NCAA...Basketball Diversity


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The NCAA has recently found that the European-caucasian basketball players were drastically under-represented in Division I basketball programs, and has mandated a "diversity" "goal" as follows: Coaches must recruit and sign E-C players so that the final squads include at least 40% E-C players. Starting lineups will be required to include at least two (2) "white" players, and "white" players must play at least 40% of the total minutes played.

This minimal "diversity" goal is said to be a "good start," with the ultimate goal being to have the players and minutes reflect the racial reality of 90% of the (legitimate) students ad D-I schools being "white," and at least 90% of the students in the stands having similar racial characteristics.

Questions to ponder:

Will "Black" students and players now look askance at any "white" player on the basketball squad, and assume that he is a "diversity" player?

Will Black players make snide remarks to the White players about how they never would have been able to play without the NCAA's "diversity" bullshit.

Will common fans assume that every White player is a "diversity" player?

Should the White players be offended when they hear such remarks?

Would Black observers be justified in assuming that these White players are "taking away opportunities that should have gone to deserving - and better - Black players"?

Is any of this analogous to "Black" students who are accepted and go to Ivy League schools?
The NCAA has recently found that the European-caucasian basketball players were drastically under-represented in Division I basketball programs, and has mandated a "diversity" "goal" as follows: Coaches must recruit and sign E-C players so that the final squads include at least 40% E-C players. Starting lineups will be required to include at least two (2) "white" players, and "white" players must play at least 40% of the total minutes played.

This minimal "diversity" goal is said to be a "good start," with the ultimate goal being to have the players and minutes reflect the racial reality of 90% of the (legitimate) students ad D-I schools being "white," and at least 90% of the students in the stands having similar racial characteristics.

Questions to ponder:

Will "Black" students and players now look askance at any "white" player on the basketball squad, and assume that he is a "diversity" player?

Will Black players make snide remarks to the White players about how they never would have been able to play without the NCAA's "diversity" bullshit.

Will common fans assume that every White player is a "diversity" player?

Should the White players be offended when they hear such remarks?

Would Black observers be justified in assuming that these White players are "taking away opportunities that should have gone to deserving - and better - Black players"?

Is any of this analogous to "Black" students who are accepted and go to Ivy League schools?
When nobody cares and your asinine predictions turn out to be bullshit, will you care?
Well, as a wise white man once put it, "the best way to stop discrimination is to stop discriminating."
The difference between a basketball game and an Ivy league school is that basketball is a spectator sport that anyone can easily and objectively see the players' performance. It's easy for the public to pretend, or be conned into thinking, that an ape admitted to any ivy league school under preferences performs just as well as the people who have to actually be qualified to get in. The public doesn't see the apes' test scores.

That, and whites don't get to be diversity hires.
The best players should be the players that play-regardless of race. Period.
The NCAA has recently found that the European-caucasian basketball players were drastically under-represented in Division I basketball programs, and has mandated a "diversity" "goal" as follows: Coaches must recruit and sign E-C players so that the final squads include at least 40% E-C players. Starting lineups will be required to include at least two (2) "white" players, and "white" players must play at least 40% of the total minutes played.

This minimal "diversity" goal is said to be a "good start," with the ultimate goal being to have the players and minutes reflect the racial reality of 90% of the (legitimate) students ad D-I schools being "white," and at least 90% of the students in the stands having similar racial characteristics.

Questions to ponder:

Will "Black" students and players now look askance at any "white" player on the basketball squad, and assume that he is a "diversity" player?

Will Black players make snide remarks to the White players about how they never would have been able to play without the NCAA's "diversity" bullshit.

Will common fans assume that every White player is a "diversity" player?

Should the White players be offended when they hear such remarks?

Would Black observers be justified in assuming that these White players are "taking away opportunities that should have gone to deserving - and better - Black players"?

Is any of this analogous to "Black" students who are accepted and go to Ivy League schools?

Although I agree that basketball is a racist sport, where whites are under represented there is a reason

There is always a black kid as good as the white kid. So for team unification, they go with the black dude

Well, for the person that didn't understand that I was being ironic, and there is no such NCAA mandate, I have nothing to say.

The point is that basketball is generally run as a meritocracy, while academics are run otherwise. "Blacks" take offense, when attending a good college, when people assume that they are merely there as the beneficiaries of some "diversity" program. But the reason for that assumption is that most 'Blacks" at Ivy League schools ARE there as the result of some do-gooder program, which is unfair to the few who actually belong there.
Well, for the person that didn't understand that I was being ironic, and there is no such NCAA mandate, I have nothing to say.

The point is that basketball is generally run as a meritocracy, while academics are run otherwise. "Blacks" take offense, when attending a good college, when people assume that they are merely there as the beneficiaries of some "diversity" program. But the reason for that assumption is that most 'Blacks" at Ivy League schools ARE there as the result of some do-gooder program, which is unfair to the few who actually belong there.

Colleges were, and are suppose to be, meritocracies. Get good grades, do good on the SAT, and flesh out your subjects to get into a good college. Now, to get into Harvard, all you have to do is check the boxes that says "African American" and "GLBFAG" and you get enough free points to come right in.

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