NBC News Video of Police Officer SHOOTING Ashley Babbit on Jan. 6th

You think I cheered for those deaths? :cuckoo:

Of course you did. Your fake outrage was just an excuse to go out and loot. You've proven over and over again here that you LOVE cops killing unarmed people (especially unarmed women).
A small unarmed woman was the "tip of the spear", Chilly? That pretty much sums up how much this WASN'T an armed insurrection then...doesn't it?
No 'summing' up per your scenario.
That's how 'tips-of-the-spear' work. First in, unlocks the doors, opens the doors......and the mob pours in. Hell, look at some of the videos of other locations of the Capitol....that is exactly what happened. Early attackers through broken windows immediately opened doors to let in the mob
Her size doesn't matter; the cop had no idea how big or small she was. Her sex didn't matter; the cop had no idea if it was a man or a woman breaking through.
Ashley Babbit was shrouded in an American flag or Trump banner, it concealed her figure, likely concealed her hands. And she was coming towards the officers despite their warnings to back-off, to leave. Towards them despite being warned. Her actions signified aggressive intent. Criminal intent. And adding to that reality is that the police were hearing in their earpieces the dire situation for other officers in other nearby locations.....shouts of "Man down!!"....."We've lost the line".

The officers shot....took one life, but likely saved several others.
If she had gotten through and opened those doors then the police....including Byrd....would have been forced to shoot more.
But.....Byrd's shot stopped the mob.
Which immediatel quieted the mob and took the starch out of their overt hostility.
Good shoot. An effective shoot.

It was her attempt to lead a violent mob into the House chamber, via the Speaker's Lobby, while some members of Congress and staff were still holed up, which mattered.

And that's it in a nutshell.

Babbitt charged toward armed officers pointing a gun and warning her.
Those situations often enough....don't end well.

Michael Brown, unarmed. Rightards cheered.

Eric Gardner, unarmed. Rightards cheered.

George Floyd, unarmed. Rightards cheered.

Walter Scott, unarmed. Rightards cheered.

I could go on for pages.
Michael Brown literally assaulted a Police officer and tried to take his weapon after robbing a convenience store then turned and started back at that same officer ignoring warnings to stop.

George Floyd died of a self induced drug overdose after trying to pass counterfeit money at yet another convenience store and resisting arrest.

Walter Scott panicked and ran from the Police during a traffic stop because he was wanted on an outstanding warrant for not paying child support.

In both the Floyd case and the Scott case the Police officers involved were given long jail sentences because unlike Michael Byrd their actions were deemed excessive. So tell me, Faun...what's more "excessive" than shooting an unarmed woman at point blank range for breaking a window? Yet Michael Byrd is hailed as a "hero"?
No 'summing' up per your scenario.
That's how 'tips-of-the-spear' work. First in, unlocks the doors, opens the doors......and the mob pours in. Hell, look at some of the videos of other locations of the Capitol....that is exactly what happened. Early attackers through broken windows immediately opened doors to let in the mob

Ashley Babbit was shrouded in an American flag or Trump banner, it concealed her figure, likely concealed her hands. And she was coming towards the officers despite their warnings to back-off, to leave. Towards them despite being warned. Her actions signified aggressive intent. Criminal intent. And adding to that reality is that the police were hearing in their earpieces the dire situation for other officers in other nearby locations.....shouts of "Man down!!"....."We've lost the line".

The officers shot....took one life, but likely saved several others.
If she had gotten through and opened those doors then the police....including Byrd....would have been forced to shoot more.
But.....Byrd's shot stopped the mob.
Which immediatel quieted the mob and took the starch out of their overt hostility.
Good shoot. An effective shoot.

And that's it in a nutshell.

Babbitt charged toward armed officers pointing a gun and warning her.
Those situations often enough....don't end well.

So why weren't the "tip of the spear" at those other breaches shot by Police? Why was Michael Byrd the only one to fire his weapon at protesters?
As for your claim that Byrd couldn't see Babbitt's hands? Three other officers there that day ALL testified under oath that they could see Babbitt's hands and that they were empty. That excuse falls flat on it's face. Those other officers also testified that they didn't hear Byrd issue a warning before he shot Babbitt...testimony backed up by multiple audio recordings from multiple cell phones that recorded the shooting!
So why weren't the "tip of the spear" at those other breaches shot by Police? Why was Michael Byrd the only one to fire his weapon at protesters?
As for your claim that Byrd couldn't see Babbitt's hands? Three other officers there that day ALL testified under oath that they could see Babbitt's hands and that they were empty. That excuse falls flat on it's face. Those other officers also testified that they didn't hear Byrd issue a warning before he shot Babbitt...testimony backed up by multiple audio recordings from multiple cell phones that recorded the shooting!
Stop already.

