NBC/WSJ Poll Shows 64% Dissatisfied With Economy, 79% Dissatisfied With Direction

LOL so in other words you don't have any completed formal education?

Independence in thinking? What are you even talking about. This is the first time we've discussed anything.

Yeahhhhh, right.

Obviously you haven't been reading the other econ discussions where your buddies are clearly intimidated by just how much formal education I have.

FAIL, billy. You might want to just shut up now.

I am curious though. Why do you embrace something as flawed as libertarian economics?

Um, I don't fit into a nice clean category. I don't want to get rid of the Fed like my libertarian brethren do for example.

As for flawed, there is nothing more flawed than Keynesian economics. As the polls consistently show.............
LMAO. I have never heard so many dumb statements made by liberals in a debate as I've seen in the economic threads on this board. I get it..........there are a bunch of you Keynesian brainwashed having a hard time defending those theories that are clearly crashing and burning.

But to think people who independently came to very strong opinions via honest inquiry can't then become political to actually DO something about it is about as dumb a statement as they come.

What makes you think I'm a liberal?

Is it the fact that I:

Support Israel?
That I'm anti-abortion?
That I strongly favor a balanced budget?
Is it that I've voted Libertarian as much as I've voted Democratic (and Republican twice as much as the others combined?)

Or maybe that I believe government has gotten too big?
or that I support the death penalty?

Or do you call me liberal because you think only a liberal knows how to spot a bullshitter the way I've spotted you?

I have no doubt that there are people on these boards you are able to bluff. I'm not one of them.

Dude, you're in an economic thread where I could run circles around your economic statements. The only bull shitter between the two of us is YOU pal.

Keep telling yourself that. It will help you feel better about the money you spent on those three semesters at Kentucky State Community College.

in the meantime:

The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index®, which had improved in June, increased in July. The Index now stands at 90.9 (1985=100), up from 86.4 in June. The Present Situation Index increased to 88.3 from 86.3, while the Expectations Index rose to 92.7 from 86.4 in June.


There is no doubt the data is mixed. But when someone chooses to focus all ones attention only on the data that supports a partisan position - that person is exposed.
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What makes you think I'm a liberal?

Is it the fact that I:

Support Israel?
That I'm anti-abortion?
That I strongly favor a balanced budget?
Is it that I've voted Libertarian as much as I've voted Democratic (and Republican twice as much as the others combined?)

Or maybe that I believe government has gotten too big?
or that I support the death penalty?

Or do you call me liberal because you think only a liberal knows how to spot a bullshitter the way I've spotted you?

I have no doubt that there are people on these boards you are able to bluff. I'm not one of them.

Dude, you're in an economic thread where I could run circles around your economic statements. The only bull shitter between the two of us is YOU pal.

Keep telling yourself that. It will help you feel better about the money you spent on those three semesters at Kentucky State Community College.

in the meantime:

The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index®, which had improved in June, increased in July. The Index now stands at 90.9 (1985=100), up from 86.4 in June. The Present Situation Index increased to 88.3 from 86.3, while the Expectations Index rose to 92.7 from 86.4 in June.


There is no doubt the data is mixed. But when someone chooses to focus all ones attention only on the data that supports a partisan position - that person is exposed.

Nodog, first of all, since you're confused about what you are, let me explain it to you. You're a LIBERAL on the subject of economics.

Second of all, we spent pages debunking that in the "Forget Statistics thread..." where I pointed out all the fallacies with using the Consumer Board Confidence Index. Besides that was taken BEFORE the UE rate went back up, before the stock market started dropping, and before interest rates started to creep back up.

That ONE data point is an anomaly compared to the reams of other economic data that shows we have a sluggish economy....and poll after poll after poll showing Obama's numbers dropping on economic performance.

So stop trying to bullshit everyone that you're an economic conservative.

Now as for your comment about my college background....you do realize I could win a lot of money if I wagered you to back up your flat out lie about it, don't you?
None of that has anything to do with honesty inquiry v political activism.

LMAO. I have never heard so many dumb statements made by liberals in a debate as I've seen in the economic threads on this board. I get it..........there are a bunch of you Keynesian brainwashed having a hard time defending those theories that are clearly crashing and burning.

But to think people who independently came to very strong opinions via honest inquiry can't then become political to actually DO something about it is about as dumb a statement as they come.

Most on this Board are Entitlement-demanding meatheads, with absolutely no clue on economic affairs. Most probably don't even have jobs, let alone running a business. So it is hilarious watching them fail miserably as 'Economic Experts.' Great entertainment. :)

Paulitician, I'm starting to see that myself, LOL.

