NBC Orders Its Employees to Rat Out Sexually-Harassing Fellow Employees, Or Be Fired


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
No mention of what happens if you knowingly accuse an innocent person, so this should be fun to watch. Sounds like the fun days of Stalin, turn in your neighbor to grant yourself a bone even when you know your neighbor did nothing.

"Romantic relationships at work are not exactly unusual, but now NBC says it is taking a zero-tolerance approach. Staffers have been told that if they find out about any affairs, romances, inappropriate relationships or behavior in the office, they have to report it to human resources, their superior or the company anti-harassment phone line. Staffers are shocked that they are now expected to snitch on their friends."
"Also there's strict rules about socializing, including [not] sharing taxis home and [not] taking vegans to steakhouses."

All businesses should have reporting procedures for suspected bad behavior.
Expecially where you work.
We have a family business we established more than thirty years ago. We never permitted harassment. Fraternizing was not permitted, and both employees were released in the three or four cases with which we had to deal. Our work environment was physically, emotionally, and mentally safe.
All businesses should have reporting procedures for suspected bad behavior.
Expecially where you work.
We have a family business we established more than thirty years ago. We never permitted harassment. Fraternizing was not permitted, and both employees were released in the three or four cases with which we had to deal. Our work environment was physically, emotionally, and mentally safe.
If you ran a tight ship like that ...much respect. No bullshit should be tolerated.
All businesses should have reporting procedures for suspected bad behavior.
Expecially where you work.
We have a family business we established more than thirty years ago. We never permitted harassment. Fraternizing was not permitted, and both employees were released in the three or four cases with which we had to deal. Our work environment was physically, emotionally, and mentally safe.
Harrasement is now complimenting someone.
Thanks to leftism, no women will be hired now.
All businesses should have reporting procedures for suspected bad behavior.
Expecially where you work.
We have a family business we established more than thirty years ago. We never permitted harassment. Fraternizing was not permitted, and both employees were released in the three or four cases with which we had to deal. Our work environment was physically, emotionally, and mentally safe.
Harrasement is now complimenting someone.
Thanks to leftism, no women will be hired now.
Of course they will. Men will have to mind their manners.
No mention of what happens if you knowingly accuse an innocent person, so this should be fun to watch. Sounds like the fun days of Stalin, turn in your neighbor to grant yourself a bone even when you know your neighbor did nothing.

"Romantic relationships at work are not exactly unusual, but now NBC says it is taking a zero-tolerance approach. Staffers have been told that if they find out about any affairs, romances, inappropriate relationships or behavior in the office, they have to report it to human resources, their superior or the company anti-harassment phone line. Staffers are shocked that they are now expected to snitch on their friends."
"Also there's strict rules about socializing, including [not] sharing taxis home and [not] taking vegans to steakhouses."


Ah! The "Zero-Tolerance" approach! The best sounding bad idea to ever come along? Euphemism for if anyone even points a finger your way, no thought, no work, no responsibility, just CAN THEM. Meantime, it isn't "tolerance" to take the time to be sure you make the right decision and sometimes the right decision is giving someone a chance to fix their mistakes! Because there can be no justice so long as rules are absolute. Somehow we have conflated FAIRNESS with now being "tolerant" of human error. The drive is on to make MACHINES out of people.

What NBC ordered is that if you have ANY knowledge of improper or inappropriate behavior of any kind and are found out NOT to have reported it, THEY'LL CAN YOU! Therefore, everyone will report everything, no matter how minor, even to the point of making stuff up. How'd you like to work under such tense conditions where you must fear that any smile, any passing comment, any compliment, any suggestion, any glance, any JOKE might be inadvertently or INTENTIONALLY taken and reported as offensive! Of course, all the stupid bitches out there simply say, "act appropriately and you'll be fine." Easy to say when YOU are the one who arbitrarily decides what OK is.

AND OF COURSE, just as Blacks cannot be racist, women do not offend or act inappropriate (let me know when the first woman is fired for "inappropriate (sexual) behavior," so this is a 100% anti-male policy. You already have your foot half-way out the door just for being a guy. WE ARE WATCHING YOU. Oh and by the way, the new NBC handbook even gives you guidelines on how to HUG. I'm betting that like an NFL touch-down, the rules will be just as convoluted and confusing. Better hope you don't forget step 9a. BUT JUST REMEMBER ONE THING IN ALL OF THIS:

No mention of what happens if you knowingly accuse an innocent person, so this should be fun to watch. Sounds like the fun days of Stalin, turn in your neighbor to grant yourself a bone even when you know your neighbor did nothing.

"Romantic relationships at work are not exactly unusual, but now NBC says it is taking a zero-tolerance approach. Staffers have been told that if they find out about any affairs, romances, inappropriate relationships or behavior in the office, they have to report it to human resources, their superior or the company anti-harassment phone line. Staffers are shocked that they are now expected to snitch on their friends."
"Also there's strict rules about socializing, including [not] sharing taxis home and [not] taking vegans to steakhouses."


Ah! The "Zero-Tolerance" approach! The best sounding bad idea to ever come along? Euphemism for if anyone even points a finger your way, no thought, no work, no responsibility, just CAN THEM. Meantime, it isn't "tolerance" to take the time to be sure you make the right decision and sometimes the right decision is giving someone a chance to fix their mistakes! Because there can be no justice so long as rules are absolute. Somehow we have conflated FAIRNESS with now being "tolerant" of human error. The drive is on to make MACHINES out of people.

