NBC Broadcasters Butthurt The Donald Dissed Weirdos Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinsk

He is such a fucking baby.


Never be our President.

Shouldn't even be GOP man.
Dam OP just said fuck everyone and didnt give any details

None are needed, of Trump bitch slapped them they have butt hurt.

Trump LOVED them- until they started to criticize him.

He was on Scarborough's show every week- until Scarborough disagreed with him.

Trump is a thin skinned 5 year old with a Twitter account.

Trump discovered they are lying lowlife scum liberals not journalists so he kicked the shit out of them.

Odd isn't it- that he discovered this only after being on their shows hundreds of times for years- and when they finally start to offer any criticism of Trump?

Morning Blow: How Joe and Mika Became Trump's Lapdogs
Morning Blow: How Joe and Mika Became Trump's Lapdogs
He added later that the rest of the press corps was just jealous that his show was the first to take Trump seriously. "You're really angry because we called this first," he said. "You're humiliated because this is your job."

The reality, of course, is that Scarborough currently is winning the access battle with Trump because Donald Trump, like the Chinese emperors of yore who surrounded themselves with eunuchs as palace guards, refuses to interact with anyone who threatens him in any way.

Thus Trump's regular media contacts are exclusively a gang of supplicating ratings-whores like Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and especially Scarborough, who appears to be Trump's favorite lapdog. Trump seems to get a kick out of the fact that he now has an ex-congressman carrying his skirts for him in public, and he tosses Scarborough's name around at events like a war trophy.

It is obvious that you haven't watched Morning Joe for a few months. A link with a date would be telling.
you would think Donnie has more important things to do other than dick around with talk show hosts wouldn't you?

he continues to prove he's too unstable to be the POTUS.

Nope calling out media members is important, they control the flow of information.....they need to be fair and held to higher standards
you would think Donnie has more important things to do other than dick around with talk show hosts wouldn't you?

he continues to prove he's too unstable to be the POTUS.

Nope calling out media members is important, they control the flow of information.....they need to be fair and held to higher standards

You just dont know what those higher standards should be to ensure you keep whining about it
Dam OP just said fuck everyone and didnt give any details

None are needed, of Trump bitch slapped them they have butt hurt.

Trump LOVED them- until they started to criticize him.

He was on Scarborough's show every week- until Scarborough disagreed with him.

Trump is a thin skinned 5 year old with a Twitter account.

Trump discovered they are lying lowlife scum liberals not journalists so he kicked the shit out of them.

Odd isn't it- that he discovered this only after being on their shows hundreds of times for years- and when they finally start to offer any criticism of Trump?

Morning Blow: How Joe and Mika Became Trump's Lapdogs
Morning Blow: How Joe and Mika Became Trump's Lapdogs
He added later that the rest of the press corps was just jealous that his show was the first to take Trump seriously. "You're really angry because we called this first," he said. "You're humiliated because this is your job."

The reality, of course, is that Scarborough currently is winning the access battle with Trump because Donald Trump, like the Chinese emperors of yore who surrounded themselves with eunuchs as palace guards, refuses to interact with anyone who threatens him in any way.

Thus Trump's regular media contacts are exclusively a gang of supplicating ratings-whores like Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and especially Scarborough, who appears to be Trump's favorite lapdog. Trump seems to get a kick out of the fact that he now has an ex-congressman carrying his skirts for him in public, and he tosses Scarborough's name around at events like a war trophy.

It is obvious that you haven't watched Morning Joe for a few months. A link with a date would be telling.

From the LEFTIST Daily KOS
The Ugly Story in Joe Scarborough's Political Closet

So Schmoe left DC and didn't run for Congress again after the intern who worked in his office was found dead from blunt force trauma. The same intern that Schmoe was rumored to be having an affair with.. The Ugly Story in Joe Scarborough's Political Closet

Now Schmoe , who helped to break up Snow White Mika, the Communist Brzezinski's daughter (The Jew hater who worked in the Jimmuh Cartuh Admin) of 30 yrs, are having an affair , both decided to start VERBALLY trashing Donald Trump EVERY SINGLE day on their worthless morning Propaganda outlet and are now crying like BIATCHES in menopausal heat when they get it in return.. STFU crybabies.. You deserve everything coming your way.. I say we need to hear more about what the DAILY KOS SAYS is a mysterious death of Schmoe's intern.
you would think Donnie has more important things to do other than dick around with talk show hosts wouldn't you?

he continues to prove he's too unstable to be the POTUS.

Nope calling out media members is important, they control the flow of information.....they need to be fair and held to higher standards

You just dont know what those higher standards should be to ensure you keep whining about it

No that sounds like you on affirmative action and welfare.......no goals so just keep doing it.

My goals are to treat all parties the same...ask the same questions, follow up the same way.....easy stuff not hard!
Remember When a Dead Intern Was Found in Joe Scarborough's Office?

Back in 2010, Markos Moulitsas, better known as the founder of the Daily Kos blog, was a regular guest on MSNBC. The pairing of a liberal blogger and a liberal network was a natural one, so Moulitsas was used to going on TV and swapping insults about Republicans with Keith Olbermann or whoever.

That state of affairs came to a screeching halt in July of 2010, when Moulitsas found himself summarily blacklisted from MSNBC. His offense? Mentioning, on Twitter, the strange, sad story of Lori Klausutis, the intern who was found dead in Joe Scarborough’s office when the “Morning Joe” host was still a Republican congressman.

So Schmoe and Mika had this MSNBC reporter SHITCANNED for daring to bring up the dead intern found in Schmoes office, the very intern Schmoe was boinking behind his wifes back. Interesting.

Markos Moulitsas of Daily Kos has been blacklisted at MSNBC for calling out Joe Scarborough on his hypocrisy. It revolves around the little known “dead intern” problem that Joe Scarborough swept under the rug successfully back in July of 2001.

Do tell? Schmoe covering up a dead intern in his office, the one he was scrogging while married?:banned:
Hearne: The Little Known Fall From Grace of MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’

A closer look reveals Scarborough stepped down five months into his term after giving notice seven months earlier, barely having battling for re-election. The obvious question being, why?

Scarborough’s decision to quit congress came on the heels of his 1999 divorce and the hiring of 28 year-old aide Lori Klausutis, who was found dead in his office in July 2001. Although police said they didn’t find evidence of foul play, critics point to unanswered questions about her death.

Hearne: The Little Known Fall From Grace of MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ | KC Confidential

Scarborough sent a cease and desist letter to have all references to himself and his dead aide, Lori Klausutis, removed from this website," All Hat writes, providing a copy of Scarborough’s lawyer’s letter. "Nothing was removed from this site."

So less than a year from Scarborough landing his "Morning Joe" gig he attempted to silence practically the only media outlet aiming a critical eye at Klausutis’ death.

Aww, Schmoe hates anyone talking about it.. gets people fired, threatens them, sues them... LOL
I thought Donald said he wouldn't watch Morning Joe after they were mean to him.
Trump had tweeted earlier that Joe Scarborough had said some nice things about him....
Then a little while later Trumps tiny fingers are flying furiously all over the keyboard
as he tweets that he's now pissed at Joe and Mika....

Stay on Hannity's show Trumpy....
Sean will always be there to prop you up....

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