Especially when you see their liberal leaders on MSNBC admit Obamaconomics are a big FAIL.
What makes you think I'm a liberal?

Is it the fact that I:

Support Israel?
That I'm anti-abortion?
That I strongly favor a balanced budget?
Is it that I've voted Libertarian as much as I've voted Democratic (and Republican twice as much as the others combined?)

Or maybe that I believe government has gotten too big?
or that I support the death penalty?

Or do you call me liberal because you think only a liberal knows how to spot a bullshitter the way I've spotted you?

I have no doubt that there are people on these boards you are able to bluff. I'm not one of them.

Dude, you're in an economic thread where I could run circles around your economic statements. The only bull shitter between the two of us is YOU pal.

Keep telling yourself that. It will help you feel better about the money you spent on those three semesters at Kentucky State Community College.

in the meantime:

The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index®, which had improved in June, increased in July. The Index now stands at 90.9 (1985=100), up from 86.4 in June. The Present Situation Index increased to 88.3 from 86.3, while the Expectations Index rose to 92.7 from 86.4 in June.


There is no doubt the data is mixed. But when someone chooses to focus all ones attention only on the data that supports a partisan position - that person is exposed.

which seems to be exactly what you are doing.

Basic data...

In the past 6 years, our "working age" population has grown....yet...

1) we have less people in the workforce now than we had 6 years ago
2) We have a lower average household income now than we did 6 years ago
3) we have a higher "under-employment" rate now than we did 6 years ago
4) NBC/WSJ poll shows 64% of the people are dissatisfied with the economy

Sorry bro.....stimulus didn't work and Obama chastising the business owners didn't work.

Time to try something different.....LIKE LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE AND LET IT CORRECT ITSELF....

You know....what the GOP has been saying since the day Obama decided to borrow 3/4 trillion dollars to fix it.
When the people are unhappy or afraid, they tend to sweep out the ruling party and bring in the other party. It doesn't matter if the other party ass fucked the people just as hard the last time they were in charge.

This is why Fox News and Breitbart and The Daily Caller and all their fellow travelers work double overtime to scare the ever loving shit out of you. They want you shitting your pants because negative feelings mean positive results in the election.

So you are going to see the rubes panicking over Ebola plagues, gangster children from Honduras, and whatever other things they can find to blow astronomically out of proportion.

How far we have descended from the sunny optimism of Ronald Reagan!!

Reagan understood the answer was not fear, but optimism and confidence and he had the solutions to back his attitude up.

Back then, it was the Left that was always pissing its pants. We had lost the Vietnam war, were suffering from double digit inflation and a stagnant economy, the Russians had invaded Afghanistan, Iran was holding American hostages, and gas lines were miles long.

Did Reagan try to scare us? Nope. That was the Left's job. They wanted us to drop to our knees, admit what a bunch of fuckups we all were, and fellate the Russian leader.

Who does that sound like today?

Yeah. These alleged right winger rubes enthralled by the fearmongers and demagogues on their favorite hack media outlets.

So expect to smell a lot more shit running down their pants and fear oozing from their pores. Expect doom music to come blasting at you in unprecedented quantities from Fox News.

Reagan is dead, and so is the conservative movement. We might get a Republican Senate and House, but it won't be anything recognizable from days past. We are living in an age when a "conservative" is positively gleeful with every bad thing that happens.
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Like I said, I started out in the fancy schools getting liberal Keynesian indoctrination. But then I actually went out into the world as well as did more independent academic study.

I can't take a liberal who never demonstrated an independence in thinking like yourself seriously.

LOL so in other words you don't have any completed formal education?

Independence in thinking? What are you even talking about. This is the first time we've discussed anything.

Yeahhhhh, right.

Obviously you haven't been reading the other econ discussions where your buddies are clearly intimidated by just how much formal education I have.

FAIL, billy. You might want to just shut up now.

I wonder if you are the new iteration of one we should never mention. She was one who lauded her education, but never could seem to prove it with her pedestrian posts, mostly ad hominem genre, framed in profanity. A dirty sock you may be.

Edited for rule compliance - Mea Culpa to all.
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LOL so in other words you don't have any completed formal education?

Independence in thinking? What are you even talking about. This is the first time we've discussed anything.

Yeahhhhh, right.

Obviously you haven't been reading the other econ discussions where your buddies are clearly intimidated by just how much formal education I have.

FAIL, billy. You might want to just shut up now.

