NBC/WSJ poll finds 54% have no Confidence in Obama's leadership


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Who can trust us anymore?
the link to the poll in article at site

The sixth-year blues have caught up to Barack Obama … with a vengeance. In an NBC/WSJ poll taken before the meltdown in Iraq, Obama gets his lowest marks ever on foreign policy, where his claim to “smart power” has evidently reached its expiration date. But the real danger to Obama and to Democrats vying for office in less than five months is the vote of no confidence in Obama’s leadership:

The percentage of Americans approving of President Barack Obama’s handling of foreign policy issues has dropped to the lowest level of his presidency as he faces multiple overseas challenges, including in Iraq,according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

Additionally, the public is evenly split on whether Obama is a competent manager of the federal bureaucracy. And a majority of respondents – 54 percent – believe the term-limited president is no longer able to lead the country. …

Just 37 percent approve of his handling of foreign policy, which is an all-time low in the survey, while 57 percent disapprove, an all-time high.

What’s more, by a 44 percent-to-30 percent margin, Americans disagree with the Obama administration’s decision to secure the release of U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in exchange for five imprisoned Taliban fighters.

Obama’s job approval comes in at 41/53, the second-worst in the NBC/WSJ series (March 2014′s 41/54 is the nadir). The 37/57 on foreign policy is a record low for Obama, and the economy is nearly at a historical low at 41/54.

But it’s the leadership issues that will make headlines today. In terms of competency, Obama now ranks below Bush at the analogous point in time of his predecessor’s presidency. Post-Katrina Bush had a 53/46 rating for competency, while it’s an even split at 50/50 for Obama. Thirty-one percent say Obama isn’t competent at all, compared to 24% for Bush in the same time frame, and that’s a ten-point increase for Obama from last June.

all of it here
NBC/WSJ poll finds 54% have no confidence in Obama?s leadership « Hot Air
How Americans feel about Obama will not translate into votes for our GOP candidates in the fall.

We need to do more than trot out the same old stuff we keep getting beat over.
I have 100% confidence that I distrust the mathematical method of polling 1,010 people and thinking it represents 320 million people...

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