The complicity of African Negroes in the Slave Trade

I have noticed an irritating and spreading convention which I fear may be enforced by government decree. This is to refer to a man's slaves as the people he enslaved. For example, one will not write, "Thomas Jefferson owned one hundred slaves." One will write "Thomas Jefferson enslaved one hundred African Americans."
I think you misunderstand the whole 'slaves' vs 'enslaved persons' issue. The term 'slave' is seen by some as dehumanizing, as that implies the totality of their existence. 'Enslaved persons' humanized the victims as real 'persons'. 'Enslaved' is generally not used as a verb.
I think you misunderstand the whole 'slaves' vs 'enslaved persons' issue. The term 'slave' is seen by some as dehumanizing, as that implies the totality of their existence. 'Enslaved persons' humanized the victims as real 'persons'. 'Enslaved' is generally not used as a verb.
Not to mention use of the term "Negroes" :rolleyes:

  1. a Black person.

  1. relating to Black people.
First, South East Asia is still incredibly poor.
No one is interested in your personal ASSUMPTIONS, that are blatantly wrong.

Population in 2022 - 218 million people
GDP in 2022 - US$ 480 Billion
No wars from outside.
Nigeria’s crude oil exports accounted for 70% of total exports in 2022

Population in 2022 - 34 million people
GDP in 2022 - US$ 410 Billion
As such the per/capita in Malaysia is about 6 times higher then Nigeria

Population in 2022 - 275 million people
GDP in 2022 - US$ 1320 Billion
A such the per/capita in Indonesia is around 2,5 times that of Nigeria.

The ONLY South-East-Asian country that is near Negro countries in regards to poverty is Myanmar - due to 60 years of never-ending internal civil war. GDP/capita US$ 1100

GDP/capita of Zambia - is US$ 1100 the same as Myanmar
GDP/capita of Togo -US$ 950
GDP/capita of Tanzania - US$ 1100
GDP/capita of Mozambique - US$ 495
GDP/capita of Congo - US$ 550
GDP/capita of Madagascar - US$ 500

Hell even Cambodia has US$ 1600

As usual you only talk and state unsubstantiated personal nonsense opinions
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Historical note: Vikings were big on taking their European captives to Istanbul and selling them to the Ottoman Turks.
Another JoeB131 - full of nonsense
There was no Ottoman Empire during the Viking times - The Ottoman Empire with it's capital Istanbul, was founded around 600 years AFTER the Vikings more or less vanished and having been displaced by other nations and kingdoms.
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No one is interested in your personal ASSUMPTIONS, that are blatantly wrong.

You realize all these countries are dirt poor, right. Indonesia is a LITTLE better because the oil money hasn't run out, but it's still incredibly poor.
You realize all these countries are dirt poor, right. Indonesia is a LITTLE better because the oil money hasn't run out, but it's still incredibly poor.
Again you just post unsubstantiated nonsense and faulty personal opinions.

Indonesia GDP/capita = US$ 4350
Vietnam GDP/capita = US$ 3700
Philippines GDP/capita = US$ 3500

Tanzania GDP/Capita = US$ 1100
Madagascar GDP/capita = US$ 500

Your previous unsubstantiated nonsense claim: First, South East Asia is still incredibly poor.

Nigeria exports far more oil then Indonesia and it's GDP/capita = US$ 2000
You simply can't admit towards the FACT that Negro countries are nowhere near to South-East-Asian countries - which totally invalidates your Racial Equality Bullshit. Keep in mind that according to Coyote, Apes also have two arms, legs and a head. - therefore they must be equal to Negros - or all Apes are equal.

Orang Utan's are the smartest Apes (only found in South-East-Asia) - they even posses the ability of displaced reference
Gorillas (only found in Africa) are not nearly as smart as Orang Utans - Therefore Apes are NOT all equal.

  • experts believe that orangutans are the smarter of the two species. This is largely because orangutans are known for their abstract thought and problem-solving capacity, while gorillas are not.
  • Orangutans can learn human sign language, while gorillas have not. Overall, orangutans are considered to be more intelligent than gorillas.

Sorry Hector12 - back to topic slavery
Again you just post unsubstantiated nonsense and faulty personal opinions.

Indonesia GDP/capita = US$ 4350
Vietnam GDP/capita = US$ 3700
Philippines GDP/capita = US$ 3500

Tanzania GDP/Capita = US$ 1100
Madagascar GDP/capita = US$ 500

Your previous unsubstantiated nonsense claim: First, South East Asia is still incredibly poor.

Nigeria exports far more oil then Indonesia and it's GDP/capita = US$ 2000
You simply can't admit towards the FACT that Negro countries are nowhere near to South-East-Asian countries - which totally invalidates your Racial Equality Bullshit. Keep in mind that according to Coyote, Apes also have two arms, legs and a head. - therefore they must be equal to Negros - or all Apes are equal.

Orang Utan's are the smartest Apes (only found in South-East-Asia) - they even posses the ability of displaced reference
Gorillas (only found in Africa) are not nearly as smart as Orang Utans - Therefore Apes are NOT all equal.

