lifestyles of the rich and famous. I mean let's take poor suffering Lebron, he lives in a $100 million dollar house. It can't get any worse.
So, you'll watch as long as they know their place.

I mean really, How dare they. Only white millionaires are allowed tio play professional sports and are worthy of your viewing.

Lebron James does a lot for the kids of Cleveland. God forbid he uses his fame to further the cause of social justice. He should STFU & know his place, right Mr Racist Fuck?
Lebron James is an entitled fuck that has no problem expanding his empire and doing business with Chinese who engage in child abuse, provide slave wages to their laborers, torture and imprison those who engage in political dissent, polite the environment, and place minorities in concentration camps. Great champion of social justice he is not. It's just a shtick to promote his brand while destroyiying the NBA as a brand. Nobody is interested in cheap sloganeering by a bunch of spoiled Black millionaires. Like all other sports fans, I enjoy watching the athletes talent and performance. They can engage in political speech off the court, not at the league, fans and owners expense. And the NBA wonders why viewership is down? This is what happens when a league and team owners submit to the altar of Leftism, it will never be enough.
Oh please. You do business with the Chinese, Trump does business with the Chinese.

The NBA exports their game to China. The NBA has the right not to openly criticize the Chinese governmernt about its relatonship with Taiwan or Hong Kong. I don't sere the Trump Organization, Nike, GM, Apple openly getting involverd.

Furthermore, it was your fat-assed, COVID infected, Piece of shit budy Trump who said what countries do within their own borders is their budsinerss.

Leftism - giving a shit when black people get murdered by law enforcement.
Trumpism - fuck black people.

Again,. it is OK for the white millionaires to kneel or proterst but not the black ones. You are nothing but the common Trump fed racist piece of shit.

You have no fucking idea what these NBA stars are doing in China. They're in effect creating a league in China, just so they can capitalize on the billion or so more they can sell with Lebron's and other assholes names on merchandise. Partner with communists that murder and torture their own people, all to line up your filthy pockets. Social justice my ass! Perhaps if you took Lebron's cork out of your mouth, you'd see the obvious reality.

Here's your social justice...LOL!

So, why is Trump doing business in China.
Did Trump get billions from the Chinese communist party like Hunter Biden did, just because his daddy is VP? Democrats are crooked and corrupt to the bone. Trump had the Chinese economy on its knees until they unleashed this virus upon the US and the world.

Yet another brainwashed completely ignorant useful idiot.
The investment company which Hunter Biden had minority interest received money to invest. You assfucks must be dumber than shit.

Trump called into question the One China policy. China gave Trumop several copyrights that he had been seeking for years. Trump then confirmed the One China Policy.,
Wa? Hunter flies into China with daddy on Air Force 2, and flies back with a multi billion dollar investment in his hedge fund by the Chinese communist party, and there's nothing suspicious or awkward about it? Ha ha ha. Keep your head securely lodged into the sand.
Honestly, nobody wants to watch a bunch of Black millionaires play ball if they're going to keep telling us how oppressed and unfair life in America has been for them, while they're living the lifestyles of the rich and famous. I mean let's take poor suffering Lebron, he lives in a $100 million dollar house. It can't get any worse.
So, you'll watch as long as they know their place.

I mean really, How dare they. Only white millionaires are allowed tio play professional sports and are worthy of your viewing.

Lebron James does a lot for the kids of Cleveland. God forbid he uses his fame to further the cause of social justice. He should STFU & know his place, right Mr Racist Fuck?
Lebron James is an entitled fuck that has no problem expanding his empire and doing business with Chinese who engage in child abuse, provide slave wages to their laborers, torture and imprison those who engage in political dissent, polite the environment, and place minorities in concentration camps. Great champion of social justice he is not. It's just a shtick to promote his brand while destroyiying the NBA as a brand. Nobody is interested in cheap sloganeering by a bunch of spoiled Black millionaires. Like all other sports fans, I enjoy watching the athletes talent and performance. They can engage in political speech off the court, not at the league, fans and owners expense. And the NBA wonders why viewership is down? This is what happens when a league and team owners submit to the altar of Leftism, it will never be enough.
Oh please. You do business with the Chinese, Trump does business with the Chinese.

The NBA exports their game to China. The NBA has the right not to openly criticize the Chinese governmernt about its relatonship with Taiwan or Hong Kong. I don't sere the Trump Organization, Nike, GM, Apple openly getting involverd.

Furthermore, it was your fat-assed, COVID infected, Piece of shit budy Trump who said what countries do within their own borders is their budsinerss.

Leftism - giving a shit when black people get murdered by law enforcement.
Trumpism - fuck black people.

Again,. it is OK for the white millionaires to kneel or proterst but not the black ones. You are nothing but the common Trump fed racist piece of shit.

