NBC/WSJ Poll Shows 64% Dissatisfied With Economy, 79% Dissatisfied With Direction

Here's the thing about the polls. No one should ever give too much weight to just one. But if polls continue to show a consistent pattern, that is of analytical value.

The second relevant fact is that the polls are completely consistent with 5.5 years of economic statistics under this president >>> IF you know how to read the statistics. Now those of us who aren't fooled by the superficial numbers and know how to drill down to the underlying numbers will tell you these polls are 100% consistent with all the economic data.
And the overwhelming majority of Americans in all political factions are disgusted with the Democratic Senate AND the Republican House.

Yeah yeah yeah....people say they hate Congress but they always like THEIR Congressman or woman.

Republicans don't have a face in these polls. The president does.
Here's the thing about the polls. No one should ever give too much weight to just one. But if polls continue to show a consistent pattern, that is of analytical value.

The second relevant fact is that the polls are completely consistent with 5.5 years of economic statistics under this president >>> IF you know how to read the statistics. Now those of us who aren't fooled by the superficial numbers and know how to drill down to the underlying numbers will tell you these polls are 100% consistent with all the economic data.

Yet you failed, yea refused, to do that with your silly "economic malaise" thread.

Your postings are hackery not legitimate investigations.
Only 23% approve of the Republican leaders in Congress

Congress: Republicans

Almost twice as many approve of President Obama

Here we go again with liberal members of this board not understanding what's called "weighting." Or in math terms, instead of 2+2=4, life is more like algebra or an algorithm instead of linear math.

You keep not understanding that right now the word "Republicans" has no face to it while "President" does.

RW, let's just bet 100 bucks now if you want. This poll clearly shows that if election were today, Dems would lose the Senate for sure.

And I personally see the foreign policy AND economic situation getting worse as we get to Nov.

The fact that you just dismiss the poll RW provided shows how disingenuous you are about this subject.

And let me add YOU to the list of yet another liberal who doesn't understand how to "weight" the data.
Here's the thing about the polls. No one should ever give too much weight to just one. But if polls continue to show a consistent pattern, that is of analytical value.

The second relevant fact is that the polls are completely consistent with 5.5 years of economic statistics under this president >>> IF you know how to read the statistics. Now those of us who aren't fooled by the superficial numbers and know how to drill down to the underlying numbers will tell you these polls are 100% consistent with all the economic data.

Yet you failed, yea refused, to do that with your silly "economic malaise" thread.

Your postings are hackery not legitimate investigations.

The economic stats have been done ad nauseum around here. Why repeat the same threads over and over. Instead of just stats I was trying to add the intuitive sense about our economic condition.

And this morning the liberal ring leader, Chuck Todd, used the exact words I did - he said our economy was in MALAISE.

Read and weep.
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I doubt anyone is satisfied, and I have no doubt The President polls better than the Congress. Checks and balances can be a good thing, when done in good faith; but when used for political theater, or to nullify an election (yep, that's what McConnell and others hoped to do in 2012 - there one goal, only goal, was to make Obama a one term president), they become a burden and have created years of gridlock.

An honest person can see that the President and his party have passed legislation to benefit the many (The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009), the PPACA (Obamacare) and both were opposed by the Republican Party by nearly every elected member of that caucus in Congress.

And why did they oppose these laws? Cries of "Socialism" and other hysterical rhetoric; claims both would cost jobs and lead to a deepening of the recession. A total crock of emotional bullshit - part of the hate, fear and dishonest rhetoric which continues today.
Far from a "sure thing"

We have seen what has happened with Republican cockiness about winning the Senate in the last two elections

RealClearPolitics - 2014 Election Maps - Battle for the Senate

I have no problem predicting the Senate win for Republicans.

I wouldn't be so sure. You know how diabolical those Dems can be

You still need to factor in:

- Liberal Media
- Low information voters
- Voter fraud
- Free stuff

You know, all those things Dems use to win elections

How about that. You actually said something I totally agree with.

Even factoring in those realities, enough Americans have had it with the wet dream foisted on them in the name of Barack Obama.

Plenty of people are steadily coming late to the party, but they're coming nevertheless.

"MY side is even MORE unpopular than YOUR side."

Great, how proud we must be.

The electorate sees that our "leaders" are untrustworthy and unfit.

The system under which these thugs are allowed to operate must be changed if anyone still gives a shit about this country.


An honest person can see that the President and his party have passed legislation to benefit the many (The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009), the PPACA (Obamacare) and both were opposed by the Republican Party by nearly every elected member of that caucus in Congress.

Here's the problem with your post.

I started out as a liberal thinking of doing things that were "better for the overall good." And I even got taught by the best liberal economic thinkers in the country.

But any independent minded person finally figures out that what people mean to do with their policies and the actual UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES of those policies are totally two different things.

If you want the best for the common good, get government out of as much as you possibly can, especially the federal government.
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"MY side is even MORE unpopular than YOUR side."

Great, how proud we must be.

The electorate sees that our "leaders" are untrustworthy and unfit.

The system under which these thugs are allowed to operate must be changed if anyone still gives a shit about this country.


I always love your fence sitting.

