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Nebraska Nuclear Plant at Level 4 Alert!!

No, I am that smart. I am not going to go off half cocked and make an ass out of myself by reading into the situation that which is not there.
You mean like going off half cocked and exaggerating others real and valid concerns by calling them liars and fearmongerers, and saying they are bad for the interests of the nuclear industry? Do you mean you don't make an ass out of yourself by reacting like that?
:lol: Since when is comparing Fort Calhoun to Fukushima a "real and valid concern"? :lol: Since when is claiming the media is lying like Tokyo power did just because Tokyo power did a "real and valid concern"? You need to pull your head out of your ass and find out what a "real and valid concern" is.

BTW, I never once claimed it was bad for the interests of the nuclear industry. Just another one of your blatant lies. I said it was bad for the public as it leads people to panic and worry when it is not justified.

Why do you constantly lie? Are the points you are trying to make so weak that you have to make up lies constantly?
Ah the old accusation of being a paid shill. I guess if you dont like what I say, and can't really counter it, you have to go for the "agent of the guys I dont like" angle.

I am an engineer (Chemical, Master's Degree), and I have experience with plant operations (not nuclear) with some training in process safety and control.

From the information I have they are handling this in a way where the chance of any major failures is in the 5 decimal figure range. (i.e. 0.0001%).

The only fix to make the situation 100% safe is not to have floods, in particular not to have a 500 year flood. The fact they are brining in additional layers of safety and control for a twice in a millenium flood level should make people feel better, not run for the nearest bomb shelter.

I don't see anyone other than you bringing up running and bomb shelters. Innovation is a good thing. You should be working with the best Technologies to make Nuclear Power both Safer and more efficient. That is a good thing.
This puzzle you are working with now is a great opportunity, to advance flood control and the levy system.

It is obvious nothing was in place to deal with the breach, seal it off, partition, and remove the flood water. That is your starting point be it a Reactor, a neighborhood, or a city.

Look at the first few posts. Again my complaint is about exaggerating the problems they are having for politcal gain.

If you read the current stories all the primary equipment is still dry. The breach was in a TEMPORARY SYSTEM added to increase the safety level.

In fact the newest event that happened is they went on diesel generator power for a bit due to the water getting closer to thier outside power substation. Again, event, discussion, action. They went back to grid power once the water stopped rising. That makes sense as you want to conserve your diesel stored for when you really really need it. (I have run an emergency generator at a wastewater facility during a blackout).

I note you didnt answer your calling me a paid hack. Thats poor form, and you can't prove it. Very weaselish.

I note you didnt answer your calling me a paid hack. Thats poor form, and you can't prove it. Very weaselish.

Actually it has nothing to do with it. In your Industry, I'm sure your Career would be extremely limited as soon as you started asking sensitive questions about Nuclear Power. That's just the way it is. My Posting here has very little to do with you personally, so it did not even occur to me that you would be expecting a response. My concern is about the response. No part of that Plant should be under water for any extended length of time, that's just common sense. Sugar coating and denial, are lower self concerns. Getting that sitting water out of there Yesterday, is the High Road. Pointing that out is not Unpatriotic. Neither is it causing panic.
I don't see anyone other than you bringing up running and bomb shelters. Innovation is a good thing. You should be working with the best Technologies to make Nuclear Power both Safer and more efficient. That is a good thing.
This puzzle you are working with now is a great opportunity, to advance flood control and the levy system.

It is obvious nothing was in place to deal with the breach, seal it off, partition, and remove the flood water. That is your starting point be it a Reactor, a neighborhood, or a city.

Look at the first few posts. Again my complaint is about exaggerating the problems they are having for politcal gain.

If you read the current stories all the primary equipment is still dry. The breach was in a TEMPORARY SYSTEM added to increase the safety level.

In fact the newest event that happened is they went on diesel generator power for a bit due to the water getting closer to thier outside power substation. Again, event, discussion, action. They went back to grid power once the water stopped rising. That makes sense as you want to conserve your diesel stored for when you really really need it. (I have run an emergency generator at a wastewater facility during a blackout).

I note you didnt answer your calling me a paid hack. Thats poor form, and you can't prove it. Very weaselish.

I note you didnt answer your calling me a paid hack. Thats poor form, and you can't prove it. Very weaselish.

Actually it has nothing to do with it. In your Industry, I'm sure your Career would be extremely limited as soon as you started asking sensitive questions about Nuclear Power. That's just the way it is. My Posting here has very little to do with you personally, so it did not even occur to me that you would be expecting a response. My concern is about the response. No part of that Plant should be under water for any extended length of time, that's just common sense. Sugar coating and denial, are lower self concerns. Getting that sitting water out of there Yesterday, is the High Road. Pointing that out is not Unpatriotic. Neither is it causing panic.

