Need help with an email....

Originally posted by DKSuddeth
anytime. now if jimnyc can get his act together and move this to software where it belongs...... :D
LOL, sorry, but I did put a disclaimer on the first post, LOL!!
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
now, take that wierd feeling and see if you can view it with the same perspective as if someone from the pentagon or fbi were reading it. ;)

I'm comfortable with that. Just talking to my girlfriends about paranoid husbands. :p:
Originally posted by Kathianne
I'm comfortable with that. Just talking to my girlfriends about paranoid husbands. :p:

I'm NOT paranoid because they ARE out to get me. :laugh:
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I'm NOT paranoid because they ARE out to get me. :laugh:

A marine, (former), no they aren't, they haven't the cajones. :D :eek:
At the very least I would be slightly worried. A friend of mine had his internet shut down because his isp thought he was a spammer. I would call my isp and let them know what is going on. Consider changing your e-mail adddress. I use my isp email for family and friends and keep it private.(I get no spam on that one.)
I then use a Yahoo e-mail account for registering software,hardware,etc. That is my public one. Yahoo has a pretty good spam filter.
I happen to be very paranoid about computer security. I got hacked about 3 years ago and it was a pain in the ass and very time consuming fixing the damage. I hope EVERYONE has virus protection as well as antispy software running on their machines. Also make sure you have at least one software firewall on your machines. If you have a broadband connection I would suggest running your internet connection through a router. About 60 bucks at a Comp. USA or similar computer store. It acts as a pretty concrete hardware firewall.
I would be happy to provide links to free virus and firewall software you can download that works very well. Zonealarm is a good free firewall that comes to mind. The free virus software I can't remember but I will get for you. Let me know if you need the link.
Happy, secure computing.

ps. I would not tolerate someone using my e-mail address like that.

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