Negroes are still being sold in Africa.

I don't "laud" Islam. I don't denigrate it either. Nor do I lie about it.

My strong feeling is that if all of the selling points in your discussions are, at best, exaggerations, and at worst outright lies your arguments have to be pretty weak.

A strong, defensible position is easy to discuss and easy to live on a day to day basis.

Hate wears you down, increases your stress, and will shorten your life.

exaggerations and at worst outright lies..." you want to expand on that base-
less libel? I will help-----list a few "exaggerated selling points" and a few
"outright lies".
Funny how it almost never gets mentioned that most of the places were slavery is still fairly widespread and acceptable just so happen to be Muslim controlled areas. Funny, that.

Slavery returns to Africa: Migrants sold at open markets in Libya

I love how you asshats blame Muslims for every evil, while ignoring the evil perpetrated by Americans. Sexual slavery, selling children for sex abuse, illegal immigration slavery, all of these things happen in the USA every single day, but you pretend they don't.
You post that crap on a thread about Muslims having open slave markets?

Yes, because you need to be reminded that evil isn't Muslim, it's human. You have Christian sects which marry their girls off at 13 and 14 in plural marriages. That's a form of slavery which you condone on the grounds of "religious freedom".

You keep painting Muslims as evil. They are no more or less evil than Christians. Open slave markets in Nigeria speaks more to the total lawlessness of Nigeria than it does speak to Muslim practices.

I have a sincere question------of course you need not answer------do you know
muslims who were educated in muslim countries and now live in the USA?
Do you live in the USA? (you are under NO constraint to answer if the question
invades your privacy)

Yes, I do. I also worked with and know a number of Muslim families in Canada. Most came from the Middle East, and all are grateful to be in North America.

I live in Canada near the Canada/US border, and have many family and friends living in the US.
I also am acquainted with Muslim families here. But they are from Eastern Europe, where they truly are persecuted and must flee to survive. You would not know them on the street because they have assimilated Western culture and accept our laws, regulations, and cultural traditions. Muslims from the ME...yeah, not so much.
I love how you asshats blame Muslims for every evil, while ignoring the evil perpetrated by Americans. Sexual slavery, selling children for sex abuse, illegal immigration slavery, all of these things happen in the USA every single day, but you pretend they don't.
You post that crap on a thread about Muslims having open slave markets?

Yes, because you need to be reminded that evil isn't Muslim, it's human. You have Christian sects which marry their girls off at 13 and 14 in plural marriages. That's a form of slavery which you condone on the grounds of "religious freedom".

You keep painting Muslims as evil. They are no more or less evil than Christians. Open slave markets in Nigeria speaks more to the total lawlessness of Nigeria than it does speak to Muslim practices.

I have a sincere question------of course you need not answer------do you know
muslims who were educated in muslim countries and now live in the USA?
Do you live in the USA? (you are under NO constraint to answer if the question
invades your privacy)

Yes, I do. I also worked with and know a number of Muslim families in Canada. Most came from the Middle East, and all are grateful to be in North America.

I live in Canada near the Canada/US border, and have many family and friends living in the US.
I also am acquainted with Muslim families here. But they are from Eastern Europe, where they truly are persecuted and must flee to survive. You would not know them on the street because they have assimilated Western culture and accept our laws, regulations, and cultural traditions. Muslims from the ME...yeah, not so much.

we got muslims from eastern Europe in my town too-----and from the Balkans---which is sorta eastern Europe----I guess. We got Christians and a few jews
from the same areas. ALL VERY INTERESTING-------The people in those
areas have been at odds with each other for CENTURIES. I know of no resentment more adamant than the resentment Eastern Orthodox persons
from those places have FOR ALL THE OTHER GROUPS---------and most specifically for the DANGER muslims from places like BOSNIA and the
"STANS" pose for-----them---ie the eastern orthodox of those areas. Interestingly-----the eastern orthodox also have a very low opinion of the
catholics of CROATIA--------When you get to know the individuals-----you get to
Both sides of Barry were involved.

His black side rounded 'em up and sold them to Jewish slave ships, and his white side bought them from the auction.

Funny how so many black bigots in the US love this guy.... and hate all whites, especially Union Army soldiers (aka Republicans).
From the "everything i's Obama fault" files comes this nonsense.

Yes! Obama made them sell slaves. If that makes you feel better, cool.
This is as it should be.

You are a racist idiot.

There are plenty of white folks who are incapable of contributing anything positive to the world except low grade slave labor.

There are plenty of white folks who are undeniably shiftless, stupid, immoral, violent and parasitic.

Yet, with frequent horse whipping even those white folks can be made productive, albeit only marginally so.

Know what I mean?
Hate whitey, do ya?

Know what we mean?
This is as it should be.

You are a racist idiot.

There are plenty of white folks who are incapable of contributing anything positive to the world except low grade slave labor.