Ashes got what she asked for.
"So why weren't the "tip of the spear" at those other breaches shot by Police"

In such kinetic and violent conflicts the decision made at that moment will always be specific to that locale and that dynamic. Byrd clearly felt that Babbits' charging through the violently opened breach was a clear and present danger to him, his fellow officers.....and the men and women behind them that they took an oath to protect.

Other officers that day, in other moments, viewed it under a different dynamic.

For example, officer testimony has revealed many, if not all, officers and their commanders feared that a shooting into the violent attackers on the steps outside the Capitol would turn into a huge firestorm. The officers knew that quite a few of the attackers were carrying guns. The police were greatly outnumbered....by attackers, obviously......and they feared greatly outnumbered by the firearms in the hands of those attackers.

Metropolitan Police Officer Daniel Hodges testified under oath: "There were over 9,000 of the terrorists out there with an unknown number of firearms and a couple hundred of us, maybe. So we could not -- if that turned into a firefight, we would have lost," he said. "And this was a fight we couldn't afford to lose."

"Hodges said that he and likely many other officers didn't shoot at the rioters because they feared it would escalate the situation.

"I was wondering how many more bombs are there? What's the trigger? How many guns are there...if we start firing, is that the signal to set off the explosives?
" Hodges said in his testimony. "That's the reason why I didn't shoot anyone," he said.

Hodges said there were about 9,000 "terrorists" at the Capitol that day and only a couple hundred officers. "If that turned into a firefight, we would have lost and this was a fight we couldn't afford to lose," he said.
".......video evidence demonstrates that the officer was facing an angry mob near the House chamber. Experts told PolitiFact that the situation involved a risk of serious bodily harm to either law enforcement or lawmakers, which is a longstanding defense made and upheld by the courts in police shootings."

A witness account that Rep. Markwayne Mullin, R-Okla., shared with "Good Morning America" on Jan. 7 fits with this account.

"Mullin was in the Speaker’s Lobby behind the officer who shot and killed Babbitt. He said that
"when they broke the glass in the back, the (police) lieutenant that was there, him and I already had multiple conversations prior to this, and he didn't have a choice at that time. … The mob was going to come through the door, there was a lot of members and staff that were in danger at the time. And when he (drew) his weapon, that's a decision that's very hard for anyone to make and, once you draw your weapon like that, you have to defend yourself with deadly force."
Personally, me and my trusty avatar will give credence to an eyewitness who was right there on the spot when the shooting occurred.....vs......some anonymous poster using a fake name on an internet chatboard.
But that's just how we roll. ✌️
^^^Remember this the next time a Nazi shitbag like Lesh pretends to be angry about a cop killing an unarmed person. You probably jerked it when they killed George Floyd.
You’ve exposed YOUR hypocrisy by defending all those unarmed black folks killed by cops but excusing this crazed woman
Michael Brown literally assaulted a Police officer and tried to take his weapon after robbing a convenience store then turned and started back at that same officer ignoring warnings to stop.

George Floyd died of a self induced drug overdose after trying to pass counterfeit money at yet another convenience store and resisting arrest.

Walter Scott panicked and ran from the Police during a traffic stop because he was wanted on an outstanding warrant for not paying child support.

In both the Floyd case and the Scott case the Police officers involved were given long jail sentences because unlike Michael Byrd their actions were deemed excessive. So tell me, Faun...what's more "excessive" than shooting an unarmed woman at point blank range for breaking a window? Yet Michael Byrd is hailed as a "hero"?

Slager and Chauvin were convicted of murder because they both killed someone for no justifiable reason. Garner's family settled for $6m because again, he was killed for no justifiable reason. Whereas Brown, like Ashes, was justifiably shot because he was a threat to others while in the commission of committing a crime.

And why do you keep lying that Ashes was shot for breaking a window? She didn't break a window. She wasn't shot for breaking a window.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya.
So why weren't the "tip of the spear" at those other breaches shot by Police? Why was Michael Byrd the only one to fire his weapon at protesters?
As for your claim that Byrd couldn't see Babbitt's hands? Three other officers there that day ALL testified under oath that they could see Babbitt's hands and that they were empty. That excuse falls flat on it's face. Those other officers also testified that they didn't hear Byrd issue a warning before he shot Babbitt...testimony backed up by multiple audio recordings from multiple cell phones that recorded the shooting!

There were no other baracades breached inside the Capitol building.

In such kinetic and violent conflicts the decision made at that moment will always be specific to that locale and that dynamic. Byrd clearly felt that Babbits' charging through the violently opened breach was a clear and present danger to him, his fellow officers.....and the men and women behind them that they took an oath to protect.

