Nebraska's governor Brian Faughnan tells Ben Nelson kill the bill.


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2009
Finally, a politician who has some integrity, stated on Fox this morning that Nebraskans don't want this health care plan. They are embarrased about the bribe that Ben Nelson took from the feds to get his state's medicaid payments paid for by the taxpayers in the other 49 states in exchange for his vote.

Paid whores in Ben Nelson, Mary Landrieu, Chris Dodd and others who sold their votes in exchange for deals in their states that the rest of US will be forced to pay for.

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Nebraska governor to Ben Nelson: Kill the bill

No pressure, as Brian Faughnan points out; it’s not like Nebraskans hate ObamaCare or anything. (Oh, wait, yes they do.) Governor Dave Heineman called the bill “bad news for Nebraskans” and urged Nelson to block a vote on it:
The governor said Wednesday that a new analysis by Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services indicates that while state spending on Medicaid, the health care system for the poor, would be less in the first three years after the bill took effect, Nebraska, after six years, would have $45 million in extra expenses.
“America’s health care system needs improvement, but this bill is not the answer,” Heineman said in a letter to Nelson. “You are now the 60th vote, and as Governor of the State that we both represent, I urge you to vote against this bill and against cloture.”
This just gives Nelson a little more incentive to stick to his guns on abortion. In fact, Heineman may have intended this as a lifeline to Nelson to give him a handy excuse for remaining stubborn. Besides, Nelson has more objections to the ObamaCare Rump bill than just the fact that it will use federal monies to fund abortions for the first time ever:
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Grow a spine Senator Nelson. The view is much better up here looking down at the pond scum, instead of being the scum.
I wonder what position Obama promised Nelson once he's no longer Seantor?

HealthCare Czar?
The Nebraska governor was not involved in the deal before it beciame public knowledge?
No 17th Amendment and this stupid bill, nor about 90% of the other extra-constitutional crap that goes on in the District of Criminals, doesn't exist.
No 17th Amendment and this stupid bill, nor about 90% of the other extra-constitutional crap that goes on in the District of Criminals, doesn't exist.

Very good analogy of our government "District of Criminals"---:lol::lol::lol:

Bribery & Extortion -made legal by the Federal government & payable to the taxpayers of this country.

No wonder this country is in such a mess---:cuckoo::cuckoo:

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