What NBC ordered is that if you have ANY knowledge of improper or inappropriate behavior of any kind and are found out NOT to have reported it, THEY'LL CAN YOU! Therefore, everyone will report everything, no matter how minor, even to the point of making stuff up. How'd you like to work under such tense conditions where you must fear that any smile, any passing comment, any compliment, any suggestion, any glance, any JOKE might be inadvertently or INTENTIONALLY taken and reported as offensive! Of course, all the stupid bitches out there simply say, "act appropriately and you'll be fine." Easy to say when YOU are the one who arbitrarily decides what OK is.

AND OF COURSE, just as Blacks cannot be racist, women do not offend or act inappropriate (let me know when the first woman is fired for "inappropriate (sexual) behavior," so this is a 100% anti-male policy. You already have your foot out the door just for being a guy. WE ARE WATCHING YOU. Oh and by the way, the new NBC handbook even gives you guidelines on how to HUG. I'm betting that like an NFL touch-down, the rules will be just as convoluted and confusing. Better hope you don't forget step 9a. BUT JUST REMEMBER ONE THING IN ALL OF THIS:

You don't think any females - or males for that matter - will bribe their bosses with false accusations now do you? :deal:
All businesses should have reporting procedures for suspected bad behavior.
Expecially where you work.
We have a family business we established more than thirty years ago. We never permitted harassment. Fraternizing was not permitted, and both employees were released in the three or four cases with which we had to deal. Our work environment was physically, emotionally, and mentally safe.

Translation~ your family had to fire you for sexual harassment

They did the right thing don't be bitter

All businesses should have reporting procedures for suspected bad behavior.
Expecially where you work.
We have a family business we established more than thirty years ago. We never permitted harassment. Fraternizing was not permitted, and both employees were released in the three or four cases with which we had to deal. Our work environment was physically, emotionally, and mentally safe.
Harrasement is now complimenting someone.
Thanks to leftism, no women will be hired now.
Of course they will. Men will have to mind their manners.
And define manners. Define harrasement.

No one will hire females now.
All businesses should have reporting procedures for suspected bad behavior.
Expecially where you work.
We have a family business we established more than thirty years ago. We never permitted harassment. Fraternizing was not permitted, and both employees were released in the three or four cases with which we had to deal. Our work environment was physically, emotionally, and mentally safe.
Harrasement is now complimenting someone.
Thanks to leftism, no women will be hired now.

I'm not sure. Senior execs will all get accused and fired, being replaced one by one by females. Women will hire women and in ten years, every workplace will be dominated by anti-male women who will discriminate against guys in hiring and discriminate against guys in employment. Better watch your ass, guys. Oh and BTW, you can kiss your urinals goodbye.
All businesses should have reporting procedures for suspected bad behavior.
Expecially where you work.
We have a family business we established more than thirty years ago. We never permitted harassment. Fraternizing was not permitted, and both employees were released in the three or four cases with which we had to deal. Our work environment was physically, emotionally, and mentally safe.
Harrasement is now complimenting someone.
Thanks to leftism, no women will be hired now.
Of course they will. Men will have to mind their manners.
And define manners. Define harrasement.

No one will hire females now.
Those definitions are made. Your conclusion is laughable.
No mention of what happens if you knowingly accuse an innocent person, so this should be fun to watch. Sounds like the fun days of Stalin, turn in your neighbor to grant yourself a bone even when you know your neighbor did nothing.

"Romantic relationships at work are not exactly unusual, but now NBC says it is taking a zero-tolerance approach. Staffers have been told that if they find out about any affairs, romances, inappropriate relationships or behavior in the office, they have to report it to human resources, their superior or the company anti-harassment phone line. Staffers are shocked that they are now expected to snitch on their friends."
"Also there's strict rules about socializing, including [not] sharing taxis home and [not] taking vegans to steakhouses."


Ah! The "Zero-Tolerance" approach! The best sounding bad idea to ever come along? Euphemism for if anyone even points a finger your way, no thought, no work, no responsibility, just CAN THEM. Meantime, it isn't "tolerance" to take the time to be sure you make the right decision and sometimes the right decision is giving someone a chance to fix their mistakes! Because there can be no justice so long as rules are absolute. Somehow we have conflated FAIRNESS with now being "tolerant" of human error. The drive is on to make MACHINES out of people.

What NBC ordered is that if you have ANY knowledge of improper or inappropriate behavior of any kind and are found out NOT to have reported it, THEY'LL CAN YOU! Therefore, everyone will report everything, no matter how minor, even to the point of making stuff up. How'd you like to work under such tense conditions where you must fear that any smile, any passing comment, any compliment, any suggestion, any glance, any JOKE might be inadvertently or INTENTIONALLY taken and reported as offensive! Of course, all the stupid bitches out there simply say, "act appropriately and you'll be fine." Easy to say when YOU are the one who arbitrarily decides what OK is.

AND OF COURSE, just as Blacks cannot be racist, women do not offend or act inappropriate (let me know when the first woman is fired for "inappropriate (sexual) behavior," so this is a 100% anti-male policy. You already have your foot out the door just for being a guy. WE ARE WATCHING YOU. Oh and by the way, the new NBC handbook even gives you guidelines on how to HUG. I'm betting that like an NFL touch-down, the rules will be just as convoluted and confusing. Better hope you don't forget step 9a. BUT JUST REMEMBER ONE THING IN ALL OF THIS:

You don't think any females - or males for that matter - will bribe their bosses with false accusations now do you? :deal:

I only wish I still worked, I would be blackmailing all of my female bosses and reporting all of my female coworkers for everything under the Sun. Short dress, low neckline, long hair, crazy fingernails, sexy perfume, no bra, lipstick, makeup, smiling. Get all the other guys in on it too. I would either drive home what a one-sided, fucked-up and prejudiced system they had created or get me a lot of women fired or win me a real big discrimination lawsuit.

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