YOU are the one who brought up the theory that I am an industry insider. I work in wastewater treatment. My degree gives me a better insight that the average Joe when it comes to industrial issues. And crreating panic, while having nothing to do with "patriotic" is irresponsible, and causes people to discount ACTUAL emergencies, due to the chicken little effect.

Have the balls to at least admit you called me out on being a paid industry shill. If not my respect level for you drops to near zero. It was a good debate until you went the bullshit route.
No, I am that smart. I am not going to go off half cocked and make an ass out of myself by reading into the situation that which is not there.
You mean like going off half cocked and exaggerating others real and valid concerns by calling them liars and fearmongerers, and saying they are bad for the interests of the nuclear industry? Do you mean you don't make an ass out of yourself by reacting like that?
:lol: Since when is comparing Fort Calhoun to Fukushima a "real and valid concern"? :lol: Since when is claiming the media is lying like Tokyo power did just because Tokyo power did a "real and valid concern"? You need to pull your head out of your ass and find out what a "real and valid concern" is.
The comparisons are being made because of the real threat of lack of cooling issues, not because of earthquakes and tsunamis, good Gawd DO WE REALLY NEED TO SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU HERE?
Japan had COOLING SYSTEM FAILURES, Nebraska faces the possibilities of COOLING SYSTEM FAILURES Get it now dipshit??
It appears that you are the one with his head up his ass.

"Officials say that floodwater seeping into the turbine building at a nuclear power plant near Omaha on the banks of the Missouri River is not a safety risk."

They were saying the same thing about Fukushima right up to the moment reactor one exploded. The reality is that after all the demonstrated lies about Fukushima and the Gulf Oil Disaster (not to mention the lies about the wars and the economy) only an idiot would bet their life now that the government is telling us the truth. See sonny, some people have been around long enough to experience and witness lies for so long now, that the trust level is gone, and you can't really blame them, it's just the way it is, and reassurances from children who don't know about the real word, or are too scared to face the realities of this world, just don't cut it. Thanks for trying to tell us we can trust, but we know better.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NNOrp_83RU&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - ‪Nothing To See Here - Naked Gun‬‏[/ame]

BTW, I never once claimed it was bad for the interests of the nuclear industry. Just another one of your blatant lies. I said it was bad for the public as it leads people to panic and worry when it is not justified.
Oh really? Dude you better watch those Benzos, especially if your on Adavan, it is known to cause amnesia!

Claims like Jones' erode the public's confidence in the nuclear reactors based on nothing but fearmongering and lies, not the truth. How can that be good for the nuclear industry? Here in Colorado a plant was just denied construction in Pueblo based on public opinion that was extremely negative. People like Jones pretend they bear no responsibility for the consequences of their irresponsible BS. I don't think that is right, so I speak up and expose the lies for what they are.
Either you are this :cuckoo: or you are this :eusa_liar: Take your pick. Personally I think you're a little of both.

Why do you constantly lie? Are the points you are trying to make so weak that you have to make up lies constantly?
Back at ya sparky..
YOU are the one who brought up the theory that I am an industry insider....

Have the balls to at least admit you called me out on being a paid industry shill. If not my respect level for you drops to near zero. It was a good debate until you went the bullshit route.
In all honesty Marty, he did only ask. He didn't make up any theories about you being a paid shill, and technically really hasn't accused you of that :doubt:

Does the NRC pay you to run cover??? Do we need to start asking for disclosure statements here??? No one is criticizing prudence here Sparky. Claiming that a Nuke plant partially under water is business as usual, or nothing is effected, is pretty lame.

I still think it is a valid reason to be concerned, and I get it that some people would like to create a situation to have a story to publish, and try to sensationalize it, but this is something that folks are leery of based on past secretiveness behavior by people and agencies we are supposed to be able to trust and many of us simply don't anymore, especially when it comes to something like this. I can show you many instances of lying to the public, and keeping a lid on things so as to not hurt the public's image about them.
I hope things don't get any worse. I just saw flash flooding in Omaha last night, and we got 4-6 inches in about 1 hour here. Like I said before, they are at the mercy of the weather, and the dams .
Hi all. Have you seen Nuclear Tipping Point? It is a documentary released in 2011. The film focuses on nuclear weapons and threats coming from them, though I think nuclear energy is dangerous as well. What's your opinion?
Nuclear plants need a source of water. With being close to water, you have to deal with flooding. This isn't the first time. It won't be the last time. It isn't something they've "cut corners" on.
So if they were so prepared for flooding situations, then can you explain why the NRC had to site them for inadequacies and "performance deficiencies" in an evaluation report precisely for this reason?

