Neil Boortz Calls For Acts of Domestic Terrorism

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Neil Boortz Calls For Acts of Domestic Terrorism | Crooks and Liars

Neil Boortz went on a rant over crime in Atlanta and managed to completely lose his cookies. The end is particularly debased.

BOORTZ: You know what? I, for one, am tired of putting up with this crap. And you want to know why I moved out of Atlanta and only spend a couple of weeks a year in this town? That's one of the reasons. Carjackings, violence, people getting shot. It's ridiculous. This city harbors an urban culture of violence. And I want you to look around. You drive into the city. The railroad overpass is on the downtown connector covered with graffiti. And that-- That is just an advertisement for everybody coming into this town that we really don't give a damn about those who would screw up our quality of life around here. We really just don't care. We don't care enough to paint over graffiti on the overpasses that come into our city, advertising welcome to Atlanta, here's some of our finest graffiti, from some of our finest urban thugs and their little gang signs. And pick up the paper tomorrow morning. Read about all the carjackings. Read about the innocent people shot for the pure de-hell of it.

This town is starting to look like a garbage heap. And we got too damn many urban thugs, yo, ruining the quality of life for everybody. And I'll tell you what it's gonna take. You people, you are - you need to have a gun. You need to have training. You need to know how to use that gun. You need to get a permit to carry that gun. And you do in fact need to carry that gun and we need to see some dead thugs littering the landscape in Atlanta. We need to see the next guy that tries to carjack you shot dead right where he stands. We need more dead thugs in this city. And let their -- let their mommas -- let their mommas say, "He was a good boy. He just fell in with the good crowd." And then lock her ass up.

It's racist, and it's a dog whistle for domestic terrorism. There's no other way to call it.
Reads to me like he's just sick and tired of criminals running rampant without fear. Perhaps we could all chip in and buy the bad guys a latte and try to understand them?

Fucking lefties.... never pass up an opportunity for some faux outrage.
I don't see any mention of race in his rant.


You need these.... the left wing rose colored glasses. Then you will see race in everything. You will see domestic terrorists everywhere - they will be carrying guns and bibles and will be wrapped in the American flag.
I don't see any mention of race in his rant.

That's because race is irrelevant.

The real question is why would you want to ignore this real problem to discuss something as irrelevant as race?
Reads to me like he's just sick and tired of criminals running rampant without fear. Perhaps we could all chip in and buy the bad guys a latte and try to understand them?

Fucking lefties.... never pass up an opportunity for some faux outrage.

We need to see the next guy that tries to carjack you shot dead right where he stands. We need more dead thugs in this city. And let their -- let their mommas -- let their mommas say, "He was a good boy. He just fell in with the good crowd." And then lock her ass up.

its not racist, its just wanting to kill people.

we have laws, we have the police for a reason. We dont do vigilantly justice here in America.Naturally you would defend this piece of crap.

Yes, we have the right to self defense. And the law recognizes it.

Too bad too many citizens don't.
Reads to me like he's just sick and tired of criminals running rampant without fear. Perhaps we could all chip in and buy the bad guys a latte and try to understand them?

Fucking lefties.... never pass up an opportunity for some faux outrage.

We need to see the next guy that tries to carjack you shot dead right where he stands. We need more dead thugs in this city. And let their -- let their mommas -- let their mommas say, "He was a good boy. He just fell in with the good crowd." And then lock her ass up.

its not racist, its just wanting to kill people.

we have laws, we have the police for a reason. We dont do vigilantly justice here in America.Naturally you would defend this piece of crap.
When seconds count, the police are just minutes away.
Neil Boortz Calls For Acts of Domestic Terrorism | Crooks and Liars

Neil Boortz went on a rant over crime in Atlanta and managed to completely lose his cookies. The end is particularly debased.

BOORTZ: You know what? I, for one, am tired of putting up with this crap. And you want to know why I moved out of Atlanta and only spend a couple of weeks a year in this town? That's one of the reasons. Carjackings, violence, people getting shot. It's ridiculous. This city harbors an urban culture of violence. And I want you to look around. You drive into the city. The railroad overpass is on the downtown connector covered with graffiti. And that-- That is just an advertisement for everybody coming into this town that we really don't give a damn about those who would screw up our quality of life around here. We really just don't care. We don't care enough to paint over graffiti on the overpasses that come into our city, advertising welcome to Atlanta, here's some of our finest graffiti, from some of our finest urban thugs and their little gang signs. And pick up the paper tomorrow morning. Read about all the carjackings. Read about the innocent people shot for the pure de-hell of it.

This town is starting to look like a garbage heap. And we got too damn many urban thugs, yo, ruining the quality of life for everybody. And I'll tell you what it's gonna take. You people, you are - you need to have a gun. You need to have training. You need to know how to use that gun. You need to get a permit to carry that gun. And you do in fact need to carry that gun and we need to see some dead thugs littering the landscape in Atlanta. We need to see the next guy that tries to carjack you shot dead right where he stands. We need more dead thugs in this city. And let their -- let their mommas -- let their mommas say, "He was a good boy. He just fell in with the good crowd." And then lock her ass up.

It's racist, and it's a dog whistle for domestic terrorism. There's no other way to call it.

Buying a weapon, getting trained in its safe handling and use, and getting legal permission to carry it to protect yourself is not terrorism.

When seconds count, the police are just minutes away.

EXACTLY. Additionally, what do the cops DO? They arrest the guy and he's back on the street before the insurance company has even finished processing your claim. The current system doesn't work.

Like a bumper sticker I once read.....

Gun Control: The political philosophy that a woman; kidnapped, abused and strangled with her own pantyhose is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to the cops how her assailant got that fatal gunshot wound.

I for one do not intend to call the cops in that moment of distress. I'll deal with it myself and call them to clean up the mess afterwards, if at all.
Another Soros scoop? Bortz never mentioned race but the web source (crooks and liars?) called the rant racist because they assumed the "thugs" Bortz mentioned were Black. There is always an undercurrent of racism on the left and they don't even realize it.
He is saying you need to protect yourself when attacked. He is not saying you should go out and hunt bad guys down.

You can count on them to come to you.
Yes we know. As long as he didn't say ****** then it's not racist. Why didn't boortz stay and do what he exalts others to do? He admits he ran, like the chicken shit he is. He'd prefer others do what he's to weak to do himself.

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