NBA Finals Game 2 Ratings Crash by 68%, Least Watched Finals Game in History. They thought a 45% drop was a disaster!

Lebron isn't worried about his teammates and the future of future black players. He's making sure that he enjoy his life.

There’s no other explanation a player of Pachulia’s skill would even be on an NBA team. Another interesting point to consider is that just hours after winning the title, the Warriors unanimously voted to not visit Donald Trump in the White House. It seems odd that a group of mostly young African-Americans wouldn’t want to visit President Trump.

Will Soros keep meddling in sports? I predict he won’t stop until the Trump supporters’ morale is at all-time low so that they won’t even go out and vote for nationalists. Golden State will likely keep their title, as will the baseball team from Barack Obama’s hometown, the Chicago Cubs. Robert Kraft and Tom Brady have an uphill battle ahead of them, being open-Trump supporters. It’s very clear in the NBA now, it’s no longer LeBron’s league, it’s George Soros.


5hats like playing the national before seing the previews at a theater.
Saying the National Anthem does mot belong in sports is like pretending that America is no better than any other place on earth when most Americans know it is better
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. There are good things and bad things everywhere.
Why the hell you need a national anthem and a military presence at a an entertainment venue ? That's like North Korea and Cuba.
Yeah, who needs those damn uniformed servicemen mucking up your football game?

all they did was fight and die for your and the black athlete jerks freedom
Yes, the Left is misunderstood....Flag burning, kneeling during the national anthem in sports events, wanting the statues of Christopher Columbus, Jefferson, Lincoln and Washington torn down, mutilated and defecated upon, rioting, looting, committing arson...these are all "patriotic" yet misinterpreted things the Left often engages in.
Honestly, nobody wants to watch a bunch of Black millionaires play ball if they're going to keep telling us how oppressed and unfair life in America has been for them, while they're living the lifestyles of the rich and famous. I mean let's take poor suffering Lebron, he lives in a $100 million dollar house. It can't get any worse.
About the tenth thread on this topic? The games just aren't as interesting with empty stands.
So no, it has nothing to do with BLM movement.
Thats laughable

black players demanded that the NBA and NFL promote the BLM bullshit and its backfired on the game
:yes_text12:Let the NBA pay cuts begin! Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of Race Baiters.
Mikey the racist fuck. Thinks it's great that police are killing unarmed black men.

Mikey hates race baiters starting with MLK and all the others, Mikey says "fuck black people if they don't know their place".

Floyd died of a drug overdose and Brenna's boyfriend shot through the door at the police.
Sure. The knee on the neck was nothingh. And I thoughtb you NRA fed assfucks were all about self defense?
Honestly, nobody wants to watch a bunch of Black millionaires play ball if they're going to keep telling us how oppressed and unfair life in America has been for them, while they're living the lifestyles of the rich and famous. I mean let's take poor suffering Lebron, he lives in a $100 million dollar house. It can't get any worse.
So, you'll watch as long as they know their place.

I mean really, How dare they. Only white millionaires are allowed tio play professional sports and are worthy of your viewing.

Lebron James does a lot for the kids of Cleveland. God forbid he uses his fame to further the cause of social justice. He should STFU & know his place, right Mr Racist Fuck?
Black lives matter.
Basketball hasn't been attractive, no big names, weak teams and corona.
Many athletes around the world are kneeling also. You are the losers for being racists and not getting the message it has nothing to do with the flag.

We are not wacist for not supporting their anti-American behavior.

Fuck them all.

Get woke, go broke.
Has nothing anti american about it. You just dont like their message.
They protest a non existent “problem” in your face at an inappropriate venue.
No they didnt. You want to take politics out of sports? Stop playing national anthem, bringing police and military personnel. It is an entertainment venue not a patriotic one.

So, Patriotism is a political statement? Interesting. Most dems I talk to claim that the dems are just as Patriotic as the republicans, so that would make it NOT a partisan issue.

You seem to think othewise.

I agree.

But that has more to do with the dems changing than the intent of putting the national anthem in there.
When you include being a racist & bigot in your definition of a Patriot.

If players knelt during the Anthem to offer support in fighting Breast Cancer, you assfucks wouldn't care. But its about black people so you run screaming through the streets screaming "OMG OMG OMG".


You don't get to tell me my personal definition of a word.

Hell, I don't DO personal definitions of words, that is a stupid ass game YOU people play.

My point stands. Patriotism was and should be an UNIFYING force in any nation.

That you liberals have become anti-American fuckers, and thus, it is a POLITICA ISSUE now, is on you, and is a problem with you and not something that rest of US, should have to change our lives to pander to.

My other point stands. If the symbol of a group offends you that fucking much, you should not be a member of that group.

The right thing for you to do, would be to renounce your citizenship.
:yes_text12:Let the NBA pay cuts begin! Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of Race Baiters.
Mikey the racist fuck. Thinks it's great that police are killing unarmed black men.

Mikey hates race baiters starting with MLK and all the others, Mikey says "fuck black people if they don't know their place".
:yes_text12:Let the NBA pay cuts begin! Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of Race Baiters.
Mikey the racist fuck. Thinks it's great that police are killing unarmed black men.

Mikey hates race baiters starting with MLK and all the others, Mikey says "fuck black people if they don't know their place".

Floyd died of a drug overdose and Brenna's boyfriend shot through the door at the police.
Sure. The knee on the neck was nothingh. And I thoughtb you NRA fed assfucks were all about self defense?

It was bad, but not fatal. Floyd was resisting arrest - because he was overdosing. They should have called an ambulance
Honestly, nobody wants to watch a bunch of Black millionaires play ball if they're going to keep telling us how oppressed and unfair life in America has been for them, while they're living the lifestyles of the rich and famous. I mean let's take poor suffering Lebron, he lives in a $100 million dollar house. It can't get any worse.
So, you'll watch as long as they know their place.

I mean really, How dare they. Only white millionaires are allowed tio play professional sports and are worthy of your viewing.

Lebron James does a lot for the kids of Cleveland. God forbid he uses his fame to further the cause of social justice. He should STFU & know his place, right Mr Racist Fuck?
Lebron James is an entitled fuck that has no problem expanding his empire and doing business with Chinese who engage in child abuse, provide slave wages to their laborers, torture and imprison those who engage in political dissent, polite the environment, and place minorities in concentration camps. Great champion of social justice he is not. It's just a shtick to promote his brand while destroyiying the NBA as a brand. Nobody is interested in cheap sloganeering by a bunch of spoiled Black millionaires. Like all other sports fans, I enjoy watching the athletes talent and performance. They can engage in political speech off the court, not at the league, fans and owners expense. And the NBA wonders why viewership is down? This is what happens when a league and team owners submit to the altar of Leftism, it will never be enough.
About the tenth thread on this topic? The games just aren't as interesting with empty stands.
So no, it has nothing to do with BLM movement.
Thats laughable

black players demanded that the NBA and NFL promote the BLM bullshit and its backfired on the game

55% of Americans support the BLM movement.
So don't watch basketball if it gets yer panties in a twist.
Nobody cares.

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