But hey, you manage to make some big picture pronouncements that pretty much map to the conservative outlook so I guess you're pretty useful to the cause.

And here's the thing about you fence sitters...you don't have ANYBODY in the ring. Tell me how you're going to affect change without going through the political system.

So spare me the "I don't like politics" naivete.
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Far from a "sure thing"

We have seen what has happened with Republican cockiness about winning the Senate in the last two elections

RealClearPolitics - 2014 Election Maps - Battle for the Senate

I have no problem predicting the Senate win for Republicans.

I wouldn't be so sure. You know how diabolical those Dems can be

You still need to factor in:

- Liberal Media
- Low information voters
- Voter fraud
- Free stuff

You know, all those things Dems use to win elections

Excellent points... :eusa_clap:
I have no problem predicting the Senate win for Republicans.

I wouldn't be so sure. You know how diabolical those Dems can be

You still need to factor in:

- Liberal Media
- Low information voters
- Voter fraud
- Free stuff

You know, all those things Dems use to win elections

Excellent points... :eusa_clap:

You guys might as well quit right now. You know you can't win....everyone is against you

"MY side is even MORE unpopular than YOUR side."

Great, how proud we must be.

The electorate sees that our "leaders" are untrustworthy and unfit.

The system under which these thugs are allowed to operate must be changed if anyone still gives a shit about this country.


I always love your fence sitting.

But hey, you manage to make some big picture pronouncements that pretty much map to the conservative outlook so I guess you're pretty useful to the cause.

I'm happy to get as specific as you want on any topic at any time, just ask.

Just know that my opinions will not conveniently, simplistically and transparently fit with the shallow, binary thinking of either "major" party.

Let me know.


"MY side is even MORE unpopular than YOUR side."

Great, how proud we must be.

The electorate sees that our "leaders" are untrustworthy and unfit.

The system under which these thugs are allowed to operate must be changed if anyone still gives a shit about this country.


I always love your fence sitting.

But hey, you manage to make some big picture pronouncements that pretty much map to the conservative outlook so I guess you're pretty useful to the cause.

I'm happy to get as specific as you want on any topic at any time, just ask.

Just know that my opinions will not conveniently, simplistically and transparently fit with the shallow, binary thinking of either "major" party.

Let me know.


Really dude? I'm personally not happy with either party either. They both love big spending.

But your formula for change is what????

Edited to add: Although ONE party clearly loves that spending shit like there's no tomorrow.
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Let's see... Borders wide open, Record poverty, Massive Debt, NDAA, Massive domestic spying, More stupid foreign interventions, and so on and so on...

Not much to be satisfied with.
Here we go again with liberal members of this board not understanding what's called "weighting." Or in math terms, instead of 2+2=4, life is more like algebra or an algorithm instead of linear math.

You keep not understanding that right now the word "Republicans" has no face to it while "President" does.

RW, let's just bet 100 bucks now if you want. This poll clearly shows that if election were today, Dems would lose the Senate for sure.

And I personally see the foreign policy AND economic situation getting worse as we get to Nov.

The fact that you just dismiss the poll RW provided shows how disingenuous you are about this subject.

And let me add YOU to the list of yet another liberal who doesn't understand how to "weight" the data.

So we shouldn't weigh polls that say only 23% of Americans approve of republicans?
Real academic and scientific inquiry doesn't include a political ax to grind.

"weighing" the data, often means discounting the data that doesn't support your position.
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I wouldn't be so sure. You know how diabolical those Dems can be

You still need to factor in:

- Liberal Media
- Low information voters
- Voter fraud
- Free stuff

You know, all those things Dems use to win elections

Excellent points... :eusa_clap:

You guys might as well quit right now. You know you can't win....everyone is against you

LOL, are you paid by the Democrat Party to just sit and post things that don't even come close to reality?

Or is it that the overwhelming data everywhere that says just the opposite of what you say is too hard for you to decipher?
Real academic and scientific inquiry doesn't include a political ax to grind.

Laugh my fucking ass off.

If you've spent as much time as I've spent in academia....and then spent in the real world, you'd have a VERY VERY strong opinion about how broken the system is.

Folks who don't are suspect with as clear as the data is.
I always love your fence sitting.

But hey, you manage to make some big picture pronouncements that pretty much map to the conservative outlook so I guess you're pretty useful to the cause.

I'm happy to get as specific as you want on any topic at any time, just ask.

Just know that my opinions will not conveniently, simplistically and transparently fit with the shallow, binary thinking of either "major" party.

Let me know.


Really dude? I'm personally not happy with either party either. They both love big spending.

But your formula for change is what????

Edited to add: Although ONE party clearly loves that spending shit like there's no tomorrow.


1. Balanced Budget Amendment:
Make both parties justify their taxing and spending "ideas"

2. Short, strict term limits: Does anyone think these thugs would behave this way if they were not worried about fundraising and re-election?

3. Publicly-funded elections: See #2

Yes, I know, few agree. And the GOP is programmed to conflate campaign money with "speech". But I want real change, not band aids on the fringes. Above is a specific plan that neither "end" would like, and that's usually a very, very good sign. We either get serious or we just continue to bend over and take it. Our call.


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