You have no fucking idea what these NBA stars are doing in China. They're in effect creating a league in China, just so they can capitalize on the billion or so more they can sell with Lebron's and other assholes names on merchandise. Partner with communists that murder and torture their own people, all to line up your filthy pockets. Social justice my ass! Perhaps if you took Lebron's cork out of your mouth, you'd see the obvious reality.

Here's your social justice...LOL!

So, why is Trump doing business in China.
Did Trump get billions from the Chinese communist party like Hunter Biden did, just because his daddy is VP? Democrats are crooked and corrupt to the bone. Trump had the Chinese economy on its knees until they unleashed this virus upon the US and the world.

Yet another brainwashed completely ignorant useful idiot.
The investment company which Hunter Biden had minority interest received money to invest. You assfucks must be dumber than shit.

Trump called into question the One China policy. China gave Trumop several copyrights that he had been seeking for years. Trump then confirmed the One China Policy.,
Wa? Hunter flies into China with daddy on Air Force 2, and flies back with a multi billion dollar investment in his hedge fund by the Chinese communist party, and there's nothing suspicious or awkward about it? Ha ha ha. Keep your head securely lodged into the sand.

So, you are claiming that all happened at that time. Ivanka flew ewith Daddy to China and she got cophyrights or such.

Awkward is not illegal.

Both Hunter & Ivanka had business in China. Both rode with therir fathers. Only one sat in on the meetings. So shove your Hunter Biden crap up your stupid ass.
Honestly, nobody wants to watch a bunch of Black millionaires play ball if they're going to keep telling us how oppressed and unfair life in America has been for them, while they're living the lifestyles of the rich and famous. I mean let's take poor suffering Lebron, he lives in a $100 million dollar house. It can't get any worse.
So, you'll watch as long as they know their place.

I mean really, How dare they. Only white millionaires are allowed tio play professional sports and are worthy of your viewing.

Lebron James does a lot for the kids of Cleveland. God forbid he uses his fame to further the cause of social justice. He should STFU & know his place, right Mr Racist Fuck?
Lebron James is an entitled fuck that has no problem expanding his empire and doing business with Chinese who engage in child abuse, provide slave wages to their laborers, torture and imprison those who engage in political dissent, polite the environment, and place minorities in concentration camps. Great champion of social justice he is not. It's just a shtick to promote his brand while destroyiying the NBA as a brand. Nobody is interested in cheap sloganeering by a bunch of spoiled Black millionaires. Like all other sports fans, I enjoy watching the athletes talent and performance. They can engage in political speech off the court, not at the league, fans and owners expense. And the NBA wonders why viewership is down? This is what happens when a league and team owners submit to the altar of Leftism, it will never be enough.
Oh please. You do business with the Chinese, Trump does business with the Chinese.

The NBA exports their game to China. The NBA has the right not to openly criticize the Chinese governmernt about its relatonship with Taiwan or Hong Kong. I don't sere the Trump Organization, Nike, GM, Apple openly getting involverd.

Furthermore, it was your fat-assed, COVID infected, Piece of shit budy Trump who said what countries do within their own borders is their budsinerss.

Leftism - giving a shit when black people get murdered by law enforcement.
Trumpism - fuck black people.

Again,. it is OK for the white millionaires to kneel or proterst but not the black ones. You are nothing but the common Trump fed racist piece of shit.

You have no fucking idea what these NBA stars are doing in China. They're in effect creating a league in China, just so they can capitalize on the billion or so more they can sell with Lebron's and other assholes names on merchandise. Partner with communists that murder and torture their own people, all to line up your filthy pockets. Social justice my ass! Perhaps if you took Lebron's cork out of your mouth, you'd see the obvious reality.

Here's your social justice...LOL!

So, why is Trump doing business in China.
Did Trump get billions from the Chinese communist party like Hunter Biden did, just because his daddy is VP? Democrats are crooked and corrupt to the bone. Trump had the Chinese economy on its knees until they unleashed this virus upon the US and the world.

Yet another brainwashed completely ignorant useful idiot.
The investment company which Hunter Biden had minority interest received money to invest. You assfucks must be dumber than shit.

Trump called into question the One China policy. China gave Trumop several copyrights that he had been seeking for years. Trump then confirmed the One China Policy.,
Wa? Hunter flies into China with daddy on Air Force 2, and flies back with a multi billion dollar investment in his hedge fund by the Chinese communist party, and there's nothing suspicious or awkward about it? Ha ha ha. Keep your head securely lodged into the sand.

So, you are claiming that all happened at that time. Ivanka flew ewith Daddy to China and she got cophyrights or such.

Awkward is not illegal.

