Nellie Ohr Transcript Released!!!.... watch the DeathRATS scatter!!!!

And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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It's being reported by It's super serial.......
GOP garbage propaganda as always, super dupers. When this reaches law enforcement indictment or real journalists, give us a call

And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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It's being reported by It's super serial.......

The link to the pdf is real however.
And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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It's being reported by It's super serial.......

The link to the pdf is real however.

Sure, but you know as well as I that nothing will come of it
And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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It's being reported by It's super serial.......

The link to the pdf is real however.

Sure, but you know as well as I that nothing will come of it

Not necessarily. Now that there is a deluge of evidence coming out there just may be a real effort to prosecute the perps. I sure hope so.
brothers and sisters: everyone knows Trump wanted to fire Mueller and Rosenstein, a crime of obstruction of justice, but McGahn didnt let him. Trump lied to the press that firing Mueller wasnt an option. but we all know Trump is the firing kind!
He can, the special prosecutor is an executive employee and Trump can fire them, including the FBI director......somehow the democrats don't think Presidents can fire the FBI director.........well only if they are republicans, democrats can do whatever they want, apparently
And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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It's being reported by It's super serial.......
True, the media wont touch it, because it hurts democrats, but we'll see, maybe the senate can hold hearings.....I'd love for them to call Schiff and Brenan to produce their "evidence"......
Now that Mueller has concluded his investigation into this Russian hoax, we can start looking into how it all started.
This is where we start learning just how corrupt and dishonest the democrats really are. :)
I think Rep Doug Collins is pretty smart in what he is doing.

He keeps releasing all these documents before the IG's report comes out.

He is forcing Horowitz to be very honest and truthful. He's also forcing him to shy away from his
reasonable doubt and make some conclusions.

Trump is also in that mood. He said last night he will eventually declassify all of the FISA info.
He said he didn't before because people would try to say he was obstructing justice. I don't see
how that would happen but I can understand the caution.

The GOP, well at least a few of them, are now carrying the fight to the Dems. They now are in position,
with all these hearings they want to hold of getting egg splattered all over their collective faces, twice.

Eventually, even the media who has zero credibility at the moment is going to be forced to own up to
all this stuff and print it/report it.

Kinda nice to be on the High ground and seeing some in the GOP take the fight to the Dems. They are
all on the run. And let's not forget, that if all of this leads back to President Zero...that plays into 2020.
His VP was Biden.

Maybe Joe can apologize for that also.
And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse)

These criminals are so fucked....

By the time Mueller was appointed on May 17, 2017, the FBI had been trying unsuccessfully for nearly a year to corroborate the dossier’s allegations. Top bureau officials have conceded to congressional investigators that they were never able to do so – notwithstanding that, by the time of Mueller’s appointment, the Justice Department and FBI had relied on the dossier three times, in what they labeled “VERIFIED” applications, to obtain warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

That’s a crime....tsk tsk tsk

Andrew McCarthy: How long has Mueller known there was no Trump-Russia collusion?
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And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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In response to being called to give up his position of House Intel Committee Chairman today, D-Schiff declared about issues Mueller found to be unrelated to Trump and non-existent Russian Collusion, "I think it's immoral. I think it's unethical, and I think it is unpatriotic...And yes, I think it is corrupt. And evidence of collusion." In doing so. Schiff proved he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and should be immediately removed from his position.
House Intel Republicans call on Schiff to resign as chairman after Mueller report

Schiff opined that Trump Jr meeting with a Russian lawyer (a clear attempted set-up by the criminal Obama administration), a meeting in which no information changed hands, was criminal and evidence of collusion...yet somehow does not find Hillary Clinton paying Trump-hating foreign spies working for the FBI and paying Russians for false / unreliable information to use against Trump in an attempt to win the 2016 election a crime or evidence of collusion.

Trump-hating Snowflakes / Democrats continue to reject actual evidence, documents, transcripts, and testimony in order to cling to false narratives that have been obliterated by all of this overwhelming evidence.

Now we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Schiff is a liar. He's not capable of thinking. Kind of like the lefties here. None of them know the saying "when you're already in the hole, STOP DIGGING!".
These criminals are so fucked....