  • experts believe that orangutans are the smarter of the two species. This is largely because orangutans are known for their abstract thought and problem-solving capacity, while gorillas are not.
  • Orangutans can learn human sign language, while gorillas have not. Overall, orangutans are considered to be more intelligent than gorillas.

Sorry Hector12 - back to topic slavery
Are suggesting races in humans are different species like gorillas and orangutans….? Now I never mentioned apes. That you do…in a conversation about “negros” is interesting. Of course you misrepresent what I said (equality is not a s identification term).
Are suggesting races in humans are different species like gorillas and orangutans….? Now I never mentioned apes. That you do…in a conversation about “negros” is interesting. Of course you misrepresent what I said (equality is not a s identification term).
You stated absolutely false and ignorantly that all humans have two legs, two arms and a head - and are therefore equal - NOT me.
What is interesting is that, YOU even stated that people who don't agree with you are akin to DOGS.
You stated absolutely false and ignorantly that all humans have two legs, two arms and a head - and are therefore equal - NOT me.
What is interesting is that, YOU even stated that people who don't agree with you are akin to DOGS.
And you removed the context of the conversation.

And no…I didn’t say that either (but I’m beginning to think you hate dogs).

What I said was this: hit dog Meaning | Politics by
Again you just post unsubstantiated nonsense and faulty personal opinions.

Indonesia GDP/capita = US$ 4350
Vietnam GDP/capita = US$ 3700
Philippines GDP/capita = US$ 3500

Tanzania GDP/Capita = US$ 1100
Madagascar GDP/capita = US$ 500

Your previous unsubstantiated nonsense claim: First, South East Asia is still incredibly poor.

Nigeria exports far more oil then Indonesia and it's GDP/capita = US$ 2000
You simply can't admit towards the FACT that Negro countries are nowhere near to South-East-Asian countries - which totally invalidates your Racial Equality Bullshit.
It’s inaccurate to try to make racial generalizations based on how wealthy or “successful” a nation is when there are hundreds of factors that go into it that have nothing to do with race.

It reminds me of a quote by H.L.Mencken: “Every complex problem has a solution which is simple, direct, plausible—and wrong.”…like assuming race is the dominant factor in a nation’s prosperity.

GDP is not necessarily a good indicator of a population’s wealth, particularly if it is concentrated in the hands of a few.

For example, consider these countries: percentage of people $1.15 a day; percentage living on $2.60 a day; percentage living on $3.85 a day.

South East Asia
Philippines: 2.7, 17, 47
Indonesia: 2.3, 18.8, 50.9
East Timor 22.00, 62.9, 91.8
Laos: 9.35, 36.63, 69.51

“Negro” countries
Cape Verde: 2.11, 11.45, 34.23
Gabon: 3.92, 11.3, 32.37
Ghana: 10.7, 25.85, 50.27
Namibia: 15.95; 33.32; 54.08

For comparison, many European countries, US, Canada have percentages of each less than 1%.
It’s inaccurate to try to make racial generalizations based on how wealthy or “successful” a nation is when there are hundreds of factors that go into it that have nothing to do with race.
It's absolutely correct - you just can't face the facts and outcome.
Well it's nice to see that people outside of the BLM bubble are talking about how slavery wasn't exclusive to white people in the USA in the 1700's and 1800's.. which is the message the left/Democrat party portrays.

If only our MSM and leftist historians could be so based and honest...
It’s inaccurate to try to make racial generalizations based on how wealthy or “successful” a nation is ....
It's absolutely correct

Nigeria - manufacturing contributes 15% of it's GDP - their main GDP income is Oil&Gas - run exclusively by foreigners, unlike Malaysia and Indonesia who trained their own people since the 70'ies to run and work that industry by themselves.
Malaysia - manufacturing contributes 34% of it's GDP
Indonesia - manufacturing contributes 28% of it's GDP - and Indonesia's GDP/capita is TWICE that of Nigeria.
Look at a map - Nigeria is a single enclosed accessible land-based country - Indonesia consists of 17000 islands.

Manufacturing requires an educated, trained & "reliable" workforce. (aka-brains and attitude) and a government with brains (IQ&EI)- not just IQ of a few elitists obsessed with self-interest - aka social-development and a social culture are the basic requirements for economic success.

Again you just can't face FACTS and it's outcome - and you simply don't know what you talk about - but rely onto nonsensical sources taken out of context that suit your mindset - see H.L.Mencken - and obviously neither you nor H.L.Mencken are able to define and evaluate the factors that contribute towards defining a race and it's attributes.

See your statement; "All humans are equal - because they have two legs. two arms and a head" :auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo:
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Again you just post unsubstantiated nonsense and faulty personal opinions.

Indonesia GDP/capita = US$ 4350
Vietnam GDP/capita = US$ 3700
Philippines GDP/capita = US$ 3500

Wow, you realize that is really dirt poor, right? That is "Send your daughter to America as a Mail Order Bride" level poor.