Both Hunter & Ivanka had business in China. Both rode with therir fathers. Only one sat in on the meetings. So shove your Hunter Biden crap up your stupid ass.
I'm not the one who's accepting this kind of corruption, cronyism, and criminal behavior, you are, so...the Hunter Biden crap has gone all the way up your coolaid drinking ignorant Leftist moron's ass.
Telling your customers F U is really bad for business
It's like basic economics, you're basically eliminating half your customers to fuck off, and then they whine about why people don't care to watch or attend their games any longer.
Just keep disrespecting our country all you NBA "stars" and soon you'll be axing me if I'd like fries with that :auiqs.jpg:
Speaking of axing...
A young black female receptionist at a local business referred to “axing a question” while on the phone and then politely reminded me to wear a “mask” while in the building.
:yes_text12:Let the NBA pay cuts begin! Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of Race Baiters.
Mikey the racist fuck. Thinks it's great that police are killing unarmed black men.

Mikey hates race baiters starting with MLK and all the others, Mikey says "fuck black people if they don't know their place".

Floyd died of a drug overdose and Brenna's boyfriend shot through the door at the police.
Two many facts at once
Honestly, nobody wants to watch a bunch of Black millionaires play ball if they're going to keep telling us how oppressed and unfair life in America has been for them, while they're living the lifestyles of the rich and famous. I mean let's take poor suffering Lebron, he lives in a $100 million dollar house. It can't get any worse.
So, you'll watch as long as they know their place.

I mean really, How dare they. Only white millionaires are allowed tio play professional sports and are worthy of your viewing.

Lebron James does a lot for the kids of Cleveland. God forbid he uses his fame to further the cause of social justice. He should STFU & know his place, right Mr Racist Fuck?
Lebron James is an entitled fuck that has no problem expanding his empire and doing business with Chinese who engage in child abuse, provide slave wages to their laborers, torture and imprison those who engage in political dissent, polite the environment, and place minorities in concentration camps. Great champion of social justice he is not. It's just a shtick to promote his brand while destroyiying the NBA as a brand. Nobody is interested in cheap sloganeering by a bunch of spoiled Black millionaires. Like all other sports fans, I enjoy watching the athletes talent and performance. They can engage in political speech off the court, not at the league, fans and owners expense. And the NBA wonders why viewership is down? This is what happens when a league and team owners submit to the altar of Leftism, it will never be enough.
Oh please. You do business with the Chinese, Trump does business with the Chinese.

The NBA exports their game to China. The NBA has the right not to openly criticize the Chinese governmernt about its relatonship with Taiwan or Hong Kong. I don't sere the Trump Organization, Nike, GM, Apple openly getting involverd.

Furthermore, it was your fat-assed, COVID infected, Piece of shit budy Trump who said what countries do within their own borders is their budsinerss.

Leftism - giving a shit when black people get murdered by law enforcement.
Trumpism - fuck black people.

Again,. it is OK for the white millionaires to kneel or proterst but not the black ones. You are nothing but the common Trump fed racist piece of shit.

You have no fucking idea what these NBA stars are doing in China. They're in effect creating a league in China, just so they can capitalize on the billion or so more they can sell with Lebron's and other assholes names on merchandise. Partner with communists that murder and torture their own people, all to line up your filthy pockets. Social justice my ass! Perhaps if you took Lebron's cork out of your mouth, you'd see the obvious reality.

Here's your social justice...LOL!

So, why is Trump doing business in China.
Did Trump get billions from the Chinese communist party like Hunter Biden did, just because his daddy is VP? Democrats are crooked and corrupt to the bone. Trump had the Chinese economy on its knees until they unleashed this virus upon the US and the world.

Yet another brainwashed completely ignorant useful idiot.
The investment company which Hunter Biden had minority interest received money to invest. You assfucks must be dumber than shit.

Trump called into question the One China policy. China gave Trumop several copyrights that he had been seeking for years. Trump then confirmed the One China Policy.,
Wa? Hunter flies into China with daddy on Air Force 2, and flies back with a multi billion dollar investment in his hedge fund by the Chinese communist party, and there's nothing suspicious or awkward about it? Ha ha ha. Keep your head securely lodged into the sand.

So, you are claiming that all happened at that time. Ivanka flew ewith Daddy to China and she got cophyrights or such.

Awkward is not illegal.

Both Hunter & Ivanka had business in China. Both rode with therir fathers. Only one sat in on the meetings. So shove your Hunter Biden crap up your stupid ass.
I'm not the one who's accepting this kind of corruption, cronyism, and criminal behavior, you are, so...the Hunter Biden crap has gone all the way up your coolaid drinking ignorant Leftist moron's ass.
You have yet to show any corruption. Let alone anything involving Joe Biden.