By the time Mueller was appointed on May 17, 2017, the FBI had been trying unsuccessfully for nearly a year to corroborate the dossier’s allegations. Top bureau officials have conceded to congressional investigators that they were never able to do so – notwithstanding that, by the time of Mueller’s appointment, the Justice Department and FBI had relied on the dossier three times, in what they labeled “VERIFIED” applications, to obtain warrants from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

That’s a crime....tsk tsk tsk

Andrew McCarthy: How long has Mueller known there was no Trump-Russia collusion?
The Russians can corroborate the dossier, and they will if Trump does anything they don't like LOL...
And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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In response to being called to give up his position of House Intel Committee Chairman today, D-Schiff declared about issues Mueller found to be unrelated to Trump and non-existent Russian Collusion, "I think it's immoral. I think it's unethical, and I think it is unpatriotic...And yes, I think it is corrupt. And evidence of collusion." In doing so. Schiff proved he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and should be immediately removed from his position.
House Intel Republicans call on Schiff to resign as chairman after Mueller report

Schiff opined that Trump Jr meeting with a Russian lawyer (a clear attempted set-up by the criminal Obama administration), a meeting in which no information changed hands, was criminal and evidence of collusion...yet somehow does not find Hillary Clinton paying Trump-hating foreign spies working for the FBI and paying Russians for false / unreliable information to use against Trump in an attempt to win the 2016 election a crime or evidence of collusion.

Trump-hating Snowflakes / Democrats continue to reject actual evidence, documents, transcripts, and testimony in order to cling to false narratives that have been obliterated by all of this overwhelming evidence.

Now we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Schiff is a liar. He's not capable of thinking. Kind of like the lefties here. None of them know the saying "when you're already in the hole, STOP DIGGING!".
This is far from over, dingbats.taking the word of Republicans in this day in age is absolutely ridiculous. Change the channel.
And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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In response to being called to give up his position of House Intel Committee Chairman today, D-Schiff declared about issues Mueller found to be unrelated to Trump and non-existent Russian Collusion, "I think it's immoral. I think it's unethical, and I think it is unpatriotic...And yes, I think it is corrupt. And evidence of collusion." In doing so. Schiff proved he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and should be immediately removed from his position.
House Intel Republicans call on Schiff to resign as chairman after Mueller report

Schiff opined that Trump Jr meeting with a Russian lawyer (a clear attempted set-up by the criminal Obama administration), a meeting in which no information changed hands, was criminal and evidence of collusion...yet somehow does not find Hillary Clinton paying Trump-hating foreign spies working for the FBI and paying Russians for false / unreliable information to use against Trump in an attempt to win the 2016 election a crime or evidence of collusion.

Trump-hating Snowflakes / Democrats continue to reject actual evidence, documents, transcripts, and testimony in order to cling to false narratives that have been obliterated by all of this overwhelming evidence.

Now we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Schiff is a liar. He's not capable of thinking. Kind of like the lefties here. None of them know the saying "when you're already in the hole, STOP DIGGING!".
This is far from over, dingbats.taking the word of Republicans in this day in age is absolutely ridiculous. Change the channel.

Sorry crybaby. It is over. Enjoy 6 more years of Trump. By all means keep beating that dead horse. Then wonder why you get steamrolled in 2020.
Quite interesting, with a couple of exceptions, libs seem to be staying away from this thread.
And that explains quite directly why John Brennan has put himself front and center, with all the extreme risks attendant in doing so. He’s been campaigning for his life, to stay out of the electric chair!!!!... Popcorn. Large size, please!

Nellie Ohr is the wife of DOJ official Bruce Ohr. Mrs. Ohr was hired by Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) to conduct opposition research of Donald Trump in late 2015. Nellie Ohr’s work was used by Christopher Steele in assembling a Dossier then shared with the DOJ and FBI to target President Trump. Today, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, Doug Collins, released the transcript of her testimony

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In response to being called to give up his position of House Intel Committee Chairman today, D-Schiff declared about issues Mueller found to be unrelated to Trump and non-existent Russian Collusion, "I think it's immoral. I think it's unethical, and I think it is unpatriotic...And yes, I think it is corrupt. And evidence of collusion." In doing so. Schiff proved he is incapable of leading the House Intel Committee objectively and should be immediately removed from his position.
House Intel Republicans call on Schiff to resign as chairman after Mueller report

Schiff opined that Trump Jr meeting with a Russian lawyer (a clear attempted set-up by the criminal Obama administration), a meeting in which no information changed hands, was criminal and evidence of collusion...yet somehow does not find Hillary Clinton paying Trump-hating foreign spies working for the FBI and paying Russians for false / unreliable information to use against Trump in an attempt to win the 2016 election a crime or evidence of collusion.

Trump-hating Snowflakes / Democrats continue to reject actual evidence, documents, transcripts, and testimony in order to cling to false narratives that have been obliterated by all of this overwhelming evidence.

Now we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Schiff is a liar. He's not capable of thinking. Kind of like the lefties here. None of them know the saying "when you're already in the hole, STOP DIGGING!".
This is far from over, dingbats.taking the word of Republicans in this day in age is absolutely ridiculous. Change the channel.

Sorry crybaby. It is over. Enjoy 6 more years of Trump. By all means keep beating that dead horse. Then wonder why you get steamrolled in 2020.
Enjoy six more years of the rich getting richer and the poor having babies then, super duper. The world is aghast at your idiocy... With these GOP tax rates or even worse give away to the rich, most people will continue to get worse off... Only total garbage propaganda makes it possible, super duper.

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