I wonder if you are the new iteration of **********. She was one who lauded her education, but never could seem to prove it with her pedestrian posts, mostly ad hominem genre, framed in profanity. A dirty sock you may be.

Should never speak of the pinked, 'gainst the rules.

However Political Chic is right there with the unnamed damned.
Dude, you're in an economic thread where I could run circles around your economic statements. The only bull shitter between the two of us is YOU pal.

Keep telling yourself that. It will help you feel better about the money you spent on those three semesters at Kentucky State Community College.

in the meantime:

The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index®, which had improved in June, increased in July. The Index now stands at 90.9 (1985=100), up from 86.4 in June. The Present Situation Index increased to 88.3 from 86.3, while the Expectations Index rose to 92.7 from 86.4 in June.


There is no doubt the data is mixed. But when someone chooses to focus all ones attention only on the data that supports a partisan position - that person is exposed.

which seems to be exactly what you are doing.

Basic data...

In the past 6 years, our "working age" population has grown....yet...

1) we have less people in the workforce now than we had 6 years ago
2) We have a lower average household income now than we did 6 years ago
3) we have a higher "under-employment" rate now than we did 6 years ago
4) NBC/WSJ poll shows 64% of the people are dissatisfied with the economy

Sorry bro.....stimulus didn't work and Obama chastising the business owners didn't work.

Time to try something different.....LIKE LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE AND LET IT CORRECT ITSELF....

You know....what the GOP has been saying since the day Obama decided to borrow 3/4 trillion dollars to fix it.

That's what I'm doing? Me? The guy who acknowledged mixed data?
One of the few posters here who doesn't just trumpet one side?

I don't give two shits about declaring a stimulus to have "worked" or not "worked" - Bush's or Obama's.

You wanna stay focused on one side (as YOU are DOING!) and push a political agenda - that's fine with me. knock yourself out. I'll continue to watch all the data and make up my own mind.
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Thank God kerocene prices have stayed low so inflation is okay...

Ever actually put that stuff in a car gas tank?
Real academic and scientific inquiry doesn't include a political ax to grind.

Laugh my fucking ass off.

If you've spent as much time as I've spent in academia....and then spent in the real world, you'd have a VERY VERY strong opinion about how broken the system is.

Folks who don't are suspect with as clear as the data is.

Let me guess. Economics is your educational background. I can't take any Rightwingers seriously when they say they studied economics.

I think being wrong after they've claimed expertise in some field makes it even worse.
Yeahhhhh, right.

Obviously you haven't been reading the other econ discussions where your buddies are clearly intimidated by just how much formal education I have.

FAIL, billy. You might want to just shut up now.

I wonder if you are the new iteration of **********. She was one who lauded her education, but never could seem to prove it with her pedestrian posts, mostly ad hominem genre, framed in profanity. A dirty sock you may be.

Should never speak of the pinked, 'gainst the rules.

However Political Chic is right there with the unnamed damned.

Oh, I thought she had been committed, jailed or joined a sect like Hari Krishna? Mea Culpa I will edit my post.
Yeahhhhh, right.

Obviously you haven't been reading the other econ discussions where your buddies are clearly intimidated by just how much formal education I have.

FAIL, billy. You might want to just shut up now.

I am curious though. Why do you embrace something as flawed as libertarian economics?

Um, I don't fit into a nice clean category. I don't want to get rid of the Fed like my libertarian brethren do for example.

As for flawed, there is nothing more flawed than Keynesian economics. As the polls consistently show.............

Uhhh.. what does a poll have to do with proving or disproving economic theory?

That's really not how this works, that's not how any of this works.
Stagflation should be fun soon...

Too bad neither party offers any real answer to that.

And as long as the cultists are busting their chops to keep the partisan bickering on the front burner, the solutions (or the efforts to find them) stay on the back burner.

as long as both sides continue to spin the motives and intentions of the other side, we will go nowhere.

Saying the GOP hated the sick and elderly during the ACA debate prevented the GOP ideas from being properly debated.

Saying the democrats want to enslave their base prevents a valid debate as it pertains to democratic ideas in assisting the poor.

I don't blame average Americans who have the ears of a few for doing it.

I blame our politicians...who have the ears of all Americans.
Stagflation should be fun soon...

No it wasn't, the Legacy of Nixon/Ford was only second to the Great Recession ('07-'09) brought to us by the Bush Administration.during my lifetime.

Just curious....

What legislation did the 110th congress vote for that Bush vetoed that would have prevented, or at least minimized the "great recession"?

Likewise....what EO did Bush sign against the will of the congress that contributed to the great recession?

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