No matter what you say that Biden or his kid did, the Trumps did it ten times worse.
Telling your customers F U is really bad for business
It's like basic economics, you're basically eliminating half your customers to fuck off, and then they whine about why people don't care to watch or attend their games any longer.
Half their customers are white supremacists and racists?
No, but left wing bigots call mainstream people names like "white supremacists and racists" and it is backfiring on them because people know when they are hated and they will not buy products from people who they know hate them.
Telling your customers F U is really bad for business
It's like basic economics, you're basically eliminating half your customers to fuck off, and then they whine about why people don't care to watch or attend their games any longer.
Half their customers are white supremacists and racists?
No, but left wing bigots call mainstream people names like "white supremacists and racists" and it is backfiring on them because people know when they are hated and they will not buy products from people who they know hate them.
Shut the fuck up and play ball, Lebron!
Telling your customers F U is really bad for business
It's like basic economics, you're basically eliminating half your customers to fuck off, and then they whine about why people don't care to watch or attend their games any longer.
Half their customers are white supremacists and racists?
No, but left wing bigots call mainstream people names like "white supremacists and racists" and it is backfiring on them because people know when they are hated and they will not buy products from people who they know hate them.
Shut the fuck up and play ball, Lebron!

So, they are going to try to hide their rampant anti-Americanism and anti-white racism?

Well then, lets just all kiss and make up and sing kum ba yah together.

Telling your customers F U is really bad for business
It's like basic economics, you're basically eliminating half your customers to fuck off, and then they whine about why people don't care to watch or attend their games any longer.
Half their customers are white supremacists and racists?
No, but left wing bigots call mainstream people names like "white supremacists and racists" and it is backfiring on them because people know when they are hated and they will not buy products from people who they know hate them.
Shut the fuck up and play ball, Lebron!

So, they are going to try to hide their rampant anti-Americanism and anti-white racism?

Well then, lets just all kiss and make up and sing kum ba yah together.

View attachment 399160
Unfortunately Lebron intimidated the league and took the team owners hostage into submitting to this insanity. Not sure if the league's new image as yet another propaganda arm of the radical Democratic Party can be rehabilitated, as long as Lebron plays such a big role in it.
Telling your customers F U is really bad for business
It's like basic economics, you're basically eliminating half your customers to fuck off, and then they whine about why people don't care to watch or attend their games any longer.
Half their customers are white supremacists and racists?
No, but left wing bigots call mainstream people names like "white supremacists and racists" and it is backfiring on them because people know when they are hated and they will not buy products from people who they know hate them.
Shut the fuck up and play ball, Lebron!

So, they are going to try to hide their rampant anti-Americanism and anti-white racism?

Well then, lets just all kiss and make up and sing kum ba yah together.

View attachment 399160
Unfortunately Lebron intimidated the league and took the team owners hostage into submitting to this insanity. Not sure if the league's new image as yet another propaganda arm of the radical Democratic Party can be rehabilitated, as long as Lebron plays such a big role in it.
LaBron is clearly a racist
Telling your customers F U is really bad for business
It's like basic economics, you're basically eliminating half your customers to fuck off, and then they whine about why people don't care to watch or attend their games any longer.
Half their customers are white supremacists and racists?
No, but left wing bigots call mainstream people names like "white supremacists and racists" and it is backfiring on them because people know when they are hated and they will not buy products from people who they know hate them.
Shut the fuck up and play ball, Lebron!

So, they are going to try to hide their rampant anti-Americanism and anti-white racism?

Well then, lets just all kiss and make up and sing kum ba yah together.

View attachment 399160
Unfortunately Lebron intimidated the league and took the team owners hostage into submitting to this insanity. Not sure if the league's new image as yet another propaganda arm of the radical Democratic Party can be rehabilitated, as long as Lebron plays such a big role in it.
LaBron is clearly a racist
He clearly profits from and uses race-baiting as an intimidation tactic.
Telling your customers F U is really bad for business
It's like basic economics, you're basically eliminating half your customers to fuck off, and then they whine about why people don't care to watch or attend their games any longer.
Half their customers are white supremacists and racists?
No, but left wing bigots call mainstream people names like "white supremacists and racists" and it is backfiring on them because people know when they are hated and they will not buy products from people who they know hate them.
Shut the fuck up and play ball, Lebron!

So, they are going to try to hide their rampant anti-Americanism and anti-white racism?

Well then, lets just all kiss and make up and sing kum ba yah together.

View attachment 399160
Unfortunately Lebron intimidated the league and took the team owners hostage into submitting to this insanity. Not sure if the league's new image as yet another propaganda arm of the radical Democratic Party can be rehabilitated, as long as Lebron plays such a big role in it.
LaBron is clearly a racist
Fighting for equality doers not make one a racist.

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