Other officers that day, in other moments, viewed it under a different dynamic.

For example, officer testimony has revealed many, if not all, officers and their commanders feared that a shooting into the violent attackers on the steps outside the Capitol would turn into a huge firestorm. The officers knew that quite a few of the attackers were carrying guns. The police were greatly outnumbered....by attackers, obviously......and they feared greatly outnumbered by the firearms in the hands of those attackers.

Metropolitan Police Officer Daniel Hodges testified under oath: "There were over 9,000 of the terrorists out there with an unknown number of firearms and a couple hundred of us, maybe. So we could not -- if that turned into a firefight, we would have lost," he said. "And this was a fight we couldn't afford to lose."

"Hodges said that he and likely many other officers didn't shoot at the rioters because they feared it would escalate the situation.

"I was wondering how many more bombs are there? What's the trigger? How many guns are there...if we start firing, is that the signal to set off the explosives?
" Hodges said in his testimony. "That's the reason why I didn't shoot anyone," he said.

Hodges said there were about 9,000 "terrorists" at the Capitol that day and only a couple hundred officers. "If that turned into a firefight, we would have lost and this was a fight we couldn't afford to lose," he said.
What a total crock! The Police were armed with high capacity automatics and the SWAT officers were carrying assault rifles. The protesters weren't armed. There wasn't a single person apprehended for having a firearm inside of the Capitol building...not ONE! As for Hodges? He's a complete moron! He's worried about bombs? Remind me again how many bombs were found at the Capitol building? That again would be a big fat ZERO! So Hodges says he didn't shoot because it might "escalate the situation" but Byrd had no qualms about doing just that? Did someone tell HIM not to worry about the "9,000 terrorists armed with bombs and guns? The brutal truth is that if it had turned into a "firefight" the Police would have slaughtered hundreds because they had guns and the protesters did not!
".......video evidence demonstrates that the officer was facing an angry mob near the House chamber. Experts told PolitiFact that the situation involved a risk of serious bodily harm to either law enforcement or lawmakers, which is a longstanding defense made and upheld by the courts in police shootings."

"A witness account that Rep. Markwayne Mullin, R-Okla., shared with "Good Morning America" on Jan. 7 fits with this account.

"Mullin was in the Speaker’s Lobby behind the officer who shot and killed Babbitt. He said that
"when they broke the glass in the back, the (police) lieutenant that was there, him and I already had multiple conversations prior to this, and he didn't have a choice at that time. … The mob was going to come through the door, there was a lot of members and staff that were in danger at the time. And when he (drew) his weapon, that's a decision that's very hard for anyone to make and, once you draw your weapon like that, you have to defend yourself with deadly force."
"Once you draw your weapon like that, you have to defend yourself with deadly force."

So all of the OTHER Police who drew their weapons inside of the House Chamber? Why didn't THEY have to defend themselves? They drew their weapons and then didn't fire. Why was Byrd the ONLY Police officer who felt deadly force was his only option?
They drew their weapons and then didn't fire. Why was Byrd the ONLY Police officer....."
Ummm, good poster Oldestyle, just how many bullets did you wanna see pumped into Babbitt?
After all, it took only one to knock her back. One.

Should the other officer reached over the breached door and double-tapped her?
What a total crock! The Police were armed with high capacity automatics and the SWAT officers were carrying assault rifles. The protesters weren't armed. There wasn't a single person apprehended for having a firearm inside of the Capitol building...not ONE! As for Hodges? He's a complete moron! He's worried about bombs? Remind me again how many bombs were found at the Capitol building? That again would be a big fat ZERO! So Hodges says he didn't shoot because it might "escalate the situation" but Byrd had no qualms about doing just that? Did someone tell HIM not to worry about the "9,000 terrorists armed with bombs and guns? The brutal truth is that if it had turned into a "firefight" the Police would have slaughtered hundreds because they had guns and the protesters did not!
Two stupid. Two bombs were found and all of the cops knew it
Ummm, good poster Oldestyle, just how many bullets did you wanna see pumped into Babbitt?
After all, it took only one to knock her back. One.

Should the other officer reached over the breached door and double-tapped her?
If Babbitt truly WAS the threat you claim she was then those three Swat officers standing at the top of the stairwell would have done something but if you look at the video of the shooting you'll note that the one closest to Babbitt is pointing his weapon not at the protesters but in the direction of Byrd. That's who HE felt threatened by! The moron who'd just discharged his weapon in the same direction that some of his fellow law enforcement brothers were standing!
At the Capitol? Care to try again?
The truth is that those two pipe bombs were planted the night before and were blocks from the Capitol building.
If memory serves me the bombs were at the democratic and Republican headquarters.

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