Nearly Half of Millennials Believe the American Dream is Dead


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
well they were warned. but they went an voted for some "slogan" . so now they got a brand spanking NEW ENTITLEMENT stuck on their backs with OscamNoCare or pay the fine to their wonderful IRS.... a little change in their pockets and NO HOPE. how's that for being duped into the poorhouse.

Young Americans making less than $25,000 is at highest level since 1990s

BY: Ali Meyer
January 15, 2016 2:10 pm

Nearly half of millennials, or 48 percent, believe that the American Dream is dead, according to a report from Generation Opportunity.

The report, which evaluates the outlook for millennials on various economic indicators, finds that many young adults have lower levels of personal income and wealth and higher levels of student loan debt than the two previous generations.

One of those metrics is the unemployment rate, which is 8 percent for millennials ages 18 to 29, which is much higher than the rate for those 30 years and older at 3.7 percent. The labor force participation rate, which accounts for those who either have a job or pursued one, is 71 percent, the lowest it has ever been. Many young adults have been unable to find work, and more than 1.8 million have given up looking for a job.

The percentage of millennials living in poverty has doubled since 1979 and many have incurred thousands of dollars in student loan debt. According to the report, nearly 70 percent of the graduating class of 2014 had student loan debt at an average of $30,000 per person.

Median earnings for college graduates have only increased 6 percent from 2007 to 2014. There are more young people today making less than $25,000 than there were in the 1990s.

Many millennials have also altered significant life events due to these economic hardships including delaying marriage and purchasing a home.

“Only 36 percent of Americans under 35 years old own a home, the lowest level on record since home ownership by age was first tabulated,” states the report. “Instead, Millennials are choosing to live with their parents at levels higher than observed before the Great Recession. In 2015, 26 percent reported they still live with mom and dad.”

“Washington’s policies have saddled us with overwhelming debt, unemployment, and soaring higher education costs,” said David Barnes, policy director of Generation Opportunity.

all of it here:
Nearly Half of Millennials Believe the American Dream is Dead
Obama's done more to kill the American dream than all our enemies combined. Not even bin Laden did that kind of damage

"The middle class has been buried these past four years" -- Joe Biden Oct 2012
I fail to see how this is Obama's fault.

It is bizarre by though, that the leftwing party only makes token efforts to improve workers lives.
OK kids, here's a sure-fire way to make living, always have a job, and also have an opportunity to one day own your own business without being saddled with a student loan.

Go around to your local heating and air-conditioning firms and get yourself a job as a helper or apprentice.
Pay attention and learn. Learn how to troubleshoot and install ductwork, heat-pumps, and commercial refrigeration units.
Soon, you'll be capable of going out on jobs by yourself and making good money for your employer.
Take your tests and get your journeyman's license.
Once you are confident that you can handle most any job thrown at you, go out on your own by selling and servicing some of the major brands of heat-pumps.
You now have the opportunity to become very wealthy indeed by applying sound business principles and giving your customer a good value for his money.
Colleges really should stop defrauding the students. The schools hand out degrees in all kind of nonsense majors. No matter how much is spent on these degrees, the studrnts are never going to find a job in pre Colombian transsexualism.
The so called american dream never existed. Its all a bunch of be. Its never been defined nor has it ever existed. Barely surviving and dying is the drea!m I guess. Whoever coined this phrase is a complete liar.
Gasp! The Baby Boomers fucked our generation and the two party system is bullshit. No wonder younger folks are disheartened and apathetic.

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