There are plenty of white folks who are undeniably shiftless, stupid, immoral, violent and parasitic.

Yet, with frequent horse whipping even those white folks can be made productive, albeit only marginally so.

Know what I mean?
Hate whitey, do ya?

Know what we mean?

Hell, no! I am about as white as one can get.
I hate nobody.
So I presume you are against our slave owner, rapist signers?
What is your point? That dreaded black people are worse than us pure whites?
Our slave genes have been resurrected by Don the con in spades.
Very strange. My filthy rich educated friends in uk Sweden never had it so good. I must tell them how they are being scammed (if I can find which vacation home they are staying in)
As the old joke goes, would you rather be white or black in these United States?
Deafening silence
Limited gov and Liberty? Guess you are quoting the def of liberal. Latin, free? Thought you would be one
Doesn't help your cause when you don't know the def of words you spout
Absolutely. Guess you didn't google black people inventions.
Maybe almost as many as your high school ones.
KKK meeting tonight?
This is as it should be.

You are a racist idiot.

There are plenty of white folks who are incapable of contributing anything positive to the world except low grade slave labor.

There are plenty of white folks who are undeniably shiftless, stupid, immoral, violent and parasitic.

Yet, with frequent horse whipping even those white folks can be made productive, albeit only marginally so.

Know what I mean?
Hate whitey, do ya?

Know what we mean?
Are there multiple people using your one account? Know what we mean?
Funny how it almost never gets mentioned that most of the places were slavery is still fairly widespread and acceptable just so happen to be Muslim controlled areas. Funny, that.

Slavery returns to Africa: Migrants sold at open markets in Libya

I love how you asshats blame Muslims for every evil, while ignoring the evil perpetrated by Americans. Sexual slavery, selling children for sex abuse, illegal immigration slavery, all of these things happen in the USA every single day, but you pretend they don't.
Jews are behind a lot of this!
Making money on financing?
I don't "laud" Islam. I don't denigrate it either. Nor do I lie about it.

My strong feeling is that if all of the selling points in your discussions are, at best, exaggerations, and at worst outright lies your arguments have to be pretty weak.

A strong, defensible position is easy to discuss and easy to live on a day to day basis.

Hate wears you down, increases your stress, and will shorten your life.

exaggerations and at worst outright lies..." you want to expand on that base-
less libel? I will help-----list a few "exaggerated selling points" and a few
"outright lies".

still waiting Dragon lady......... care to cover your stinking ass with another Lie?
Migrants from West Africa are being openly traded in "public slave markets" across Libya.

As a departure point for refugees trying to get to Europe, migrants arriving in Libya from sub-Saharan Africa are particularly vulnerable due to a lack of money and little in the way of documentation.

Slavery returns to Africa: Migrants sold at open markets in Libya

The Arab slave trade was massive long before slaves were deported to North and
South America yet few are knowledgable about the Arab slave trade...especially the Negro militants in America who converted to Islam like that would be some sort of protest??? More like a submission to their former masters.
Arabs still have slaves (even though its supposedly illegal) and a few others around the globe go with this crap.
What the op fails to realize is slavery continues to flourish right here in the United States. Further, it is sanctioned by the Constitution. Hence, an excerpt from the5th Amendment:
"nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."
Millions of people have been sent to prison for nonviolent crimes in this nation.Yes, the Constitutional application of due process has been instrumental in creating more "slaves" here than any other country in the world. Neither India nor China,two of the most populous nations on earth , have incarcerated as many people as the USA has.
Saying that, I must be clear. I am not advocating leniency for violent criminals. My intent is merely to draw attention to the blurry distinctions between slavery abroad and the slavery intrinsic to our penal system, which, btw, is being privatized for profit.

Don't get locked up, then no problem. Most prisoners want jobs, even crappy paying ones; it's better than sitting in your cell, and provides an income they can spend on little luxuries everybody else takes for granted; many don't have families who can dump a couple hundred bucks into their prison accounts every month.

As for blacks being a disproportionate demographic, too bad; black communities shouldn't have to put up with an even higher crime and violence rates because some clueless Burb brat thinks it's 'racist n stuff'; all you need to know about why that is is look at rap and hip hop 'culture', and the gang 'culture'.

I agree with you about private prisons', they're a joke, and some states are already doing away with them, or trying to.
We are starting another private prison, devoted exclusively to kinky-haired, red-eyed, wide-snouted, monkey-lipped, cowardly, bastard-born, no-IQ, shiftless, violent shitskin thugbos.

We employ techniques of incarceration which bring these smelly, subhuman, sociopathic, feral beasts to their knees, begging "Oh, pleeze dome bees whubbin' mee no mow, Massa Whatman."

There's only one thing the babyshaker buhboyz understand: pain -- lots of it.

They've never sent one of those innercity cockroaches we couldn't "clean up."

Know what we mean?

Anybody else think some cranks, like maybe Jake, have a fun new sock and think they're being "clever'? lol

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