“During identification and evaluation of flood barriers, unsealed through wall penetrations in the outside wall of the intake, auxiliary and chemistry and radiation protection buildings were identified that are below the licensing basis flood elevation. A summary of the root causes included: a weak procedure revision process; insufficient oversight of work activities associated with external flood matters; ineffective identification, evaluation and resolution of performance deficiencies related to external flooding; and “safe as is” mindsets relative to external flooding events.”

This could be nothing…or, it could wipe out the middle of America.
Midwest floods heighten nuclear power plant crisis | COTO Report

Do you honestly think the planners didn't take into account the fact the Missouri can and does flood?

As a result of a Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) inspection conducted from January 1 to June 21, 2010, the NRC determined that Fort Calhoun Station (FCS) did not have adequate procedures to protect the intake structure and auxiliary building against external flooding events. Specifically, contrary to Technical Specification 5.8.1.a, the station failed to maintain procedures for combating a significant flood as recommended by Regulatory Guide 1.33, Appendix A, section 6.w, “Acts of Nature.”
There is a supplemental report to be filed by August 30th 2011 to update the situation as reported.

The inspectors determined that the licensee�s failure to perform a risk assessment and implement appropriate risk management actions was a performance deficiency.

The inadequate maintenance procedure is a performance deficiency. This finding is more than minor because if left uncorrected the performance deficiency could have the potential to lead to a more significant safety concern. Specifically the use of OP-PM-FP-1000 allows the potential wetting of safety related equipment in the east switchgear room and Room 19.

1Q/2011 Inspection Findings - Fort Calhoun

It's time you stop going through life in this position son. :lol:

We need more nuclear energy, not less. Make them as safe as we can, and thank the cosmos that our geographic location is a hell of a lot better than Japan's.

Don't let the political paid by environmentalists groups posting here trend your opinion. Find out for yourself the redundancies built into the systems.
Hi all. Have you seen Nuclear Tipping Point? It is a documentary released in 2011. The film focuses on nuclear weapons and threats coming from them, though I think nuclear energy is dangerous as well. What's your opinion?
I think they should generate steam to power generators from other sources other then nuclear material. Steam turbines can run on something that is plentiful to use as fuel to boil water, a waste product for example.
Given the cost of nuclear fuel (mining ,storage, regulations and other considerations) and the imposing hazards it presents should an accident by any means happen including by negligence, cutting corners for budgetary reasons, stupidity or NATURAL DISASTERS, does anyone have any ideas on what a cost effective fuel source would be to boil water?
Other then coal.
.....This separation of functions enables steam turbines to operate with an enormous variety of fuels, varying from clean natural gas to solid waste, including all types of coal, wood, wood waste, and agricultural byproducts (sugar cane bagasse, fruit pits and rice hulls). In CHP applications, steam at lower pressure is extracted from the steam turbine and used directly in a process or for district heating, or it can be converted to other forms of thermal energy including hot or chilled water.
These fuels sure sound safer then nuclear :confused:

Steam Turbines and Rankine Bottoming Cycles
Look at the first few posts. Again my complaint is about exaggerating the problems they are having for politcal gain.

If you read the current stories all the primary equipment is still dry. The breach was in a TEMPORARY SYSTEM added to increase the safety level.

In fact the newest event that happened is they went on diesel generator power for a bit due to the water getting closer to thier outside power substation. Again, event, discussion, action. They went back to grid power once the water stopped rising. That makes sense as you want to conserve your diesel stored for when you really really need it. (I have run an emergency generator at a wastewater facility during a blackout).

I note you didnt answer your calling me a paid hack. Thats poor form, and you can't prove it. Very weaselish.

I note you didnt answer your calling me a paid hack. Thats poor form, and you can't prove it. Very weaselish.

Actually it has nothing to do with it. In your Industry, I'm sure your Career would be extremely limited as soon as you started asking sensitive questions about Nuclear Power. That's just the way it is. My Posting here has very little to do with you personally, so it did not even occur to me that you would be expecting a response. My concern is about the response. No part of that Plant should be under water for any extended length of time, that's just common sense. Sugar coating and denial, are lower self concerns. Getting that sitting water out of there Yesterday, is the High Road. Pointing that out is not Unpatriotic. Neither is it causing panic.

YOU are the one who brought up the theory that I am an industry insider. I work in wastewater treatment. My degree gives me a better insight that the average Joe when it comes to industrial issues. And crreating panic, while having nothing to do with "patriotic" is irresponsible, and causes people to discount ACTUAL emergencies, due to the chicken little effect.

Have the balls to at least admit you called me out on being a paid industry shill. If not my respect level for you drops to near zero. It was a good debate until you went the bullshit route.

I'm talking Profile Marty. It's about how you were taught. You start going anti nuke, you will soon be joining the great unwashed. That's just the way it is. Nobody is panicking here except maybe you. What are we up to now, 2 Plants dealing with floods, and Los Alamos threatened by wild fire.



Some Parking lot, huh.

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