Some of these countries are getting more manufacturing now because manufacturing in China has become too expensive. But they are still dirt poor.
Another JoeB131 - full of nonsense
There was no Ottoman Empire during the Viking times - The Ottoman Empire with it's capital Istanbul, was founded around 600 years AFTER the Vikings more or less vanished and having been displaced by other nations and kingdoms.
You are correct about the Ottoman's, it was the Byzantine and Egyptian slave markets where the Vikings sold their captured slaves.

The Vikings kept some slaves as servants and sold most captives in the Byzantine or Islamic markets. Vikings navigated the "Highway of the Slaves" through the Aegean Sea and into Black Sea ports first established by Archaic Greeks, shoreline crossroads for human trafficking.[3] The Persian traveler Ibn Rustah described how Swedish Vikings, the Varangians or Rus, terrorized and enslaved the Slavs taken in their raids along the Volga River.
Wow, you realize that is really dirt poor, right? That is "Send your daughter to America as a Mail Order Bride" level poor.

Some of these countries are getting more manufacturing now because manufacturing in China has become too expensive. But they are still dirt poor.
Someone who lives in Indonesia - and earns (per/capita US$ 4350) aka around US$ 350/month is NOT dirt poor
Someone who lives on Madagascar - and earns (per/capita US$ 500) aka US$ 40/month is DIRT POOR.
Someone who lives in Tanzania - and earns (per/capita US$ 1100) aka US$ 90/month is DIRT POOR

As usual your statements and personal assessments are a total failure.

Obviously you have never been to Africa nor South-East-Asia were e.g. in Indonesia an average standard lunch in a local street-shop costs US$ 0.50-1.00 compared with US$ 10-15 in the USA or Germany. And the vast majority of Indonesians eats and cooks at home - so do Negros, because the latter one, obviously couldn't even afford the luxury of a lunch at a street-shop.

And a standard no-brand track-shoe in e.g. Indonesia costs US$ 5-8, whilst the same costs around US$ 30-50 in the USA or in Germany.
A standard school rucksack (with Disney motives) in Indonesia costs around US$ 4-6, - how much is one in the USA??
How much is a standard no-brand bicycle in Indonesia? and how much in the USA?

You posses these typical Western Lefty&lib, moral/life standard allures - and want to impose/reflect/compare it, onto countries like e.g. Indonesia. Totally inappropriate and ridiculous.
You are correct about the Ottoman's, it was the Byzantine and Egyptian slave markets where the Vikings sold their captured slaves.

The Vikings kept some slaves as servants and sold most captives in the Byzantine or Islamic markets. Vikings navigated the "Highway of the Slaves" through the Aegean Sea and into Black Sea ports first established by Archaic Greeks, shoreline crossroads for human trafficking.[3] The Persian traveler Ibn Rustah described how Swedish Vikings, the Varangians or Rus, terrorized and enslaved the Slavs taken in their raids along the Volga River.
You need to refer according to Hector12 initial statement
Warring European nations never sold their enemies to Arab slave traders.

A) The Byzantines were not Arabs - but Greek-Roman Europeans.

The Vikings or aka the Rus - never conducted organized slave raids or sold their own Rus or a member of their Odin faith to anyone.
They made war and raids onto everyone - thus capturing people (the warriors they killed) whom they then used as slaves, the more correct term would be serfs.
That e.g. Slavic serfs or a serf originating from e.g. Spain due to a raid, were sold to other bidders - possibly also to Arabs or Turkic people certainly can't be out ruled.

B) The term "European Nations" implies the 10th century onward - therefore no more Vikings. Since these "European Nations" were all Christian Nations one can be very sure that no Europeans were sold as slaves or serfs to Muslims. or that any European nation conducted slave raids onto another European country so as to sell slaves to Arabs or anyone else.

This doesn't exclude the possibility of some e.g. Sardinian Pirates (which wouldn't be a European nation, nor acting on behalf the authority of a European Nation ) - capturing e.g. European women and selling them to some Muslim Harem manager.
You need to refer according to Hector12 initial statement
Warring European nations never sold their enemies to Arab slave traders.

A) The Byzantines were not Arabs - but Greek-Roman Europeans.

The Vikings or aka the Rus - never conducted organized slave raids or sold their own Rus or a member of their Odin faith to anyone.
They made war and raids onto everyone - thus capturing people (the warriors they killed) whom they then used as slaves, the more correct term would be serfs.
That e.g. Slavic serfs or a serf originating from e.g. Spain due to a raid, were sold to other bidders - possibly also to Arabs or Turkic people certainly can't be out ruled.

B) The term "European Nations" implies the 10th century onward - therefore no more Vikings. Since these "European Nations" were all Christian Nations one can be very sure that no Europeans were sold as slaves or serfs to Muslims. or that any European nation conducted slave raids onto another European country so as to sell slaves to Arabs or anyone else.

This doesn't exclude the possibility of some e.g. Sardinian Pirates (which wouldn't be a European nation, nor acting on behalf the authority of a European Nation ) - capturing e.g. European women and selling them to some Muslim Harem manager.
The vikings were big slave traders. Read vikings in the east. It's a journal.

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